Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 553: The underwater world

? Time flies is a few days. In the past few days, Pei Junlin, a man who disguised himself, crossed the sea. They crossed mountains and rivers, across rivers, and across plains.

During this period, naturally encountered countless Kraken forces, but with a group of people's superb acting skills and a strong concealed atmosphere, all were perfectly avoided.

The Kraken world is really too big, equivalent to the integration of the four earths, the more you go deeper, the more you feel the extraordinaryness of it.

Many of the flood-stricken mountains here have won the world's Zhong Lingxiu, with a variety of visions. There are peace and harmony like Ruicai, tigers and dragons, and some mountains are ferocious.

The depths of these huge mountains are obviously breeding unimaginable treasures. The hot rays of light in the eyes of the accompanying Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Li Tianpei, and others have never been broken.

Siren's powerful world is like a cloud. It's not unreasonable. It's just all the souls who know how to practice. The favorite place is rich in aura and countless treasures.

If it weren't for remembering the dragon grass, the small team would surely go deep into these flooded mountains and find out.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, a vast and endless sea area appeared in front of us, and the Huxiao sea area arrived!

The Siren World, although it has undergone major changes, has caused countless seas to wither and the deep sea to disappear, but the proportion of sea areas still accounts for the largest number.

At the same time, most of the Kraken cities are being built deep in the sea, and only a few will be built on land.

Looking at the vast sea in front of him, Wang Ziqiong was a little confused: "What shall we do now? Do we have to go straight into the sea? But this sea area is too big. We don't know where the so-called dragon grass is ..."

"Yeah, we are struggling with countless wisdom and strength, and we have gone all the way, but don't take a bamboo basket to fetch water, it feels like I really don't want to experience it!" Ye Tianxing also said.

For this purpose, they didn't know how many colorful things they had given up along the way, which contained the treasured mountains.

Pei Junlin is also looking closely at the sea area in front of him. The name of this sea area is also determined from the mouth of some sea monsters. 35xs

Suddenly, at this moment, Pei Junlin felt a bit, looked up at the sky, and saw that there was a huge flying fish in the sky, carrying several powerful figures on it, flying over them. Direct access to the deepest part of the sea.

"The demon god, and more than one ..."

When the powerful breath emanating from several Siren Powerhouses on that huge flying fish was felt, the faces of Li Tianpei and others changed directly.

"Are we a little too guilty this time? Since the dragon-swept sea area has a dragon grass, it will certainly attract countless Kraken powerhouses to gather. I do n’t know how many demon gods and even peak powerhouses haunt. I'm afraid that even the bones will not be left! "

Xia Houping retreated somewhat. Although their strength is very good, it depends on who they are facing. If they really want to break into the nest of the Kraken Strong, it will really be a sheep and a tiger. No residue will be left. .

"And the key is that this sea area is so large, how can we enter the ocean if we do not expose our strength!"

Xia Houping asked a key point.

Many people frowned. This is indeed a big problem. Unless, as before, continue to lie to some Siren Powerhouses and take them for a ride, but along the way, everyone finds that the Siren World is actually The rules are more brutal.

Many powerful Krakens are domineering, trample on lower-level Krakens, and are selfish. The strange fish leader they met earlier was willing to support them to cross the river, not because of good intentions, but because Feel the extraordinary of a group of people.

"Hey, you are all helpless!"

When everyone was at a loss, the two brothers Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei, who were regarded as prisoners under the order, suddenly laughed lightly and immediately caught everyone's attention.

"At a critical moment, we have to rely on our brothers!"

"Do you have a way to cross the sea ?!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, their eyes staring at the brothers Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei.

"That's natural, you don't see who we are!"

"As a child of the Supreme Family, how can you be stumped by such a small problem, isn't it shameful!"

Bai Yulong laughed proudly, and then the words fell out, and everyone's eyes suddenly darkened, and then a strangely shaped spacecraft appeared in front of everyone.

This spaceship is a fish-like body, a slender flat body with a sharp triangular shape at the forefront, a blue body, and a length of about seven or eight meters.

"You even carry such a treasure with you ?!"

Seeing this small spacecraft in front of everyone, everyone was extremely surprised.

"That's natural! Back when we learned that the destination was Siren World, we found this spaceship in the warehouse, in order to prevent it in case! Now it seems that it is just too thoughtful Come, you must like one! "

Bai Yufei said quietly: "And the spaceship in front of it is burning Lingjing, not any other fuel or anything!"

"Such awesome ?!"

"What are you waiting for, let's go in!"

"Lately, the dragon grass may be gone!"

The crowd shouted, then quickly opened the hatch and got in.

The spaceship is not big enough to hold everyone.

When everyone was seated, with the operation of Bai Yufei in the cockpit, the spacecraft snorted into the sea water and galloped straight.

"Fuck, this is fast!"

Seeing the scene in front of them constantly being thrown behind, everyone in the spacecraft was surprised and widened their eyes.

"That's natural. This spacecraft is as fast as a peak of Divine Realm, reaching three times the sound barrier!"

Bai Yufei proudly said: "Originally this spaceship was owned by the Siren. Later, it was obtained by the supreme grandfather of my family, and then modified to become what it is now!"

"And this spaceship also has a very special energy, which is to isolate the detection of spiritual power. How to say, the strong in the state of the Supreme Dare not to say that it is difficult to detect the situation inside the space of the space of!"

"It's awesome. Bai Zhizun really is a god!"

"It's omnipotent!"

"It is indeed China's No. 1 refining machine. This ability to create and transform is too powerful!"

The sound of exclamation rang through the spaceship, and everyone was shocked by the spacecraft's function. Even Pei Junlin's eyes showed admiration.

"Look, is that ... an undersea city ?!"

Suddenly, bursts of light appeared in the water ahead, attracting everyone's attention, and then quickly slowing down the spacecraft.

I saw a burst of colorful light coming out, like crystal paintings. The depth of the ocean was not expected to be dark, but the lights were bright and dazzling.

Many corals, underground rocks, and a variety of peculiar ores here are emitting bright light, and the entire bottom of the sea is colorful and dazzling.

They saw many shells the size of houses. This is where many Krakens live. In addition, there are houses made of various special ore. They are gorgeous and dazzling.

Many siren came in and out of such places, very happy.

The spaceship went a step further, and a huge and extremely submarine city caught everyone's sight.

"Dragon Palace! Dragon Palace !!!"

Seeing the magnificent and magnificent crystal palace, women such as Wang Ziqiong and Zhang Pingping are shining their eyes. The crystal palace below is so beautiful that it is definitely a place to dream of.

I'm afraid such scenes have only been seen in movies.

Even if it was Pei Junlin, there were some strange colors in his eyes. Although he had seen this scene countless times in the thousands of worlds, it was the first time since the earth was reborn. What surprised him even more was that the sea The demon world is much better than he expected.

There is definitely a complete set of civilizations here, the Krakens have formed their own civilization system.

Because he also saw that there are all kinds of streets and shops in this submarine city. Siren coming and going are very orderly. Among them, there are all kinds of treasures, exotic fruits, and broken ancient weapons that are unearthed and excavated. and many more.

"I really want to go shopping!"

Huangfu Phoenix sent her emotions. This scene is definitely a beautiful scene for all women. It ’s a sacred place for shopping ~ ~ Don't worry, we will definitely go down when we have a chance! "

Bai Yulong smiled and said, "The most important thing at the moment is to change the dragon grass!"

"Yu Fei, hurry up, keep up with the spaceship in front! They may be rushing to Hualongcao!"

Suddenly, Bai Yulong shouted loudly, his eyes staring at the front, where there was a spaceship almost in the shape of a shuttle.

In the Kraken World, the ship that can afford such a spacecraft is definitely an extremely distinguished master, and may be the descendant of a certain demon respecter.

Sure enough, following the way, the spacecraft passed through the heavy waters and finally reached the edge of a huge and incomparable island.

The reason why this island is huge is because this island penetrates tens of thousands of meters into the depths of the ocean. If it is not covered by seawater, this is definitely an extremely huge mountain.

This island is very extraordinary, and it emits a sacred luster from far away, very holy, like a noble deity, and cannot be blasphemed.

When the spacecraft broke out of the water, Pei Junlin and others sitting inside the spacecraft contracted their pupils directly.

I saw on the island hundreds of meters in front of the spacecraft, I do n’t know when, hundreds of sea monster powerhouses have already been gathered. The weakest ones are the powerhouses of the middle age of the demon god. A few of them are the cultivation of the demon god.

The powerful atmosphere of coercion made this sea area a forbidden area, and all the sea monsters within a hundred miles fled.


Suddenly, Pei Junlin, who was sitting in the spaceship, narrowed his eyes!


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