Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 186: Invincible-Li Chaoran!

The soonest updated chapter of the rebirth Shura returns!

The peak of spiritual practice is always eight grades and nine grades!

These revisions are enough to dominate the party and rank Xeon!

After all, in today's martial arts world, the great master is already top-notch. As for the inborn strong title of true dragon above the grand master, it must be a talent who has great fortune and can do it.

Those innate powers encountered by Pei Junlin before entering the Yanhuang organization must know that it is the top barrier that gathers the power of a country. It is known as the strongest location of the blade of the country. Natural powers are like dragons. a bit more.

But in the world of martial arts, a monastic peak or always eight grades and nine grades can really dominate the king!

There are so many martial arts forces, the head of the family is a strong person at this level. If there is any innate strong person who appears as the true dragon, it is definitely an unrivaled existence. One will ride a dust and make countless forces awe and envy. .

I didn't see the Zhu family in order to have their own innate power, so they rode the dust and set up the Jiulong Yinsha array. They dared to calculate even a behemoth such as Danzong. From this, it can be seen that the name of the real dragon How rare is the innate strong!

Congenital or real people ca n’t show up. The strongest monks and masters of Jiupin are enough to dominate the king and look down on one side!

"This Jiangbei Pei Junlin is going to fall over!"

After feeling the horrible peak of Dan Dingzi ’s monastic path, many men and women onlookers issued such sighs, one by one with pity and regret.

After all, they have encountered such a ‘conscience’ seller. They still want to buy a good medicine. Who ever thought that this guy would kill himself and offend Danzong ...

It is a pity that such an alchemy talent has such a skill at a young age, and over time, the achievements are limitless.

Sighs of sighs came from time to time, and few people were optimistic about Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran. It was that the Dan Dingzi they faced was too powerful, let alone a behemoth like Dan Zong behind them.

This is true even for the Zhu family, even if it is known that Li Chaoran is a top master of Jiupin.

As the most powerful force in Zhongzhou, Dan Zongzi is a great master or monk like Dan Dingzi. I do n’t know how many, let alone Dan Zong and the most powerful monk. Destiny exists.

At this moment, when I saw Dan Dingzi's intention to kill, he changed the appearance of Xianfeng Road bone and replaced it with a majestic attitude. His eyes contained a domineering gesture of lightning. Many people regret Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran.

The Zhu family even stepped forward to leave Julia La, who was still at Pei Junlin's side, but was rejected directly by Julia. The charming and charming face was full of arrogance.

Others don't know the strength of Pei Junlin, can she still know?

Don't say that it is a dan Dingzi who is at the pinnacle of spiritual cultivation. Even if the true innate power comes, Pei Junlin is not afraid. As early as a few months ago, Pei Junlin killed the innate powers like Pei's ancestor. Not to mention today.

Although Julia doesn't know where Pei Junlin's strength is today, she is very confident. Pei Junlin's strength must be more refined!

"Junior, you dare to kill my Danzong people in public. This is the biggest provocation against my Danzong. Today you must use your life to pay it all!"

Under the eyes of a pair of eyes, Dan Dingzi's momentum is getting stronger and stronger, generating electricity from the tiger's head, which is the symbol of the peak of monasticism, which indicates that the practice of a maneuver has already reached the peak.

However, unexpectedly, whether it was Pei Junlin or Li Chaoran, even Julia's look was calm and waterless.

This scene fell into the eyes of the Zhu family and some caring people, and couldn't help whispering to their hearts. Is it all this time, what other powerful chassis is there for Pei Junlin?

Under the eyes of each pair, I saw that Pei Junlin waved his hand gently, and said lightly: "Aloof, if you can't solve this little thing, then you still don't hang around with me, save the shame!"

"Hey, I knew the boss you would say that!"

Li Chaoran sighed and stepped forward, but even though the words said that, his eyes were already filled with a frenzy of warfare, and he faced the angry Dan Dingzi and said, "Old things, you But it's just the pinnacle of monasticism, what a madness! Just as invincible! "


Just as the words just fell, Li Chaoran's body suddenly burst into a terrifying momentum, accompanied by the sound of thunder, and Li Chaoran saw his body boil, as if it were a volcanic eruption. Until the Grand Master Jiupin!

At the moment when the powerful practice belonging to the master Jiupin broke out, the people who had shown ridicule and mercy directly froze one by one with a smile, and replaced them with a **** expression. Even the people of Danzong are no exception.

Everyone did not expect that Li Chaoran would be a top powerhouse of Jiupin, how old is he ...

A 20-year-old grand master Jiupin young strong, such qualifications are scary!

Dan Dingzi tightened his eyes. With his insight and determination, when he saw Li Chaoran's cultivation and age, his heartbeat accelerated.

Danzong, as the great power in Zhongzhou, has a high ranking in the entire Huaxia Kingdom. However, there has never been any young child in the Zongmen. At this age, he can win such a master's cultivation.

This requires a lot of evil qualifications to practice this step!

Dan Dingzi frowned, this Jiangbei Peijun came, he really has not heard of it, is it the heirs of the hermit family walking the rivers and lakes?

Dan Dingzi thought more and more that this was possible, and couldn't help but say, "Junior, wait a minute ..."


However, a horrible boxing man has hit his head against Dan Dingzi's head, as if thundering!

Close attack, martial arts strong will always occupy a strong advantage!

Within ten steps, the powerful man will lose all the wind, and you ca n’t help it!

Looking at the mighty horror fist, Dan Dingzi's hair was upside down and his lightning exploded. He was very aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the strong spells and the strong martial arts. the distance between.

At the same time, his mana was running wildly, raising his hands to hit a rune.

These amulets are dense and dense, and there are more than a dozen of them. Each moment when they fly out, they will instantly become a barrier of mana to block Li Chaoran's horrible punches.

puff! puff! puff! puff……

Whenever a mana barrier formed by a rune appears in mid-air, it will be bombed by the horrible punches inspired by Li Chaoran, like a bubble, which cannot bear any damage.

However, after more than a dozen consecutive runes of mana formed by the endless barrier, the horrible punches issued by Li Chaoran finally weakened a lot, gradually dissipating in the air, Dan Dingzi breathed a sigh of relief. .

But the next second didn't wait for him to remember his panting, and only heard a thunderous roar rang through the world, shaking many people with dizziness and weak limbs.

"Great Rift Stele!"

Li Chaoran's eyes were electrified, and his whole body was boiled again, stronger and stronger than before. He changed his usual hippie smiley and swayed posture. At this moment, he is like a real Li family. Sweeping thousands of troops, domineering side leakage.

This big boxing fist is a unique skill of the Li family. It is precisely because of this set of unrivaled boxing methods that the Li family has established the prestige of the top family. At this moment, Li Chaoran casts it out. Inside, the qi is arrogant, the arrogant is wanton, the boxing is unmatched, and the river is open.

Everyone's complexion changed. No one seemed to think that Li Chaoran, a young man who seemed completely out of touch with fierceness, would show such a set of fierce boxing techniques, and his eyes fell.

Even Pei Junlin was slightly surprised. For the first time, he saw Li Chaoran's fierce and immortal big crack stele, and he nodded slightly, expressing his appreciation.

Li Chaoran is indeed a natural genius of Xi Wu. He has won the essence of this big crack stone fist. He is fierce and indomitable. No matter how turbulent he is in weekdays, once he enters the battle, he holds the belief of victory and destroys enemy.

Such a character, even in the thousands of worlds, is a unique genius. In ancient times, it is definitely a storm-trooper. He can build his career and make great achievements!

When Li Chaoran exhibited the Da Bei Bei Quan, the face of Dan Dingzi on the other side completely changed, and angrily yelled: "Dare you dare!"

In the roar, he quickly took off a jade bracelet that had always been worn on his wrist, obviously with a trace of pain in the body, and finally gritted his teeth to hit the decree and quickly sacrifice.

A halo emanated, this jade bracelet burst into a powerful mana wave, and it collided with Li Chaoran's large cracked fist.

In the terrible sound of energy collision, the energy storm spread around, the ground was cracked, the stones were flying chaotically, and the crowd pushed back. When everything was calm, they saw Li Chaoran and Dan Dingzi confront each other.

Li Chaoran's whole body was boiling, and Dan Dingzi gripped the jade bracelet tightly. The jade bracelet exuded a strong mana fluctuation, and the same momentum did not fall.

"A magic weapon? It turned out to be a magic weapon!"

The exclaimed voice came out, and a pair of eyes burst out of the crowd in the crowd, staring closely at the jade bracelet in the hands of Dan Dingzi, amazed and envious.

No one expected that Dan Dingzi would carry a magic weapon on his body!

Artifact, it is absolutely valuable, it is more precious than elixir. Ethnography may still be refined in the martial arts world today, but it is really almost extinct. Already lost.

Almost every instrument is valuable and has no market, but unfortunately, the number of instruments is still too scarce, comparable to elixir ~ ~ I did not expect that Dan Ding at the moment The son even carried one with him, could it not be jealous, but the thought of Dan Dingzi's special identity quickly made everyone stunned.

With Dan Zong's powerful heritage, it is normal to have a magic weapon.

"I didn't expect you to carry a powerful weapon with you?"

Li Chaoran's voice was low and his warfare surging: "But even if you have a powerful magic weapon, the magic weapon is not omnipotent. It is endless. I'll take a look. You can rely on that magic weapon to stop it. How many times has Master Ben attacked ?! "

Dan Dingzi's face changed slightly, Li Chaoran's words were still the biggest flaw of the jade bracelet magic weapon in his hand. Although the magic weapon is powerful, it is not almighty. When the mana in it is exhausted, it will be completely useless!

Immediately, a touch of Dan Dingzi's face was soon revealed: "junior, your knowledge is good! The magical instrument is indeed not almighty, but if based on the magical instrument, plus a pinnacle of monasticism and nine masters Master Martial arts! "

As soon as this remark came to an end, the audience's face changed immediately. Is there any powerful chassis for Dan Dingzi?

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