Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 557: Siren World

In front of it, Pei Junlin, who was burning the fate of his fate, escaped, and turned back when he heard the familiar voice, then burst out two unbelievable lights of joy in his black eyes.

When the spacecraft approached, he quickly unfolded at a high speed, approached quickly, and then the spacecraft's hatch opened, and Pei Junlin got into the spacecraft.

"Snoring! Snoring!"

After entering the spacecraft, Pei Junlin was like an old cow, breathing heavily, sweating all over his body, and felt a sense of the rest of his life.

All that was just too dangerous just now, it was just a race against death, and it was completely completed a little slower.

Although he hasn't completely escaped yet, I don't know how much easier he was when he escaped alone.

"Well, Pei Junlin, why is the smell of sweat on your body so fragrant, isn't it a treasure of heaven?"

Suddenly, Li Tianpei's nose trembled and his face was shocked.

Others heard the words, and immediately started to inhale, then a pair of eyes lit up quickly, staring at Pei Junlin lying on the seat.

"Mad, are you all dogs? How can your nose be so good!"

Pei Junlin immediately laughed and cursed when he heard the words: "Also, you see how tired I am, and no one comforts me, I'm thinking of treasures, and there isn't any good ..."

A gentle little mouth suddenly blocked Pei Junlin's next words, and Prince Qiong, who remained silent next to him, suddenly stepped forward and kissed Pei Junlin, and said gently, "My husband, they don't want to save you, but I stopped them from trying to save you, because I know you can break out! "

"If you can't even get out, all of us here will be all trapped, and the situation will get worse. If you want to blame, blame me alone!"

Pei Junlin stared at the pale cheeky face in front of his eyes, and suddenly smiled and touched him with a stroke: "Fool, you are right, how can I blame you!"

"Slum, what time is it now, can you two couples no longer throw dog food in public like this? Anyway, we should also worry about the feelings of our single dogs!"

Ye Tianxing shouted, others also covered his eyes exaggeratedly, shouting hot eyes, hot eyes!

Wang Ziqiong's pale and pretty face showed a touch of crimson, but he was generously snuggled up with Pei Junlin.

"This time I did get a lot of natural treasures and Hualongcao, but unfortunately, there is only one such treasure, which cannot be shared equally with everyone."

At this time, in front of Pei Junlin, a large number of dense treasures suddenly floated out, among which there were many kinds of exotic fruits, and the scent of fragrance filled the entire cabin.

The strong medicinal scent attracted Bai Yufei, who was sailing, causing the spacecraft in the speeding forward to almost overturn, scaring everyone to scold him for concentrating on sailing.

Then, everyone made excitement, all eyes glowed, staring at the rare elixir and exotic fruit in front of them.

"This time, the biggest contribution was the brothers Bai Yufei and Bai Yulong. They not only contributed the spacecraft, but also consumed a lot of spirit crystals to drive the spaceship. Therefore, among these treasures, the two brothers Two points per person! "

"As for me, I have four points, and the remaining two points are shared by others!"

"Everyone has no opinion ?!"

Everyone quickly shook their heads. There was no objection to this distribution. After all, except for Pei Junlin, Bai Yufei, and Bai Yulong, everyone was really playing soy sauce. No opinion at all.

"Oh, right! There is a kind of alien fruit that can help the tempering of the flesh, but this alien fruit is certainly not enough for everyone to share. I would like to ask, who is about to face a breakthrough now, and I am going to bring this kind of Give him priority! "

Pei Junlin suddenly picked up a red fruit, and said.

The atmosphere of the lively cabin suddenly became quiet. Everyone you look at me, I look at you, and finally Li Tianpei hesitated to raise his hand and said, "Can you give me a different fruit? I am only one step away from the middle of breaking through the realm It's up! "

Pei Junlin laughed and said, "Of course no problem!"

"Pei Junlin, I'm only a little bit away from the middle of the realm ..." Zhang Pingping said immediately, saying an embarrassed look.

Pei Junlin smiled again and threw two alien fruits at will, and continued to ask, "Are there any people who are about to break through?"

"Boss Pei, I! I!"

Ye Tianxing jumped out, charming.

Pei Junlin gave the other one, then looked at the only two fruit left in his hand, turned around and handed it to the brothers Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei.

"Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, and Ye Tianxing, since the three of you have taken the fruit, the rest of the other resources are not yours!"

The three nodded quickly, and then Pei Junlin began to allocate other resources. Everyone gained a lot, and even the least received several elixir.

When Pei Junlin was allocating resources, at this time, the entire area of ​​the Tigers and Seas had already set off a stormy sea. The incident of hundreds of sea monster powerhouses hunting down a ship together alarmed more sea monster powerhouses. .

When we learned that the spaceship turned out to be a group of humans, suddenly, a large earthquake occurred in the entire Huxiao sea area. Countless Siren Powers appeared from all sides and joined the encirclement army.

There are even many Kraken forces that have dispatched spacecraft to intercept. After all, the spacecraft consumes Lingjing. As long as Lingjing supplies continuously, it will chase after it tirelessly.

But what irritated the Kraken powerhouses was that the human ship was too treacherous, and often it was not a ghost, and the speed was far faster than any of the Kraken ships.

After several rounds of chasing down, the spacecraft did not catch up, but it exhausted all the Siren Strong.

What makes all the Siren Powers even more irritable is that from time to time in the spaceship, humans arrogantly laughed.

"What Kraken world, what **** is strong, in front of my people, all are ants!"

"The ocean is big, we want to see it!"

"The Kraken World can do it!"

That arrogant word has made countless Siren Powers so angry that one Buddha rises to heaven and the other Buddha knows it. I do n’t know how many powerful Siren forces, and vowed to kill all this abominable humanity.

Even many other powerful humans sneaking into the Kraken world, as well as those of the plant-based and animal-based monsters, have learned this amazing news.

"Who ?! Who in the end is so bold and brave, dare to pull out teeth and steal the dragon grass surrounded by hundreds of Siren Powers ?!"

Countless powerhouses have such doubts. Everyone knows that they are a human team, but this time there are many human powerhouses, who ca n’t know who they are.

Because after entering the Kraken World, everyone has been separated, and the Kraken World is really too big, it is difficult to think of encountering it again.

However, at the time when the numerous Siren forces were so angry, a thing happened to depress and insanely the numerous Siren Powerhouses. They even chased the spaceship and the abominable group of humans disappeared.

Even if they searched thousands of miles for the disappearance of the spacecraft and dug three feet in the ground, they could not find the abominable group of humans.

When most of the monsters left unwillingly and went to look for other places, in the depths of the sea bottom tens of thousands of meters, a seaweed-intensive place quietly emerged a few sneaky heads.

"It's safe! Come out!"

Pei Junlin passed the sound into the secret passage.

Soon, there were several sneaky heads emerging from the mud, one by one watching the eyes dripping around, and when it was determined that there was no sea monster power in this area, they finally breathed a sigh of relief. .

"Mad, you have run for thousands of miles, and you are finally getting rid of the bunch of followers!"

"The Kraken Power is exactly the same, isn't it just grabbing a little treasure of heaven and earth, and using such a large battle to surround us, grass!"

"In the last peak period, we were pursuing our sea monsters, and they were only demon gods. I'm afraid there are at least five hundred!"

"If you count those low-level siren, I'm afraid the number is more than 50,000 ..."

The group of people who lived for the rest of the disaster had a lot of fear in their faces. This time, the spaceship of the Bai family really contributed to the fact that everyone could escape.

"Where are we going next?" Wang Ziqiong asked.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at each other. In the end, they almost focused their eyes on Pei Junlin, waiting for his decision.

Because this has almost become a habit, every time when fighting against the demon tribe or when making a major event decision, Pei Junlin will lead the crowd, overcome obstacles, remove obstacles, and finally obtain a fruitful harvest.

So far, Pei Junlin's decision-making has never encountered any problems. Instead, he helped everyone to make great achievements and accumulate huge points.

In the face of major decisions, even the supreme family members such as Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei also attach great importance to Pei Junlin's opinion, because they know clearly that Pei Junlin is powerful.

Regardless of the aspect of cultivation alone, it is said that the cultivation of the formation method, the entire Bai family can surpass Pei Junlin's very few people. You must know that Pei Junlin's formation, but their Supreme Grandpa No pity for appreciation.

With a pair of scorching eyes, Pei Junlin's lacquered black eyes fell into a colorful underwater city in the distance. At this moment, the place where they avoided was not far from a sea monster city pond.

This submarine city is very large and very prosperous ~ ~ Sometimes we can see Siren Powers coming from all directions and pouring into it, which is obviously a very important transportation hub.

"Do you guys think that this Kraken city is very prosperous ?!"

Pei Junlin suddenly asked quietly.

Everyone was puzzled, but nodded quickly.

When you have not entered the Kraken world, everyone thinks that the Kraken world must be very barren. After all, in the understanding of countless human beings, the Kraken is actually very inaccessible and has low wisdom.

After real contact, the Kraken world is completely contrary to human imagination. It not only has flowers and flowers, but also has very high wisdom. race.

"Since it's so prosperous, if we accidentally looted their city treasure house, would we be able to make a fortune? It would be better than going to a flood-stricken mountain or killing a Siren Power and looting their resources More direct and overbearing? "

Pei Junlin said calmly.

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