, the fastest update Shuttle to Get Rich is the latest chapter starting from 1985!

The first update asks for a monthly pass, and there will be a second update later!

In fact, the season for planting beans has not yet come, and there is no saline-alkali land here, only the pH value of the simulated saline-alkali land.

Anyway, He Gui did not do it with the mentality that he must be successful. It would be nice if he could give it a try. The improvement of saline-alkali land actually relies on water to seep out the acid-base in the soil. The water drains out.

But don't think about it in the northwest. In the valleys on the Loess Plateau in the northwest, a layer of white saline can be seen in many places underground.

He slapped his head: "Why am I competing with beans? If this is the case, should we use shrubs in the northwest?"

"Shrubs must have economic value, and can also resist drought, salt and alkali, and wind... apricot?" He Gui only temporarily gave up.

Looking at the beans in the experiment, He Gui immediately lost the intention to continue. The Northwest needs cash crops, the best shrubs, drought-resistant, salt-alkali-alkali-resistant, and frost-proof.

The mini donkey Batong saw He Gui from a distance, and came over shaking his head and flicking his tail. The mini donkey is so human, and there are two smart lambs. These three guys can enjoy the heating in the house in winter, and can Enjoy air conditioning.

You have to take a shower every day. If you don't wash it, you have to squeeze into the bathroom.

The two lambs are called Big Bear and Er Xiong, because both guys have a black spot on their heads. The reason why they are called this name is because on the Internet, avoiding infringement lawsuits is decided by sand sculpture netizens.

Batong is similar to a head of big **** hair, not as long as big **** hair. This guy is smooth and smooth, because it can solve fruit peels, such as banana peels, orange peels, watermelon peels and so on.

There are also apple cores, pear cores, etc., even if you eat fruit, Batong and Daxiong, and Erxiong just watch eagerly. The three most popular in Zhang Yan's cute pet video are more popular than cats and dogs. high.

Batong was caressed by He Guiyi, and then the big bear and two bears next to him were still queuing up....

After a while of stroking, the three guys walked away with a kick.

The bellies of the two horses are already much bigger. The pregnancy period of the horses is about eleven months, and they will give birth in July or August this year.

Alpacas also have vicuñas, but they don’t dare to spit easily now. They were dealt with by the bear boy Liu Zhe. In the past, the two sprayed each other. When Liu Zhe was sprayed, he went to drink a sip of water and sprayed the alpaca. , Now that the alpaca saw Liu Zhe, it also looked vigilant, leaning against the fence, ready to run away at any time.

Zhang Yan was broadcasting live at the place where the macaws were being fed. These macaws are very beautiful. According to netizens, this group of parrots is worth a luxury car.

Although the cost of feeding is relatively high, but fortunately there is no disease and is very healthy.

When feeding pets and livestock, you are not afraid of the cost of feeding, but you are afraid of getting sick. It is for cats and dogs. How much cat food will you spend once you get sick?

There are Red King Kong, Green King Kong, and Blue King Kong. One of them is the largest, about 1.5 meters tall with its head and tail feathers. It is called the Blue Queen by netizens, but it is a male.

How sand sculptures parrots are, it’s hard to imagine for those who haven’t been in contact with them. Anyway, He Gui sometimes laughs when he sees them.

"Hi, handsome guy." He Gui passed by the shed, and there was a green macaw standing in the cage, its head shrank to greet He Gui.

"Hi, beauty." He Gui looked at the ankle ring and knew it was a female, so he said casually.

"Hate..." The parrot replied.

He Gui ran away, this guy will come to chat with you in a group, Zhang Yan is doing nothing else in the live broadcast now, just choose sand sculpture netizen Lianmai, and let the parrot chat with them.

Of course, this account is authenticated, otherwise don't think of taking a shot, this thing is an internationally endangered animal.

However, these macaws can’t breed yet, and they don’t breed until they are four years old. There are already zoos wanting to buy them, but He Gui has his own idea, why not open a specialized parrot zoo?

This year, some parrot eggs were left in Kyoto in 1990, and there were also macaws in the theme park on Hong Kong Island in 1990.

In fact, in the real world, Hong Kong Island has a famous macaw... Attracting many customers.

The parrot’s greenhouse here is very large, with an area of ​​about five acres. In winter, it will be covered with film to increase the temperature, and in summer, it will be open around. Zhang Yan and Ren Yingying also work together, and then record the video.

When these parrots see short-haired ones, they call them handsome guys, and long-haired ones call them pretty girls. They can’t really tell the difference between men and women. The last female netizen who connected with wheat had short hair, and they were called handsome guys by a group of parrots.


When He Gui came to the field here, the strawberries were replanted, and then some cherries were added. Vegetables were planted in the blank places, and peppers were edible.

The rice seven bananas have been separated by bangs, and the seedlings planted last year are expected to bear fruit this year.

The ginseng seedlings are already very large, and the stems and leaves will be harvested again in the second half of the year. Ginseng can survive for a long time, just need to pay attention to disease prevention.

Cherry trees are planted this year, and cherries can be eaten this year during the Chinese New Year.

The one that grows the slowest is the Mandia yew, which has been around for several years and is not as tall as He Gui’s. There are thousands of yews in a whole greenhouse.

After strolling around, there was nothing major. He Gui came out and saw other parts of the farm.

But these places are not alfalfa. Many places in foreign countries do not want alfalfa for feeding cattle, because alfalfa is a leguminous species, and cattle are prone to flatulence after eating it. Once alfalfa is found in some pastures, they have to be cleared.

Alfalfa cattle and sheep cannot be eaten too much, and now they are generally fed with Mexican corn, sweet elephant grass and so on.

This year, Liu Hai only left a small amount of alfalfa, mostly ryegrass, sweet elephant grass, and Mexican corn. Although Mexican corn is grown every year, the yield is high.

It was harvested at a height of more than one meter and thrown on the road of the farm. It became dry grass in two days. He Gui thought that alfalfa was the best pasture in the past.

When I came to the factory and looked at these mechanical equipment, if I got 90 years-.

Forget it, the mainland is already more advanced than foreign countries, at least as far as design is concerned, the engineers of the industrial design software Panshi have already set up in the mainland for development.

He Gui doesn't copy now, he just acts as a commander and assigns a development task. If the soldiers under him are really unusable, he can do it again.

It is not very good for the development of the whole group that we cannot do everything by ourselves.

Close the door, He Gui is ready to start, what are you doing?

I am going to write a development outline for 883 manufacturing, and just follow the process after writing.

These inspirations came, but He Guike did not easily add inspirations. This thing is the embodiment of other people's high-tech machinery that has built a whole country, and his own inspirations may only bring more trouble to the follow-up.

According to the script, according to the cat and the tiger, a two-year development plan came out. After putting away the things and checking the time, it was time for dinner.

When I came to the factory, the sun was setting, and the whole day was full of rays of light. The big tabby cat came out from nowhere and rubbed back and forth behind his heels.

"You, you are also a past Internet celebrity, and now those sand sculpture netizens like those birds and don't like you." He Gui picked up the big raccoon flower.

There are quite a few cats on the farm, but the ones who really share the farm's worries are the big raccoon cats and three leopard cats. The rest of the dolls, big oranges and short legs, can't catch mice at all.

The puppet didn't bother to catch it, but Daju was powerless, let alone short legs, and couldn't catch up.

The three leopard cats and the big raccoon were in charge of cleaning up the rats in the entire farm, and occasionally caught a bird. These guys liked to catch live ones, and the big raccoon even caught a rabbit.

After being educated several times by Zhang Yan, he stopped catching birds and rabbits, but he didn't stop weasels.

Weasels mainly bite poultry, and the macaws here are extremely valuable. It is true that weasels eat mice, but it is also true that they bite poultry.

As long as weasels enter the farm, they will be hunted by the four guys soon. Now the farm is a forbidden area for mice, snakes, and weasels.

Holding the big raccoon flower, this guy is strong and strong, weighing at least a dozen catties, but it's a pity that he was sterilized, otherwise the offspring would definitely be good.

"Qiao Qiao is coming back." Zhang Yan said at night with her arms around He Gui.

"Come back when you come back."

"Qiao Qiao wanted to bring all the parrots back. She left, so I don't feel comfortable leaving it to other people. There were a few live broadcasts where someone teased the gray parrots through the fence and taught the parrots to swear." Zhang Yan said.

"That's a problem, I'll arrange it." He Gui picked up his phone and sent a text message to Yang Yong.

The greenhouse for breeding parrots needs to be well protected, the ground must be hardened, and the surrounding areas must be protected against rodents and snakes.

Now the macaws are fed with a 1.5-meter-high concrete wall, and the outer wall is covered with tiles, so that mice and snakes cannot climb the steel mesh above.

Of course, concrete is not used, so glass is used, and tempered glass with steel mesh is also possible.

However, the disadvantage of glass is that birds cannot see it, so the steel mesh is made of plastic, which parrots can see and will not hit the wall.

Yang Yong quickly replied that he would come tomorrow, and at night He Gui took advantage of Zhang Yan's deep sleep and hugged Zhang Yan for a trip, and now there is no problem...

Yang Yong came the next day, and finally chose a place far away from the original parrot, which was relatively far away from the villa, and it was about four acres of land.

After discussing the plan, the construction started in the afternoon, and the excavator entered the site. The soil layer here is very thin, and the deepest is only seventy to eighty centimeters, so there is no need to harden the ground. First excavate the location of the ring beam foundation around the entire site, and then choose to drill holes for the pile foundation.

The food for the construction team was provided to a local family. One person was fifteen yuan a day. How expensive was this money? Yang Yong arranged for it. The two gatekeepers stared at them and prevented these people from going inside the farm. This is also what Manager Liu said.

So you can see two old men, taking turns to supervise the workers next to them.

The construction progress is very fast. In less than four days, the foundation was laid. After a few days, the walls can be built and the scaffolding welded. In order to prevent heavy snowfall, all greenhouses are equipped with snow removal equipment, although the chance of snowfall is very low.

He Gui enters the factory on time every morning and only leaves at night, sometimes on business trips.

-------90 years here------

He Gui looked at the protest of the notebook in the newspaper, protesting the high-tech embargo imposed on the notebook by the Longgu Group and the Panshi Group.

Herman looked at He Gui, the book is a country after all, so Herman felt that he should be cautious about this matter.

"What did ibm say?" He Gui didn't have any clue, but he also knew that ibm and very soft were probably watching the fun, or there were some tricks.

"Ibm is optimizing the design and preparing to launch our chip-based computer mainframe. They are planning to build an all-in-one computer and have ordered our LCD screen." Herman said.

Then continued to report: "Very soft is secretly developing a new operating system, and it is a Windows operating system. It is said that it can be developed within six months."

He Gui murmured in his heart, could it be that Blast to Death 95 came out ahead of time, maybe, it seems that I have to go back and learn how many loopholes there are in Blast to Death 95, after you sell it, and then...

"Is our computer compatible with their system?" He Gui then realized something.

"Not compatible, but IBM's attitude is ambiguous. I think they want to annex it very softly."

"Ha ha…."

"Regardless of the notebook, you can contact the president of IBM and tell them that we will give them the notebook market." He Gui really wants to see how the notebook uses Plague to Death 95, and then Panshi announces a few loopholes a day... See if you don't every day renew?

"Wait and see, let's not take other actions." He Gui felt that there was no need to say early action now. The size of Longgu and Panshi is here, so there will be no major problems.

Even if there is a problem, the capitalists behind it will come forward to solve it.

Herman left, and Paul came again. Panshi is burning a lot of money now, and it seems to be profitable, but for expenses, it is a drop in the bucket.

After reading the information, He Gui said, "Paul, you can spend what you need. We are spending money, and other companies are also spending money."

"My plan will cost five years at the shortest, and ten years at the longest. We have to wait until the remaining 90% of technology companies go bankrupt, and then we will take over the talents trained by these companies." He Gui closed the documents and said.

"Industrial software, don't be in a hurry to release it. It will be released next year. It is tentatively scheduled to be a beta version. There is no charge. We will wait until half of the schools and design institutions around the world use our industrial software before we start charging. Of course, there is a free version, but the functions are definitely not as good as those charged, so there are some functions in it, and there is no rush to develop them for the time being.”

The more Paul listened to the boss’s operation, the more worried he was about other technology companies. First, I will beat you with free, and then I will charge for it. When it is a design software used by schools, what will happen after it comes out?

Paul said, "I'm afraid shareholders in other regions will be dissatisfied."

"Whoever wants to withdraw immediately repurchases shares, according to the price they bought, I have a way to make money, but now is the time to cultivate Internet users, one to two million Internet users, the fees are also very pitiful, which will hinder Expansion of users." He Gui signed a name directly, and if anyone quits, he will take back the shares.

"Servers, system optimization, spend money on what should be spent, and how is the global fiber optic project going?" He Gui also knows that this is not a matter of a day or two.

"Negotiations are still going on, too many countries are involved, and there is also the arrangement of the root server."

"In addition, the first draft of the ship design for laying optical cables has only been completed, and the ship may be completed in June next year."

He Gui nodded: "That's good, just keep the progress."

"Paul, for the search engine, we must ensure the capacity of the server and the backup power system, so that users can get a high-quality experience." He Gui continued, the search engine is a big gold mine.

"In addition to instant messaging, we need to speed up the development of other functions, such as pictures, videos, and even voice, messages, and mailboxes. In the end, everyone can hold meetings with each other at home."

"Okay, boss, we will follow up on these follow-ups." Paul nodded.

After He Gui signed, Paul left, because the financial budget made by Panshi last year took almost half a year in one quarter, and the increase in network users increased the pressure on servers, etc., and the geometric situation increased the number of servers. The server is made by Dragon Valley.

It's easy to talk about the Panshi headquarters, but other branches need to hold a meeting. However, other people will not object to the project He Gui supports.

The development of mobile phones depends on the battery. The progress of lithium battery factories in the mainland is relatively slow, mainly because some sensitive equipment in the West is not allowed to enter the mainland. Fortunately, the factories in the United States are very fast, and the finished batteries are expected to be produced in the summer vacation.

He Gui is not in a hurry, and can't give too much blessing to the mainland. Besides, the battery industry is a high-tech industry, but it is also a highly polluting industry.

The mainland is also very anxious about the production of lithium batteries. It has linked other research institutes to carry out public relations, especially the extraction of lithium from salt lakes, and the development of lithium mines.

He Gui just wants the mainland to invest in major research institutions, and you can count on nothing from outsiders. In fact, scientific research conferences are still effective, and this is how Mao Xiong's material field came about.

It's just that the mainland pursues that if you can buy it, you don't study it. After all, many people can live by themselves if they buy it.

Now the West has completely blocked the mainland, and the blockade is even more severe. Even if it is the equipment that He Gui wants to buy, others will sell it, but it is agreed that it cannot be used in the mainland.

Or be supervised and used, of course, there is no way to do it before, such as the equipment of the aircraft factory and the equipment of the He's Machinery Factory, but they do not provide follow-up maintenance...

He Gui was still thinking about one thing, and that was how to make trouble for Boeing, let alone Airbus, which has always been unable to beat Boeing.

He Gui has seen a statistical statistic, the reason why Boeing occupies the No. 1 position in modern times is not passenger planes, but cargo planes.

Boeing's passenger planes can be converted into cargo planes, which means that in fact, Boeing has a lot of second-hand planes, and the annexed McDonnell Douglas has a credit for it.

"Support McDonnell Douglas." He Gui decided to support McDonnell Douglas. Only aircraft companies in the United States can compete with Boeing, not Airbus. After all, they are not American companies.

"Changsheng Logistics must become independent."

Changsheng Group has quickly landed in the world, and has already occupied half of the country in the United States. Although the West has embargoed the mainland, daily necessities and clothing are not banned. , made in the West or locally, can earn less than five dollars a piece.

However, if you purchase products from the Mainland, the price is not only 20% lower, but you can also earn a few dollars more than before.

As for jobs, Changsheng Group's logistics and sales, do these not solve jobs?

He Gui personally called the president of Changsheng, and went to the meeting by himself tomorrow, and at the same time called Li Liangyuan.

President Li didn't know what happened. The boss had a meeting. Is this the sun coming out of the west?

"Boss?" Li Liangyuan rushed to He Gui's side.

"Sit down, are you here?" He Gui asked while looking at Changsheng's documents.

President Li breathed a sigh of relief. The boss didn't care. It probably wasn't a big deal. He asked, "Boss, what are you going to do at the meeting tomorrow?"

"Oh, I plan to separate Changsheng Logistics. After I become independent, I will inject capital and buy a large number of aircraft to focus on international freight services." He Gui did not expect that President Li came here for this.

President Li's scalp is numb, the boss has already used the word "a large amount", so how big is it: "How much capital is the boss planning to inject?"

"Depending on the situation, I'll contact McDonnell Douglas to buy their old aircraft. After all, my aircraft factory is owned by McDonnell Douglas. It's not worthwhile to buy other follow-up maintenance." He Gui has an aboveboard excuse.

Support McDonnell Douglas and allow McDonnell Douglas to work with Boeing. If McDonnell Douglas produces good airliners in the future, you can buy them in the mainland. After all, your own aircraft factory and McDonnell Douglas are in the same system, and the follow-up maintenance costs will definitely be much lower.

"Okay, do you want me to arrange it?"

"Let's arrange it. Do you have a candidate for the logistics company?" He Gui nodded.

"Yes, I'm just a person. As far as service is concerned, I think I'm more suitable. The logistics company is actually a service industry." President Li said while looking at He Gui's expression.

He Gui nodded, and while closing the folder, said: "Have you become a Hong Kong citizen~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you haven't joined, I don't think so."

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him tonight."

"Okay, let's go, you have to make a lot of troubles when you go to Changsheng."

"Okay, boss."

He Gui looked at the time, and called Big J Mao. Such a big favor was given to Big J Mao.

"Hi, Mr. Lane, hello." The big j Mao actually took a mouthful of Beijing movies, this nima will not be Chuanjian in the future...

"Old Pu, I want to buy some old McDonnell Douglas planes to be used as cargo planes recently, please help me to ask how much they have for sale." He Gui is also a Beijing film.

The big j Mao was a little confused, and then asked: "My favorite, Mr. Ryan, how many planes do you need?"

"They want as much as they have. The old ones can be converted into cargo planes. I want them as long as they sell them." He Gui decided to give Maiduo a lot of milk if he wanted milk. After buying an old plane, he can also book a new passenger plane...Of course The premise is that you McDonnell made it suitable.

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