Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 307: Disparity ratio

As time passed, two or three hours passed. In the large courtyard, there was a strong man sitting cross-legged everywhere, sitting there frowning, sometimes exhaling a strong evil spirit, and others like a pool of water , Calm and waveless ... the expressions on everyone's face vary.

Only Pei Junlin was left alone in the field, sitting on the steps, but suddenly became a little helpless, because only he had already mastered the use of spiritual power.

Suddenly, at that moment, a painful voice came from the quiet courtyard. I saw a congenital strong face showing pain, opened a mouthful of blood, and his face became pale as paper.

Pei Junlin's body flew over, and she calmly said, "Sorry, you failed!"

The congenital powerman slowly opened his eyes, his face lost and bitter, even though he had been psychologically prepared for a long time, but after his failure, his heart was still empty.

"Failure is a routine thing for soldiers, don't care! Quickly swallow the elixir to recover, don't hurt the foundation!"

Pei Junlin comforted that he had expected this result long ago, so there was no surprise.

Even Pei Junlin guessed that this time there may be less than ten people who can succeed. Don't look at the fact that the most powerful people in the entire Dongyang Tiankeng are gathered in this courtyard. The strong one will definitely be fine.

With an example of failure, it seems that the spell of failure has been violated, and soon another famous man either vomited blood or fell to the ground, or covered his head with his hands, making painful screams, with different states. It was enough, but the result was the same, all failed!

In just a quarter of an hour, seven or eight strong men declared that they had failed in cultivation. These failed strong men, with a look of decadence, sat on the ground while recovering, while waiting for others to cultivate.

"Pei Junlin, is there any knack for this spiritual cultivation method, why have so many of us failed?"

While waiting, someone couldn't help but ask, and all the people's attention was suddenly gathered.

Pei Junlin groaned: "Maybe, I don't really understand this aspect, but I think that spiritual training has its special threshold, which is like our war in the tiankeng world, which is only a sign of strength. Only those who are above the innate will be warned, and below the innate will be fine! "

A group of strong men were silent and did not know what kind of thoughts were in their hearts.

what! !! !!

At this moment, another painful voice came. A strong man covered his head with both hands and screamed and rolled on the ground. His expression was extremely embarrassing. Pei Junlin rushed forward to rescue him.

"It's the ninth one, and none have succeeded. It's a bit low ..."

Pei Junlin murmured to himself, just before his voice had fallen, suddenly, in the dim courtyard, a dazzling light emerged, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

It was a strong man in the military department, and it was repaired to a grade of about seven grades. However, at this moment, a small sun appeared in the eyebrow of this strong man's eyebrow, which was dazzling.

"Someone succeeded ?!"

Pei Junlin suddenly stood up in surprise, and the other failed powerhouses also stood up one by one, with eyes widened in surprise and envious.

At first they doubted whether this spiritual method was problematic. I didn't expect that someone would succeed so soon. Do not mention how complicated the mood really is!

Under the eyes of a pair of eyes, I saw that the light of the eyebrow of the military strong man was gradually controlled, and began to change into various shapes, very vivid.

Pei Junlin was surprised: "This military strong man has a good understanding, but he has mastered the essence so quickly!"

Time passed quickly again, and night began to slowly come. The first night of Pei Junlin's arrival in the Tiankeng world finally arrived. A bonfire raged in the entire Overlord City, and the entire Overlord City was reflected in red.

There is no modern equipment and no power supply. When viewed from the outside, the entire city is like a burning city.

The scene at Black Gold City is almost the same, all using primitive flame lighting.

And just in this quiet night, in a certain courtyard, from time to time, you can hear the sound of painful screams. Every time this scream comes out, it indicates that another person has failed!

On the other hand, if you see the glare suddenly rising into the sky, it means that someone has succeeded ...

Pei Junlin was like a nanny this night, and spent in the guard until the next day, two large fireballs emerged from the horizontal line, indicating that a new day had come, and the hot heat was shining on the ground.

At this time, the number of strong people in the courtyard who are still continuing to practice has been greatly reduced, leaving less than one-tenth. Among them, it is worth mentioning that monks, monks, phoenixes, cold frost, Lan Hao, Xia Houping, and Baili Feiyan all six heavenly pride have all succeeded!

This greatly exceeded Pei Junlin's expectations. I had thought that a part of this practice would be pulled down. I didn't expect that it would be a collective success, which was really surprising.

On the contrary, among a group of more powerful divine powers, none of them has succeeded yet. The divine powers who are in a detached position on the weekdays are sitting on the ground cross-legged, and some people Anxious, someone is still calm ...

In the end, it was almost twelve noon, and finally someone murmured, a flush was revealed on the face of Elder Yong Ronghuagui, who was from the Snow Temple, and his eyes opened slowly, his face full of regret. .

She failed!

Seeing that Elder Han Bingning has failed, I don't know what kind of psychology, the strong men who had failed, have a lot of peace in their hearts.

The underlying meaning is almost to say, you see, even such a powerful divine powerhouse has failed. Those of us who are weak and weak, it is more normal to fail!

After almost another hour, Huang Fu also murmured, stood up with a grin on his face, and he failed!

Immediately after, it was Barrison, who also failed!

However, at this moment, a dazzling light suddenly rose on the eyebrow part of the eyebrow, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention. When they saw the eyebrow at the center of the breeze, the crowd cast their envious eyes.

The shepherd will succeed!

Soon after, a bright scorching sun appeared again, and Nalan Yunkong also succeeded!

Time passed again. In the afternoon, Cai Shen, who had been sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly poured a scarlet blood out of the corner of his mouth, and slowly opened his eyes. His face was lost and regretted. He also failed!

In the end, the master of delusion failed.

When this experiment was completely over, Pei Junlin announced the number of people who successfully mastered the mental power method. Of the 507 team, only 30 people reached the goal, and the rest failed!

As soon as these disparity ratios appeared, everyone felt inexplicable. I don't know if I should be happy or lost.

Of these thirty people, only a few of them have successfully mastered the Divine Power, and the rest are all innate powers.

The only thing worthy of note is that a group of heavenly pride, all six of them have succeeded, which can be regarded as a great comfort, but also comforts some martial arts holy places and the strong men of the hidden family.

But then, Cai Shen gave a powerful voice to speak. This time, 30 people can successfully master the spiritual power. This is an unprecedented gain. Just think about it, the 30 strong men will sneak into the demon together in the next day. What kind of big waves will occur in the tribe's territory.

This is absolutely unprecedented good news for Dongyang Tiankeng. When it arrives, it will definitely give a deep lesson to the demons!

Hearing the powerful and inspiring words, the lost and regrettable strong men just packed up their moods and gradually dismissed. During the dismissal, Cai Shen and Mu Shen will leave Pei Junlin.

In a quiet room, Cai Shen will tell his purpose. He wants to give this spiritual practice to the upper leadership, hoping to get the same promotion in other Tiankeng battlefields.

If there are thirty people in each tiankeng who have mastered this kind of spiritual power, it is absolutely vital to the entire Huaxia country, and it is likely to change the difficult war situation today.

In this regard, Pei Junlin hated generously and waved his hands freely. Since he has already taken out this spiritual method ~ ~, the purpose is to want to be promoted. I hope more powerful people can master this method. To help everyone.

"Pei Junlin, good job! You are my proudest man in China!"

Cai Shen will step forward, patting Pei Junlin's shoulder again and again, and promise to guarantee any difficulties in the future. This Dongyang Tiankeng is the backing. Anyone who dares to embarrass, is against the entire Dongyang Tiankeng!

And he will apply to his superiors to the maximum, and Pei Junlin should get the reward!

Hearing Cai Shen will say the reward, Pei Junlin moved his heart, his eyes fell on the face of the next pastor, and he smiled and said, "Now pastor, now you should tell me where the spiritual fruit grows?"

The shepherd will be silent and scolded: "Your kid is really stubborn! I can tell you the location of the spiritual fruit, because you have such great credit, but you must guarantee that you must not do so without permission. Action, even if you really want that spiritual fruit, you must take me! "

From the words of the pastoral god, Pei Junlin finally knew that Lingsuguo grew up in a steep mountain named Heiwu Cliff five or six hundred miles away from Heijin City. That place is also a very important soul The pulse, except that an accident has recently occurred in the Black Mist Cliff. The unknown poisonous mist recklessly jeopardizes even the Black Wind Snakes and the Golden Jackets.

After receiving the news, Pei Junlin patted his chest to ensure that he would never act without authorization, and then left.

It was just that night that someone discovered that Pei Junlin had quietly left.

Not only that, there were also three restless fellows who abducted monks, Nalanhao, and Xiahouping!

The shepherd who got the news the next day will almost crook his nose. Because of his retreat last night, no one told him such important news ...

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