Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 159: Assassin


Pei Junlin's shot this time was really angry, and he has been reborn for a long time. He was caught by the chest for the first time. This is an intolerable thing for the mighty Shura generals.

In the distance, Li Chaoran, who slammed on the stone wall like a cannonball, had a twitching whole body, and his entire face changed, as if he was blowing a wind and screaming in his stomach.

He only felt that the whole stomach was turned over, as if the blade was stirred in the intestine, the heart was corroded, and the pain was unbearable.

But immediately afterwards, a face of unprecedented anger and embarrassment emerged from Li Chaoran's face. He ... Li Chaoran, a grand devil, who is not afraid of the existence of the sky, the most top red child in the whole China, even Hit someone!

And still on his own site, he was alive with a knee pain and could not stand up for a long time!

"Laozi **** you!"

Extreme anger filled the whole mind, and I saw a horrific wave of infuriating suddenly erupted in Li Chaoran's body. His cultivation was so amazing that he reached the realm of nine masters, and he could step into the supreme congenital power one step later. The title is true. The presence of the dragon!

Pei Junlin also gave a frivolous voice, showing a little surprise. This is the first master Jiupin young strong he has encountered since his rebirth, and he is about the same age as him. It can be seen that Li Chaoran's qualifications are exceptional. .

This Yanhuang organization seems to be a place where the dragon and the tiger are lying. A young man who just emerged had the cultivation of the master and the nine grades. It is indeed the blade of the country.

But, what about it?

The master of the nine masters may be the top power in the martial arts world, but all this is still a slightly larger ant in front of Pei Junlin. He wants to target this kind of opponent, which is basically complete. Abuse!

So soon, in this empty cave house, a very dramatic scene appeared.

No matter how Li Chaoran's look was embarrassed, every time he broke out, the master Jiupin's cultivation practice broke out, and every time he rushed up, Pei Junlin lay down on the ground with a clear and clean method, and he showed no mercy.

The situation is like a giant who is abusing a child who has just grown up.

Once, twice, three times ...

Li Chaoran's perseverance nerve is also tough enough. Even if Pei Junlin slaps on the ground every time, his whole body is unshakable. On the contrary, he becomes more violent, like an angry young lion. More and more fierce, and clenched his teeth firmly.

The huge movement in the cave house, how can you not alarm the other people in the base, and soon rushed from all directions, a horrible figure, one by one unpredictable.

However, when these powerful men came to see Li Chaoran, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, he widened his eyes one by one and dropped his chin. There was even some air-cooled sound.

Suddenly, the mixed devil, there is even a day when he is severely beaten!

And it was so embarrassing to be beaten so badly, what courage is that young man?

Of course, more people are shocked by the practice of Pei Junlin!

No one in the entire base does not know Li Chaoran's name. Of course, he also knows his identity and strength very much. Although this character has always been stubborn and makes many people hate their teeth, it is also a rare genius. The age of the weak crown surpassed 99% of their peers, and they broke through all the way and practiced to the top realm of Grand Master Jiupin.

These outstanding talents, even inside the Yanhuang organization of Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, are super-class existence, and even many older generation characters are ashamed!

Something like talent is really uncommon, and the moment it is born, it is already granted.

This is like some wealthy wealthy children who own Rolls-Royce luxury cars and villas when they are born. They are also the same age. How can ordinary people compare?

The starting point when someone is born is higher than the results of your lifetime. The two sides are not at the same level.

Nowadays, a young man of the same age seems to be teasing a child, and he can't fight back. Many strong men can't help but be curious about Pei Junlin's identity. When will this happen again in the base? A young true dragon!

There is no doubt that Li Chaoran can be a teaser for children, and his strength is definitely a congenital power!

"How is he!"

Of course, some people also recognized Pei Junlin's identity, such as Kong Lin and Guan Yue who stood in the crowd. In addition, Tang Jijun and Leng Ruochen were also present. When looking at the appearance of Pei Junlin, Tang Jijun's face Not to mention more exciting, it seems that I never thought that Pei Junlin also came to the base of the Yanhuang organization.

On that day, Pei Jun came to Fengye Mountain in Qingzhou City to kill Pei's ancestors in succession, and Jiangbei Pei's 20 or 30 masters left an indelible impression on Tang Jijun.

For this reason, he did not know how many accusations of the Tang family and the scolding of his father Tang Baichuan. Almost all of the Tang family concentrated on the mistake of losing Pei Junlin, a powerful ally.

Especially on the day of the relocation of Junlin International, Pei Junlin greatly alienated his Tang family, which made all the forces in the entire Jiangbei region aware that the relationship between Tang family and Pei Junlin was not harmonious.

For this reason, many forces even gradually began to alienate the Tang family and run on the Tang family, so as to win the goodwill of Junlin International, and even added the unpredictable Lin family behind this.

All this makes the Tang family's position in the Jiangbei area today far worse than before. The income has shrunk significantly, and it is beginning to be restrained everywhere.

Tang Jijun never expected that he would see Pei Junlin again in the base of the Yanhuang organization. He was really emotionally complicated, resentful, fearful, jealous, and hated. His taste was mixed ...

At last, when he saw Li Chao who was severely beaten by Pei Junlin, his eyes flashed suddenly, and the corner of his mouth showed a touch of grudge.

Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin, do you think this is a mere land in the north of the river? Let you be so arrogant!

This is the Yanhuang organization, which gathers the top powers and powers of China. Even if you are the youngest congenital power, what are you going to do here?

Between his thoughts, Tang Jijun's eyes flashed, he quietly withdrew from the crowd, and hurriedly rushed toward the outside of Dongfu. He needed to find a person who could clean up Pei Junlin, so that he could take a good breath out of it!

At the same time, when Tang Jijun quietly left, there were also discussions among the crowd around him, apparently all discussing the identity of Pei Junlin. I don't know where such a young congenital powerhouse came from, such a blaze!


In the middle of the venue, when Pei Junlin once again shoved his face, and Li Chaoran, who flew towards him, hit him on the ground fiercely, finally, the beaten nose and swollen face, and the extremely miserable Li Chaoran was not climbing, but Tooth grinned and fell to the ground, grunting and panting quickly, "No more! No more! This Nima is just a bully!"

"Brother! Your congenital powerhouse titled True Dragon, do you ask me to let me punch you with three punches and two feet?"

Li Chaoran was lying on the ground, with two huge panda eyes on his eyes, and blood on the corners of his mouth, which looked quite funny.

Pei Junlin was unmoved, indifferent like ice, and spit out two words politely: "Stupid!"

Li Chaoran's eyes widened, and he habitually lost his temper: "Well, your boy gave his face a face ... uh, big brother! Big brother! I'm sorry, it's my younger brother! You don't know Tarzan, you are angry. Brothers, I really will be dead! "

Pei Junlin then recovered the coldness and shame in his eyes, and said lightly, "Can you tell me where I'm calling now?"

Li Chaoran chick nodded as he ate rice, and a grunt got up from the ground, with a charming expression on his face: "Of course! Of course! Brother, you come with the younger brother!"

Around the world, the people who had watched the show once again stunned their chins. They were accustomed to the arrogance of Li Chaoran's arrogant little devil. How have they ever seen Li Chaoran's charming look like a slave now? This is still the famous name What a melee little devil!

"Look, Lao Tzu is a grandmaster who is defeated by a magnificent congenital power. What can be shameful!"

Li Chaoran lifted his eyes and looked at the people around him. His two slender eyebrows were like sharp swords. They flew obliquely, yelled directly, arrogant, a typical sister-in-law's face.

The onlookers, although some of the innate strong inside, could face Li Chaoran's so treacherous posture, but seemed to have been accustomed to it, one by one back to prepare to leave.

"Where's the **** thing, dare to bully Lao Tzu's baby son, stand up to grandpa me!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a roar filled with endless anger came from outside Dongfu. This sound was still far away at the beginning, but in the blink of an eye, it thundered like thunder through the entire Dongfu, and then, A fierce howling wind came in, and there was an extra big man like Li Yan in Dongfu.

His messy hair seemed to have just woke up, and his cheeks and beards covered almost half of his face. The only pair of bronze bell-shaped eyes that appeared was like the sharpest blades in the world. People dare not look straight.

"Have met Lord Li Ge!"

"Master Li Ge!"

When the big man came into Dongfu with an unparalleled horror, all the people who were originally watching the crowd around them shouted respectfully.

For nothing else, it is because the seemingly unscrupulous puppet man is one of the three leaders of the heaven and earth people who are in awe of everyone in the Yanhuang organization.

Li Xiulong ~ ~ The owner of the Chinese character cabinet in the Yanhuang organization has a high weight!

It is one of the great men of the real Huaxia Kingdom!

"Hey, I just asked, who hit my baby son, who ?!"

Faced with the respectful people around him, Li Xiurong waved his hands indifferently, a pair of eyes like blades fell straight on Pei Junlin's face, and in an instant, there was an invisible lightning in the dim cave house. Passing, it hurt everyone's eyes, and backed up.

Pei Junlin murmured, took a big step back three steps, a pair of flames gradually appeared deep in the pair of low-lacquered black eyes, which was a sign of his full-time operation of nine revolutions.

The big man who appeared in front of me was definitely the strongest person Pei Junlin had encountered since he was reborn, and the first person to make Pei Junlin suffer. Just a collision of consciousness made Pei Junlin's pores all over Vigorous contraction.

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