Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 139: Battle with Taohuawu

The entire Guo family was taken away by the Zhang family. During this sensitive period, countless forces of all sizes in the entire city of Suzhou were closely watching the dynamics of the Zhang family, so naturally they could not hide their eyes.

On that day, there was a big earthquake in Sucheng. Everyone was talking about the relationship between the Zhang family's murder and the Guo family!

And at this moment of great turmoil, Sucheng, a lush garden with Jiangnan water and countryside atmosphere, here is lush, with small bridges, flowing water, pavilions, red walls and blue tiles.

The famous Zhangjia base camp in the entire Jiangnan area is here. While the bloodshed shocked the entire Soviet city and even the Jiangnan area, Zhang Jia, the protagonist, was furious.

What kind of force is Zhangjia? In this city, Sucheng is definitely the first big force. Even the entire Jiangnan region can be ranked in the top five. The population is strong, and it controls nearly one-third of the underground world. It's more complicated!

After the murder, the entire Zhang family was shaken up and down. Almost the same night, all the forces in the Soviet Union were shocked. No matter whether it was in the underground, business or political circles, people were dispatched to start searching for this boldness. , The murderer who committed the heinous sin!

Deep in the garden of Jiangnan Water Village, in an unusually spacious room, a terrifying roar came out: "What do you say? The person who committed this heinous sin is actually Pei Junlin who moved the Jiangbei area?"

The Zhang family today advocates Qi Yuan. This old man, who is already in his eighties, must be flying, and his seemingly skinny body exudes an amazing momentum, which makes the atmosphere in the entire room suppressed to the extreme.

Below him, everyone in the Guo family, including Guo Zhenhua himself, had his head down and trembled, and the atmosphere dared not come out, like a minion, where there was the former half-arrogant, and replaced it with a humble bow and a look of fear.

They have been here for a while, facing Zhang Qiyuan, a sea-like figure in Zhangjiazhen, who did not dare to conceal anything, told it out, and even made the relationship between Guo and Pei Junlin clear. Of course, in the end, the relationship must be far away!

With the horrifying energy of the Zhang family, these things cannot be concealed at all!

"Is the Pei Junlin you said the same as the youngest congenital power in the past century?"

In the depressed atmosphere, an old man with the same white hair and a three-point similar to Zhang Qiyuan asked sharply.

His name is Zhang Qiming, but he is Zhang Qiyuan's younger brother. However, because he was injured in his body when he was young, he could not bear children for a lifetime.

But he is the second person in the entire Zhang family, second only to Zhang Qiyuan. With great prestige, everyone in the Zhang family is in awe.

"To the second uncle, yes!"

Zhang Changyuan, Zhang Qiyuan's eldest son, answered with a bow.

Zhang Qiming's face was suddenly gloomy and chilly, "What the **** is going on here, please tell me in detail, draw a sentence, and punish the family!"

Everyone did not dare to conceal, and they will tell the ins and outs of the light source clothing factory, and finally said the last night the Guo family secretly informed Zhang Changsheng. After listening to the narration, Zhang Qiming couldn't help but sigh. A cry: "Everyone says that the Grand Master must not be insulted. Insulting a Grand Master requires five steps of blood spurt, let alone a congenital power!"

"That Pei Junlin is so young that he can claim congenital power. He is known as the youngest congenital power in a century, let alone arrogance! The Zhang family has this difficulty, and it should be taken for granted!"


As soon as Zhang Qiming's remarks came to an end, they immediately caused a lot of rebounds in the Zhang family, especially some young children, and they were filled with dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiming couldn't help but sigh: "You are still too young, I don't know how terrible the innate power is! The power at that level is the true dragon that truly travels the world!"

"Second uncle! What if he is really a real dragon? We Zhangjiaxiong dominated this Soviet city for decades, and its strength can be ranked among the top five in the entire Jiangnan region. There are countless strong ones, can we just let this guy trample on? ! "

Zhang Chang'ao was angry, and his eyes were full of uneasiness.

"I agree with Brother, this time my Zhang family is humiliated this time, and we must not give up, otherwise, how will we walk in this Jiangnan area in the future?" Zhang Sanye and Zhang Siye also opened their mouths and filled their anger.


Zhang Qiyuan, who was sitting on a chair, stood up, but his emaciated body exudes a sharp spirit, like a awakening lion: "Although this Pei Junlin is really strong, my Zhang family is not easy to mess with of!"

"He killed my two children and destroyed my three grandsons in succession, leaving only a few women and children who are difficult to be a major issue in Changsheng's life. This revenge is not reported, and my life in Zhang Qiyuan was ruined wisely!"

As soon as this remark came to an end, most of the Zhang family members responded, one by one shouting revenge, revenge, hot eyes, full of hatred!

Seeing this, Zhang Qiming quickly stepped forward and smiled bitterly: "Brother, I just analyzed the situation briefly, but I couldn't say anything, why are you so angry!"

"Even if he is the youngest congenital strongman Pei Junlin, dare to commit such a heinous **** case, my Zhang family should have paid tribute to the past by iron means! In order to defend the dignity of my Zhang family!"

Many Zhang families have eyes full of enthusiasm, admiring and staring at the domineering Zhang Qiyuan and Zhang Qiming. The Zhang family has these two elderly people sitting in town.

"Now our first task is to find an innate strongman out of the mountain as soon as possible to use against Pei Junlin, brother, do you have a good candidate?" Zhang Qiming asked.

Zhang Qiyuan is silent, a true dragon figure like the innate power, which is not a peerless Tianjiao big man, Shenlong can not see the end, but how easy to please!

However, with the strong background of the Zhang family, it is not a problem to invite a congenital powerhouse. The key question is who should I ask?

Their Zhang family does not have such a congenital powerhouse. Otherwise, they will not have any advancement in these years. They can only rank fifth.

Of the first four, there is indeed a congenital power in the first-ranked family, but the opponent will definitely not be dispatched.

"Brother, I remember that during the time you lived in Tianzhu Mountain, you met a big man who had lived in seclusion for many years! At that time, you said that the other party was a true dragon, who had already stepped into the inborn and had owed it. It ’s a big deal for you! We have invited the Zhang family several times without going out of the mountain. This time, it has something to do with my family ’s reputation for decades. It seems that we must do our best ... ”

In this quiet atmosphere, Zhang Qiming suddenly said.

The eyes of everyone in the Zhang family below suddenly brightened, and many children even shot different colors in their eyes. It seemed completely unexpected that someone in his family actually knew a congenial true dragon?

This is the most exciting news, and it is even more exciting without this news!

Zhang Qiyuan nodded: "Yeah! I was thinking about the Tianzhu Mountain ..."

"Ten years ago, when I met that senior, the other party was already able to walk in the air and chase the birds, leaving me with an indelible impression! Now ten years have passed, and the prerequisite must be even more unpredictable! "

"It is my order to start all strengths from now on, all the martial arts in the entire city of Su, martial law is strictly forbidden to return to Jiangbei ..."

Zhang Qiyuan gave a loud and loud order and all the children of the Zhang family immediately acted.

"Get a car right away and take out the millennium ginseng from my Zhangjiabao Treasury for thousands of years, as well as the snow mountain jade lotus that is suspected of the legendary elixir, and equipped with numerous pearl and jade treasures, follow me to Tianzhu Mountain! "

The entire Zhangjia suddenly turned into a precise instrument and went into operation.

Watching the Zhang family's full force, the Guo family suddenly became excited, especially Guo Jianfeng, Guo Shihan, and others who were full of revenge. They seemed to see Pei Junlin's next tragic situation.

When the precision instrument of the Zhang family was in full operation, Pei Junlin was with his parents and sister in a high-end club in Sucheng.

This club is a stronghold of the Lin family. It is very safe. Despite the storms outside the city, there is no impact on it. Pei Junlin even let Lin Xianer go out to buy three pieces of jade and concentrate on helping his parents and sister to refine and protect. Body instrument.

However, this is only for Pei Junlin personally. When he learned of the murder that shocked the entire Soviet city and even the Jiangnan area, Pei Junlin's phone rang constantly. ~ Jiangbei side, there were inquiries everywhere man of.

Apparently, even the Jiangbei side was shocked when the whole Jiangnan case was shaken!

After Pei Junlin briefly explained to Wang Ziqiong and others, she simply shut down the machine. Lin Xianer, who looked straight, kept twitching. She really found out that this guy is really a master who is not afraid of heaven. Bully him, even dare to dig through a hole!

Now the whole Jiangnan is shaken. As for Sucheng, it is all martial law. Although it is not possible to find Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin wants to leave with his parents and sister, it is obviously very difficult. After being placed under the Tianluo Di Net, as soon as Pei Junlin made his appearance, he would be instantly informed by the Zhang family.

In this way, the time flashed, it was already three days later!

On this day, Pei Junlin wore three pieces of bodyguards that she had successfully crafted on her parents and sister, and sternly instructed that no matter what happened, she could only feel relieved.

With his ability to break through the second turn of the Ninth Turn and the Ninth Gong, the amulet crafted by him, unless he is an innate power of the same level as him, the masters below the innate level cannot break through the defense at all. !!

"Mr. Pei, it's not good! The Zhang family is fighting you!"

Suddenly, the closed door was pushed open, Lin Xianer rushed in, holding a Suzhou Morning Post in his hand, and a row of large characters was printed on the most conspicuous cover!

"Master Tianzhushan Shibai, two days later, the young Tianjiao Peixiu Luo will fight in Taohuawu!"

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