Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 543: Xiao family, Xiao Luohai, the first catcher of 6 doors

   After learning the identity of the man in the green robe, Su Hao had no idea in his heart, so he stared at the man in the green robe.

   When they started, they followed behind them.

   If the man in the green robe can't solve Tang Zhi, then he will help them solve Tang Zhi.

   After all, Tang Zhi and Su Hao didn't intend to let the other party leave the realm of Rongqing Mansion alive.

   "Maybe it's time for me to take back the blood-devouring devil's vine!"

   Su Hao still remembers that Tang Zhi has his own blood-devouring magic vine Fenteng.

at the same time!

Inside the station, two middle-aged men appeared beside Tang Zhi.

   A person is thick and mad, and his exposed arms are extremely dark, and they look like fine iron, and there is a rough and mad aura from all over his body.

  The other person is wearing a large white silk dress, which is covered with purple and gold stripes, giving people a luxurious and elegant feeling.

   This man looks very handsome, his eyebrows are as sharp as a knife, and his eyes exude this fierce breath.

   The rough man stood beside this man, headed by this man.

   "See Your Highness!"

   The handsome man and the rough man bowed and saluted Tang Zhi at the same time.

   "Master Murong, Master Tie, all the hard work, this time it's trouble for the two adults."

   Tang Zhi said hurriedly.

   This handsome man, six doors dedicated to Murong Feng, the first **** of the hall, a master of the real world.

   The rough man beside him is the third master of the six doors, an iron tyrant with an iron hand and an iron body, with nine levels of strength in the realm.

   "This is what the Weichen should do. If your Highness has any instructions, please let us know!"

   Murong Feng said.

   He and You Zong in the clan man's mansion are in the same line. They have always been optimistic about Tang Zhi, so this time Tang Yin will send him here.

   "Brother Murong, don't come here unharmed, you have time for a drink."

   Qing Yuanhou turned towards Murong Feng.

   Both of them are important officials and ministers, and they directly obey the Emperor Qian and know each other.

   "Brother Qingyuan, according to the current situation, I am afraid that you and I will not be able to retreat, and some have time to drink!"

   Murong Feng said with a smile.

   Before he came, he went to the clan’s mansion and met Tang Yin.

   knows that the royal family is ready to use this opportunity to leave the Xiao family.

  Once you leave the Dagan royal family and announce that you are leaving the Xiao family, the Xiao family will not let you leave. They will inevitably send masters to come, so they won't be idle anymore.

   "His Royal Highness, I and Tieba will generally not show up unless we encounter special circumstances."

   Murong Feng said, bowing towards Tang Zhi.

   "Thank you, Mr. Murong, but now that Mr. Murong has arrived, let's go to Beili Mansion and get rid of the power gang as soon as possible!"

   Tang Zhi didn't want to delay, so he spoke.

   "Follow your Royal Highness's orders!"

   Gu Qinghou immediately stepped out of the house and ordered the people from the military department to leave, while Murong Feng and Tie Ba immediately hid behind Tang Zhi.

   The group did not take the teleportation array, but prepared to take the teleportation beast to the Beili Mansion.

   Sitting in the teleportation formation will not only expose the number of people, but may also give the opponent a chance to sneak attack in the void.

   Gu Qinghou is not afraid of turbulence, but Tang Zhi is afraid.

   Soon, Tang Zhi led the people out of the post and headed out of the city.

   As soon as Tang Zhi left, Su Hao received a message from Di Shitian.

   When he got the information, Xiao Luohai on the opposite side also got the news.

   He immediately led someone out of the city, ready to attack Tang Zhi.

   "Let's leave too!"

   Seeing Xiao Luohai and the others set off, Su Hao also stood up, ready to follow.

   At this time, Lian Bin and Kong, and I had already arrived outside the Rongqing Mansion and sent a message to Su Hao saying that they were waiting for them at the gate of the city.

   Outside Rongqing Mansion.

   Tang Zhi and his group were very fast, and in a short while, they had already arrived outside the city.

   At this time, there were already two huge alien beasts waiting for them outside the city.

   The group of them quickly got on the alien beast.

   The alien beast instantly vacated, leading Tang Zhi and the others towards Beili Mansion.

  Not long after the alien beast left, Xiao Luohai and the others appeared outside the city, watching the alien beast away.

   "Since I didn't build a teleportation array, I just made a flying alien, but can I get to Beili Mansion at this time?"

   Su Hao frowned slightly as he kept thinking about it.

   But I didn't see what was wrong for a while.

   "Are you out of town? It seems that I will send Tang Zhi this kid on the road today!"

   Xiao Luohai said in a cold voice.

   Then, with a wave of his hand, a gap appeared in the void, and the four of them stepped into it instantly and followed.

   When their figure left.

   Su Hao and Wu Mengsheng walked out of the crowd, and behind them were empty me and Lian Bin.

   "Let's follow, too. Such a lively scene is rare!"

   Not long time.

   Su Hao finally rushed to Tang Zhi and the others, at this time Tang Zhi's party had already confronted Xiao Luohai and the others.

   "Xiao Luohai, what are you trying to do, do you really want to force our Dagan Dynasty to leave your Xiao family."

   Qing Yuanhou stood in front of Xiao Luohai holding a spear.

   "The Dagan royal family is just a dog raised by my Xiao family. Now this dog has begun to eat its master. What's the use of keeping it? It's not as good as that, and I can eat some dog meat!"

   Xiao Luohai said coldly.

   "What, since you said that my Daqian royal family is a dog raised by your Xiao family, your Xiao family is really bullying!"

   Tang Zhi, the prince of the Dagan Dynasty, suddenly filled his face with anger.

   Xiao Luohai is really deceiving people too much.

   "Isn't it?" Xiao Luohai had a trace of disdain in the corner of his mouth.

   "Master Gu, take your Highness and leave, I will stop him!"

   Qing Yuanhou looked calm, without a trace of waves on his face, he just stared at Xiao Luohai closely.

   Xiao Luohai, a principal of the third family of the Xiao family, Xiao Kuangsheng’s younger brother, used very vicious methods and always wanted to deal with the Dagan Dynasty.

   This time Xiao Kuangsheng sent him to, it can be seen that he is about to do something against the Dagan Dynasty.

   "Want to go, do you think you can go?"

   Xiao Luohai waved his hand.

  Behind him, the three masters of the Ninth Level of the Realm Realm burst out a terrifying aura, suppressing Tang Zhi and the others.

   At the moment this breath came over, behind the three deputy heads of the Armed Forces such as Di Shitian, three palms suddenly appeared and attacked them.

   These three palm strengths exploded extremely fast, and they were behind them in the blink of an eye.

   suddenly made two miserable calls.

   However, after attacking Di Shitian's palm, the man's face changed because his palm was in the air.

   The face of the attacker suddenly changed, without hesitation, he quickly evacuated his figure.

   But when he was evacuating, Di Shitian appeared behind him and slapped the man on the head.


   The head of the man was slapped to pieces by Di Shitian's palm. As for the other two with a single blow, the figure quickly returned to Xiao Luohai's side.

   Other members of the lower strength of the armed forces were vomiting blood directly pressed by the breath of the three domain realm experts, and fell from the air.

   As for Gu Qinghou, Tang Zhi was dignified, his figure was useless.

   He glanced at Di Shitian and nodded slightly, calling for Di Shitian to come over.

   "Good means, this one is a bit deep."

   Xiao Luohai looked at Di Shitian with a gloomy smile on his face.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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