Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 320: Belin O'Brien breaks contract

Jingle Bell!

Jingle Bell!

许 A long time after the video was released, someone was connected there, and then a murmur voice came out: "Hey, who?"

Pei Junlin watched the dark environment in the video and couldn't help showing surprise: "Zi Qiong, it's me!"

The video suddenly became extremely quiet, so it lasted for about two or three seconds, and suddenly, a scream came out, and then the lights quickly turned on, and a beautiful and exquisite face appeared on the screen. The hair is shed.

"Jun ... Junlin ... you ... are you back ?!"

Xi Prince Qiong exclaimed.

Pei Junlin nodded: "Just finished the mission, where are you now? Why are you still sleeping?"

Tong Ziqiong said, "I care about China now. I just arrived yesterday. The jet lag here is different from ours."

Pei Junlin raised an eyebrow: "Why do you go to Italy?"

Prince Wang Qiong was silent. After Shao Qing, he slowly said, "Beilen O'Brien broke his contract!"

Pei Junlin's face immediately became extremely cold. Of course, he knew the name. On the same day, Prince Qiong wanted to enter the international market, but he did not expect that the partner of the Bruce family was impure. Later, a foreign woman named Belin came to the door. It is said that it can cooperate with Junlin International.

This woman named Belin is from the famous Italian O'Brien family, which operates several luxury goods industries, but the premise of all this cooperation is to hope that Pei Junlin can treat some kind of congenital cold in her body.

Pei Junlin cured the cold on the other side, and Belin O'Brien also promised to fulfill his promise to help Junlin International enter the international market.

He just let Pei Junlin never think of it, but now he got such an answer, which made him feel a anger and chill in his heart.

"Ziqiong, who do you go to Italy with?"

After Xi took a deep breath, Pei Junlin forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart and asked.

"I'm here with two assistants!"

Prince Wang Qiong rationalized the hair in front of his forehead and smiled, "You don't have to worry about it. I am now a master of seven masters, and I am fully capable of protecting myself!"

Qi master seven grades? !!

Pei Junlin was really surprised this time. He remembered that when he set off two months ago, Wang Ziqiong ’s cultivation was at most a master ’s cultivation of three or four grades. I did not expect that in just two months, Soared directly to the realm of congenital Qipin.

Even this horrible speed of cultivation, even he is a bit scary, it is indeed a pure Yin body rare in a thousand years, it is overbearing!

Just, how can Pei Junlin be relieved?

If before, Wang Ziqiong would always be so powerful, he would really be very relieved, but at this moment, after contacting the Tiankeng world, Pei Junlin increasingly found that he knew too little about the earth today.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, a guru is already strong enough, a guru is like a dragon, and one enemy is one hundred, but in the eyes of a real strong person, the so-called guru is just some little dolls who have just learned to walk. Fingers can be crushed to death!

What is better to say that a master is worse than a dog, and he travels instinctively ... At this moment, the war in the tiankeng world is the most direct manifestation.

Even even the top powerhouses of these innate nine products can barely be called the backbone, the power of the gods is the main force, and the power of the supreme realm is the hegemon of one side!

The more Xun Li touched the world, Pei Junlin felt the horror of the earth's heritage more and more, it was by no means as simple as imagined.

Especially the family of O'Brien is very deep. Among the people who came that day, there were A-level powerful awakeners.

So, after taking a deep breath, he immediately said: "Zi Qiong, I'm going to book the fastest flight now, don't go anywhere, just wait for me at the hotel!"

On the other side of the video, Wang Ziqiong was stunned immediately: "Hey, you don't have to come here, I can handle it ..."

Just Pei Junlin didn't listen to her at all, and hung up the video directly, striding towards the outside of the base.

"Ah, Pei Junlin, where are you going?"

Not far away, Xia Houping, who had just made a phone call, saw the strange shape of Pei Junlin and immediately asked.

Pei Jun didn't return, "You go and play first, I'm going to Italy!"

Love country? !!

Xi Pei Junlin's voice was not small. Many people in the entire hall heard it. They were surprised one by one, and Jier Monk, Na Lanhao, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan all came over.

After a while, Pei Junlin had disappeared outside the door, leaving only the crowd in the hall.

"This guy looks fierce and looks like something terrible happened ..."

Xia Houping whispered softly, then his eyes lighted up, and excitement flashed, turning his head to the crowd: "Do you want to go to Italy to play?"

Everyone is directly stagnation, Italian country ... Go abroad to play ...

"Is anyone going there? Anyway, this time, the shepherd will also say that this side of Dongyang Tiankeng, the demons will not start war again for a while. Since we have already been on vacation, why don't we go out and have fun ... ... "

Xia Houping bewildered everyone: "Besides, I always think that when Pei Junlin is there, there must be something more fun! For example, this time the operation of Heiwu Cliff, each of us is not small, everyone All the pots of money are overflowing, and there are six or seven hundred high-quality spirits ... "

Everyone was told that Leng Shuangshuang showed a hesitation: "But ... I have never been abroad. I heard that I need a passport to go abroad, and the procedure is very troublesome!"

"Amitabha, the little monk has never been abroad!"

Xia Houping was dull, with a look of disdain, as if looking at a group of soil leopards, his eyes fell on Huangfu Fenghuang and Nalanhao, and he said, "Don't say that you two have never been abroad?"

Huangfu Phoenix Aojiao's chest was very tall and sneered, "Xia Houping, you'd better put away your unpleasant eyes, isn't this a few leopards, isn't it just a little Italian country?" There are so many places I have been to, more than ten! "

Unwilling to be outdone, Nalanhao said coldly: "I have also been to many countries, and I also speak the language of each country!"

"Go away, who believes you! You can't even speak a demon language, but can you speak the languages ​​of several other countries?" Xia Houping directly exposed the other party's boss and made Nalanhao angry and mad. .

"Well, don't waste any time, do you want to go to Italy?"

Xu Xia Houping finally said: "No more decisions, Pei Junlin will go away completely!"

"As for passports and the like, you don't have to worry about this, they are all wrapped in me!"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and each other's eyes show their intentions.

"Going abroad looks like fun, I go!"

Xi Huangfu Phoenix decided the idea first.

"I am going too!"

Na Naohao raised his hand and he was a disturbed master.

"And me, I will go too! I understand the language of the country."

Hundred miles of flying swallows jumped for joy, and in the end there was only Leng Shuangshuang and the monk who abstained.

After the two looked at each other, they gritted their teeth and nodded. Going abroad is equivalent to long experience and experience. I believe that even the elders in Zongmen knew it, it was justified.

Immediately, a group of six people rushed out of the base's hall, and many military soldiers in the base who noticed this scene sighed secretly.

年轻 This young is good, dare to fight and dare to fight, full of vitality, never lack of blood!

At this moment, at the gate of the base, Pei Junlin had borrowed a jeep off-road vehicle and was about to drive out the door. Suddenly, a shout came from behind him, and then he turned around and saw a group of six people coming in with interest.

Pei Jun appeared in doubt: "You are ..."

Yi Xiahou Pingjiao held her chest up and made a chic gesture: "Go to Italy with you! We have already negotiated, you do your business, we play with us!"

Others nodded, with a smile on their faces.

Pei Junlin suddenly had a black line on his face: "Don't tease me!"

谁 "Who is joking with you, do you think so many of us are joking with you again?"

Nalanhao stared.

Pei Junlin looked at the serious faces in front of her, and at last she was completely speechless. The Italian country was not his home. Since others wanted to go, he was up to them!

Soon, a group of people found a car again, and the two cars headed directly to the nearest eastern provincial capital.

On the road, Xia Houping pulled out his cell phone and checked the recent flights. They were very lucky. Four hours later, there was a direct flight to Italy.

It took them more than three hours to reach the capital of the eastern province.

Xia Houping made a phone call and left them seven seats, all of which were all in premium class. They drove all the way forward, galloping, and the last row of seven arrived at the airport with great force.

Their dusty appearance has attracted a lot of shocked eyes on the airport, especially the clothes on individual people have been broken in many places, which makes the cold frost and monks who have never been abroad quite restrained. Pei Junlin, Xia Houping, Huangfu Fenghuang, and others all turned a blind eye and had strong aura.

Not long after, the group began boarding the plane, and when they got into the deluxe business class, many people took a good breath and took a sigh of relief.

"Pei Junlin, I always forgot to ask you, what happened to you in such a hurry to go to Italy?"

After the plane took off, Na Lanhao suddenly asked.

A word immediately caught the attention of everyone sitting around ~ ~ one ear quietly erected.

Pei Junlin didn't hide it, and he replied: "In fact, there is no major issue, that is, my wife's business has some trouble in the country. I'm not assured, so I rushed over ... eh, what are all of you ?!"

Before Pei Junlin's words were finished, they saw a pair of eyes staring round, and everyone looked at him in disbelief.

"Well, Pei Junlin, you already have a wife, have you got married ?!" Xia Houping's eyes widened and he exclaimed, the other person was also an expression of being struck by lightning, and could not return to God for a long time. .

This news is really incredible. Pei Junlin is about the same age as them. They are all twenty-four or four. This age is too early for ordinary people to marry, let alone have a long life. Long warrior!

强大 A powerful warrior, it is normal to get married at the age of 40, but Pei Junlin ...

At this moment, everyone didn't know what to say, and at the same time, he had an unprecedented curiosity about Pei Junlin's wife, and wanted to see what kind of woman he could be and surrender a character like Pei Junlin ... … Ps: My friends, I am Langya No. 1. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel download, listening to books, zero advertisements, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press and hold for three seconds to copy) Book friends, pay attention!

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