After Yang Hai left, people came to see me one after another. Those who didn’t have an excuse to come to the door before, this time they also came to the door with an excuse, especially the top leaders of several places with large investment, they even called to ask special questions and entrusted them to station in X. The director of the office brought a gift to greet him.

Fortunately, there are housekeepers and the like here, but someone needs to come forward. He Gui himself is sick and has no way to accept the award. Naturally, he can't come forward, so Ye Mei Lizhi came forward to receive him and gave some gifts in return. .

He Gui's wish to go to modern times to deal with some matters also came to nothing, so he took his daughter and two sons to Maodong at home.

Then it's okay to grind some rough jadeite by myself, and toss the plants behind the yard.

After Kailinna received the award, He Gui's illness gradually recovered. Zhou Meiniang and Zhang Hong returned to Kyoto with the award. On this day, He Gui was also the headline of the newspaper in Kyoto, and the news was given five minutes Introduce the Nobel Prize, and then the first person to win the Literature Prize and the Physics Prize at the same time.

Fortunately, He Gui appeared in the scene and was beautified, otherwise he would not dare to go out in Kyoto in the future.

When He Gui recovered from his illness, Yang Hai came here and said, "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you, a big capitalist, to be afraid."

"Nonsense, I have to support people in this house." He Gui chuckled.

Yang Hai looked at He Gui's women and was speechless, one was more beautiful than the other, the key was that they were not jealous, the tigress in his family would get angry if he looked at other women more.

This is actually a bit different. He Gui is looking for people from Hong Kong Island. They are actually very envious of this kind of two, three, and four. The mainland is not good. Even if your husband is rich in the mainland, he has the power. Most women can't stand it and will make trouble.

Therefore, in modern times, it is not without benefits that many people rely on women repeatedly. Even in modern Hong Kong Island, Sannai culture is still relatively serious.

Yang Hai asked, "Where are you celebrating the New Year this year?"

"The high probability is Hong Kong Island." He Guike will not spend too long in Kyoto for the Chinese New Year. On the one hand, it is too cold. Second, you said that you will visit some people during the Chinese New Year. (Mainly cannot write)

Yang Hai said: "I also want to go to Shentian to celebrate the New Year, it's too cold here."

"Why don't you go to Hainan Island? I might go there recently. I have won the title of producer, so I have to visit it from time to time."

"Oh, my father won't let me meddle in the affairs over there, forget it." Yang Hai sighed.

He Gui asked, "What's wrong with you, why are you unhappy?"

"A lot of people borrow money, use connections, people who don't know each other, those who beat around the bush, all come to the pole, and there are also those who want to do engineering. You say my own industry, how dare I give these **** to do it?"

"There are also relatives on my wife's side. I didn't see any of them before I got married. Now it's all right. I can understand you borrowing money. I don't say anything for a hundred or two hundred. I just open my mouth. Damn, I really think I run a bank."

"There are also some bastards, under my banner, who have never met before, who are bluffing outside, and I caught a few of them and cleaned them up severely."

"Next year, let's get the ranch ready, and then go to the ranch Maodong. I don't believe they can enter the mountains." Yang Hai complained about a lot of things.

He Gui shook his head, there was no way to do it, Yang Hai's father had a high position and authority, and he didn't have much money before, so naturally no one cared about it, but now?

And everyone has relatives, even the richest man has a few poor relatives, right? If you borrow one of these things, a lot will come

You say no to borrow it, go back and whisper to you behind your back.

As for Yang Hai, because of his identity, he can't often go to Hong Kong Island to play, so he is doomed to spend money only if he has money, or go to the Northwest to have fun.

"Why don't we find a place to hunt?" He Gui asked.

"Forget it, it's so cold, it's suitable to go out in autumn. I sent a dozen people to guard your farm, otherwise you won't know if it's stolen."

"Okay." He Gui nodded.

I had a good time in Kyoto, and then I bought a courtyard house for Li Zhi and Ye Mei, and asked Lao Ma to find someone to renovate it. The two girls actually didn't go back to Hong Kong Island with him, but stayed in Kyoto for a few days.

After leaving Kyoto and returning to Hong Kong Island, it is already mid-December, and there are a lot of things, year-end awards, development routes for the next year, and so on.

During the day, He Gui went to work in the morning and had dinner at noon. Pigu hardly ever left the stool. He had to go to an accounting firm for auditing. There were two accounting firms, but which one went to which company. He Gui personally appointed each year. Although they were long-term cooperation, But the two accounting firms are done, cross-check, find faults, find out and reward them greatly.

Isn’t the accounting firm on Hong Kong Island that Hyundai revealed was a fake?

He Gui does not need financial means, and pays taxes safely and steadily. In order to prevent the people below from playing tricks, the headquarters also has a team of financial monitoring.

Three means, if the people below take advantage of the loopholes, He Gui will really have no choice, because the knowledge of auditing is very deep, and most people really can only look at it superficially.

On the contrary, the inland area is better. In the inland area, Beihu is now profitable, and other places are not yet profitable. Beihu used to have tax relief, but it earns too much money. He Gui also has to pay taxes this year.

The most important thing this year is to share the house. In addition, He Gui also plans to send furniture, washing machines, refrigerators, etc. to internal employees when they buy a house, and collectively purchase from the mainland by themselves, which is considered a benefit.

Longgu Group, He Gui came here by car, there were already middle and high-level management in the meeting room, as well as representatives of ordinary employees.

This is for the transparency of the policy. The boss here announced the 10,000 year-end bonus, and seven or eighty-eight of them have been deducted below. There are such companies, and there is a development direction for next year. Except for confidentiality, the rest of the ordinary workers can Know.

"Okay, everyone has a meeting. Welcome Mr. Chairman to our meeting." As the president, Herman naturally asked Herman to announce the year-end bonus and related rewards.

"This year, Longgu Group's benefits have exceeded the expected goal. The year-end bonus is the income of the past six months. In addition, the chairman specially donated 10 million US dollars to reward 100 outstanding employees. The list of winners will be announced within the next three days. Announcement, if you have any objections, you can feed it back to our management, or you can report it to the supervisor bumen."

"The group will focus on three aspects next year, computers, chips, VCDs, computers have been sent to more than 600 stores in 35 countries, and the response is very good


After Herman finished speaking, he gave way to He Gui. He Gui stood up and said, "In order to reward the company's outstanding achievements, I will personally give 2% of the shares to the management as dividend rights, and reward He Gui 1% of Mr. Erman's shares."

The mid-level executives below applauded vigorously. The valuation of Dragon Valley will start from the second half of the year, like riding a rocket. Now some organizations estimate that the market value of Dragon Valley Group is at least 50 billion US dollars.

In fact, this is more than that. How much can a company with a market value of 50 billion US dollars make in a year? This year, VCDs exploded, with 40 million units, which is not counted as CDs.

At noon, I had dinner at Dragon Valley, and in the afternoon I went to Panshi Software with the information, and then held a meeting to announce rewards. Panshi Software did not make a profit this year, but the number of patents it has mastered makes the software industry in Europe, America, and Western countries like China. It's like being put on the neck by a knife.

"Paul, hold a press conference tomorrow and make an announcement." He Gui patted Paul on the shoulder before Pan Shi left.

"Okay, boss."

Announce what, announce that the dragon operating system is open source and free for everyone to use.

The dragon operating system was decided by everyone in the end. They all thought that this operating system would be as invincible as the western dragon. He Gui originally wanted to choose an oriental name, but forget it.

Panshi Software will send a message to the news media in the afternoon, and there will be a major news release tomorrow.

He Gui came to the core laboratory the next day. Most of them were from Kyoto, so the rewards were of course very generous.

In the press conference hall of the Panshi Group Company, in fact, this is available to all companies under He Gui.

Paul walked differently today. He came to the scene, walked up to the top, and then said: "Welcome to the media reporters. Here, I represent Panshi Technology and our boss. Mr. Ryan announced: the free open source dragon operating system .”

"Presumably everyone knows that my personal experience, my boss at the time, moved me with a sentence, that is, to make a free system, a free and open source system."

"In the past three years, we have invested billions of dollars to develop the dragon operating system, the dragon operating system, after open source..."

"Our Panshi Technology is not to make money, but to promote the development of the entire human civilization. If you need open source software, you can send a letter, write a letter, of course, you can also come to us in person."

Most of the people who came here today are journalists with a science and technology background, and they were all stunned by the news. You must know that the United States is very soft, and it started with the operating system. This year, the valuation has exceeded one billion US dollars.

"Mr. Paul, Mr. Paul, when you say open source, do you mean all the source code?"

"Yes, I hope everyone can complete this system together. Any individual or organization is allowed to complete the system, and it can be based on..." Paul nodded and said.

"Mr. Paul, according to the valuation, the operating system will have a market of tens of billions or more in the future. Have you given up?" A reporter asked.

Paul said, "Mr. Lane once said something to me."

"When a person is born, he comes naked, and when he dies, he leaves naked. He sleeps on a two-meter bed at most, and when he dies, it is a cemetery of several square meters. You can't take anything left with you. .”

"Technology is to promote the development of civilization. Our boss means that we will never hinder the development of civilization. Of course, I personally and our boss are not opposed to the charging system, because many things have to be invested."

"It's just that our boss invested the money earned from other places into the software industry, so our boss thinks that we should give it back to everyone. You can take a look at the new generation of Windows operating system for our new computer. learned in hours."

The Windows operating system was when personal computers took off, and it was very soft because it ruled the entire operating system world after 95.

"Mr. Paul, is Panshi System open source, and is the prospect of future profitability optimistic?"

"Of course, we also have office software, which we call paperless office, and various entertainment software, as well as various other software, as well as industrial operation software, industrial design software, and so on." Paul said with a smile.

Paul gave people the impression that he was already a gentleman, but now that he smiled, he gave people this impression even more. In fact, this time this time, this person's face was more sinister.

"At the same time, I announced that I would sell my personally soft stocks to avoid being sued by the United States." Paul finally announced one thing.

This is the last soft gift Paul gave. It was originally done by three people together. In the end, everyone only knew that when Paul returned to the company after treatment, he was dismissed. No one knew who Paul was.

Paul wanted to sell the shares and asked for ten dollars a share, but this time he only gave five dollars.

It is impossible to say that Paul is not angry. This is the final lore. The Windows operating system is open source, and there are no anti-monopoly regulations.

This is also one of the reasons why He Gui wanted to be free before. It would be difficult to play very soft games without free. Now it is free, but you use my system. Will the system security depend on me in the future?

There are also compatible software, such as office, entertainment, and games.

On Hong Kong Island, it was announced at nine o'clock in the morning, and at Very Soft, it was just midnight. However, in the face of such huge news, Very Soft did not have such a contingency plan.

On the contrary, it was the morning news from Europe that dominated the headlines. There was a queue outside the VCD dealer's shop, and the computer was displayed inside, but soon a loud voice came from inside.

The young man playing CS with earphones cursed his teammates loudly, and then cursed at each other.

The experience time for each person is one hour, and there are 32 computers in one store, which just set up a local area network, and of course they can play against robots.

In addition, there is a very detailed introduction. There is a CD-ROM drive to watch movies, listen to music, watch MV, and office software. In addition, door-to-door installation is provided, and it will be scheduled in December. Game software and playback software are free to install, and office software is paid. , there are free, free options.

A computer only costs 8,000 US dollars. If you are at Deutsche Bank, Caravan Bank, or Citibank, you can enjoy 6 installments of interest-free.

He Gui just tied the dealer and the bank consortium to his chariot. The reason why there is no interest for 6 installments is because it can be divided into 12 installments, but you have to pay interest for the next 6 installments. Of course, it would be better if you pay in cash. .

Faced with this storm, a huge storm, very soft company did not have any response measures. This time it became the most successful PC billionaire last year, but when the New York Stock Exchange opened, the very soft stock price went straight It fell, but no one took the order.

The stock prices of IBM and Meiguo Apple (renamed Apple in 2000, formerly known as Meiguo Apple) have also fallen one after another, and the two companies are now in a panic internally.

It was very soft that the announcement was not made until noon on niuyue time, that is to say on the official side, in the face of a sudden lore, any struggle was meaningless.

Free and open source, many computer companies immediately sent people directly to Hong Kong Island to ask for open source code.

At the gate of Panshi Technology Company, many reporters were waiting. First of all, some European computer companies came to get the source code. They got the source code successfully, and the news was passed on immediately.

In the afternoon, IBM issued an announcement to terminate its cooperation with Verysoft. The capitalists only have interests in their eyes. In fact, IBM also terminated its cooperation with Verysoft later, but it maintained cooperation on the one hand and competition on the other.

And IBM has a free open source system inside, how could it be possible for you to be soft, even if your soft boss has great influence, but facing such unnecessary huge expenses, who would dare to continue to cooperate.

And the window system is easy to use, but it is a pity that the current Intel chip cannot support this window system...

You must know that the first generation of Xia chips should have appeared in the mid-1990s, but now it is the end of the 1980s...

As for the performance, just look at the crazy crowd, so high-performance computer only $ 8,000? Countless people sold their computers to buy Panda computers.

In terms of the number of chips, the Panda computer has more chips because of the addition of graphics chips... What about the rest?

Many large companies value the publicized LAN office system. The boss can see the progress of everything, and can issue instructions to everyone without making a phone call.

For a more efficient and transparent office environment, many large companies come to Panshi Software to customize this kind of system and office system suitable for their own enterprises.

Changsheng is the first big customer, and ordered a checkout system, warehouse management system, and cargo management system from Panshi.

He Gui didn't care about it, he relied on the advanced computer, which was very soft, and IBM was no match.

As for IBM wanting to do something, first ask Citibank, Caravan Bank, and dealers whether they are willing or not. Whoever enters the super large group of He's Enterprise will see the bank's business volume skyrocket.

Of course, there is another bank in Europe, London City Bank, which is also a cooperative bank. Anyway, He Gui will not choose your Feng, what the hell.

Now it is not He Gui who is begging other banks, but other banks are begging He Gui, and some even want to come in with discounted interest, but He Gui will not let it go for a while.

Contrary to the very soft IBM, Caravan Bank, Citibank's share price soared rapidly, and even Deutsche Bank, because it means that the business volume of these banks must have exploded this year.

He Gui is also known as the most successful man, directly dominating the entire media, newspapers, and the sales of Seven Degrees also doubled.

He Gui called Paul over, took out a document and handed it to Paul: "Paul, take a look first."

Paul picked up the document, read it carefully, and asked after reading it: "Boss, what is your purpose for doing this?"

"Development, you also know that once the network is turned on, any personal data will be known to us."

"So are these countries going to allow us to know any data about their country?"

"Phone, email, address, hobbies and even some private diaries?" He Gui shrugged and asked.

"The power of capital is very powerful, but once it concerns personal information security, most people will stand against us." He Gui said.

Paul took a deep breath: "I listen to the boss."

"Well, you first set up Panshi branches all over the world, mainly in Europe and America, and don't care about the mainland for the time being."

"After the establishment, recruit programmers, develop the website, and develop games, and then we will withdraw voluntarily and sell it for a good price." He Gui said.

Paul asked with some hesitation: "Isn't it too early to open a portal?"

"Paul, now that we start the portal website, we only have the first batch of users, and then sell it at a good price, and it's someone else's business to burn the money afterwards." He Gui shrugged.

Paul nodded, and then went to implement it immediately. The establishment of the portal will inevitably attract the attention of many people.

Then Paul came back and looked at He Gui suspiciously: "Boss, if we do this, it will be very soft?"

"I can't do anything about this. If we don't run it independently, we will definitely be embarrassed later, and the more we earn, the more others will be jealous." He Gui thought to himself, this person is smart but different. The problem came out on its own initiative, which was actually a kill for the soft one.

Panshi software knows how to run independently, what should you do if you are soft?

Paul scratched his hairless head and left.

"It's so miserable." He Gui read the newspapers on Hong Kong Island, IBM, the very soft stock has been falling for half a month, and its market value is only one-twentieth of its peak value.

Even Intel's stock price has plummeted, and it is said that it is ready to lay off employees. The performance of the chip is not as good as the Xia-level chip, not to mention the price/performance ratio.

Anyway, the United States is in chaos now, especially in technology, where countless technology companies have gone bankrupt.

As leading companies, IBM, Intel, and very soft are about to go bankrupt, so what about the rest?

Even the Western semiconductor industry has fallen into a cold winter, because the routes taken are different, but the European and American Internet companies have come to spring again.

Fortunately, Panshi and Longgu, two big companies, quickly set up branches in the United States and Europe, quickly recruited talents, and acquired some bankrupt but valuable industries.

As soon as Paul left, Herman came: "Boss, IBM wants to buy our chips, and also wants to license our technology?"

"Chips can be sold, and technology licensing can also be used." He Gui pondered for a while, and it seems that IBM is going to abandon Intel and is very soft.

Herman smiled: "I think so too. As Big Blue, once IBM has our authorization, it will be very easy to bring it back to life."

"There is no way to produce it for the time being. When their first-generation chips are put into production, our second-generation chips will be on the market again." He Gui shook his head.

"It can't be helped." Of course, Herman knew that in the field of chips, once he fell behind, he would fall behind every step of the way.

Now my own best-selling chip is more than five years advanced than other countries, how can I catch up with it? How to chase?

Moreover, the energy consumption of the Xia-level chip is 30% lower than that of Intel. What do you use Intel to break it?

You just redesign the chip now, and then manufacture it... My second generation may come out.

"However, IBM is not allowed to authorize others." He Gui added.

"Boss, I understand. I won't be so stupid. How about the commercial-grade chip?" He Gui asked about the second-generation chip.

"The laboratory has been successful, and it is a large-scale production process." Herman nodded.

"Okay then, let's do it." After signing the signature, He Gui let Herman leave.

Herman and Paul have also become celebrities in the world, pioneers in technology, and there is still no way for someone to use the very soft operating system. Panshi's operating system is very good, but unless it is a panda computer, it cannot run.

Many scientific research companies change computers immediately, and then large enterprises, because the Windows operating system is simple, just click the mouse, and the job is done.

It’s just a rotten system that is very soft, and it needs to input commands and the like. In addition, the internal LAN office also needs a panda computer, which is the window system, so that computers can enter the lives of ordinary people. Who the **** still remembers so many commands? .

Panda computer, UU reading dragon operating system, five-year-old children can learn in half an hour, and play some puzzle games...

Very soft, Intel's counterattack was faster than He Gui imagined. On the third day, He Gui received the news that some media in the United States used data security and national security as an issue.

Holding the newspaper, Paul admired He Gui even more, and the boss actually had a foresight.

"Paul, according to the plan, an announcement will be made, the IPO will be launched worldwide, and the IPO of the branch company will be carried out according to the area on my profile, and it will operate independently." He Gui looked at it and had to admire the reaction of the very soft people. In less than twenty days, the weakness of the counterattack was found.

"Boss, I think you should speak up." Paul said.

He Gui nodded, and then said: "Then tomorrow morning."

The next day, when He Gui appeared at the press conference of Panshi Technology Company, reporters interviewed him one after another.

"Mr. Ryan, what do you think about some people criticizing Panshi software for bringing security risks to their respective countries?"

"I agree with this point of view, which is why I want to disclose the operating system. In the future Internet era, as long as the owner of the system wants to, he can take away all your privacy, phone number, address, email, and even peek at your Secret Diary."

"However, when criticizing Panshi Software, I would like to ask other software development companies why no one has raised this issue for so many years,"

After He Gui finished speaking, he left directly. This was a slap in the face. Many European media reporters were a little confused when they thought that the computer they used might monitor everything about them.

"Welcome everyone to the press conference. The first thing I want to say is that all continents are not yet connected to the Internet, so data security is pure nonsense."

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