Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 534: 6 doors, 3 big catchers

Su Hao frowned.

Since the money gang defeated the military department of the great dynasty.

The whole Dagan dynasty seemed to quiet down in an instant, which was a very strange thing.

The Dagan dynasty was domineering, especially when the Qianhuang dynasty destroyed the five top sects in the Dagan dynasty.

The other sects can only obediently seal the mountain.

Putuo Palace, the second power of the right path, was one of the powers that closed the mountain back then.

Judging from this performance, the Dagan Dynasty should not let go of the Money Gang and the Power Gang.

But now there is no movement from the Dagan Dynasty, which makes Su Hao have to be careful.

It is rumored that money helps to have real-world powerhouses, so that the Dagan dynasty is jealous.

But Su Hao didn't think that a strong man with the highest level of true self could make the Dagan Dynasty jealous.

Then he underestimated the Dagan Dynasty.

Su Hao was lost in thought.

At this time, Xiao Qiushui sent a message from his copper coin letter.

Xiao Wangyu from the Xiao family asked him to gather at the Qingshui restaurant outside the capital to discuss cooperation.

He wanted to invite Su Hao to the restaurant.

"Clear Water Restaurant!"

When Su Hao was in the capital, he had some impressions of this restaurant.

The restaurant is not inside the capital, but a large restaurant outside the capital.

The capital, the core place of the Dagan Dynasty, where the masters of the Dagan Dynasty gathered.

When the masters of many other forces came to the capital, they would stay outside the capital.

The royal family won't bother because of the action outside the capital.

In such a long time, the outside of the city has also become prosperous.

"Xiao Wangyu, the disciple of the Xiao family's main line, has been in the Dagan dynasty. You should know something. Going to see this person may be able to get some information."

Su Hao thought to himself that he wanted to inquire about Xiao Wangyu's inside story about the Emperor Qian.

"I'll go to Qingshui Restaurant, you two are waiting here and laughing!"

Su Hao said to the two of them.

"Master, do you want me to come with you!"

Lian Chengzhi hurriedly said.

He was worried about Su Hao's safety.

Su Hao nodded when he heard the words, and asked Lian Chengzhi to follow him to Qingshui Restaurant.

Capital city, six doors.

Tang Wushuang and Tang Chong were sitting in the hall.

"Brother Seventeen, you said there was no movement at all from Brother Second, didn't he say that he wanted to deal with the power gang?"

When talking about the power gang, Tang Chong's face was filled with resentment and eagerness.

The power gang was brought by the masters of the Armed Forces.

In the end, all the Takebe masters fell to the money gang, but he escaped back.

This is the shame on him, he wants to get rid of the shame.

"I haven't been summoned by my second brother recently, and I don't know what he thinks, but it should be soon!"

Tang Wushuang said in a deep voice.

Tang Kongliu hadn't summoned Tang Kongliu and the others for a while since the power gang and the money gang failed.

They can only wait for Tang Kongliu's order now.

"Brother Seventeen, do you think your second brother will abandon us!"

Tang Chong said in a low voice.

"Abandoned to the point, after all, we have also shown a certain degree of strength, he will not just give up on us like this"

Tang Wushuang shook his head.

Suddenly, a small black shadow flew in from outside the hall and landed on Tang Wushuang's shoulder.

It was a black bird with a note on its paws and a cloth bag.

Tang Wushuang took down the note and cloth bag.

After removing the cloth bag and the paper strip, the tiny black bird turned into a black mist and dissipated in the hall.

Tang Wushuang first opened the note, and after reading the content on the note, his expression couldn't help but freeze.

"Brother Seventeen, has something happened?"

Tang Chong asked with some doubts.

Tang Wushuang handed the note in his hand to Tang Chong.

After Tang Chong took the note and checked it, he frowned and said, "Xiao Qiushui, the remnant of the Zhengyi Church, will meet Xiao Wangyu of the Xiao family at Qingshui Restaurant. Let us get rid of Xiao Qiushui and spoil their meeting."

"Yes it is!"

Tang Wushuang nodded.

"But, Brother Seventeen, isn't Brother Dahuang doing things about Zhengyijiao? How could Brother Second Emperor intervene in this matter?"

Tang Chong asked with some doubts in his heart.

A few days ago, the remnants of Zhengyi Sect attacked Tang Zhi, which made Tang Zhi very angry, and kept sending people to investigate the matter.

"This is not important. The important thing is that if Xiao Qiushui and Xiao Wangyu are together, then the strength around us can't kill Xiao Qiushui at all!"

Tang Wushuang frowned.

"The Taoist guardian around Xiao Wangyu should be at the Ninth Level of the Domain Realm. Our six doors can deal with the masters of the Ninth Level of the Domain Realm. Only the three major deities who retreat in the apse are the only ones we can mobilize!

Tang Chong said to himself.

"Three great catches!"

Hearing this, Tang Wushuang murmured.

Then his eyes lit up and he opened another cloth bag.

There is a token in the cloth bag, and the token is engraved with the word Zong.

"Token of Clan Mansion!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Tang Wushuang's mouth.

With this token, he can mobilize a nine-layer **** catcher in the realm to take action.

"It seems that Brother Erhuang has made arrangements for us. Let's go to the apse and ask God to catch Gu Qinghou."

Tang Wushuang stood up and said with a smile.

Gu Qinghou, one of the three major catchers of six doors, the nine peaks of the realm of strength.

Having such a master shot will surely be able to suppress the nine-layer master of the realm beside Xiao Wangyu.

At that time, he was letting the two Domain Realm eighth-layer masters around him take action, and he could completely kill Xiao Qiushui.

Qingshui Restaurant, a three-story restaurant.

Su Hao looked at the brightly lit restaurant and walked into the restaurant with Lian Chengzhi.

Seeing Su Hao and the two at the entrance of the restaurant, Xiao Er immediately stepped forward to entertain him: "Guest officer, is there a reserved private room?"

"Yes, Room A in No. 3!"

Su Hao said.

This room was reserved for them by Xiao Qiushui in advance.

"Please follow the little one!"

The little Er took Su Hao and others up to the third floor and entered Room A No. 3.

In Room No. 2 A.

Xiao Qiushui was sitting at a round table alone, his expression calm.

He was waiting for Xiao Wangyu who had asked him to come.

Although he was waiting for Xiao Wangyu, he also paid attention to the movement of the next room.

When Su Hao and the others arrived, he already knew.

at this time.

In the backyard of the restaurant, Xiao Wangyu stood quietly standing with his hands in his hands, his eyes looked very deep.

An entourage walked into the backyard and said softly: "Lord, the people from the royal family should be here soon!"

"Really? Then let's watch this good show, and finally rescue Xiao Qiushui by the way!"

This time it was a bureau set by Xiao Wangyu.

He wanted to intensify the grievances between Xiao Qiushui and Dagan Dynasty.

Of course he wouldn't let Xiao Qiushui die, he also hoped to use Xiao Qiushui to contact the money help.

Check out the details of this money gang.

After knowing something about the Money Gang, he began to investigate the Money Gang.

Found that the Money Gang was a bit weird, and judged that the Money Gang was an extraterritorial force.

As for the extraterritorial forces, their Xiao family has always been very vigilant, and they will be wiped out as soon as they are discovered.

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