Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 562: Mingzun shot, Qianhuang appeared


   The two forces collided, the void collapsed, and a violent aftermath of force spread towards the surroundings.

   Seeing this, everyone quickly retreated back to avoid the impact of the aftermath.

After    a palm, Wu Mengsheng's eyes were cold, and the aura all over his body surged, and a huge figure emerged behind him.

   This figure is black and white, like a Buddha, with a magical energy shining on the sky while the sun is shining. The two extremes merge together, giving people a weird feeling.

   Black and White Buddha!

   Wu Mengsheng condensed his treasure, the black and white double jade Buddha, into the Dharma body.

   The black and white giant Buddha appeared volleyed, a huge pressure enveloped the entire space, and then the black and white giant Buddha pressed both hands toward Zhuge Mu at the same time.

   One palm is overwhelmingly devilish, and one palm is filled with Buddha's energy.

   After the two forces were sent out, they blended with each other to produce a stronger force.

   When Zhuge Mu saw this, his eyes became fierce.

  He is arrogant because he has the capital. Although he is not a direct disciple of Da Luozong, he is the closest person to a direct disciple.

   "Since you want to fight, then I will accompany you, Da Luo Shen's palm!"

   He laughed, a huge palm appeared behind him, and then bombarded the palm of the black and white giant Buddha.


   The two forces collided with each other, and the void suddenly rippled, and a terrifying energy vortex formed at the place where they collided.

   At this moment, there were bursts of rumbling sounds, and waves of wanton energy flew out of the vortex, falling like a fireball.

   Boom! boom!

   The falling force bombarded the ground, and the ground instantly cracked and numerous gaps appeared.

   "If you continue to fight like this, I am afraid that the capital will be destroyed by them!"

   Tang Kongliu and their pavilion also began to shake, as if it would collapse at any time.

   "I implore the master to take action!"

   Tang Kongliu knew that he couldn't wait anymore, so he begged Mingzun to take action.

   "If I shoot, you have no turning back. According to my guess, your father should be coming soon!"

   Ming Zun said the sound transmission.

   "Once the capital is destroyed, the Dagan dynasty may fall apart instantly!"

   Tang Kong Liu said in a deep voice.

   Once the Dagan dynasty fell apart, the Xiao family would never let the Dagan dynasty exist again.


   Mingzun's voice disappeared.

   At this time, Zhuge Mu's Great Luoshen's palm kept blasting out.

   The palm of the giant Buddha behind Wu Mengsheng was also extremely fierce, and the auras of the two were surging, and there was no room between them.

   Boom! Just as they continued to bombard.

   The originally chaotic void suddenly appeared a huge figure.

   A strong sense of oppression instantly enveloped the two of them.

  The main target is dreamless students.

   Wu Mengsheng saw the figure, his face condensed, a sense of depression emerged in his heart, and then the void shook, and the figure grabbed Wu Mengsheng with a palm.

   suddenly an overwhelming devilish energy, grabbed towards Wu Mengsheng.

   "It's not Qianhuang, who is this?"

   Seeing this figure, Su Hao's eyes condensed. This figure is very powerful, but it will definitely not be the Emperor Qian.

   Su Hao directly summoned the Yan Guiren without hesitation.

   just as the figure's palm was about to catch Yan Guiren.

   Suddenly in the sky, a halberd appeared, and the halberd went directly towards the palm of the hand.


   The palm of his hand was under the halberd, and it shattered in an instant, but the halberd did not stay at all, and bombarded the figure in the void.

   Upon seeing the figure, a dark void altar appeared in front of him, and instantly hit the flying halberd.


   The halberd returned, and the void shook for a while, moving towards the dark shadow.

   "A remnant soul is not well recovered, why come out!"

   Yan returned from the void, stepping out of the void, every step he took, a strong energy moved towards the great Luozong Zhuge Mu.

   The suppressed Zhuge Mu instantly spit out blood.

   He looked at Yan Guiren with horror in his eyes.

   The opponent's strength is much stronger than him. He looked at the black figure in the void, and he wanted to let the opponent save him.

   But the figure in the void, eyes silent, useless.

   Yan returned to a person and said to him that the other party saw that he was just a remnant soul and had not recovered.

   Since the roll call is another threat.

   "No one can save you!"

   Yan returned to the person's eyes cold, and the halberd in his hand flew out instantly.

"Do not!"

   Zhuge Mu looked at the flying halberd, mobilizing the true energy in his body, and the big Luo's palm appeared again.

   But under the halberd, it shattered in an instant, and then he saw the halberd appear in front of him.

   He opened his eyes wide, watching the halberd hit his body.


   The whole body shattered instantly and turned into countless flesh and blood.

   "Are you here to give me rewards?"

   Su Hao sneered in his heart as he looked at the flesh and blood floating on the ground.

   He looked at the sky and stared at the phantom.

   "This is the remnant soul?"

   He muttered in his mouth.

   This remnant soul has the strength of the true self state nine layers, so the truth is absolutely above the true self state.

  Guiren stood in the void holding a halberd, looking at the phantom.

   Xu Ying glanced at Yan Guiren, sighed, and then disappeared.

   As soon as this phantom disappeared, the complexions of the princes of the Dagan Dynasty changed suddenly.

   "Young Master, do you want to get rid of them!"

   Guiren Yan glanced at the three princes not far away, and asked.

   "Have a vengeance, keep it useless!"

   Su Hao said coldly.

   He didn't intend to let the Dagan imperial family go, what he pursued was to cut grass and roots.

   at the moment his voice fell.

   "Suzaku dare!"

   An angry voice came from far away.

   In the original calm void, suddenly the dark clouds rolled, and in this dark cloud, a dark throne appeared from the void.

   As soon as the throne appeared, thunder and lightning surrounded it, and an invisible force began to envelope the entire space.

   "Wu Mengsheng, protect the young master, and leave first!"

When    Guiren saw the throne, he immediately transmitted the voice to Wumengsheng, and his eyes were fixed on the throne in the void.

   Su Hao was taken aback when he heard the words.

   He didn't expect Yan Guiren to let them leave first. What is the throne that appeared above his head.

   He stared at the throne that appeared in the void, but suddenly felt the darkness in front of him, and a powerful spiritual will swept toward him.

   Seeing this swallow return to the human hand with a halberd wave, the spirit and will that swept towards Su Hao dissipated instantly.

   At this moment, Wu Meng was born in front of Su Hao, grabbed Su Hao, and walked through the void with Wuming and others.

   But Yan Guiren retracted the halberd and blasted the Void Throne with a punch.


   The powerful punch penetrated the void and directly landed on the throne full of thunder and lightning, but when it was close to the throne, it disappeared, as if swallowed by the void.

   Guiren Yan's eyes condensed suddenly, and a warning sign appeared in his heart, and his body suddenly became void, and disappeared in an instant.

   After he dissipated, three figures appeared around the throne.

   All three of them wore robes of the Da Luo sect, and one of them was slightly different from theirs.

   There is a trace of golden fringing in the clothes, which symbolizes the identity of the disciple.

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