Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 158: The holy medicine is help, the **** king is back!

"Old clappers, look here!"

A chuckle of disdain came out from the rear, and the Holy Master-class powers' offensive was immediately stagnated, and Qi Qi Qiqi drew the consciousness to the rear.

It's Lin Feng!

"What does he want to do?!" The same question sounded in everyone's hearts at the same moment.

But when Lin Feng held a black gold sword with a dragon pattern in his hand, he smiled freely at everyone.

In the next moment, the pocket-sized black gold sword with dragon pattern was infused with divine power to expand and expand, instantly transforming into a giant blade of thirty feet.

Lin Feng hooked his finger at the Holy Master-level powers, and then suddenly swung the giant blade, slashing straight to the ground!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The extremely sharp giant blade blasted through the imprisonment of divine power, cut through the weak earth and rock, and split the foundation stone connecting the underground palace!


The underground palace that had been shaken by numerous attacks was already crumbling. At this moment, Lin Feng's full blow, with his ingenuity, actually smashed the entire underground palace!

The underground palace collapsed!

Boulder dust, rubble and jade bricks, all the chaos smashed down, buried in the shocked everyone!

Although this movement was big, it couldn't hurt the powerful people with advanced cultivation bases.

The scene was only chaotic for a few breaths, and immediately recovered. The thirteen holy master-level powers, rushed out of the broken ground first, glared at Lin Feng:

"You kid again!"


Lin Feng grinned without fear, because his goal had been achieved.


With a crisp sound, it exploded from the depths of the Hualong Pond, and countless fragments of magic weapons splashed out, and the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Pot was free from the shackles!

"Hmph, the mere secret treasure also wants to seal the incomplete emperor soldier, come and fight again!"

Jiang Yi's combat power was once again liberated, and he manipulated the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Jar, once again dragging the thirteen holy master-level powers, including the three living dead old men!

Jiang Yun, who was covered in blood, also roared wildly, bringing the remnants of the Jiang family powerhouse to rush to fight!

The two sides are once again in a fierce battle!

The earth shattered, but the Hualong Pond protected by the law was not harmed.

At this moment, Fairy Caiyun still stared at Jiang Taixu, as if the sky had fallen and would not be moved.

The same goes for the nine Jiang family elders beside Hualong Pond.

Lin Feng shifted his gaze, glanced at Fairy Caiyun, sighed softly, and said in a voice transmission: "I can save him, but only if he needs to absorb a lot of life."

Fairy Caiyun, who had been silent in sorrow and remembrance, was finally moved when he heard the words.

She looked at Jiang Taixu affectionately, smiled sadly, and replied: "Please save Brother Taixu, as long as he can recover, let alone life, even if it is my life, I am willing to give."

"Really?" Lin Feng said in his eyes: "It just so happens that according to the current realm of the old **** king, the life he needs, it is very likely that you will be dispelled!"

Fairy Caiyun trembled, tears were drawn, and his face was full of determination: "Then the soul flies away! As long as you can save Brother Taixu!"

When the words fell, she no longer spoke, dropped her crutches, and fell on Jiang Taixu, burning her lifespan, just to give Jiang Taixu life.

"How deep is the love that has been waiting for four thousand years!" Ye Fan couldn't help but sighed in his eyes.

Tu Fei and Li Heishui also have mixed feelings in their hearts.

The **** dog shook his head and asked suddenly, "Little Lin, is there really no other way?"

Lin Feng didn't speak, his expression was indifferent.

Even Jiang Yi, who holds the Heaven Swallowing Devil Jar, plus Jiang Yun and others who are not afraid of death, can definitely not stop the thirteen holy master-level powers and three old monsters.

There are even more terrifying enemies outside, holding Ji Dao Emperor soldiers, watching them.

According to the current situation, if you want to save Jiang Taixu before everyone is killed in the Jiang family.

Sacrificing Fairy Caiyun is almost inevitable.

But how could Lin Feng be the kind of person who abandons the bottom line in order to achieve his goal? !

When Fairy Caiyun sacrificed most of his life, Lin Feng stepped forward and prevented Fairy Caiyun from going to death.

"Why?!" Fairy Caiyun showed deep affection on her wrinkled and wrinkled face: "I can feel that these life elements are not enough, please let me continue to lose life to Brother Taixu, please, let me Save him, even if it takes his life!"

Lin Feng looked at Fairy Caiyun's chest, the huge hole that kept oozing blood. He knew that this symbolized the recurrence of Fairy Caiyun's old wounds. If it continues, Fairy Caiyun will surely disappear. Even if Jiang Taixu recovers, he will be unable to recover.

He sighed slightly and shook his head lightly: "These are enough, leave the rest to me."

Fairy Caiyun was stupefied, leaning on Jiang Taixu and refused to move.

Lin Feng did not persuade much, waved his hand, and dispersed the nine Jiang family elders who were already exhausted, and then took the lead.

In the distance is the battle between the Jiang family and powerful foreign invaders, shocking the world with divine power.

In the nearby Hualongchi, it was strangely calm, and Lin Feng quietly accumulated his own strength.

The Kowloon Hongmeng Purple Seal floated from the top of Lin Feng's head, blooming with endless divine light.

He waved.

The majestic dragon aura rushed out of his body like a giant whale squirting into the sea, shaking the tremor of a space!

Upon seeing this, Ye Fan and others were shocked:

"Brother Lin, what are you?!"

"Save people." Lin Feng manipulated the endless dragon energy, poured into the real dragon magic medicine in mid-air, and then smiled faintly: "Save a couple, lovers who have reunited for four thousand years."

Fairy Caiyun trembled upon hearing this!

Lin Feng stopped talking, grabbing the magic medicine with one hand, and after instilling his magic power, he urged the brand inside.


The true dragon magic medicine was actually shattered quietly, turned into a little golden light, floating in Lin Feng's hands.

"This technique..." The **** dog was surprised: "Is it decomposing the essence of the magical medicine? Your kid used the magical medicine as a medicine?!"

Lin Feng didn't answer, and flipped his five fingers, causing the bright spots of golden light to converge into a ball.

Then, he drew a trace of purple from the Kowloon Hongmeng Purple Seal and included it.


The golden light mixed with purple air, suddenly burst into light!

Lin Feng held his hand and urged the supreme bone and the heart of the demon emperor in his body, and instantly refined nine drops of essence, then combined and transformed them into a chaotic light group.

After doing all of this, his face became disastrous, his aura was wilted to the extreme, he turned his hand tremblingly, and slowly pressed the light ball into Jiang Taixu's eyebrows.

Ye Fan and the others, including Fairy Caiyun, watched intently, showing the tension in their hearts.

One point, one point, one point... The light ball enters the body, but it is as difficult as mud as the sea. Lin Feng clenched his teeth and trembling, but his hands did not deviate by half.

He knew that this dragon gas and magical medicine as a medicinal, combined with the essence of the fusion of the supreme bone and blood and the heart of the demon emperor, is definitely a peerless "holy medicine" from the dead!

Jiang Taixu was able to bear the fate of Fairy Caiyun, but Lin Feng, who was at a lower level, wanted to incorporate the "holy medicine" into Jiang Taixu's eyebrows, but it was not an easy task.

Ye Fan saw the clue and didn't talk too much nonsense. He called out the mother-in-kind cauldron of all things, and stepped forward to help Lin Feng.

Tu Fei and Li Heishui looked at each Regardless of their strengths, they also contributed a bit of their own strength.

"Work harder!" Lin Feng's eyes condensed, his expression calm.

Everyone worked together and finally pressed the light group into Jiang Taixu's eyebrows.

"Boom!" Something seemed to break the shackles.

In the next moment, a magnificent and terrifying aura once again descended on Hualongchi!

The noise stopped abruptly.

The Jiang family was crowded with thirteen sage master-level powers, three old men living dead...the two fighting parties, at the same time, were all still in place.

Everyone looked back in amazement.

However, Jiang Taixu stood up holding the crying old woman and rose into the sky.

He looked down at everything under his feet indifferently.

The King of God, come back completely!

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