Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 510: Shot, sword cut!

"Don't keep it, let's destroy this black cloud together!"

Mu Yingxiong said

After Yan Kuangtu took the shot, he was perceiving the situation of the black cloud. He knew that the black cloud was the source of the giant whale. Only by breaking through the black cloud could he escape the black air in the sky.

He rose in the air, holding the sword to kill the dark whale!

Beside him, Yan Kuangtu and Xiao Jingtian also rose into the sky at the same time, as for Shi Zhixuan, his strange figure disappeared.

The sword aura on Mu Yingxiong's body was vertical and horizontal, and the black cloud he encountered was instantly destroyed by his sword aura at an astonishing speed.

The ruthless knife in Xiao Jingtian's hand seemed to be irritated by the giant whale in the black cloud, constantly exuding magical energy, emerging on the long knife, and the surrounding space instantly collapsed every time a knife was cut, and the black cloud was collected into the collapsed space.

Yan lunatic punches!

The object of his attack was the black whale among them.

The impact of Mu Yingxiong and others stimulated the giant whales. They roared and opened their huge mouths at the same time, a monstrous devilish energy formed in front of them, forming a devilish whirlpool.

The vortex whirled frantically, and the terrifying devilish energy seemed to be endless, endless, trying to limit the attacks of Mu Yingxiong and others.


Mu Yingxiong snorted coldly, and the sword energy around his body quickly condensed and turned into a sword light. With a sneer, he rushed into the whirlpool like lightning.

After the sword aura, the sword aura radiated a crackling sound recklessly, and then the turbulent vortex instantly condensed.

And at this moment, the fist that Yan Fanzi originally blasted at the giant whale was also blasted in the whirlpool.

His fists were extremely violent, and the vortex that was created was blasted away with one punch.

The black whales roared, opened their mouths, and a series of fierce auras condensed into a series of fierce stars that were as large as several meters, and they attacked several people.

The several meters of stars have already fluctuated extremely violently, like a storm.

See it!

The figure that was originally laughing at the sky suddenly rose into the air, and the Ruthless Sword instantly slashed several knives.

Dao Qi collided with the stars.

At this time, a sudden wave of spirit emerged around the black whale.

Shi Zhixuan had been hiding forever. At the moment when the giant whale attacked, his spirit fluctuations instantly led to the surrounding demonic energy fluctuations.

A black dot appeared in the center of the black cloud.

At this moment, Mu Yingxiong took out his sword again, and the sword energy on his body condensed, instantly splitting out, turning into sword light and rushing towards the black spot.

This black spot is the source of the black cloud.

After the beginning, Shi Zhixuan was looking for this node!

Jian Guang cut into that node in an instant.

The black cloud that was originally pervading suddenly stopped, and when the sword light destroyed the black spot, the black cloud disappeared.

However, the black whales did not disappear, and their bodies were suspended in the air.

at this time!

Two people from the Nanming Sacrifice Hall in Tang Chong's house looked at each other, and they disappeared into the house in an instant.

When they appeared, they were already suspended above the giant whale.

They looked at the few people who appeared, with a hint of coldness in their eyes.

Before paying attention to this battle, only Mu Yingxiong's strength made them a little jealous, but only jealous.

Because Mu Yingxiong's strength is the same as theirs, the domain is eightfold.

It's just that Mu Yingxiong is a master of kendo, and the attacks of masters of kendo are often fierce, so they are a little jealous.

As for other people's strengths are too different, it shouldn't be a concern in their eyes.

Nine Whales Town Soul Formation!

After they appeared, their hands kept forming seals, and the originally suspended giant whales instantly changed, forming nine giant whales.

These giant whales are scattered around a few people!

After the giant whales were divided, black lights came out from them, forming a few black light beams, which enveloped a few people again.

"This is not the same as before!"

One of the people in the Nanming Sacrifice Hall spoke.

He looked at Mu Yingxiong and the others with a gloomy expression. Once the Nine Whale Suppression Array was activated, the power that burst out was not just the power of the Nine Whales, but twice the power!

This doubled power is the power of 18 giant whales, which has shredded Mu Yingxiong and others in front of them.

As long as the body is destroyed, the soul can be swallowed.

The soul of such a strong person is enough to give them a state of nine whales and enhance their strength.

"I don't know where your confidence comes from!"

Feeling the power bursting out of the surrounding giant whales, Mu Yingxiong stood up and said in a cold voice.

Previously, he had not exploded with the highest combat power, after all, the opponent did not show up, so he just used the ordinary strength of the eighth layer of the realm.

Now that the opponent is here, he must respect the opponent too!

Let the opponent know the strength of his Absolute Sword Mu Yingxiong.

A great sword!

When he was speaking, he had already taken action, and a brilliant quarantine sent out from his sword.

The moment this sword broke out, all the sword energy in Mu Yingxiong's body was thrown into it.

That is, his sword exploded with the strongest attack power.

This dazzling sword aura is like a scorching sun, and when the sword aura comes out, its power has skyrocketed several times compared to the previous sword aura.

The moment the sword aura exploded, the surrounding space condensed.

The black whale that had burst out of black light crazily seemed to have been suppressed in some way.

The black light on the body feels sluggish.

As for the two Nanming sacrifice halls, their faces showed a look of horror under this suggestion.

Mu Yingxiong's previous sword did not have such power.

Under their surprise, the void that the sword aura directly penetrated pressed towards them.

The action of the two men's Jie Yin was suppressed!

The two of them put down Jieyin instantly!


The strong infuriating energy circulated from their bodies overwhelmingly, and the two of them slammed a punch in an instant, all concentrated together.

The beam of light that formed a true energy collided with that shocking sword.

The two forces collide together to emit a powerful aftermath, which will sweep around.

The status quo of Yan Kuangtu and others, their stature keeps retreating!

The nine giant whales that were suppressed were swept by the aftermath of this force.

The sword energy is powerful, crushing the two of them together and directly acting on them.

A demon aura broke out from the two of them to block the sword aura. Although it was blocked, the body was also backed by the impact of the sword aura, and a trace of blood flowed from the shoulders.


They looked at Mu Yingxiong with dignified eyes, their bodies glowed with scarlet black light, and their hands kept forming fingerprints, speeding them several times faster than before.

The nine black whales that had dissipated continue to gather together successfully!


However, Mu Yingxiong's figure flashed again, and there was a deep chill in his dark eyes!

The long sword in his hand did not stay at all, and the sword was taken out again, the long sword tore the air, and he stood on one of them without hesitation.

He wants to solve one person first.


The attacked person hadn't reacted yet, and the sword aura appeared in front of him. He wanted to resist, but the speed was too fast, and the power of the explosion was not worse than that of the sword just now.

When he wanted to resist, the sword had already split his body, and after smashing the figure.

He didn't stay in shape, looking at the other person with grim eyes.

"Cut you again!"

Mu Yingxiong's speed is very Jian Qi flashed out, and directly slashed at the person who worshipped the Nanming Temple.

The man was obviously prepared and a giant whale leaped in front of him.

However, Jian Qi destroyed it directly. After the giant whale was destroyed, Mu Yingxiong's figure appeared behind the sacrificial priest, with a sword slashed on the opponent's back.

The powerful sword aura beheaded him, the slain man turned his head to look at Mu Yingxiong, his face was gloomy, and a black rune was printed on the knot in his hand, and these runes poured into the sky.

Although the Nine Whale Soul Array lacked one head, it quickly converged!


A low voice came from his mouth.

It sounded like a muffled thunder in the sky.

The huge black whale attacked Mu Yingxiong and wanted to destroy Mu Yingxiong directly.

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