Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 178: Hang out

The shocking horror completely scared a group of wealthy second generations around him. Originally, Xue Yangyang and others, who had been against Li Chaoran, froze all their actions one by one, and looked terrified.

They are just a group of 扈 扈 扈 rich second generation, who was stunned by the breath of a terrible inborn power.


Even Li Chaoran was frightened by Pei Junlin's anger. When he felt bad, he quickly got up and Julia stepped forward to comfort him.

Pei Jun looked like a knife and fell on Li Chaoran's face. Li Chaoran, who looked directly, was shocked: "The next time you let me encounter such a broken thing as you again, where are you best to come from? "

超 Li Chaoran's expression was full of embarrassment. Until now, he still didn't understand. This time, Pei Junlin suddenly got angry, all because of his breaking things!

Is Pei Junlin a good-tempered person?

The answer is of course no!

As a Shura warrior who had blood on his hands and a pile of bones under his feet, his coldness was almost into the bone marrow, and the murder was merciless!

Even after reincarnation, Pei Junlin's mentality has not changed much, otherwise, he will not start the iron road of revenge directly by thunderous means after reincarnation.

On this way, he destroyed the Xie family, Luo family, and Zhou family in Qingzhou, and then killed the Pei family in Jiangbei and the Zhang family in Jiangnan, and he was not relentless in the face of huge organizations such as Qinghongmen overseas. Without fear, the numbers killed by his own hands have already exceeded three digits, and some of them are women.

For the general Shura warrior, the eyes are only the enemy, there is no so-called gender distinction, what about a woman, as long as he angers him, he can kill him!

So, when Liu Zihan, Xue Yangyang and a group of self-contained posthumous women began to pursue Li Chaoran, Pei Junlin was patient because he did not involve himself.

It ’s just that my mood has endured to the limit. After all, a good meal has already been destroyed. Who knows, Liu Zihan is too treacherous and dare to reach out to stop Pei Junlin's way, which immediately ignites Pei The last anger of King's Landing!

Nusula was angry, where would it matter if you were a man or a woman, and those who angered him, all killed!

一群 Liu Zihan and a group of treacherous women should be lucky that they are just ordinary people, otherwise, they are already dead!

的 The movement here naturally shocked the others in the restaurant, and a series of sights projected.

However, all the people present are knowledgeable people. These little things are just a joke among young people, and not many people care about it.

"what happened?"

A low voice came from, a person who was about twenty-four to five years old, personable and smart, and came with two people. When he saw Julia in the disputed person, he could not help frowning.

Zhu Kang, one of the leading figures in the younger generation of the Zhu family, is quite reused at a young age. He is a full-time talent, graduated from Harvard Medical School with a dual-degree master's degree, and is now a rising star in the well-known medical profession in China. .

"It's okay, it's this group of short-sighted things that offend my friends and be taught a little bit."

In the face of Zhu Kang who came to question, Julia looked humble, and explained lightly.

Zhu Kang frowned. The eyes of his inspection fell on Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran, and then glanced at the embarrassed Liu Zihan and others, with great interest: "Liya, you two friends don't seem to be of ordinary status. what!"

"The dazzling pearl of the Liu Group, the second lady of Kia International, the third lady of Donghuang Entertainment, and a few of Huatai Jewelry, each of them has a net worth of over 100 million, and you are all described as not long. Eye stuff! "

"I'm curious about the identity of your two friends!"

"Hello, I'm Zhu Kang, dare to ask where the two gentlemen are from? Where can I go?"

康 Zhu Kang showed a gentle smile, and stretched out his palms to Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran.

But unfortunately, Li Chaoran ignored Zhu Kang ’s outstretched palm directly, while Pei Junlin already stepped over Zhu Kang ’s body and left directly, Julia also followed Yingying with a smile, and only left Zhu Kang's slightly stunned face in situ.

He didn't seem to think at all. As his dignified Zhu family, there was still a day that was so ignored, looking at the surprised faces around Zhu Kang, the gentle and elegant face of Zhu Kang was suddenly gloomy, and there was a faint shadow in his eyes. The cold chill flashed.

"Toasting and not eating and drinking things, whether you are a river raptor or a river or lake liar, since you have come to the land of my Zhu family, you must listen to my Zhu family's order!"

"Master Zhu Kang!"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the side of Zhuan, which shocked Zhu Kang, and when he turned back quickly, he saw a messy ground, a middle-aged woman with a harsh and old-fashioned face.

"It's Mei Yan, startle me!"

康 Zhu Kangchangshu took a breath, and then seemed to think something, and said, "Mei, did you notice the situation just now? Who are those two arrogant guys, do you know?"

Mei 婶 shook his head: "In the morning, I saw the two young people. I have sent a message in the afternoon to make enquiries, but I'm afraid I won't receive the exact news in these days."

"So, maybe these two guys are the helpers of Julia's bitch?" Zhu Kang looked gloomy. "I didn't expect this **** to be young and didn't learn anything else." How much, I have learned to seduce a man, and two at a time! "

"These two guys, shouldn't it affect our plans?"

Mei 婶 shook her head, silent.

康 Zhu Kang blinked with a gloomy gaze: "I have already shown my favor to them, but the two guys ignored them, Mei Yan! It seems that Huairou's method doesn't work this time!"

"Master Zhu Kang, rest assured, since Huairou's approach doesn't work, then we still have a tough strategy. I will go to them for a while to see if they are really not afraid of death!"

Mei Mei said lightly, relaxed words, full of confidence, as if she had already become familiar with similar things, and did not know how many times she had done it.

The following night, it gradually deepened, and most people in the entire Ziding Manor fell into a sweet sleep.

In the dark night, a ghostly figure suddenly appeared in the villa area A. He was as light as a swallow, with a staircase like an old horse, three turns and two turns. The figure has jumped to the window sill of a villa, and then light Open the window and sneak in.


Like a civet cat landing, without any sound, Hei Ying smiled at his skill and became more confident in this action.

Is just two young people who do not know the heights and heights of the earth, but she is a strong master of three masters, is simply a killing knife to kill chickens!

Boo boo!

When Black Shadow was full of confidence in her own strength, she was fierce, and a cold wind came from the back of her head. It looked as if someone was lying on her back and deliberately blown air. Suddenly, her hair fell down. Stand up and turn quickly.

As far as the line of sight is concerned, in the room as dark as ink, there is nothing else except the darkness.

"Strange, I just felt that someone was blowing in my head ... who!"

I waited for the thoughts of Heiying to fall, and the familiar cold wind came from the back of his head again. He was frightened and turned around, his pores tightened, but there was no movement in the room, except for herself.

Such a weird scene, Rao's knowledge of the dark shadows, could not help but feel a little creepy, her heartbeat began to accelerate, and various things about 'ghosts' emerged in her mind, even if she knew that those things were Deceiving ...

Boo boo! !!

The familiar sound of cold wind blowing from behind my head came again. Heiying learned this time and did not immediately turn around. Instead, he tried to accumulate strength and finally exhaled loudly, bursting out his full strength, and suddenly punched his brain. Deep down.

This punch was really a punch like a dragon, and the majestic vigor came out, screaming in the night. At this moment, the shadow had no longer cared about the exposure, but had to make the guy who pretended to be a ghost. You can only get revenge by punching to death.

But ... Unexpectedly, Black Shadow was bound to get a punch, and once again missed!

Feeling the empty surroundings, Hei Ying couldn't help showing her face, did she really feel wrong ...


It was also at the moment when Black Shadow was in a daze. Suddenly, there was a wind behind her head, and a powerful blow hit her head severely, like a hammer-like force directly hitting her with Venus. ~ ~ Yayo fell to the ground.


的 The light in the room was turned on, revealing a young man with a playful face. He was holding a porcelain electric oven in his hand. The oven had been completely deformed, showing that he had a very strong shot.

The young man looked at the man in black grinning on the ground and suddenly felt something. He raised his head and saw the railing on the second floor. A young man in pajamas leaned lazily and watched him. .

"That ... Boss, bother you to sleep!"

Li Chaoran was embarrassed. Since Liu Zihan and Xue Yangyang were out of the business, Li Chaoran has become more embarrassed in front of Pei Junlin.

"I'll throw this guy out!"

"Wait a minute!"

Pei Junlin suddenly said, and then under Li Chaoran's confused eyes, he stared at the black man on the ground and said coldly, "The people in Zhu's family are a bit past! I didn't plan to pay attention to this matter yet. I thought they were provoking again and again! In this case, let's play with them! "

"Be aloof, go and rob the clothes of this man in black and hang it at the most prominent place of Ziding Manor!"

"Remember, don't let anyone discover!"

When Pei Junlin's words fell, Li Chaoran's eyes were already excited.

"Sink, spit! Boss!"

"I didn't expect you to be so light and windy, as if you were a fairy, and you ’d be so gloomy!"

Pei Junlin stared softly, scaring Li Chaoran, and then he smiled!

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