Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 551: First win!

At the moment when the powerful breath was revealed, Haiquan rushed into the boiling formation without hesitation.


Just then, the mutation happened again, and darkness fell from the sky, directly turning the entire valley into a dark world.

Block all perception here, except darkness or darkness!

The power of darkness, the night is coming!

When he felt that he had lost all his sense of the surrounding life, Haiquan's face changed greatly, and he jumped into the sky without hesitation, trying to leave this strange darkness.

He despised human abilities a bit, and the power of darkness came so unexpectedly!

But the next second, the sense of danger in his heart rose sharply, almost due to the fighting instinct, a trident in the hands of Haiquan, waving directly upwards.


In the dark, the faint sound of weapon collisions shook his arm.

As soon as Haiquan's face changed, this terrible power was almost on par with him. Is there such a strong man in humankind? !!

You should know that he is the demon god's later cultivation, and he is definitely the top representative in the world of the Kraken. I did not expect that as soon as he got off the horse, he suffered such a strong opponent, which was unexpected.

"Bai Yulong, at twelve o'clock, Zhentian Thunder killed me!"

At this moment, Pei Jun came directly to Bai Yulong after a clean blow in the dark sky, where he was the only master and the person who had insight into the whole situation.


Hearing Pei Junlin's voice into the dense, Bai Yulong shook his hands and threw out a thunderous thunder. In the darkness, the thunderous thunder reached Haiquanyi's body instantly and then exploded.


The terrible explosion of energy caused a dark sky, and a large blank appeared. Zhentian Thunder was enough to seriously damage or kill the demon god's later existence. Pei Junlin's current repair is unable to withstand such explosive power.

What surprised him again was that when the quake exploded, a necklace worn on Haiquan's neck was equally radiant, emitting powerful waves.

The shocking thunder that was originally a slaying attack simply turned Haiquan into a little embarrassment, and life was completely in danger.

"Secret !!!!!!"

Seeing the necklace emitting powerful energy fluctuations, Pei Junlin's face was instantly gloomy, and then he shook his head in regret.

What kind of prince of the Sea Snake family, I am afraid that his status is extraordinary, and he is wearing such a powerful treasure, maybe he is the son of a demon respecting the strong.

Siren World, as the most threatening enemy, is absolutely reasonable to have such equipment.


At the moment when Pei Jun was thinking, Haiquan in the air took advantage of the fleeting opportunity to directly fly away from the dark sky.

His complexion was ten times more gloomy than that of Pei Junlin. The scene just now seemed to him safe and sound, but in fact he totally relied on the secret treasure on his neck. Otherwise, he might be seriously injured in the explosion alone.

"Despicable humanity! Ah !!!"

Haiquan was reluctant to make a roar of anger, but looking at the strange dark power in front of him, he never had the courage to enter. If the powerful explosion treasure of humankind came a few times, even if he also has the protection of treasure I am afraid I must die.

But at this time, the group of subordinates he led were all wrapped in by that strange dark power, leaving him alone outside.

Looking at the dark waves that were boiling and roaring inside, Haiquan scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks. Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he saw a body dropped out.

It was a sea snake similar to him, but at this moment it had been chopped into several sections, his head burst, and the demon crystal was also dug away. The death was terrible.

As for the various treasures and resources carried by him, there is no one left.

"Asshole! You humans will die !!!"

With infinite anger burning, Haiquan raised the trident in his hand without hesitation, and blasted into the dark sky in front of him.

Large blocks of dark power were shattered, but these dark powers seemed to be endless and grew out again. 35xs

Time passed every minute, and the deadly horrible siren corpses were discarded, and the battle inside seemed to be getting fiercer.

In the meantime, the lucky Siren Powerhouse broke through the weird dark sky, and his face was so scared that it was pale and bloodless.

"What's going on inside ?!"

Haiquan was so mad that he waited for the first time. When he saw this, he went forward directly and grabbed the subordinate who escaped.

"No ... don't know! It's black everywhere ... darkness, all my consciousness is useless!"

The Kraken Strong, replied awkwardly, with a look of horror and hiding away.

"His prince, you have to find a way, in this way, our strong will be killed !!!"


The answer was Haiquan's furious punch, and the subordinate who directly hit closed his mouth.

Joke, if he has a way to restrain this strange dark power, he still needs to worry here? !!

When did the strong man in humans learn such a powerful magical power?

How have you never heard such a rumor before?

Haiquan looked gloomy and terrible, a pair of triangular eyes stared coldly at the boiling dark sky.

Suddenly, his expression moved and he thought of a key point.

This is a magical power, which consumes a lot of energy. Even if it is as strong as a demon, it is impossible to cast it indefinitely. He does not believe how long the human who uses the magical power can support!

It seemed to reflect Hai Quanyi's speculation. At this time, in the depths of the dark power, Pei Junlin, who had been in control of the whole world, suddenly issued a moan, his face pale as paper, which was a sign of excessive mana consumption in the body.

This dark power is so good, it consumes too much energy!

"Everyone, into the formation, we are leaving!"

Pei Junlin used God's consciousness to transmit sounds, which resounded in everyone's mind.

In the canopy of the power of darkness, although they were unwilling, they were helpless, and they tried their best to release the killing tricks again, and defeated only the Siren. The prince Qiong burned his destiny, and the bronze ancient sword in his hand would A Siren's head burst.

The long sword in Bai Yulong's hand also quickly slashed a Siren's waist. Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, and others did not hesitate to burn their destiny and directly killed their immediate opponent.

In the end, the crowds retreated, and in accordance with the route arranged in advance, they got into the arranged array.


In the void, the power of darkness quickly began to recede, gradually revealing the real tragedy of the killing.

I saw huge siren corpses everywhere in the huge canyon. In less than half a quarter of an hour, the number of dead siren had reached as high as 20. Among them, those who were not seriously injured and had broken arms and broken legs There were even a dozen people who were seriously injured by sneak attacks.

The original team of nearly two hundred Siren Powers, which was sharply reduced by one-tenth, was a heavy loss.

Many Siren Powers have not recovered from that kind of consternation, still holding the weapon in their hands, closing their eyes and slashing wildly.

"Wait, where do you run !?"

Seeing that the strong human beings began to retreat, one by one, they disappeared into the formation and disappeared. Haiquan was about to become mad. He was originally a hunter, but he never expected that his role would change so quickly, and eventually he became a prey. It's them.

"Goodbye, you!"

"The next time you meet, it's you!"

Seeing Haiquan's madness usually chased him down, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Ye Tianxing and others waved their hands with sarcasm directly, then quickly entered the array.


When Haiquan Yi's body approached, a powerful flame suddenly burst into the calm water-like formation, and two hundred-meter-long fire dragons roared out, blocking all the way directly.

Haiquan could only watch the group of humans passing through the formation method, leaving with a big swing.

His teeth were about to bite, and a pair of triangular eyes shot extremely cold.

This time, he really lost his skin.

"You can't run! This king will kill you this time!"

As soon as Haiquan roared angrily, in less than a quarter of an hour, his group of elite subordinates sharply reduced by a tenth, and even if he himself was not a treasure guard, he was almost killed. It is a shame and shame!

"Waste! A bunch of waste!"

"Restoring right away, we must continue to hunt down those mean humans ~ ~ This operation, this human team must die !!!"

Haiquan yelled at a group of subordinates who were still in a daze. The two hundred or so powerful men were defeated by dozens of humans, even if they had the strange dark power to make trouble, but this result also proved The Siren Strong performed poorly this time.


At this moment, Pei Junlin and others intercepted by the power of the formation method are on the way forward, everyone's face is very excited, without him, this time it is really too happy to kill the Siren. Severe anger.

And as expected, each Siren Strong has plenty of resources on his body, including life fluid, high-quality spirit crystal, elixir, etc. In addition, there are many powerful weapons. Others also get powerful secrets.

Everyone rushed to swallow the fluid of life or quickly recovered in the hands of Gao Lingling while they were on their way, and they excitedly talked about this harvest.

"I think everyone's future actions should be distributed according to merit!"

In the process, Bai Yulong said loudly, "For example, this time, Pei Junlin contributed the most, so he deserved to occupy a sufficient share, and then everyone was evenly divided!"

"That is a must. Boss Pei's magical powers of darkness and the accomplishments of the formation method are simply the great killers of war. That's awesome!"

No one will dispute this. All of Pei Junlin's strength and the contributions he has made are visible to everyone, and he is also recognized as powerful.

Pei Junlin, who was sneaking at speed, heard the words, and a smile appeared on his pale face. Suddenly, he asked, "Are you all collecting makeup ?!"

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