Sign In to the Hyperion at the Start, The Goddess Seeks to Team Up

Chapter 184: The army gathers, and the third ancient empire wakes up!\r

The first is the physical quality of these warp demons, which is that the body of the warp demon is composed of energy.

That is to say, these warp demons will not be affected by space factors and can move freely in the space environment.

And the physical qualities of these warp demons are extremely powerful, and their sharp claws can easily shred the armor of ships!

If a ship encounters a large number of warp demons, no matter how strong its armor is, it will eventually be eaten up by the warp demons!

For these warp demons wandering outside the demon ships, they still can't ignore each other.

And because the bodies of these warp demons are made of energy.

So even if they defeat it, it won't completely destroy them.

Their souls are in the subspace, and as long as there is energy instillation, they will continuously throw their bodies into the sea of ​​stars.

Similarly, after Su Yan encountered warp demons last time, he ordered his mechanical priests to study these warp demons and their summoning circles.

After some research, Su Yan also discovered another important characteristic of warp demons.

That is, these warp demons can only continuously sacrifice the energy substances in the star sea.

In order to expand the scale of the summoning circle, only when the 077 scale of the summoning circle becomes larger and larger, can they continuously come to this Xinghai interface from the subspace.

"As you say, as long as we can destroy that summoning circle, wouldn't those warp demons be self-defeating?

After listening to Su Yan's analysis of the warp demons, Haleys also put forward her own point of view.

Since their energy source comes from that magic circle, as long as that magic circle is destroyed, wouldn't they go back wherever they came from?

Su Yan touched her chin and nodded.

"Theoretically it is.

I still remember the last time I encountered a warp demon.

It was precisely because the blood was used to destroy the summoning circle that the warp demon was officially eliminated.

Destruction of the summoning circle requires the blood of the psionicist.

What appeared in front of them now was a huge summoning circle that was almost the size of the planet.

If the psionicist's blood can be used to destroy it, the amount of blood required is not a small amount.

"Don't worry, the blood of the psionicist can destroy the summoning circle because it contains a huge (dbcg) spiritual energy.""

"That is to say, as long as our psionic energy is strong enough, it can replace the effect of blood and destroy the summoning circle. 55

At this time, Bai Ying also appeared and explained to Su Yan how to crack the magic circle.

As long as you have a large enough psionic power, can you destroy the summoning circle?

Su Yan frowned slightly, but there was no shortage of powerful psionicists on their side.

Whether it is Hailis, or Bai Ying, and himself.

They are all extremely powerful psionicists, releasing extremely powerful psionic energy, thus destroying the summoning circle, it is not difficult to do!

But the most difficult point now is how do they approach the summoning circle?

You must know that the current summoning circle is not only guarded by a fleet of orcs, but even a steady stream of demon fleets are coming here through the circle.

And those warp demons are also very clear that if there is no summoning circle, they will also be wiped out in this Xinghai interface.

So they will never let any creature get close to the summoning circle easily.

In other words, they will have a head-to-head battle with the warp demon fleet!

At this moment, because the warp demon descended on the sea of ​​stars, it was not only the mermaid who were panicked.

Inside the Gamma Empire, many members of the empire gathered together.

Now they are gathered here for nothing else, it is the arrival of the warp demons that makes them nervous.

Before, there were Zerg raging, and then there was Iron Man recovering.

Unexpectedly, before they had finished solving the first two, the orcs actually opened the Pandora's Box of the warp.

The resurgence of warp demons was something none of their ancient empire members could have imagined.

"The demons of the warp have recovered, the Zerg are still raging, and even the Iron Man is constantly active for unknown plans. 99

"Everyone, it seems that the end of the Xinghai is about to come as the prophecy said.

"But as the guardian of Xinghai, we must not watch Xinghai go to extinction!"

"That's why I decided to contact the Third Reich. At this time, no one can just sit back and watch!

Third Reich?

When hearing this word, the entire conference room was in an uproar.

If the ancient empires are divided into high and low, the Gamma Empire and the Libra Empire, although both of them are ancient empires.

But among the ten ancient empires still surviving, their ranking can only be regarded as the bottom.

And the ancient empires that really held the core strength and powerful force were the top three ancient empires.

But it is precisely because these three ancient empires are extremely powerful.

Therefore, even if they are closed to the country and do not participate in anything, Yi can still maintain an absolute position of detachment.

Now, the warp demons have come, and even they can't ignore it!

You must know that once the warp demons are rampant, then all the matter in the entire star sea will be sacrificed by it!

At that time, the entire Xinghai will fall into the crisis of doomsday.

No matter how powerful the ancient empire was, they couldn't surpass the entire Xinghai space.

If the entire Star Sea falls into the apocalypse and collapses, then even they will be buried with them!

This is a scene that all ancient empires do not want to see.

"Since everyone has no opinion, then I will join forces with the Heavenly Empire to awaken the Third Reich. 35

"Today's Xinghai is no longer the calm Xinghai that it used to be, and now Xinghai needs an absolute force to suppress chaos!""

"Our ancient empire can no longer continue to watch, the entire Xinghai needs us!

Soon, the proposal to awaken the Third Reich was approved by all members.

Not only the Gamma Empire, but also the Libra Empire, have written letters one after another, deciding to wake up the sleeping Third Empire!

In today's chaotic sea of ​​stars, only the recovery of the Third Reich can bring them a glimmer of hope.

With a series of signals sent from the Gamma Empire and the Libra Empire.

In a certain location galaxy, an operator also received a message from two ancient empires.

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