Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 528: Beheading the deputy chief of Wenfu, Ye Qingyao reappears

In a **** mystery.

The two Vice-Presidents of the Wen Palace collapsed on the ground, their clothes in shattered form, and they looked extremely embarrassed.

The body's breath was also very sluggish, and a big mouthful of blood spurted from their mouths.

They clutched their wounds, and stared closely at Lu Zhongzhou, the standing Vice-President of the Wen Mansion not far away.

"You are not Luzhongzhou, who are you?"

One of them said with an unwilling face looking at Wuming.

The strength of Lu Zhongzhou in front of him suddenly stepped into the real world. One sword severely wounded them and suppressed them.

"It's okay to tell you!"

Wuming gently took off the mask.

When they saw the nameless face, there was a look of horror on their faces, and then they couldn't believe it.

"It's you! Didn't you get killed by the palm of your Majesty? How could you become Luzhongzhou?"

They were the deputy chiefs of Wenfu, who were beheaded by Emperor Qianhuang at the time, and they had long ago received images.

Also began investigating the unknown identity, but it has not been found out.

But they never expected that Wuming would appear in front of them gracefully and become Luzhongzhou.

"I'm surprised, isn't it, but this is the fact that Emperor Qian couldn't kill me, and I killed Lu Zhongzhou and became the deputy chief of the Wen Mansion."

The nameless voice is very flat.

"But if you killed us, aren't you afraid of revealing your identity?"

They looked at Wuming and said in a deep voice.

"To blame, you are bad luck. I didn't expect that I would suddenly reach the real self, so you can only die!"

Anonymous said coldly.

They were trapped in this secret realm. Unintentionally, they stepped into the real self realm without a name, and their breath fluctuations were discovered by the two.

With Lu Zhongzhou's strength and aptitude, it is impossible to step into the real world in such a short time.

So Wuming's direct sword severely injured two people.

"What kind of person are you?"

Their eyes were full of gloom, they understood the consciousness of Wuming, and knew that Wuming would not let them leave this secret realm alive.

But they want to know the forces behind Wuming.

"It's better not to understand and send you on the road!"

Wuming didn't intend to tell the identities of the two men. He raised his hand, and the long sword in his hand turned into a gray pike, sweeping the two in an instant.

The bodies of the two were instantly destroyed by this training.

However, the divine consciousness of the two of them was retained, and with a wave of the nameless hand, two true qi directly wrapped the floating divine consciousness.

These two are the deputy palace masters of Wenfu, and the young master may be able to arrange someone to come in.

The palace lord of Wenfu or the worship of Wenfu, there are life explorations in those dynasties of Dagan.

Once dead, the Dagan Dynasty would notice it, but the deputy palace lord and the like would not.

This is also the reason why nameless dared to kill two people.

"It's suitable to leave this secret realm!"

Wuming looked at the secret realm that was emitting residual blood, and with a light wave of the long sword in his hand, a void crack appeared in front of him.

Previously, he belonged to the realm realm and wanted to break through and leave this secret realm.

He can only wait for the secret realm node to appear, but stepping into the real self realm, he can split it with a single sword.

A gap in the dark space appeared, and Wuming stepped directly into it.

In a short while!

A white light appeared in front of him between heaven and earth, and he gently stepped out in front of him.

The nameless who stepped out of the void appeared above a cliff, this is where they were trapped in the secret realm.

At this time, in a cave below the cliff.

A man with white hair was sitting cross-legged to heal his injuries.

The man's breath is messy, and a thin layer of innocence is enveloped all over him.

The qi gathers and dissipates from time to time, as if it will dissipate at any time.

Not far from him, a woman in white was frowning, as if thinking.

If Su Hao were here, seeing this woman in white would be extremely surprised.

This white-clothed woman turned out to be the white lotus teacher Ye Qingyao Su Hao knew when he was in Xiliang.

Suddenly, the white-haired man opened his eyes and glanced at Ye Qingyao who was resting not far away.

As if feeling the gaze from here, the contemplative Ye Qingyao also opened his eyes.

Looking at the white-haired man who had finished adjusting his breath, he stepped forward and said respectfully:

"Mo envoy, how is your injury?"

"The injury is very serious. It may take a long time to recover on your own!"

"This time it was my carelessness. I didn't expect it would attract the attention of the Dagan Dynasty and make my White Lotus Sacred Sect's layout here fall short."

This white-haired man is an emissary of the White Lotus Sacred Church in the Fire Region.

Some time ago, it was sent to the Dagan dynasty by the Bailian Sheng sect.

There have been many things happening in the Dagan Dynasty recently, so Bailian Sect believes that there is an opportunity to take advantage of it.

I never thought that the Dagan Dynasty would attack them before they developed.

There is too much disparity between power.

Let this newly developed White Lotus Sacred Religion be destroyed by Tang Man of the Dagan Dynasty overnight.

Fortunately, he had a secret realm teleportation talisman on his body at that time, which teleported the three deputy palace masters of Wen Mansion to the secret realm.

Otherwise, they won't be able to escape at all.

As for how Ye Qingyao would follow this Mo Envoy to the Dagan Dynasty.

The White Lotus Sect in the border land is just a branch of the White Lotus Sacred Sect in the Fire Region.

When she returned to the White Lotus Sect, she was directly arranged to enter the Fire Territory White Lotus Sect, thus becoming the subordinate of this Mo Envoy.

Mo Envoy came to Da Gan Dynasty, and she also came to Da Gan Looking at the respectful Ye Qingyao, Mo Envoy's heart turned.

His injuries are very serious and he needs to swallow his blood to recover.

This Ye Qingyao is what he prepared for this step.


He would never take Ye Qingyao to escape Tang Mang and the others.

Seeing Mo Envoy's changes, Ye Qingyao lowered his head, and his heart couldn't help but feel bumps.

For this Mo Envoy, she knew that she was cruel, and would often use people to make furnaces and devour her essence and blood to cultivate.

If it hadn't been for the usefulness that she had been showing, she would have been absorbed by this Mo Envoy long ago.

He took himself to escape, probably for a purpose.

But the strength is not as good as the other party, she can only remain respectful, and hope that the other party will not attack her.

Who made her only have the strength of the initial stage of life and death?

"Come here!"

Mo Envoy waved his hand at Ye Qingyao, letting Ye Qingyao come towards him.

Ye Qingyao's face changed with his head down, and he slowly moved towards Mo Envoy.

She knew that the messenger wanted to attack her, and she wondered how she could leave.

Seeing Ye Qingyao's slow pace, Mo Shizhe's face became cold.

A blood pattern appeared in the palm of his hand, and then he grabbed Ye Qingyao with a palm.

Suddenly Ye Qingyao felt a huge suction force, sucking her body towards the Mo Envoy.

Upon seeing this, Ye Qingyao burst out all the power in his body and slapped it out with a palm.

The powerful palm force collided with the palm suction force, and the suction force suddenly stopped.

But at this moment, Ye Qingyao's figure flashed out of the cave.

Once close to her, Mo Envoy will die, and there is still a chance to escape.

Seeing Ye Qingyao escaping from the cave, that Mo Envoy's complexion became cold, and he slowly stood up, enduring the injuries on his body, jumped and followed him.

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