Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 512: Provoked 1 body

The fire was burning and the thunder bomber!

From time to time, there are horror illusions, creating all kinds of charms, crowds dancing around, disturbing the mind.

Dozens of elite children of the Bai family have been tested in an unprecedented way.

Many children who are lower in cultivation and have less willpower are directly immersed in all kinds of fantasies, and it is difficult to extricate themselves, their faces are smirking and smirking, and some people are flushed, and their whole body is full of energy and blood.

Outside, I do n’t know when a large number of high-ranking Bai families have been gathered. Even Bai Ji ’s father and second uncle, the two strongest seniors, have come. They are all attracted by the huge movements of the formation. All stared at the scene inside the formation.

When looking at those children who are deeply in the illusion and showing ugly and difficult to extricate themselves, many people's faces are very ugly. The elders of these children are even afraid to look at Bai Ji's face.

Huh! Huh!

With Bai Ji's shot, throwing a child whose name is in the formation method, the atmosphere in the entire square is getting more and more depressed, because in a short time, more than half of the children have been embarrassed by the formation.

Those who are simply unable to withstand the force of the attack of the battlefield are better. Those who are affected by the illusion and have become blushing are a little embarrassed. It proves that the mental willpower is too poor. This is absolutely very serious. thing!

As members of the refining industry, the Bai family has high demands on the spiritual cultivation of all children. Nowadays, there is such a messy situation. It is not difficult to imagine that next, it will definitely be severely reprimanded by the supreme power of Bai Ji.

Time passed by minute by minute. Gradually, the children at the level of congenital nine grades all ended in failure, ending the test.

In the formation method, there are thirteen Divine Powers remaining, of which eight are in the initial stage of Divine Land and five are in the middle stage of Divine Land.

These thirteen people are the true top power of the Bai family. They can stick to their hearts and resist the bombardment again and again. This has alleviated the Bai family's ugly faces.

Suddenly, at this time, Pei Junlin, who had been closing his eyes to adjust his breath, opened his eyes. Two ray of black eyes burst out, and he grinned at all the Baijia people around him. "All that was just now. It ’s just an appetizer before meals, and now is the time for the main course! ”

As soon as this remark was made, the faces of many Bai family members suddenly changed.

But just when everyone in the Bai family had bad feelings, Pei Junlin had started again.

Huh! Whizzing! !!

However, listening to the bursting sound of bursting air, Pei Junlin's hands were like wearing flowers and butterflies, dancing with ten fingers, and throwing out the array of imprinted runes.

The moment these arrays landed on the ground, suddenly, it seemed as if the anti-thunder thunderbolt had come to life. The power of the original calm formation increased dramatically, more than doubled, the flames rolled underground, and the fire dragon roared. In the sky, deep in the thick black clouds, lightning flashes and thunder, and lightning has turned into a kind of dark red light.

A series of tree-like lightning continued to bombard the ground with the force of destruction.

Those horrible scenes made many of the Bai family ’s gods in the late stage and the peak of the peak couldn't help brow, and they looked at the young face of Pei Junlin with suspicion, and the sky was filled with waves. .

This young man, called Pei Junlin, has risen to a point where even top players like them are daunted.

When did Huaxia Kingdom emerge such a genius of formation?

Is their news too backward? !!



Just at this moment, a dark red thunder force fell in the sky, and it was severely split into the formation. That is the power of Tianwei's destruction of the world. Finally, two strong men in the early stage of the gods couldn't bear it. The electrocuted body had no skin, blood spurted, and flew out.

"Little light!"


There were relatives of the two young strong men outside the court, shouting anxiously.

Bai Ji looked indifferent, probing out at will, and arrested the two children who had fallen into a coma out of the formation.

Many senior members of the Bai family who had been waiting for a long time outside, quickly gathered around and started treatment.

However, all this is just the beginning, and then, one after another, the strong men are constantly injured by the formation, and they fall down.

In the end, there were only five strong men in the midst of the divine realm still holding on, and the eight divine realms were all wounded by the terrible power of the formation in the early days.

"Extreme Bai, it's almost OK!"

Seeing that only five strong mid-level gods remained in the formation, Pei Junlin could not help but whispered to Bai Ji around him.

He is only a guest. The main purpose of coming to the Bai family is to improve the God-slaying chariot. Although he was instructed by Bai Ji to severely practice these young children of the Supreme Family, it is almost enough. Otherwise, his future life may be Sorry.

After all, it was too harsh to offend and not good to him!

But beyond Pei Junlin's surprise, Bai Ji heard the words indifferently: "You have successfully branded a total of 432 bases. So far, you have used a total of 430 bases, leaving two bases left. No use! Are you leaving those two formations ready to play by yourself? "

Pei Junlin ...

Your old math is so good that you remember it so clearly!

Looking at Bai Ji's indifferent expression, Pei Junlin had no choice but to join the last two formations.


It was as if the mountains collapsed and the rivers and lakes broke the bank. When the last two formations joined the formation, the power of the entire formation began to soar again, and the horrific fire dragons roared into the sky, blending with the dark red thunder and lightning power in the sky. , Forming a creepy and dangerous atmosphere.

"Join together! Join together !!! Quick! Quick !!!"

In the formation method, Bai Yulong felt the creepy dangerous breath, and immediately opened his mouth and roared decisively. At this moment, he also exudes a shawl, his face sullen, and there is no longer the chic oldness of the past. A white coat is covered with scarlet blood and Hole.

Along with Bai Yulong's roar, the five mid-strength powerful men all roared and tried to form a powerful shield to withstand the terrible thunder of the fire dragon.

I don't know how long it took, and finally when the energy of the matrix was exhausted, everything was settled.

On the field, Bai Yulong and the other four mid-powerful powerhouses showed their expressions for the rest of their lives.


The cold humming straight to the soul suddenly interrupted the thoughts of all Bai family members, and everyone couldn't help standing still and restless.

"See? This is the proud geniuses of our Bai family now, you really have a long face for me!"

The cold, bitter sound of Bai Ji sounded slowly, scaring all Bai family members from the atmosphere.

Throughout the Bai family, Bai Ji was the existence of absolute authority. No one dared to disobey. Now the Supreme Bai is angry and not afraid to see the ghost.

"Don't you all be proud of each other on weekdays? Now? Proud of you, show me one!"

"Pei Jun came to a hastily arranged array of methods and almost killed all of you so much. You are so proud of your pride! Who can come out and explain to me!"

Bai Ji seemed to be really angry, sending a horrifying coercion all over the body, making everyone shiver, his face pale, and his jaw almost digging into his chest.

"Unsteady mind and unstable mind, a horrible fantasy makes you ugly!"

"Also, when in danger, one by one, you have no sense of teamwork, selfishness, and only care about yourself. What do you train and educate on weekdays?"

The audience was silent.

"The flowers in the greenhouse are indestructible!"

"From today, everyone's training has doubled!"

"Besides, from this moment on, the rules for those who have more than nine congenital products, in the past, they had to go to the Tiankeng World to exercise every six months. The rule has changed to that they have to go through a war to kill every month! Harvest the quantity, or you will face severe punishment! "

"Those who fail for three consecutive months will be kicked out of the family directly. When they can complete the task and when will they be able to return home, those who are too unhappy will be evicted forever!"

Bai Ji's voice was so ruthless that it was heartbreaking. All the children of the Bai family trembled, afraid to have any dissatisfaction.

"Besides, what Pei Junlin has done today is all in accordance with my wishes, but some people dare to hold resentment and take revenge for personal gain, and they must be severely punished!"

After His Majesty's words so severe, Bai Ji's figure disappeared directly!

Pei Junlin is aggressive, you take me with you when you leave, how embarrassing it is to leave me standing here alone!

Although your old man has made such a sentence, and does not make people revenge privately, so many bad eyes at this moment ~ ~ It is almost hairy, and there are some strong people in the late stage of God and the peak of the state .

Pei Junlin suddenly regretted it a bit, knowing that she shouldn't have promised this shattered thing, the benefits of fart are not, but it caused a fishy one.

Well, let's temporarily avoid the limelight!

Pei Junlin also followed in an instant, leaving only the white family with a bitter face on the square. I am afraid that no one would think that the children of the dignified Supreme Family would one day be so embarrassed by an outsider.

Two days later, Pei Junlin was hiding in the room and practicing silently. Bai Yulong pushed in the door. When he saw Pei Jun, he couldn't help grinning and said, "What happened? It caused anger and did not dare to see anyone ?!"

Pei Junlin opened his eyes and said disdainfully, "Cut, do you think I'm such a brave person?"

"Ha ha! That's not necessarily! After all, this is not your place! And this time, you really offended our Bai family too hard!"

Bai Yulong smiled gleefully. In the past two days, the entire Bai family, Pei Junlin was completely famous, almost every family was talking about it, many people gritted their teeth.

Pei Junlin heard that his face was directly dark, and he vowed that he would never take such a fart again in the future.

"However, don't worry about it. My Bai family should have some energy. Although many people grit your teeth, there are many people who can admire you!"

When Bai Yulong saw Pei Junlin's face dark, he finally relieved, and then continued: "Let's go! My grandfather called you!"

"Did you start studying the Tushen vehicle ?!"

Pei Junlin's eyes brightened, but he waited for a long time!

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