Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 574: The cooperation of Ding Haizhu and Tushen Chariot!

A family of whales dispatched to target Dragon Grass and Ding Haizhu!

Either of these two kinds of treasures is the existence of even the Supreme Realm who is strong, not to mention the ordinary demon **** strong. After learning the news, the whale family has made up their minds to seize these two opportunities. Treasures you can't find.

Among them is Nading Haizhu, which is the treasure of the tiger and shark family. It can determine everything in the world. The magical power is immense. I do n’t know how many Siren forces are stunned. Nowadays, it can be easily obtained by killing these humans. It should not be too easy. .

The two demon peak strongmen broke out at full speed, the speed exceeded three times the sound barrier, and the distance between the two sides in the blink of an eye continued to shorten.

That horrible speed made everyone's pupils shrink slightly.

Pei Junlin is better. He is now the top power in the later stage of Divine Realm. With full strength, the speed can exceed three times the sound barrier, but except for him, everyone is weak, and the speed explosion is naturally difficult. Keep up.

At this rate, it won't be long before everyone will be caught up, and the consequences will be difficult to imagine.

However, what made Pei Junlin and others look ugly was far more than that. At this moment, a majestic sound of great majesty suddenly rang through the whole world.

"Botanical demon clans, today's incident is just a grudge between my whale clan and humans, and it has nothing to do with you! The king is kind and allows you to choose another way to escape!"

As soon as the words fell, Pei Junlin and others immediately changed their faces. The old **** of the whale clan were too abominable, while the demon clan such as Taiheng and Lanjunzhu were shocked and happy.

"Haha, Pei Junlin, I didn't expect you to have today!"

The Lan Jun master showed a gruesome grin on his pretty face, let alone his heart be happy.

Too horizontal complexion was full of excitement, which was an unexpected joy. The pie heaven came down, just as the so-called wicked man has his own wicked mill. Pei Jun came to the group of human beings and behaved evil.

"Let's go! Quickly leave this right and wrong place!"

The young king of the sunflower family was too horizontal, and decisively ordered that the place was full of crises. He already had hair all over his body and wanted to leave for a long time to return to the trial.

Soon, a group of botanical monsters chose to leave in the thick gloat, one by one showing the expression that you are waiting to die.

"Boss Pei, you are the fastest and the most powerful, otherwise you should run away and leave us alone!"

The feeling of despair shrouded everyone's hearts. This was really the worst crisis they encountered. The two demon gods were hunted down by the strongest, and there were dense and powerful whales in the sea below. Tian Luo Di Net.

Such a battle is simply no way to heaven and no door to the ground.

At the critical moment, Li Tianpei directly spoke.

He was very clear about Pei Junlin's strength. If only Pei Junlin was alone, it would not be difficult to escape, but for them, Pei Junlin's speed was greatly curbed.

"What fart, is that the kind of person I am!"

Pei Junlin yelled, his face was somber and terrible, and flames of light were jumping in the black eyes.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and quickly turned his head to the prince Qiong next to him: "Ding Haizhu can't get it now?"

Before Wang Ziqiong used the moonlight treasure box to obtain Ding Haizhu, Pei Junlin had quietly asked the other party what was going on. Was the guy named Luna wondering?

Wang Ziqiong informed that all of these were the actions of the Moonlight Treasure Box, and no one controlled them.

Pei Junlin understood that the instrumental spirit in the moonlight treasure box might have awakened. As the most powerful chaotic spirit treasure in the universe, the moonlight treasure box already has its own wisdom.

As such anti-existent existence, in fact, it is not a person who chooses treasures, but treasures who choose their masters. After the masters are not strong, the treasures will decide their own ideas according to their own behavior.

"Zi Qiong, now you use all your strength to communicate the instrumental spirit in that treasure box. In any case, you must borrow Nading Haizhu once!" Pei Junlin was anxious.

Ding Haizhu's magical powers are extremely vast. If such a treasure can be used, then there may be a silver lining in this situation of nine dead.

Wang Ziqiong nodded quickly, and then stopped speaking, apparently trying to communicate with the instrument of the moonlight treasure box.

Moonlight Treasure Box, since it can choose Wang Ziqiong, it proves that it is recognized from the bottom of the heart, so it is not that there is no hope of lending Ding Haizhu.

Sure enough, the time was not long, and Wang Ziqiong's beautiful face on the face of peerlessness appeared a look of surprise, shouting: "Success!"

Then, in her jade hand, a whole body of blue and shining pearls appeared, which was Ding Haizhu.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised.

Pei Junlin anxiously said, "Will you use it ?!"

The more advanced treasures, the more requirements are required.

As a treasure, Haizhu must be driven by a unique secret.

Prince Qiong nodded quickly. The instrumental spirit of the Moonlight Treasure Box not only gave her Ding Haizhu, but also taught her the secret method of driving. As a Chaos Lingbao, she could do everything. .

"Well, listen to me later. Today our husband and wife team together to hunt down the real demon peak!"

Pei Junlin's whole body was desperate, and the sudden appearance of the whale clan completely annoyed him. This race was more abominable than the mermaid clan and the tiger shark clan.

Around the world, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Bai Yulong, and others heard Pei Junlin's so decisive voice, and immediately his eyes showed the look of Greek wings.

"You keep running, Ziqiong and I stay to kill the enemy!"

Pei Junlin said. After everyone was silent, he nodded quickly, his face was ugly and terrible, and he clenched his fists.


At the same time, the two whales and a group of demon gods who are hunting down in the rear are constantly approaching and killing each other, and they make a soft beep. What do they see? The two humans in the front who were running away actually chose to stop, while the others People chose to continue to escape.

"Is this always the dead in the human world?"

"It's just that this strength is too sloppy, one is okay, but the other is only in the early days of Hades! Haha!"

Seeing this, the two demon peak strong men laughed at each other, and did not conceal their inner contempt, because they had such arrogant capital.

Suddenly, at this moment, the faces of the two demon peak strong men changed at the same time, exclaiming exclaimed: "Slaying the chariot ?!"

"This is impossible. How could human beings have a slaughter vehicle for God ?! And they were carried on your body !!!"

When Pei Junlin summoned the ridiculous God of Slaughter Chariot from the space ring, the two demon gods who were still full of ridicule and disdain suddenly changed their faces and quickly braked in midair.

As powerful monster demon peak powers, how can they not know the name of the slaughter chariot, this is definitely a nightmare in the hearts of all the sea monster powers, no, exactly, the demon **** peak powers.

Because the slaughter chariot is almost dedicated to killing the demon peak power, in the battle with the plant animal department, the Siren Power lost under this slaughter chariot may have reached double digits. Can be described as heavy losses.

Seeing that the two demon **** peaks were successfully suppressed by the reputation of Tushen chariot, Pei Junlin showed a cold smile on his face and beckoned to the two demon **** peaks: "Aren't the two of you always strong? Come on! come!"

"Human, you only have one God Slayer, but we are two. Do you think you can kill both of us at the same time?"

A demon peak strong, said coldly.

"And the tank of God of Slaughter is not a panacea. I am afraid it is difficult for us to lock in with your ability! You are so naive!"

Another strong peak of the demon **** also said quickly.

They are indeed the top powerhouses who have been famous for many years. They are very good in both mentality and concentration. In addition to the initial turmoil, they quickly calm down and directly address the problems that Pei Junlin is facing.

Immediately, the unbelievable hot rays of light were revealed in the eyes of the two demon gods, and they stared at the gigantic butchery chariot.

"Haha, today's harvest is really too big, I did not expect such unexpected surprises!"

Like humans, the Kraken Strong also suffered the suffering of the God of Chaos chariot. The strong who lost under this chariot is very heavy. However, the plant-based monsters and animal-based monsters really protect the God of Chaos. Great, Siren Strong hasn't got one yet.

At this moment, seeing this powerful big killer is close at hand, they can't help but not be excited. As long as they can get this slaughter chariot, then it is definitely not difficult to copy a powerful accomplishment from the Siren against the method. thing.

At that time, the entire battle situation will change for this purpose, and its role is much greater than Dinghaizhu and Hualongcao.

For a moment, the two demon peak powerhouses quickly unfolded without hesitation and pushed towards Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong. They were very smart. They kept walking in the shape of snakes as they approached, making it difficult to determine their true orientation. .


At this time, Pei Junlin did not hesitate to quickly fill 10,000 high-quality Lingjing into the inside of the Tushen chariot. Suddenly, a dazzling light emerged from the Tushen chariot. Twelve powerful fierce beasts sent out excitement. Hissing, unparalleled, and raging.

"Ziqiong, it is now !!!"

Seeing that the two demon peak powerhouses were getting closer and closer to them, with less than a thousand meters left, Pei Junlin suddenly yelled.

"Ding Haishen needle, you can set everything, set !!!"

A very cold voice sounded between heaven and earth, and Prince Qiong did not hesitate to urge the secret method already prepared, and directly offered Ding Haizhu.

Suddenly, Dinghaizhu burst into a dazzling dazzling blue light, shrouding the tens of miles, including the two strongest peaks of the demon gods, and even the fast-moving whales on the sea. , Also settled.

"Not good !!! It is Ding Haizhu !!!"

At the moment when Prince Qiong worshiped Ding Haizhu ~ ~ the two demon peak apex strong men, all the ghosts died instantly.

This set of Haizhu combined with the Tushen chariot is simply a set of flawless killing machines. One can set everything, and one has unbeatable lethality, and the non-respectable can't resist it! !! !!

At this instant, the breath of death completely shrouded the hearts of the two demon **** peak powerhouses, as powerful as them, and completely panicked.

"Quick! Use the secret treasure !!!"

At the peak of the two demon gods, they felt that they had gradually lost control of their bodies, and the dead souls risked, and they quickly inspired their life-saving secrets without hesitation.


At this moment, the earth-shattering roar blew up, and the Peking Junlin's God-slaying chariot made a loud noise, then sprayed out a long tail of extinction light, heading for one of the demon gods.

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