Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2095: Bai family 3 old, intercept, shoot

a void

A spaceship is moving forward.

On the bow of the boat stood three old men in white clothes. These three old men had crescent moon marks on their cuffs.

"Big brother, the demon hunter was hit hard last time. It is rumored that the first evil lord has won over several masters, and he is no longer as strong as before."

"We still need the three of us to come out together and cooperate with the Moco Empire State Teacher Palace to deal with the inner demon hunters."

The old man on the right of the three said.

"This time, it is one party to join forces with the National Teacher Palace of the Moco Empire to deal with the hunters of the inner demons. On the other hand, we still need to find a way to obtain the Xuantian Ice Jade Pearl from the Moco Empire."

The old man in the middle said.

"Big brother, the Moco Empire and the National Teacher Palace are not easy. The Xuantian Ice Jade Pearl we want is probably difficult to obtain?"

said another.

These three old men are the three elders of the Bai family.

Bai Tian Hong, Bai Tian Wen, and Bai Tian Wu are three brothers.

"After winning the Heart Demon Hunter, I'm negotiating with Master Tu that day. I believe that if the price is enough, they will let out the Xuantian Ice Jade Pearl!"

"After all, Xuantian Ice Jade Beads are optional."

The leader of the Bai family, Bai Tianhong, said.

"How long will it take for us to reach the royal court of the Moko Empire?"

Bai Tianhong then asked.

"In about a day's drive, we will be able to reach the Moko Imperial Court!"

Asked back during the day.

When the voice fell, his expression suddenly changed.

"Bai Wuxin and their spirits have disappeared!"

"Is something wrong?"

Asked during the day and hurriedly said.

When speaking, the palm is raised and the hand is waved.

The galloping boat stopped instantly.

"Second brother, you said Wuxin had an accident, how is this possible, aren't they in the National Teacher Palace of the Moco Empire?"

The third child, Tian Tianwu, immediately asked aloud.

"It's in the National Teacher's Palace, but their souls have indeed disappeared. Let me determine where they fell?"

The second child of the Bai family asked during the day and said.

As he spoke, his palms were imprinted, and runes circulated in his hands, and then a drop of blood appeared on his fingertips and entered the runes.

Bai Wuxin is his descendant.

So he wanted to determine Bai Wuxing's situation through his bloodline.

After the blood merged into the rune, a broken scene appeared. In the scene, Bai Wuxin and the two were in a palace.

Then the two were swallowed by the void, and the picture disappeared.

Seeing this situation, Nai Tianwen's face was gloomy.

"It was swallowed into the void in the National Teacher's Palace. It seems that Master Tiantu is going to do something to us?"

Asked during the day.

"Moco Empire, what are they trying to do?"

Wu Tian said in a deep voice.

"What do you want to do, of course, I want to kill you!"

At this moment, a low voice sounded in the void.

Then three figures walked out of the void.

"The first evil prince."

Seeing the appearance of the leader of the three, Hong's face froze during the day.

He did not expect the first evil monarch to appear in front of them at this time.

Immediately his eyes narrowed.

"My Bai family, Bai Wuxin, is your hand."

Hong asked that day.

"Bai Wuxin, that's not our killing, we are only responsible for dealing with you."

The first evil sovereign said.


At this time, Bai Baiwu, who was on the flying boat, shot directly.

Judging from the current situation, the Inner Demon Hunters joined forces with the Moko Empire to deal with them.

So don't hesitate, just shoot and kill the enemy.

With a snort, Wu turned into a white light during the day, killing them towards the First Evil Lord.

The energy in his body swept out like sea water.


Beside the first evil monarch, the bone sea dominates, and the figure rushed out, with a bang, the aura on his body became extremely terrifying, and a sea of ​​bones appeared behind the whole person.

Above the ocean, there were waves of strong waves that could drown everything.

As long as it is stained, the flesh and blood may be stripped away in an instant and turned into a pile of bones.

"Heavenly King Sumeru Fist!"

At this time, that daytime Wu gave a low voice, and a huge figure appeared on the fist in his hand.

Attack towards the master of the sea of ​​​​bone.

This fist blasted out, with a mighty momentum, like Mount Sumeru, capable of suppressing everything.

The bone sea dominates, and the whole body is also soaring, raising his hand and punching out.

This punch gave people an aura that I was invincible, looked down on the world, and was the only one who respected me.

In addition to the vast sea of ​​bones behind him, his aura is just as ancient.


The fist like Mount Sumeru collided with the fist of the Bone Sea Lord.

Make a rumbling sound.

Then there were energy fluctuations.

These fluctuations swept all around.

The flying boat that was parked in the void felt like it was about to be washed away under this energy.

Bai Tian Hong and Bai Tian Wen volleyed.

Among them, Bai Tian Hong waved his palm, and the huge flying boat was retracted into his sleeve.

His eyes looked at the battle between Bai Bai Wu and the Bone Lord.


At this moment, a few drops of blood burst out from the place where they first fought.

It was Bai Tian Wu who vomited blood.

As he vomited blood, his whole body flew upside down.

The figure of the master of the sea of ​​​​bone continued to charge forward, his palms ripped apart the void, and grabbed towards that Bai Tianwu.

Defeat the opponent in one hit.

How to give each other a chance to escape.


The second child of the Bai family immediately rushed up when he saw this in the daytime, raised his palm, and a huge light formed in his hand, and then it was like a long knife.

At this time, the ruler of the ancient corpse next to the first evil monarch shot instantly.

Raised his hand and punched out.

A gray corpse aura burst out and collided with the knife light, and the light shone into the void for a while, making people's eyes unable to open for a while.

The violent power spreads all around like a sea wave.

The shot was blocked.

There was anger on Tian Wen's face, his body burst into light, a set of battle armor appeared, and streams of light appeared on the battle armor.

Then a light-winged one appeared, and the light-wing spread its wings, tearing apart the world and moving towards the day.


Seeing this, the ruler of the ancient corpse had a ferocious figure on his face, and rushed up directly.

Fight head-to-head with each other.

The corpse is tempered like a diamond.

The body is extremely strong, how can he be afraid of each other.

The two collided fiercely, and endless power erupted from their fists, and the combat power was earth-shattering.

After the confrontation in the daytime, his complexion changed greatly.

He could not have imagined that the other party would fight him all the time by virtue of his physical body.

And a corpse gas kept pouring into his body along his arm.

Let his body, a kind of gradually stiff feeling.

the other side

The master of the sea of ​​​​bone printed the palm of his hand on the body of Bai Tianwu.

In an instant, a dazzling light exploded around him with his palm as the destruction


Then Bai Tianwu's body exploded.

"The third one!"

That day, Hong looked angry when he saw this.

But the first evil monarch stared at the other party tightly, his breath locked on the other party with all his strength, and it seemed as if he was going to burst out with all his strength.

The first evil monarch also had some bitterness in his heart.

The Master of the Sea of ​​Bone and the Heavenly Ancient Corpse are actually stronger than him.

But the Bai family's boss, Bai Tianhong, is the strongest among the three.

If you want to hold on to the other party, you have to break out and lock the other party with all your strength and not let the other party support you.

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