Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 385: Dangerous

After a short time, everyone saw the window being opened, revealing the specific cultivation situation inside.

I saw a group of military genius warriors sitting cross-legged on the ground, Zhang Pingping's forehead was shining with gold, and a golden light soared into the sky. The wild face of the entire person set off a sacred and noble spirit. The charm soared.

There was a sound of envy from the crowd outside, even many mid- and late-powerful powerhouses were no exception, because everyone knew the great benefits of successfully mastering this spiritual power.

At this time, Zhang Pingping had opened her eyes, and the golden light on her eyebrows gradually converged and calmed down, but she couldn't hide the excitement on her face.

As soon as she walked out of the room, Zhang Pingping, who had been suppressing her inner excitement, completely let go of herself, jumping and jumping with joy, like a child: "I succeeded! Really succeeded!"

Before she spoke, Zhang Pingping had controlled her mental strength, and a mini-sized small peach tree was added to the brows, which was the imprint of the peach tree demon.

At the same time, the breath of her who belongs to the power of the gods gradually disappeared and turned into an ordinary person. Although there are still some flaws, she has done a good job!

Pei Jun came to see this, with a smile on his face, congratulations, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Jiyin Monk, Huangfu Fenghuang and others also made congratulations. After all, this was indeed an opportunity for Zhang Pingping.

Even if it is Pei Junlin who can successfully master the spiritual power, Zhang Pingping is very lucky to be successful!

Zhang Pingping himself is even happier, as if a child has received a beloved gift, and constantly uses his mental strength to change into all kinds of immortal immortal imprints. That magical ability to change has once again attracted many envious eyes around him. Even Commander Kong Sheng stared intently.

Almost half an hour later, there was a bright golden light blooming in the calm room, and someone successfully mastered the spiritual power method!

This time it was Li Tianpei. The golden beam of eyebrows was dazzling. When Li Tianpei came out of the room, he was always cold and flushed with excitement.

In this way, time passed quickly. After one night, all nine military geniuses had completed their cultivation, but the results were unsatisfactory. In addition to Zhang Pingping and Li Tianpei, only Luo Yan and Ye Tianxing remained in control. In addition to mental power, the other five geniuses all failed.

For these cruel results, the five people who did not succeed are extremely frustrated, and everyone does not know how to comfort them. After all, the cruelty and harshness have already been said in advance.

In fact, four of the nine people can succeed, which is already a large percentage of success!

As for Zhang Pingping, Li Tianpei, Ye Tianxing, and Luo Yan who have successfully mastered the mental powers, they are very happy, which means that in the future, the four of them will have a pass to enter and leave the demonic world.

"I seem to see a lot of shining high-quality Lingjing beckoning to me!"

Xie Ye Tianxing stood on the city wall in excitement and looked at the direction of the demon city.

越高 "The higher you climb, the harder you fall, everything has its advantages and disadvantages!"

天 Li Tianpei was quite calm and said lightly: "Although we have mastered the spiritual power, but it also means that we will face more dangers than others and have a greater chance of losing our lives!"

Zhang Pingping, who has a daring character, doesn't care: "So what ?! My generation of warriors, bearish on life and death, just do it!"

"Since the day I started studying martial arts at the age of three, I understand this truth, and I have already been ready to bathe in the blood at any time, and Ma Ge is going to wrap his body!"

Kawaii seemed to be desolate. At that moment, there was also a touch of solemnity on that delicate little face: "Warrior, originally a high-risk occupation, especially those of us who happened to be born in this unstable martial arts world. Dead, really should be well prepared! "

Li Tianpei heard the words, first a moment, and then laughed at himself: "Hehe, it seems that I am a little bit angry!"

"You're right, my warrior, when there is life and death, look down on it, courage to do it!"

"Then we, eleven of us, set off together tonight, looking for the Lingjing mine below the ground!"

Everyone heard the words and nodded. As for the other people, there was no way to bring them. After all, this time they sneaked into the world of the demon tribe. It was extremely dangerous. Those who did not master the spiritual method were too dangerous to bring. There is always danger of being exposed.

It ’s night, and the cold wind is screaming like a knife. The temperature difference between day and night in the tiankeng world is really too big. It directly drops from a high temperature of more than thirty degrees to a dozen degrees below zero. Frost.

A group of black-clad customers quietly left Xifeng City and sneaked into the inner world of the monster clan.

Then, just as these black men left, the highest point of Xifeng City, on a beacon platform, two mighty shores appeared unknown here.

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The two eyes looked like a torch, staring at the disappearing figure of the group of black men. After a while, a shadow of black smiled bitterly: "Lao Mu, I really have been expected by you. This group of disturbed rabbits learn that mental power. After Famen, she really won't be safe again, especially under the encouragement of the little guys in your Dongyang Tiankeng. "

She Muxian grinned, and smiled at Kong Sheng: "Of course, these little bunnies are from our Dongyang Tiankeng. No one knows them better than me!"

Tong Kongsheng shook his head and sighed, "It's not that I won't let them go out, but I'm worried about their safety!"

"This group of rabbits are the most elite talents that Xihua Tiankeng has managed to cultivate over the years. It is one of the best candidates to receive our group of people in the future. Losing any one is a great pain!"

"When the chicks grow up, they always need their own blue sky,"

The God of Shepherd will open his mouth, his eyes faint: "Besides, the sword is not sharpened, the jade is not carved, and the strong are definitely not the flowers in the greenhouse since ancient times. We human beings are weak now, and we should be desperately more desperate!"

Kong Sheng nodded, and suddenly shifted the topic: "I heard some small news, there are archeologists on the earth, the latest excavation of a place suspected of ancient ruins. If this is the case, I am afraid that the restless maggots have to Make waves! "

The shepherd will seem to know the "maggots" in Kong Sheng's mouth, and his voice will become extremely cold and killing. He said: "It's just a group of maggots, let them toss for a while, and wait for us to calm down the tiankengs. Later, I will ask for a cleaning operation! "

Perhaps the pastoral **** of the past was not enough to say such things with confidence, but since his strength was promoted to the peak of the gods, he has become one of the top powers today, except for the supreme power, Few have been able to beat him.

Uh ...

The Xiu Tiankeng's demon world is even more weird than Dongyang Tiankeng's demon world, making it elusive.

Because the most important point is that you have to be careful to release your mental power at all times, and feel all the wind and grass moving around. After all, this is the world of the botanical demon. You never know that in a forest or grass passing by, there is no There are no spies of the Botanical Demon Race.

The botanical demon family can at any time transform itself into a tree of different types, hidden in thousands of woods, to confuse humans' minds, and to carry out secret assassinations.

Such weird means are simply invincible and even more difficult than the animal-based monsters. After all, vegetation in any world is always an indispensable product of nature. This is a natural barrier for the monsters of the plant system.

Therefore, when Pei Junlin and his party were walking in the dark, they were extremely careful, especially when they encountered any trees, they had to look carefully to prevent any monsters from hiding in them.

On this way, they have continuously killed and killed more than a dozen demon intelligence spies, all of them hidden in the dense woods. Fortunately, the strength of everyone is very strong. Powerful, feel abnormal energy fluctuations, they will instantly kill, and at this moment each of them concealed their own breath, changed into a demon, and even changed their clothes.

Unconsciously, he has gradually penetrated into the hinterland of the Yao tribe, and has become more and more deserted, and the surrounding tribal tribes and market towns have become sparse.

Everyone followed Li Tianpei and Zhang Pingping along the way. At almost dawn, Zhang Pingping, who was walking in front, suddenly whispered, "We are about to reach our destination when we turn over a mountain!"

"Where exactly are we now? How do I feel a little spooky around me!"

Xia Houping suddenly yelled ~ ~ looked up and looked around.

At this time, the party had been almost three thousand miles deep into the Yao clan, and completely deviated from the direction of the main base of the Yao clan, just like the no-man's land in the human world.

Li Tianpei and Zhang Pingping, who had been leading the way, suddenly showed embarrassment.

"This ... Where are the two of us actually located? Because the current position is not marked on the map in detail, I just vaguely heard Deputy Chief Yan said that the northwest-oriented Tiankeng world seems to be a demon Places where the clan is terrified, is listed as one of the dangerous places! "

"What ?! The danger zone that even the monsters are afraid of ?!"

Nalanhao jumped upright in horror, eyes widened and said, "Why didn't you say that before ?!"

Zhang Pingping said lightly, "What? Are you scared ?!"

Nalanhao immediately waved his hand and laughed indifferently: "Joke, what am I afraid of, and we have so many people? Everyone is right ?! Hehe!"

However, the answer was his collective eyes, which made Nalanhao very boring, and he muttered, "You are really boring. I'm not watching you rush all night. Is the atmosphere dull? You one by one! Hey ... "

"Shh, snoring!"

While Nalan Hao mumbled, Pei Junlin, who had been scanning around, suddenly shrank his pupils and quickly lay on the ground. At the same time, everyone felt that he was fast on the ground, one by one, quietly showing his eyes and observing the front.

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