Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 0835 The reason for hostility, the special role of the elves

Even so, Hale was still a little aggrieved and said to himself: "I will make you look good when we get inside!"

Queen and Hale followed the soldier in and came to a room where Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian were sitting at the table eating.

"It's better to come early than to come late. Let's have something together?" Xiao Yi greeted Hale, but when he saw the Elf Queen beside him, he was slightly stunned.

"Sarah (SSS level), the queen of the dark elves, holds the bow of darkness. She is powerful and very dangerous!"

Jiang Yuntian on the side immediately felt the pressure brought by Sara on him. His hand had already touched the needle rifle next to the table!

"I didn't expect your queen to come here in person. I'm sorry to welcome you from afar. Sit down!" Xiao Yi greeted enthusiastically, while holding the violent pill in his hand. "Come here, bring some fruits and those I brought." Just bring it over!"

Sarah smiled and said: "You're welcome, I came here just to answer your questions!"

"You can't stand and talk!" Xiao Yi greeted.

Sarah nodded and sat down on a stool nearby.

At this time, the soldiers had brought up the fruits brought by Xiao Yi. When Sarah and Hale saw the fruits, they couldn't take their eyes away immediately.

Although they can't see the specific grades of those fruits, they can judge that the grades of these fruits are definitely S-grade or above based on their scent!

At this time, Hale couldn't help but wanted to snatch it, but Sarah immediately coughed and signaled him not to act rashly.

Hale nodded slightly.

"Eat fruit, let's talk while eating!" Xiao Yi said, picking up his rice bowl and continuing to eat.

Sarah looked at the fruits in front of her and asked, "Are these fruits not low-grade?"

"It's okay, they are all SSS level." Xiao Yi replied nonchalantly.

Sarah and Hale's eyes widened. This was already the highest level of food they knew. Is it just okay in Xiao Yi's mouth?

"Do you have a lot of high-level food?" Sarah asked curiously.

"You guys came here to answer my question, why are you doing it the other way around now?" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Sarah nodded slightly and said: "The light elves were once hunted by outsiders. This is why they are hostile to outsiders."

Hearing these words, Xiao Yi knew that Sarah must be talking about the survivors of the previous generation, because the only survivors from his group who have come to the Elf Continent are Yi Ranpin Alliance and Martin's alliance!

"Hunting?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised, and then asked, "What do you mean? Can outsiders eat elves?"

"Eat?" Sarah replied calmly, "It's much more miserable than eating! Although we and the light elves are old enemies, we all feel a chill when we see outsiders treating them!"

Having said this, Xiao Yi basically understood, looked at Sarah and asked: "Since outsiders are so cruel, why did you choose to make a deal with us?"

"The outsiders only target the light elves, but we, the dark elves, have maintained a good trading relationship with the outsiders!" Sarah replied.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment, then frowned and asked: "Trade? You don't seem to have anything worth buying from us outsiders, right?"

"That's before you understand our bows and arrows!" Sarah said confidently.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that when the last batch of survivors came, there might not have been any manufacturing drawings or templates for pin-fire rifles and the like.

If you don't have a pinfire rifle, the bow and arrow are indeed the most practical weapon.

It seems that his existence has completely disrupted the development and evolution of the survivors.

Seeing that Xiao Yi had understood what she meant, Sarah asked, "Now can you tell me why you have so many high-grade foods?"

"It's very simple. Our alliance of outsiders has developed well, so there are a lot of high-level foods." Xiao Yi shrugged and replied.

"A lot? How much?" Sarah asked.

"Can't finish it!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied.

Sarah and Hale were shocked again. No wonder when Hale proposed A-grade food, Xiao Yi agreed without any hesitation.

At this time, a soldier walked in from outside and said: "An unknown number of tigers appeared on the east side of our station. Do you want to eliminate them? Please give instructions!"

"Let's go take a look!" Xiao Yi said, then stood up and walked out, while Sarah and Hale also walked out.

When he came to the city wall and saw the tiger group with nearly a hundred tigers, Jiang Yuntian immediately asked the soldiers on the city wall to prepare.

But Sarah immediately stopped her and said, "Don't attack them!"

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Yi said to Jiang Yuntian, then looked at Sarah doubtfully and asked, "Why?"

"Because these tigers will not attack you, why would you attack them?" Sarah asked.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment: "Are you sure?"

Looking at the group of slender tigers, the soldiers on the city wall were trembling with fear.

Sarah replied affirmatively: "Yes, because regardless of light elves or dark elves, we can communicate with various creatures in nature. Although it is impossible to talk to them, it is still possible to express goodwill!"

Following Sarah's words, the dark elves gathered outside stepped forward and seemed to have a conversation with the tigers, and then the tigers left.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi asked in surprise: "Then there have never been animal riots in your Elf Continent?"

Sarah shook her head.

Xiao Yi pondered slightly, then said with a smile: "Let's go back and talk!"

Xiao Yi and his party returned to the room again.

"I think you guys get along quite well, but why do you and the light elves treat each other as if they were enemies?"

"It's very simple. We have different beliefs, one is light and the other is dark. At the same time, we advocate fighting and competition, while they advocate peace and nature." Sarah shrugged and replied.

"Can't we coexist peacefully? There is light and darkness in this world, and each one is indispensable. Even if you defeat the light elves in the future, what will happen?" Xiao Yi asked, "Do you want to destroy all the light elves? Killed?"

Sarah was slightly startled, she had never considered such a problem.

Hale, who was standing behind him, said: "Victory over them means that the darkness we believe in is superior to theirs."

"Then if I kill you, does it mean that our faith is higher than yours?" Xiao Yi looked at Hale and asked.

Hale immediately grabbed his bow and arrow, and Sarah ordered: "Stop!"

Hale had no choice but to put down his bow and arrow.

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