Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 537: Lay out the money to help

"Tang Wushuang, what do you mean, don't you understand me!"

Xiao Wangyu said with a gloomy expression looking at Tang Wushuang.

"Young Master Xiao, Xiao Qiushui attacked my emperor brother a few days ago. I must take him back or put him to death. I hope Young Master Xiao will not stop him."

Tang Wushuang bowed slightly and said.

In name, their Dagan dynasty still belonged to the Xiao family, so he must give some respect to Xiao Wangyu, who was born in the line of the Xiao family.

But Xiao Qiushui must take it away.

"Humph! Then see if you have the ability to take Xiao Qiushui away!"

Xiao Wangyu said coldly.

The Dagan dynasty still respects their Xiao family in name, but the rebellion has become a reality.

At this time, Xiao Qiushui was already recovering from his injuries cross-legged, and the sky-shaking wheel that was originally outside his body was also retracted inside.

Gu Qinghou didn't want Xiao Qiushui's life, so when he made the shot earlier, he just wounded Xiao Qiushui and planned to take Xiao Qiushui away.

at this time

The battle between the blue-robed man and Gu Qinghou seemed to be a real fire, the surrounding aura was surging, the energy was wanton, and many warriors began to flee.

When Su Hao was leaving, he took out a pill from his inventory and threw it secretly at Xiao Qiushui's feet.

"Thunder Slash!"

Just as Su Hao and Lian Chengzhi retreated, the blue-robed man's arm was cut out in an instant.

A ray of lightning instantly formed Thunder Saber's true energy, and slashed towards Gu Qinghou.

Gu Qinghou coldly snorted, and a cyan light appeared in his palm, blasting towards the thunder knife.

The two forces collided and both disappeared.

But when the blue-robed man saw that his Thunder Knife was destroyed, his face seemed calm.

A fist glove gleaming with thunder light slowly appeared in his hand.

As soon as this thunderous fist came out, the thunder and lightning that had originally enveloped the man in the blue robe suddenly became violent.

The blue-robed man looked at Gu Qinghou and said, "Gu Qinghou, can you block my thunder gloves!"

He put on the fist that radiated the thunder light, and blasted Gu Qinghou with a punch.

This time the fist exploded and the power was several times stronger than just now, Gu Qinghou's face condensed.

There is no such treasure in him, but his fist not only increases his strength, but also speeds up his speed.

When Gu Qinghou was stunned, the blue-robed man's fist had already reached Gu Qinghou's face.

Gu Qinghou hurriedly ran the real gas to resist.


But his body shape was still shocked and he took a few steps back, and his heart felt bored.

"Look how many punches you block me!"

Seeing Gu Qinghou who had been shaken back, the man in the blue robe showed a cold smile on his face.

In the test just now, his strength is comparable to that of Gu Qinghou, but he has the thunder gloves bestowed by the Xiao family, and his strength has increased several times.

As long as he threw out more fists, he could blast Gu Qinghou to death, or severely wound him.

He clenched his fist again and slammed his fist towards Gu Qinghou.

The violent energy immediately overwhelming the sky swept towards Gu Qinghou from the air, leaving Gu Qinghou no room to escape, so he could only take it hard.

However, Gu Qinghou was immediately suppressed and could only do his best to resist.

"Tang Wushuang, now you have no opinion!"

Xiao Wangyu glanced at Tang Wushuang, and then walked towards Xiao Qiushui.

At this time, Xiao Qiushui's injury had completely recovered after receiving Su Hao's pill.

But his face still pretended to be pale.

He stood up slowly, looking at Xiao Wang with a gloomy expression: "Young Master Xiao, it's really time for you to come!"

When Xiao Wangyu heard the words, a haze appeared on his face.

At this time, Xiao Qiushui was still talking to him like this.

If it’s not that you don’t know your position in the money gang, I’m afraid that you are a small person and killing you will not be able to provoke a battle between the money gang and the royal family.

I've solved you long ago!

After all, you are very good at shaking the sky wheel.

In the distance, Tang Kongliu looked at the suppressed Gu Qinghou, and said to the man beside him: "We should go down too!"


The big man in cyan armor next to him stepped out with a frantic breath from all over his body. He clenched his fist and blasted out a punch.

Suddenly, a tiger shadow measuring several feet in size appeared on his fist.

As soon as the tiger shadow came out, a powerful pressure filled the sky, and the next moment it descended in front of the blue-robed man.

The blue-robed man's complexion changed slightly.

But he did not retreat, his whole body flickered, and his whole body was like a thunder god, his fists rushing towards the roaring tiger shadow.


The two forces that contained the same overbearing collided with each other, like two meteorites colliding at a high speed, and the momentum was earth-shattering.

Suddenly, a violent wave of infuriating energy swept around from the air, causing the faces of the people watching the battle to change drastically, and a wave of infuriating energy appeared all over the body to resist the aftermath of the sweeping power.

After the storm!

The man in the cyan armor stepped towards this side step by step, while the palm of the blue robe man with his fist oozes a trace of blood.

He looked sullenly at the man wearing the blue armor, and said coldly in his mouth: "You touched the threshold of the real world."

The man in the cyan armor did not speak, but gave up his figure.

Behind him, Tang Kongliu walked out and said, "Brother Wangyu, it's been a long time since I saw you, don't come here without any problems!"

"Tang Kongliu, I didn't expect you to come here!"

Xiao Wangyu's expression condensed when he saw Tang Kongliu.

He didn't expect that Tang Kongliu would actually appear and bring a strong man close to the real self.

"This Xiao Qiushui, he attacked and killed my prince of the Dagan Dynasty. He deserves a million to death. I want to take it away. Brother Wangyu, don't you have any comments?

Tang Kong Liu looked at Xiao Wangyu with his eyes.

"I'm afraid this won't work. Xiao Qiushui and I are friends. If a friend is in trouble, I should help!"

Xiao Wangyu shook his head and said.

His eyes flickered, and his voice was transmitted to Xiao Qiu Shui Dao: "After a while, I will suppress Tang Kongliu and the others. You can get rid of the weakest Tang Wushuang."

His layout today is not only to save Xiao Qiushui, but also to cause a deeper hatred between Xiao Qiushui and the Dagan royal family.

That is to let Xiao Qiushui kill an important prince of the Dagan Dynasty.

Of course Tang Kongliu wanted to kill, but he knew that Tang Kongliu had a lot of cards and it was very difficult to kill him.

Tang Wushuang a little bit more, but he was also one of the ten princes of the Dagan Dynasty.

Once Tang Wushuang died, the feud between Xiao Qiushui and the Dagan Dynasty would become deeper.

This will inevitably lead to the money gang behind him.

This is his layout today.

Xiao Qiushui's expression was startled, he didn't expect Xiao Wangyu to have such a plan.

His eyes turned, Tang Wushuang was one of the top ten princes of the Dagan Dynasty, and being able to kill Tang Wushuang would be regarded as revenge for Xiao Qiushui.

But he always feels something is wrong.

He transmitted to Su Hao and transferred Xiao Wangyu's consciousness to Su Hao.

Su Hao, who was watching the battle from a distance, frowned. He hadn't figured out what happened today, but Xiao Wangyu's motive was a bit unclear to him.

He needs to figure out what Xiao Wangyu wants to do.

However, this is Xiao Qiushui's opportunity. After all, Zhengyijiao's Lu Fuchen is Xiao Qiushui's grace. When he has a chance, he still has to do it.

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