Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 537: 10,000 points reward

When the war was over, Pei Junlin became a celebrity completely, even if he was here for the first time in Nanzhou Tiankeng, but no one knew it. His shiny name even overwhelmed many gods. Peak strong.

"Boss Pei! Uncle Pei! I decided, no matter where you go in the future, I will follow you!"

Pei Junlin is surrounded by countless young Tianjiao. Any one of them is enough to be a talented person who can stand on his own. It is a strong man who is willing to spend a lot of money to keep.

But now, these people are full of worship, as if the fans have encountered the idols in their hearts, and the worship is difficult to hide.

Xia Houping and Na Lanhao, the two living treasures, ran to Pei Junlin's side early, one person dragged one of Pei Junlin's sleeves, shouted and looked like a fan.

As a result, the prince Joan, who was the hostess, had no place to hide, so she could only watch from the side.

Others, such as Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Luo Yan, Jie Monk, Leng Shuangshuang, Huangfu Phoenix, and Baili Feiyan all have a hint of complexity.

In addition, there are children of the Supreme Family, such as Bai Yulong, Bai Yufei, and Sun Kai. In addition to admiration, everyone's eyes admire.

Perhaps the identity of any of them is stronger than Pei Junlin, but if it is about the ability on the battlefield, Pei Junlin said that second, absolutely no one dare to recognize the first.

If you are not convinced, just look at people in a short period of more than half an hour, they have continuously killed seventeen or eight demon **** strong, and also hit more than ten, this amazing record is more than all the people present, I am afraid More.

Facing everyone's enthusiasm, Pei Junlin's face was helpless.

"I am now a monster killer. Are you sure you want to follow me ?!"

Pei Junlin opened his mouth, showing a touch of drama.

As soon as this happened, Na Lanhao and Xia Houping, who had been holding his arms and begging for adoption, immediately froze. They only thought of the scenery of Pei Junlin, but they ignored Pei Junlin's presence in the demon clan. Status, that is definitely the top existence on the list of kills.

As long as the thought of countless demon gods in the beginning, middle demon gods, late demon gods and even the peak of demon gods in the future, they are chasing and killing them all over the world, and the two immediately shudder and hard to hide their fear.

Pei Jun's life was tough, and he lived well several times when he was in danger, and the harder he lived, they couldn't, they were just physical babies ...

Just staring at so many gazes and admiring them is too hurtful of self-esteem!

"When ... sure of course!"

"My martial arts soldiers always look down on life and death, do it if you don't accept it!"

"It's just a big bowl of scars if you lose your head. Moreover, if a strong man like us loses his head, he may not die. For example, the shepherd will ..."

"The most important thing is, do you have meat to eat with Boss?"

At the beginning of the two, they still had a little stammer and guilty conscience, but later, it became more and more fluent, because according to the usual experience, it was indeed following Pei Junlin that was the biggest gain.

It's not just Xia Houping and Na Lanhao who followed Pei Junlin's concept of flesh eating. Almost everyone present was deeply aware.

Pei Junlin smiled when he heard the words, but he did not continue to tease the two living treasures. These two people did not seem to be in shape, but they really reached the critical moment, which was absolutely unambiguous.

Not only Na Lanhao and Xia Houping, but everyone else present was very reliable.

A group of people were talking and laughing, there was an oppressive atmosphere approaching, the pastoral general, Xu He commander and the peak of the Sun family, all came, as well as Bai Zhenyang and Bai Zhengang.

"Pei Junlin!"

The shepherd God shouted Pei Junlin's name all the way, with pride in his face: "It's so beautiful! My model warrior!"

"It's more than a model, it's a specimen!"

Bai Yulong heard the words and interjected directly.

"Roll up, believe it or not I nailed you to the wall and made a specimen!" Pei Junlin stared at once, would he not speak!


Everyone laughed.

"Pei Junlin, hello! I am Xu He, the president of Nanzhou Tiankeng!"

Xu He extended his palm enthusiastically to Pei Junlin. The color of appreciation in his eyes was also difficult to hide.

"Good commander Xu!"

Facing such a strong man at the pinnacle of Divine Realm, Pei Junlin was very humble, and he was not as brash and arrogant as before.

"Oh, you suddenly become so humble, I'm not used to it!"

Xu He commanded jokingly. After all, on the battlefield before, Pei Junlin was too aggressive, and his arrogant attitude impressed him deeply.

Pei Junlin is rarely embarrassed: "The situation is forced! The situation is forced! After all, it is to cooperate with Uncle Zhenyang and Uncle Zhen Gang. Otherwise, where can I draw so much hatred?"

"Actually, I have always been low-key!"

"Oh! You are low-key mad!"

Xia Houping and Na Lanhao directly demolished the station.

Xu He led for a moment, and laughed, "This is a good description, a low-key madness!"

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to introduce it. This is Sun Huang! It's too big in the first place, from the Sun family of one of the Supreme Family!"

Sun Huang stepped forward, Lengheng said, "What supreme family, have you really never seen anyone before?"

Then he extended his hand to Pei Junlin and said, "My name is Sun Huang, and I am Sun Kai's uncle. Since you call Bai Zhenyang and Bai Zhengang as uncles, you can call me Uncle Sun!"

In the face of such an outstanding genius as Pei Junlin, Sun Huang behaved very kindly. In just one sentence, the relationship between the two parties was brought closer, without the pride of the Supreme Family.

"Hello Uncle!"

Pei Junlin even got better, shouting uncle Sheng directly, and shook hands with Sun Huang enthusiastically.

The nearby Bai Zhenyang and Bai Zhen just saw the situation, and slid their lips obscurely. Your Sun family was pretending to be kind-hearted, and Pei Junlin had already been cut off by the Bai family in advance. Nothing happened to you!

"Walk around, things here have come to an end, the smoke is suffocating, and the air is unpleasant! We have to go to the base outside to discuss merit rewards, which is the home field of our humanity! Even if there is some haze, that is also It feels kind! "

Leader Xu He interrupted the puppets of the crowd, directly handed over the aftermath of the battlefield to his subordinates, and then left the world with the crowds.

This time, humans triumphed triumphantly, and he was the happiest, after all, this Nanzhou Tiankeng was his territory.

Soon a mighty group of people passed through the space tunnel and set foot on familiar land.

The soldiers in the base outside had already learned about the triumph of the human side. When Xu Hetong came out with a group of people covered in blood, he cheered loudly throughout the base, and all the guarded soldiers shouted excitedly. Yelling.

In a large and bright discussion hall, there are many divine powerhouses, and it is time to discuss rewards!

Xu He commanded Gao in the first place, one by one, on the basis of merit and reward, everyone here has a great record this time, reward is necessary, and it must be rewarded again!

Magic weapons, elixir, exercises, points, spirit crystals, and even life fluids are all rewarded according to the record, as long as there is a record, what you want.

The strong guys who have been rewarded one by one, smiled.

The warrior is a particularly high-risk occupation. He often lives a life of licking his sword. There are no today and no tomorrow, so he pays special attention to interests.

This benefit is not only for yourself, but also for the family and friends behind you, even if one day is gone, you must absolutely ensure that the family has nothing to worry about.

This is the responsibility and obligation of many warriors.

When it was finally rewarding Pei Junlin, Xu He commanded and asked what kind of reward Pei Junlin needed. After hesitating, Pei Junlin directly answered: "Points!"

Points can be exchanged for any treasure, which is a necessary weapon in war. One card is in my hand, I have it all over the world!

Finally, according to statistics, according to the record distribution, Pei Junlin actually received a reward of millions of points. When he heard millions of points, all the strong players present, even at the peak of Divine Realm, had some shortness of breath.

Such a generous reward, even if they are a little jealous, can't wait to take it immediately.

"Large man! Mad, people are really mad at people faster than people!"

"We worked hard from the beginning to the end, and the rewards we got in the end were at most 2,300,000 or 300,000. The others are good. In about half an hour, we got a reward of one million points!"

The envy of the talk, the noise rang, but few people were jealous, for nothing else, because no one knew that such a reward could not be obtained by anyone.

The dangers that Pei Junlin encountered on the battlefield before ~ ​​ ~ changed to any one of the same level, I am afraid that the spirit has already disappeared, but Pei Junlin is still living well and his whole body is intact.

As much energy as you can eat, the battlefield is the fairest place to test a warrior. To get enough rewards, you need sufficient strength and courage, otherwise, everything is empty talk.

While all the strong men were enthusiastically discussing rewards in the hall, all of them suddenly stopped and looked at the door unanimously. They felt a powerful breath in a kind of The speed of the lightning approached the base.

"Pei Jun's presence? Get out of me !!!"

A thunderous roar went directly to the entire base, shaking many soldiers to their heads and vomiting blood to the ground.

"Presumptuous! Who dares to find trouble at my base in Tiankeng, Nanzhou!"

Xu He led the anger, suddenly stood up from his seat, exuding a powerful majesty, and lightning rushed out of the door.

At the same time, other strong players followed suit.

The slowest speed is Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, Bai Yufei, and Bai Zhengang, Bai Zhenyang, and Sun Huang and Sun Kai.

They are different from everyone else and have quickly recognized who they are.

Except for Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei, the others looked a little stunned and wondered why the strong Dongfeng family was so popular?

"Dad, uncle! Didn't Grandpa tell you anything?"

When Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei saw the people from the Dongfeng family coming, they immediately knew that they were in trouble and immediately lowered their voices.

"what's up?!"

Bai Zhengang and Bai Zhengyang wondered, and Sun Huang and Sun Kai next to each other quietly raised their ears ...

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