Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 561: Devouring Dragon Grass!

"Human, you are despicable !!!"

The angry scream of the mermaid princess rang through the city's main government, attracting the attention of the three princes Joan, Li Tianpei, and Huangfu Phoenix.

Then they saw a black iron egg rushing into the face of Mermaid Princess with speed as fast as electricity.

"Earthquake !!!"

After seeing the black iron egg flying fast, the three instantly recognized what it was, and for a moment, they all looked weird and quickly reversed.

How powerful is the Earthquake Thunder? The three of them have all seen it with their own eyes. It is definitely a great killer that can instantly damage or kill a demon **** later. I am afraid that only the Bai family can make it on the entire earth. .

When Pei Junlin entered the mermaid town, he once asked Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei brothers to ask for one each, but he didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

When I saw the extremely powerful Mermaid Princess, it was just so easy to be forced back by a shocking thunder waved by Pei Junlin. When Prince Qiong, Li Tianpei, and Huangfu Phoenix felt funny, they also made a secret decision, and if they have a chance in the future, they must Ask the two brothers of the Bai family to borrow such a big killer.

Even if it pays a great price, it is necessary to know that such a big killer can really save lives at a critical moment!


Earthquake roar exploded, energy boiled, and Zhentian Lei finally exploded on the edge of the mermaid princess's body. Her speed was no faster than Zhen Tianlei's speed.

Standing hundreds of meters away, the princes Qiong, Li Tianpei, and Huangfu Fenghuang who used body protection all felt a powerful energy coming to their faces, shaking their blood and impetuousness.

The three were quietly waiting for the result of the final explosion, and Pei Junlin's figure on the other side stood proudly in the void.

This terrible explosion not only shocked them, but all the strong men around the city's mansion looked at them. Among them, Ye Tianxing, Bailifeiyan, Xia Houping, who blocked many sea monster powers outside the city's mansion. Nalanhao and others also paid special attention to the changes here.

But suddenly, Pei Junlin, who was standing in the void, shrank his pupils, his face became extremely gloomy, and he screamed angrily: "Kill !!!"

The sword sounded suddenly, Qinghong sword turned into a green awn, straight into the boiling energy fluctuation center.

"Hee hee, ridiculous human, you think you can kill me with just a few thunderstorms, it's just stupid!"

Feijian rushed into the boiling energy, a chuckle came suddenly, and then a flamboyant figure flew out.

I saw the mermaid princess who should have been badly hit, but at this moment was unscathed, like a fairy, in her tall and perfect figure, I do n’t know when she was covered with a layer of moon white light. Increasingly glamorous and glamorous.

"Secret !!!!!!"

Pei Junlin spit out two words gently, and his face was very unsightly, because this was the second time he encountered such a secret treasure. The last time he used Haitian Thunder to kill that Haiquanyi, he also wore some kind of A powerful secret treasure, thus resisting the thunder of Zhentian Lei.

This time the mermaid princess also wore a similar secret treasure, which caused two precious earthquake mines to expire.

"Humans, surrender Hualongcao and all the treasures of our tribe you got. Princess Princess may still be able to leave you a whole body!"

When Pei Junlin's face was gloomy, the charming smile on Princess Mermaid's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented bitterness and coldness.

"Stupid, don't you think this is a disgrace to you?"

Pei Junlin heard the words, and the gloom on his face quickly collapsed, replaced by a strong war.

Since Zhentian Lei can no longer be used, then it is not necessary, a demon **** is only late enough, which is not enough for Pei Junlin to fear.

"Ziqiong, Fenghuang, and Lao Li, ten minutes! You help me delay ten minutes!"

Suddenly, Pei Junlin turned to Wang Ziqiong and others.

The words fell in the hands of Pei Junlin, and suddenly a crystal green herb appeared. This herb looked very ordinary, but it faintly exuded a strange breath, with a sacred and holy charm.

"That is……"

The princess who killed the biting mermaid princess, and then saw the medicinal herb, it was a stun, and then her face changed greatly, and she first whispered: "Hualong grass!"

For all creatures in the world, the dragon grass is a treasure of heaven and earth, which is enough to cause the madness of any creature, even the strongest in the state of honor.

When it was determined that the herb was the treasure dragon grass, the pair of eyes of the mermaid princess became red directly, and a horrible breath erupted throughout the body, which flew directly towards Pei Junlin's body. Its posture can really use a madness To describe.

"Leave it to Lao Tzu !!!"

The roar sounded, and Li Tianpei, who had been waiting for energy, waved his sword to stop it at the same time. At the same time, Prince Qiong and Huangfu Phoenix also moved, and the three did not hesitate to burn their destiny again, blocking the mermaid princess madly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Pei Junlin first quickly set up a defensive array around his body, and then quickly swallowed that strain of dragon grass into his mouth, swallowing it in his stomach three or two times later.

Originally according to his plan, he would return to the earth after the operation of Siren World, and then find time to slowly refine the plant, so that the full effect of the plant can be fully exerted, and even Benefit the people around you.

But the current situation is critical, the Siren is far beyond expectations, and can only choose to take Hualongcao.

When Hualongcao entered the body, suddenly, a strange energy rose from Pei Junlin's chest and abdomen, and then quickly spread all over the body, all limbs and bones, the whole body suddenly turned into a stove, becoming red like carbon.

A pain like the bite of ten thousand insects rose from the whole body. The unique dragon spirit possessed by Hualongcao is changing all his flesh. At this moment, Rao Yi Pei Junlin's strong fixation could not help humming. , The whole body muscles are shaking slightly.

The dragon is one of the most powerful beings in the depths of the world, and there are very few creatures that can match it.

The dragon's physical body is the best among them, and they are unmatched. The dragon gas and dragon blood that they inherently possess are the holy holy goods that all beings in the world desire.

When Pei Jun was in the world of thousands and thousands, the reason why he was against the dragon was to get the dragon blood and dragon spirit, so that he could become stronger.

At present, although a trace of dragon gas bred in this strain of dragon grass is enough, it is enough for Pei Junlin's current cultivation.

Secretly, in the body of Pei Junlin, there were sounds of dragons.

"Asshole! Asshole! You all die for this princess !!!"

Seeing that Pei Junlin had already taken that strain of dragon grass, the mermaid princess was so angry that she turned out to have another bronze sword in her hands. This sword is obviously an ancient treasure, very Powerful, constantly chopping Wang Ziqiong, Li Tianpei, Huangfu Phoenix.

Unfortunately, she totally underestimated the resilience of the strong human beings, especially the three in front of her, even if they were not as crazy as the mermaid princess.

Among them, Wang Ziqiong had the weakest accumulation of accumulation. He was beaten and did not know how much blood he had vomited. His face turned golden, but he still clenched his teeth.

Li Tianpei's chest was also severely damaged. He was sunken in a large area, and his mouth continued to cough up blood, but he persisted.

The situation of Huangfu Phoenix is ​​also very bad. She is proficient in the Tianleidi Shagong of the Huangfu family. It has been greatly suppressed in the depths of the ocean, and 70% of her skills cannot be exerted, and her body has suffered in many places. The wound of sharp sword light.

"Pei Junlin, are you okay? The three of us are about to hold on!"

Huangfu Phoenix made an anxious voice, she really was about to reach the limit.

It's not just the three of them. Outside the city's mansion, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Ye Tianxing, Baili Feiyan, Leng Shuangshuang, Luo Yan and others are also madly stopping the crazy Siren.

But the number of sea monsters is really too much. Their actions have thoroughly stirred up the anger of the sea monsters. Many of the sea monsters stormed into the city's main government house and rushed towards the mid-air battle circle.

Assist the mermaid princess to snipe Li Tianpei, Wang Ziqiong and Huangfu Phoenix.

You know, if you can really kill any of them, it will definitely be a huge contribution, enough to make the rest of your life smooth and enjoy countless glory and wealth.

There is no such thing as a Kraken powerhouse, and the whole situation can be described as a madness.

There are really too many Krakens, and they can't kill them all, especially some of them are strong in the middle and late stages of the demon gods. Even if there are not many, they are very difficult.

"Well, what a big thing happened, why didn't you tell our brothers, really when we were dead?"

At the critical moment, two familiar breaths suddenly approached, and it was the two brothers Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei who had been guarding the outside of the city.

The two of them sensed the abnormality in the city outside the city, and they can't rest assured. They went straight through the barrier and flew in the direction of the city's main government.

With the joining of these two new forces, the pressure on all human strongmen has finally eased, but it is still very tight, especially the three men, Prince Joan, Li Tianpei, and Huangfu Phoenix, who are fighting the Mermaid Princess. It is extremely dangerous. Are about to be broken!

This mermaid princess is really strong ~ ~ It is definitely the top genius in Siren's world, no doubt, and there are many treasures on her body, and the means are endless.

"Jinglin, we can't stand it !!!"

The situation became more and more critical, and finally Prince Joan couldn't help but speak out.

Hum! !! !!

Finally, Pei Junlin, who was always sitting cross-legged and absorbed in the dragon grass, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the chaos of the killing war, whether it is a human power or a sea monster power, all of them have a strong pressure at the same time.

The situation is like the legendary blood pressure from higher creatures, hitting the deepest part of the soul, making people feel a sense of fear.

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