Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 576: 8 party vibration

Since stepping into the late stage of Divine Realm, Pei Junlin's cultivation has shown a rocket-like speed soaring. In the same stage, without fear of any, there are already many strong demon gods in the late stage, and he was beheaded on the spot.

Therefore, when he opened the road, the seawater was instantly dyed red, and a large whale was directly detonated by the front. Wherever he passed, all the strong whales who fell on the road fell quickly, even if they were the strong ones in the late period of the demon god. The vomiting blood that was also bombarded flew back.

Huh! !! !!

In this chaotic situation, the spacecraft burst into extreme speed, and finally broke through the interception of the whale family, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the ocean.

"Chasing! Chasing! Don't let these abominable humans run away!"

In the rear, there are several spaceships that are also chasing rapidly. They are the strong ones of the whale family. This time the whale family lost two peaks of the demon gods. This kind of loss is really too big. No one can afford it!

But the human ship in front of it was very fast, far faster than theirs. All the strong men of the whale family saw with open eyes that the ship was getting farther and farther until it became invisible.


A strong man slaps down and almost disintegrates the spaceship, angrily.

"They can't run, the entire sea here is the site of our whales, tens of millions of eyeliners!"

There are also powerful whispers, and the venomous color is undisguised.

Soon, the sea area belonging to the whale family was boiling. All the siren are searching for the position of the human spacecraft. I have to say that the siren's intelligence network is really too strong and there are many eyeliners. Wide-eyed Siren eyes.

It is just one thing to discover where they are, and another thing to grasp. The more they know, the more powerful the whales ’face becomes as dark as the bottom of the pot.

"Report, that human spaceship has passed through Spar City!"

"The newspaper, the human spaceship has passed through the ancient city ..."

"Report, that human spaceship ..."

With the passage of time, when the Kraken Powers finally reported that the human spacecraft had successfully crossed their seas and a new land, they completely lost their voice!

After all, their powerful family of whales did not stop others and successfully broke through. This is a matter of dignity.

The whale family has been one of the overlords in the Siren World since ancient times, but now it has been a small team of human beings. Not only did they not kill the two demon peaks, they also regarded the whale territory as nothing and successfully escaped.

At the time when all the strong whales were angry and angry, finally, the patriarch of the whale family returned from the distant royal court, and as soon as he appeared, he issued a command to inspire all the strong whales.

"Let Jingtian return from the mysterious realm, take my family's treasure to break the sword, and kill humans!"

When this news came out, the whole whale family was up and down.

Who is that who is shocking, that is the most outstanding genius of this whale family, young, but already already the top power of the late demon god, it is rumored that the peak of the demon **** can be broken at any time.

With such geniuses appearing, the lethality is even worse than the peak of a demon god, and the body also carries the Arcana Sword of the Whale family, which is definitely a level of treasure with Dinghaizhu. It is said that the Sword Crafted from the teeth of a demon ancestor of the whale family, it is terrible.

At the same time, the chief of the whale family also issued a notice to the entire sea area, asking all the ethnic groups in the Kraken World to join forces to drive these human, plant, and animal demon clans who endanger one side to the trial place.

At that time, the entire trial land will become a venue for all the Kraken Powerhouses to focus on crusade and revenge.

In the past few years, the human, plant, and animal demon clans have not broken into the Kraken world and plundered resources. Almost everyone has adhered to the rules and honed and slaughtered in the prescribed trial place. Where would it be? This time, humans and demons were so presumptuous that they dared to break into the world of sea monsters one after another and wreak havoc.

It's too uncomfortable to make the entire sea smoky!

And when the patriarch of the whale clan issued a notice, the patriarch of the mermaid clan quickly appeared, issuing a similar announcement, and bluntly said that the mermaid genius Hailianqing is about to return from the mystery, carrying the treasures of the mermaid clan, trial place.

At the same time, the chief of the tiger shark family also spoke. The Tianjiao of the tiger shark family was about to go out and the goal was directed at humans!

The whale family, the tiger shark family, and the mermaid family have issued the same announcements, directly shaking the entire Siren World.

Many Kraken forces that were too far away realized the unusualness, and immediately sent out spies to inquire. Soon after, all the incidents in the Huxiao Sea area surfaced.

When I learned that there were a group of humans, which successively hit the Mermaid family, the Tiger Shark family, and the Whale family, they successively snatched the dragon grass, ransacked a city treasure house of the Mermaid family, and then snatched the precious sharks of the Tiger Shark family When a prince of the tiger and shark family approached the whale family's territory, they used killing weapons such as Dinghaizhu and God of War to kill the two demon peak fighters of the whale family and committed a **** case. Siren World, all directions shake!

All Kraken forces were shocked by the **** crimes committed by humans.

Especially when they learned that the humans who committed such a **** case were only a small team of only fourteen or five people, they were even more shocked.

The arrogant lords of countless Hai clan forces are out of control, one by one.

The dignity of the sacred sea people cannot be trampled on, and human beings must pay their dues!

This is the slogan of all Kraken forces! !! !!

It seems that this human squad has provoked the anger of the Kraken Strong!

But in private, I do n’t know how many strong people there are, but the targets I remember are Nahualongcao and Dinghaizhu, the pride of the sea monster forces, one after another, or out of the mystery, There is only one goal, Trial Land!

According to the previous rules, the trial place is a place once every three years, but this year's human and demon races are a bit too detached. Many humans and demon races broke into it without permission. Hinterland of the Siren World.

It made the entire world of the Kraken world so stubborn and frustrating that the whale family, the tiger shark family, and the mermaid family, which suffered the most damage, joined together and demanded that all the Kraken forces join forces to drive these humans and demons to trial. They are not allowed to step into the hinterland of the Kraken World.

Among them, it belongs to this small team of Pei Junlin. The most hateful thing is that the blood debt they have committed is too amazing.

However, under the tough methods of the whole Kraken forces to expel, Pei Jun came to a wave of people and was forced to rush to the so-called trial place.

As the so-called just breaks easily, the fronts of these people were too strong. Under the angry flames of the demon, it is better to keep a low profile, especially on the way to escape. Xia Houping and Na Lanhao , Huangfu Phoenix, Lengshuangshuang, Bailifeiyan, Luo Yan, and others, gradually showed signs of breakthrough.

This does not allow too high-profile, everything is to wait for the strength of everyone to improve.

Located in the trial ground, deep in the ground of a barren mountain, Pei Junlin and others dug a pit to hide here, one by one dormant cultivation.

The so-called trial place is just a specific area of ​​the Kraken World. This area is also extremely vast, the sea and land are interlaced, the mountains are steep, and the mountains are stacked.

When Pei Junlin and his party chose to dormant, this trial land gradually became lively. Without him, under the cooperation of the whole Siren, all the young kings of the human, plant-based and animal-based monsters All drove here.

At the same time, the high level of the Kraken World gave an order, only this group of strong men was allowed to operate here, otherwise if they step up, they will be punished by the iron blood of the Kraken World.

It is really this time this year that these guys are too frustrating. None of these strong ones is a fuel-saving lamp. Just picking out one of them is a genius. All of them sneak into the Kraken world, enough to cause great damage, even if it is With the power of the Siren World, I also have some headaches.

There was a human squad before. The flail whales, mermaids, and tiger sharks were the best examples.

These genius peers will only be able to fight and kill. If they are killed by the older generation, it will definitely be a lot of trouble. I am afraid that it will cause some unimaginable consequences. For such a thing, the high level of the Siren World Don't want to take it.

In the end, it was strictly ordered to confine a group of geniuses to one place. They are the best kings of their peers. They fight with each other. No one is dead or injured. They can also hone and detect each other's younger generation. The ultimate strength is more than one thing.

Soon, this trial place became lively, and the teams that had difficulty meeting each other for more than half a month gradually met again.

Among them are the human team, the plant-based demon team, and of course the animal-based demon team. In addition, the young king of the Kraken World is naturally indispensable.

It's just that the atmosphere is weird. All the strong men have found that everyone's war will not be so strong, but the atmosphere of gossip is getting stronger and stronger. Almost all the teams that have encountered each other are discussing one thing.

This incident has recently intensified. The continuous string of sugar gourds has successively offended the mermaid family, the tiger shark family, and the whale family and the three sea monster overlords. The human team with an incredible record is sacred.

It is said that there is no airtight wall in the world, and soon Pei Junlin's small team was quickly excavated. After all, they encountered the powerhouses such as the Taiheng and Lanjun Lord of the Botanical Demon Clan.

Even if the strong men such as Lanjun have not seen the pictures of Pei Junlin and Prince Qiong joining hands to kill the whale family of demon gods, the answer is already obvious.

As soon as the news came out, not only the demon tribe, but also the strong men in humans were shocked.

The names of Pei Junlin and others ~ ~ are completely known to all the strong!


In the area of ​​a trial place, Yang Xue and Sun Kai's team was here. At the moment of hearing the news, Yang Xue slapped slaps and said, "I have said it earlier, it must be the last name Pei That guy! Unsurprisingly! "

Sun Kai next to him also admired: "This Pei Junlin is really getting more and more aggressive. It's really not good to be dissatisfied! I heard that he directly broke through the level and has reached the later stage of God's realm! We these Children of the Supreme Family, really have to work hard! "

At the same time, in another area of ​​the trial place, the Dongfeng family and the Zhuge family were here. After confirming the news, the teams of the two supreme families were silent.

A group of young geniuses of the Dongfeng family clenched their fists one after another, and Dongfeng's face was gloomy: "The surname of Pei really can't stay here anymore, it must be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise, it will become a big problem in the future!"

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