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Chapter 364 After pondering for a long time, finally shook his head!

The King of God looked over curiously.

"It seems that you haven't said anything yet..."

The head of the Jiang family didn't give a shit, and nodded immediately.

"The king of gods has never been interested in foreign affairs, but he only cares about the affairs of the Su family.

"I heard news that some people said that the two sides stopped fighting, because the Su family taboo surrendered to the Holy Master.

"But there are people who don't believe it, and of course, neither do I."

"The two sides are arguing endlessly, and the quarrel is even more lively than the previous fight between the Su family and the Shen Dynasty.

Hearing this, the Jiang family god king smiled sarcastically.

"How can such a ridiculous speculation come out? It's ridiculous!"

"How could a person as amazing and brilliant as the Su family's taboo submit to the Holy Master?

"The other way around is very likely.

"Absurd, utterly absurd!

The head of the Jiang family nodded repeatedly.

"I also think it's absurd, how could the Su family taboo do such a thing.

"It's just the gibberish of some good people. 99

"The Su family is just overwhelmed by the trouble and closed the door to thank guests. That's how it was rumored.""

The Jiang family god king sneered again and again.

"Rest assured, sooner or later they will know they were wrong."5

"And terribly wrong."

"Maybe, that day.... will come soon..."

When the words fell, the Jiang family god king closed his eyes and stopped speaking.

The head of the Jiang family always felt that the God King knew something, but he didn't say anything.

But if the other party didn't say it, he naturally couldn't keep asking.

It's just that he once again confirmed his trust in the forbidden strength of the Su family through the words of the god king.

If it weren't for this, the Divine King would not have said with absolute certainty when he came last time that the taboo of the Su family was something that could not be provoked by hell.

Today, that turns out to be the case.

Otherwise, how could hell stop all actions, or even take the initiative to show sympathy?

And still in the form of a protector?

But what happened, the head of the Jiang family was still curious.

He could not wait to go to the Divine Dynasty in person, grab the shoulder of the Holy Master and ask what happened.

Or go to the Su family and ask for the taboo of the Su family. Have you reached any agreement with the Shen Dynasty?

But everything can only be thought.

Patriarch Jiang gave a wry smile and sighed: "I hope Patriarch Su can stand up as soon as possible and give an answer. Otherwise, everyone will guess and guess, and I don't know what amazing result will be guessed in the end.

When the words fell, the head of the Jiang family shook his head mockingly, got up and left.

At the same time, the Ji family.

in the chamber.

The head of the Ji family and a group of old people sat in it.

"What the hell happened?"

"There must be something odd about it."

"Could it be that there is an agreement between the Su family and the Holy Master?

"Between the two, who have not been dying before, what agreement can be reached?

"Unless one side surrenders to the other, it is impossible to shake hands and make peace."5

Everyone talked for a long time, but there was still no definite result.

The head of the Ji family said solemnly: "We know too little, and even if we rely on guessing, we can't guess anything."5

The elders nodded.

"It's a pity that the Su family is closed to thank guests, otherwise I have to visit in person."

"Even if you go in person, you won't necessarily ask anything. How could the Su family give face just because we are the Ji family?"

"Yes, Empress Su family has a taboo.

"Could it be that there is a deal between the Su Family Taboo and the Holy Master?"

"It's not impossible, after all, the Holy Order to kill has been issued before, that's not a joke.

"The decree to kill the saint will never end, and the name of the old man's killing saint is not for nothing.

"Indeed, killing the Holy Order is not a child's play, how can you give up easily!

After everyone talked and went back to the original point, there was no progress.

It is still difficult to tell what happened between the Su family and the Shen Dynasty.

Even speculation is extremely vague.

At this moment, an old man said: "`々 Is it really as rumored that the Su family has taken refuge in the Holy Master?

As soon as these words came out, the entire council room fell silent in an instant.

No one said a word for a long time.

The head of the Jiang family pondered for a long time, and finally shook his head.

"If the Su family's bones were so soft, they wouldn't have attacked hell in the first place.

"As for hell, any provocateur must pay the price in blood.

'How could it be that the Su family would accept it?

"Not to mention, they actually sent someone to protect the Su family.

"Among them, there must be other reasons."

"And it is a very important reason, otherwise the Holy Master will never give this order."

When everyone heard the words, they thought it was very reasonable, and nodded.

At this time, the old man said again: "Could it be that the Holy Master took refuge in the Su family, after all, there is a Su family taboo behind the Su family.

As soon as these words came out, the elders laughed.

Although the smile was very subtle, it still made Su Lao, who was the first to express this opinion, slightly reddened his face.

He hurriedly said: "I was wrong, it's impossible, how is this possible! 55

The elders all agreed this time, and they all opened their mouths.

"It's impossible."

"That is the Lord. 35

"No matter how powerful the taboo of the Su family is, can it be possible to shake the Holy Master?"

"Furthermore, the Holy Master is a hero, who would such a person turn to? Not to mention the Su family!"

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