Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 333: Global Live Battle

Son of Aaron? !!

When the young blond man revealed his identity, a large scream of exclamation suddenly sounded around the manor. Many people showed incredible eyes and stared at the blond, stable and sophisticated young man. Obviously, the identity of the young man in front of him It's really powerful!

Holy See, the Holy See, is the best candidate to succeed the next generation of Pope. The status is so high that it makes people look up. The whole Italian country is Europe. Although many people have heard that the Holy See has a Holy See, but Few people have seen it, but I didn't expect it to appear in public view at this moment.

获 When it was learned that the young blond man was the Holy Son of the Holy See today, Pei Junlin and the people behind Nalanhao and Xiahou were also narrowing their eyes. Obviously, this answer was greatly unexpected.

At the same moment, countless powerful people around the world who watched this live video also lost their voices, and were almost shocked by the identity of the son of Aaron.

"It turned out to be the most mysterious son in the legend of the Holy See. Pei Junlin is really in trouble now!"

At this moment, I don't know how many people have such thoughts in their hearts.

At the base of Hua Xia Kingdom, Dongyang Tiankeng, the first six people watching the live video and the pastoral generals all looked dignified, and some people had already clenched their fists.

没有 No one in the world dare to deny the strong heritage of the Holy See. Since the young blond is the Holy Son of the Holy See, his qualifications and strength are undoubtedly the most outstanding, and belong to the genius of that kind of genius.

Pei Junlin's expression also became dignified, and he did not dare to have any intentions, and was fully alert.

The former Louis was very good as the captain, but at the moment, he can only stand behind the son of Aaron. It can be seen that the strength of the Aaron is stronger than Louis.

"You don't even pull your sword! I heard that you are a master of horizontal training, and your physical strength has reached the limit. It just so happens that I am also a person who loves physical cultivation, so let's discuss each other first! "

Tong Aaron Shengzi said, he is really charming, with a calm and sophisticated temperament, accompanied by a soft blonde hair, a magnetic voice, and a armored body, it is almost the perfect lover in the minds of all women.

But just such a perfect handsome man, suddenly turned into a humanoid monster, smashed his feet on the ground and gently stepped on the ground, the ground of a thousand kilometers, followed by a tremor, especially the yard in the manor, more It was a turbulent wave, and numerous soils turned into waves, rolling up.


The next second, the son of Aaron took the lead, and when he shot, he showed the thunder speed, fists, and the power of the vast blood was like a awakened young beast. It was captivating. He did n’t even have it. Use any energy, purely by the power of the body, and want to compete with Pei Junlin.

The distance between the two was only seven or eight meters, which was almost instantaneous. Even when many people had not responded yet, the power of horror had already burst into a thunderous sound. The fist and the fist came the closest. contact.


As if Mars hit the earth, the power of horrifying blood and blood raged across the sky, and the two figures were entangled with lightning. In the eyes of many people, only two bright flames can be seen moving in the lightning. The high-speed shooting of high-tech is a little bit different. The rhythm is up, attracting the exclamation of countless strong men all over the world.

When are the young people today so scary? You need to know that at this moment, whether it is Pei Junlin or the Aaron Son, he does not use any true mana, but simply collides with the power of the flesh.

Under the circumstance that there are few people practicing in horizontal exercises today, these two people can practice the physical body to such an extreme, it is a refreshing view of countless strong three views, it is too scary!

At the same time, some people on the Internet have compared this battle to the peak battle of the strongest of the young kings of the day. The young kings of the East and the West slammed each other. In the end, is this the stronger dragon in the Eastern world or the master of the Western world? Advantage?

话题 This topic has attracted a lot of discussion online. The natural support of the East in the Eastern world and the natural support of the people in the Western World have made the two parties furious.

At the moment when the online battle of words was fierce, within the manor, the battle between Pei Junlin and the Son of Aaron had reached a feverish stage.

The two really can be described as a pair of needles against Mai Mang, and their physical strength is a powerful one. There are few opponents in the same level. From the beginning of the battle to the present, the two did not know how many times they have touched each other, at least a thousand times. However, it is still a fairly good situation, each with its own winners.

In the end, Pei Junlin and Aaron Shengzi also seemed to have hit the real fire, each of them shot extremely fiercely, recruiting fierce danger, both greeted each other at the vital parts of life and death. After a while, both of them were bloody. Frightened.

Pei Junlin was surprised. He didn't seem to think that there were people who were comparable to him in the world. He could be compared with him purely by his physical strength. The Son of Aaron was even more shocked. He always had a high vision and never took People in the same order put their eyes on them, but they took those older generations as their target.

For this reason, he has entered the Tiankeng world many times, slaughtered with the demons, and sought to break through in the battle. Now I did not expect that a young man from the Eastern World who came up casually could fight him so fiercely, and he could not occupy it. Any advantage.

The son of Aaron finally took the initiative to use the boiling energy in his body. For a moment, a sacred light emerged from his body. It really looked like a god's residence in this world, and it was inviolable.

He pulled out a golden giant sword around his waist. The golden sword-horse was shaking the sky and swept across the wasteland. His eyes were bursting with light. The sharp sword-horse reached tens of feet. Under the sword, the front yard of the manor was smashed. Collapsed, scaring the people around, Cangjie fled, the soul had no body.

There were some unlucky ones who could not escape, and they were directly smashed into pieces by the horrible swordman, flesh and blood flew, within a kilometer, no one dared to stand.

In the empty sky, Pei Junlin looked dignified and summoned the Qinghong sword. The cyan sword was sharp and unparalleled, and the sword was so strong. There was no so-called trick. The two collided with pure energy.

The situation is really called a vast expanse of smoke, and at one glance, I saw two horrible swordmangs, one blue and one gold, constantly colliding in the void, and the sound of gurgling rang through the heavens and the earth, agitating the situation, and the energy of the heavens and the earth was boiling like tide Majestic.

This scene shocked the whole world. All the people who saw this battle have grown up and closed their mouths for a long time. If it had not been known that Pei Junlin and Aaron Son are the kind of congenital ninth grade. Cultivate, I am afraid that everyone will mistake this as the God of Powers fighting!

I am really too fierce in this battle right now. Even the strongest one who has just entered the realm of God has caused such fluctuations, but now it has been done by two younger generations.

In the distance of the manor house, from the crowd, both the Holy See and Xiahou Pingren were very dignified and each other secretly shocked each other's strength.

"This Son of Aaron is really strong, I'm afraid I'm even weaker by three points!"

Nalanhao's objective evaluation said, and then turned his head to the side monk who said: "Bald, are you confident to defeat this guy?"

Give up the monk with a solemn look, staring at the two peerless figures crisscrossing in the void, wide open and closing, only to say after half a moment: "If it takes a few more days, when my physical strength reaches the limit, my victory with the other Lose five or five points! "

答案 The answer is already obvious. Today's monks who abstain from martial arts are not the opponents of the Son of Aaron. As the Son of the Holy See, this Aaron is indeed a bit too powerful.

I'm afraid that only Pei Junlin can compete with this Aaron Son!

At this moment, audiences all over the world are shocked. Everyone is amazed by this world-famous battle, and everyone is shocked by the strength of Pei Junlin and Aaron Son.

At this time, the fierce fighting in the air has indeed reached the most intense stage. Whether it is Pei Junlin or Aaron Son, they feel the strength of each other. Both people have a feeling of encountering the enemy of life and death. Therefore, they all want to lie on the other side, so as to ask the invincible way!

The strong are not only due to the horrible physical strength and strong true mana, but also a long-lasting belief that they must win. Each of them believes that he is the strongest among his peers. Invincible Avenue, invincible in life!


In the explosion of boiling energy, the son of Aaron unfolded at a high speed, and a pair of white wings behind him shook gently ~ ~ in a blink of an eye, he clenched the golden giant sword with both hands, originally On the calm and sophisticated handsome face, at this moment it was exuding a kind of madness and a sense of war.

The golden sword in his hand was not a mortal thing, but a holy artifact from the Holy See. It was engraved with dense runes. Between the movements, the runes on the golden sword body seemed to be alive. , Comes with some powerful sacred power.

"Big Bright Cross Slash!"

Son of Aaron Xun exhibited the Holy Ghosts of the Holy See-Bright Uprising. His moves were more horrible than the previous Louis. The square kilometer of sky was covered by dazzling white light and turned into a white ocean.

The people who had been hiding from far away to watch the battle around this moment were frightened again and retreated, only to feel that a mighty sword was coming towards them, and seemed to be tearing everything, but they became extremely small.

Is this the power of the Son of Aaron?

Many people are horrified!

They all feel so horrible from a kilometer away, it is hard to imagine what would happen to the white ocean within that kilometer.

"Moving mountains!"


Suddenly, at this moment, in the vast white ocean, a bright cyan sword light tore the sky and appeared!

Suddenly the situation was like a white curtain. Suddenly it was broken by sharp scissors. The mighty cyan sword light rushed straight to Jiuxiao, and the white curtain was torn apart.

There was a dull, low-humming sound. In the live broadcast, everyone suddenly saw a scarlet blood dripping from the mouth of the powerful and powerful Son of Aaron.

Was Aaron Son injured? !!

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