Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 115: Do not believe, look up, who has been spared!

? Abnormal changes, came so suddenly, fast people make it difficult to react!

No one expected that the war that had already settled in the dust was resurrected and the changes were rampant!

At this moment, everyone finally came to a halt. From the beginning, the so-called betrayal was just a round set by Pei Wantian, waiting for the final blow!

For this reason, Pei's owner, Pei Wantian, even knelt at the beginning, putting aside all face and dignity!

These meticulous thoughts and fierce means can never be done!

Even with the presence of Pei's ancestors, Pei Wantian was well prepared for secondhand early!

There was a sound of screams all around, and Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others who were still happy were completely changed.

The Lin family, the Tang family, and the Yanhuang organization's men and women are also exclaimed!

As for the prince Qiong, who stood not far away, she was shivering, almost unable to stand, her red lips slightly opened, and her bloodless lips were tightly covered with her hands ...

"Haha !!!"

The laughter filled with endless excitement rang through the top of Maple Leaf Mountain, watching Pei Junlin trapped in a huge bell, and Pei Wantian was insane and laughed out loud!

"Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin, even if you are a demon genius that is rare in a century? What about the youngest congenital powerhouse, dare to underestimate my Jiangbei Pei family, this is your end!"

Pei Wantian laughed wildly, and tried his best to make a decision, printed on the huge bell!

At the same time, the twenty or thirty great masters also shot in succession, hitting similar seals, and looking at the appearance, it was obviously ready to seal Pei Junlin forever in this bell!

"This bell is the most powerful weapon in my Pei family in Jiangbei. There is a strong man who is proficient in the formation method. It consumes a lifetime of horror formation carved by blood and is enough to seal any strong person under the congenital third product. It is the strongest dependency of my Jiangbei Pei family! "

Pei Wantian quickly slaps around the bell, yelling loudly in his mouth, it is difficult to hide his inner excitement.

"Do you really think that my Jiangbei Pei Jia proudly stood in this place in Jiangbei for decades, without a strong background, can be safe for so many years, it is simply ridiculous! Haha!"

The faces of everyone in the audience changed greatly. I did not expect that Jiangbei Pei's family had such a powerful weapon!

However, soon this thought subsided. Indeed, as Pei Wantian said, Jiangbei Pei's family, as one of the most powerful overlords in Jiangbei, has one or two chassis at the bottom of the box, which is really normal!

Although the magical instruments are precious, they can appear in the hands of a powerful family like Jiangbei Pei's, which is normal!

Pei Junlin is afraid this time is really dangerous!

It's just a loss of Jingzhou!

Seeing the dense seal around the bell of the instrument, the onlookers felt very sorry!

If it was not the intention of Pei Junlin, even if Pei Wantian possesses such a powerful magic weapon, it may not be so easy to succeed, after all, Pei Junlin is now a real congenital powerhouse!

However, in this world, there is no regret medicine to buy ... From ancient times to now, there are not a few examples where the strong are defeated by the weak ...

Despair, gradually covering the hearts of everyone like Wang Ziqiong, watching the power of the increasingly dense seal around the huge bell in front of her, someone could not help crying!

After all, that brings together all the seals of strength of thirty masters such as Pei Wantian. Even if Pei Junlin is a congenital power, I am afraid it has been planted ...

Boom! !! !!

When hundreds of people on the top of the mountain had different thoughts, suddenly, a dull thundering sound came into everyone's ears, and even many people felt the vibration of the ground under their feet. People were at a loss. This vibration came in the direction.

Boom! !! !!

As everyone tried to find it in consternation, the familiar thunderous sound of thunder came again, even more clearly this time than before.

Eyes finally gathered on the huge bell that had been sealed by thirty masters such as Pei Wantian. It seemed that the loud noise came from the bell.

Then everyone saw the incredible scene!

The bell that was originally suppressed by Pei Wantian and the 30 great masters together with their seals, gradually, there were weird bumps everywhere, and it looked like a fist. It looked like someone was using the fist inside. Struggling to bombard the surface of the bell.

"This ... This is Pei Jun coming on the bomber bell, ready to break the seal and come out!"

Someone whispered, and then his face was incredible!

That ’s enough to seal the congenital third-class powerhouse. Pei Junlin turned his head on with his fist. Is there a rhythm to scare people?

And just between these breaths, the muffled thunderous bombardment became denser and denser than rain, visible to the naked eye, at the body surface of the instrument bell, only obvious fist prints continued to emerge, its amazing energy Under the spread, the power of the seals quickly disappeared.

This can frighten Pei Wantian and all the other Pei Jiaqiangs. Each of them turned pale and yelled loudly to seal the power of breastfeeding. They didn't even dare to imagine that once Pei Jun broke the bell of this instrument, it would be What a situation!

"Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong, what are you still doing there? Kill me!"

Suddenly, a voice filled with anger sounded at this time, and the person shouting was Wang Ziqiong. She immediately responded and ordered without hesitation!

Standing in the distance, Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others who were in a daze were awake at the beginning of their dreams. At the same time, they were blushing and the killing intention was unprecedentedly strong. More than a dozen grand masters whistled together and rushed toward the people in the Jiangbei Pei family!


And just when Hong Tianlei and others just launched the offensive, suddenly, a thunderous sound that was enough to pierce the eardrums of everyone exploded from the field, accompanied by a shock wave of terrible shock, the beatings of everyone trembling backwards!

I saw a figure bursting out of the air, and a terrible killing intention erupted in the whole body. The eyes were square, and in the pair of lacquered black eyes, the light of the light burst, making people dare not look straight!

"It turns out ... this is what you call a powerful chassis!"

Pei Junlin's bitter and cold voice rang through the wild, and all the people on the top of the Maple Mountain changed their faces completely. They looked at the figure standing in disbelief.

Among them, the look of Jiang Bei Pei Jiaqiang was the most terrified, terrified!

"Pei Wantian, you said that I am innocent to Pei Shura, I do n’t know, all this is intentional by Ben Shura, the purpose is to see what kind of chassis your Jiangbei Pei family has!"

Pei Junlin, standing in the air, looked down at Pei Wantian and others who were pale underneath, and did not conceal the ridicule on the face.

"In addition, if I didn't do this, how could I kill all of you here? You're right ..."

The scream of infinite horror suddenly sounded, and Pei Junlin, standing in the air, had turned into a flash of lightning and rushed to the front of a master of five grades.

After waiting for the screaming of the top five masters, his fingers have turned into a flash of lightning, crushing the opponent's throat with one hand, its crisp and clear posture is like killing chickens and killing geese!


"Run away now!"

Seeing Pei Junlin's swift and sharp killing action, all the masters of the Pei family felt a chill straight from the soles of their feet to the brain, and they were all cold!

Because everyone knows that this time they completely offended this evil god, and there is no chance of survival!

Immediately one by one swarming in all directions, can escape one by one!

"Haha, want to escape? Have you asked if I have fists in my hands!"

A roar of excitement sounded, and Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong, Jackal, Xu Dong, Aoigawa, Savage Ape, and Black Snake, etc., all boiled their spirits and began full containment.

Suddenly, a personal killing performance belonging to Pei Junlin perfectly reflected the eyes of everyone around.

As we all know, the great master is already the kind of unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people, the powerful existence of broken stones and stone monuments, one person can be a hundred people, even in the martial arts world is the most backbone force!

But at this moment, under Pei Junlin's hands, he was weak and pathetic. No matter whether he was the fifth master or the sixth master, no one was his one enemy!

Any target that was targeted by Pei Junlin was killed by a single punch with clear and sharp means!

Around Pei Junlin's body, it turned into a **** of Shura, bloody!

There is a strong smell of blood, which flutters with the wind. Many of the major forces in the surrounding area have seen such a **** scene. They were frightened and pale, and slumped on the ground. More people covered their chests. Wow, throw up!

Mayor Tang Jicheng, Secretary Zhang, Director Zhao and others were also there. The faces of the three were also extremely pale, but fortunately, the determination was far superior to ordinary people, and they could barely hold back!

"Director Zhao, you can order to seal everything here and prohibit anyone from climbing!"

Secretary Zhang opened up and ordered: "In addition, all the people here, especially those who sneak in, must absolutely clear all the video materials! Once leaked, it will be necessary to hold accountable!"

At the same time, in another part of the crowd, here is the camp belonging to the Yanhuang organization. Captain Kong Lin and Guan Yue also quickly ordered the people under their command and arranged similar work.

Because everything here today is beyond the scope of their authority. Pei Junlin ’s breakthrough innate power is no longer within their control. Moreover, before the two, Pei Junlin had already offended Pei Junlin. Report immediately, waiting for high-level decisions!

At this moment, in the middle of the battlefield, Pei Junlin's killing of Jiangbei Pei Jiaqiang is nearing completion!

In less than ten minutes, in his hands, nearly twenty grand masters had fallen, and others were surrounded by Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others, and only Pei Wantian was left in the end!

Seeing Pei Junlin striding in blood, like a killer in hell, Pei Wantian's face was full of infinite fear!


Finally, Pei Wantian knelt down on the ground again, begging for mercy!

In front of life and death, the owner of the Pei family completely collapsed!

"Three years ago ~ ~ I Pei Shura fell into the hands of your Jiangbei Pei family and asked for forgiveness, but have you ever been kind and soft-hearted ?!"

"Good and evil are reported in the end, good reincarnation!"

"Unbelieve, look up, who has ever been spared!"

Pei Junlin murmured, showing apathy and indifference, and walked to Pei Wantian kneeling on the ground ... and then stretched out a white hand like a jade, and put it on the other's head!

In an instant, the scream of endless pain rang through the top of Maple Leaf Mountain!

It can be seen with the naked eye that Pei Wanshan, who was kneeling on the ground, began to emit flames infiltrating his body, like a burning fireman, and finally the whole person dissipated in this world.

Pei's owner, Pei Wanshan, a great figure in the Jiangbei region, was burned to death by the flames without leaving any trace of ashes!

Only the low murmur of Pei Junlin sounded in this dead world: "It turns out that you are just little pawns. The real culprit is Zhongzhou Danzong ..."

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