Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 106: Ten thousand people

What is the concept of a tens of thousands of people? !!

I am afraid that few people in this world have seen it except the troops and men of the army!

But today, everyone in Qingzhou is an eye-opener!

At a glance, almost all the teams in Qingzhou gathered on the streets of Qingzhou, ranging from seven or eight luxury cars to as many as dozens or even hundreds.

When these large and small teams converge together to the location of Maple Leaf Mountain, it is like returning to the sea with hundreds of rivers, and finally converges into a rare team of 10,000 people!

The whole Qingzhou city is full of enthusiasm, major media are rushing to broadcast, and some people even dispatched drones for aerial photography. I don't know what the famous Junlin International suddenly engaged in such a big battle. What should we do?

In the end, when this long-awaited fleet of ten thousand people arrived at the bottom of Maple Mountain, the vehicle alone circled the entire Maple Mountain, forgiving two laps, and there were crowds of people everywhere, black crowds, like ants. Scalp tingling.

Not only that, but also one after another convoys were rushing to the scene. All the police, traffic police brigades, etc., all appeared to maintain order.

Even Mayor Tang Jicheng, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and various politicians from Qingzhou also came to the scene. They had to personally talk to Prince Wang, the beauty's president of Junlin International, and try to keep things as low as possible today!

When the 10,000-person convoy at the bottom of the Maple Leaf Mountain reached the confluence, a team of people and horses had already gathered in a place with an open view on the top of the Maple Leaf Mountain.

The person headed by him is a prince Qiong with a solemn look. At the moment, Prince Qiong took off his brand-name custom work uniform and replaced it with a black dress. On the face of Qingli's peerlessness, there is an air of determination and determination!

Behind her, more than a dozen great masters such as Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong, Jackal, Xu Dong, Aoigawa, Savage Ape, Black Snake, Dennis, Bower, Ronnie and so on.

The expression on everyone's face is also full of an unprecedented sobriety and determination, because everyone knows that a major battle about their lives is coming soon!

The winner is king, and the loser is Kou!

Do not allow anyone to hesitate, otherwise, just joke about their lives!

"It's almost time, let's go!"

When the hand was pointing at nine o'clock, Prince Qiong suddenly made a cold sound, took a big step directly, and went down the mountain.

Behind him, Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others followed closely, and everyone gave off a decisive gas!

In a dense forest not far from this time, a man and a woman clearly took a close look at all of this, and could not help but look full of complexity, with a touch of shock that could not be concealed.

"Sister, we have always underestimated the woman of Wang Ziqiong!"

Lin Shukang murmured softly, his eyes staring at the brave back of Prince Joan who brought people down the mountain, full of admiration.

"A wife is like this, what is your husband asking for?"

Lin Qianmo didn't say anything, but her tight fists had betrayed her inner peace.

Prior to this, Lin Qianmo had always been proud of being a female master of the eight masters, thinking that women in this world could compare with her rare talents.

She never imagined that a secular woman could do something more daunting than her female master, Bapin Xiu.

Even a few phone calls can easily bring together a fleet of tens of thousands of people. With such a powerful wrist, Lin Qianmo felt some kind of frustration for the first time, because apart from her strength, she didn't seem to be this prince at all. Joan's opponent ...

Yamashita, when the team of Wang Ziqiong and his team arrived, they were immediately blocked by the media friends who had been waiting for a long time. Even the employees of Junlin International, who were all around, were excited.

Because Wang Ziqiong has long been an idol in the minds of countless people. I don't know how many people dream that one day, they will become capable business empresses like Wang Ziqiong, and thus Emperor Guangzong.

In the face of this situation, Wang Ziqiong gave way to Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong, and other great masters who guarded him, and accepted the media friends for an interview.

"Excuse President Wang, why did you make such a big move this time?"

"President Wang, is there something wrong with Junlin International?"

"Can you tell us, who is your opponent?"

Journalists and media friends rushed to ask questions.

Wang Ziqiong reached out to signal everyone's quietness. On the face of Qingli's peerless face, his expression was calm and he said, "Everyone is quiet, listen to me!"

"Junlin International is all right now, there is no problem for the time being!"

"The reason for this great movement is actually my husband Pei Junlin!"

"As we all know, my husband's relationship with the Pei family in Jinling City, Jiangbei City has not been very good. The two have had several frictions for this, but before that it was quite peaceful!"

Wang Ziqiong stayed calm and faced all the cameras calmly: "But this morning, my men received news from the Jinling City, saying that the entire family of Jiang Bei Pei was dispatched and was aggressively heading towards me in Qingzhou. When the city came here, it threatened to eradicate all the inheritance of my husband's inheritance and never suffer the future! "

"Unfortunately, my husband, Pei Junlin, is doing a very important thing at this moment. He can't get away, so only my woman can come forward!"

"The magnitude of this incident is not only related to my personal interests, but also to the interests of tens of thousands of people who work at King's Land International. Therefore, my prince Qiong had no choice but to take the initiative today to bring big guys and media friends Get together! "

"The purpose is to let the big guy be a witness and discuss with the Jiangbei Pei family a easing solution!"

"Of course, the conflict between my husband and Jiangbei Pei's family needs to be resolved, but this premise must be resolved fairly with my husband Pei Jun's presence! But now that my husband clearly has something to do with him, the Jiangbei Pei's family is so aggressive Come and make it clear that you are bullying my daughter! "

"How do I stand this tone ?!"

Wang Ziqiong's powerful words fell, and there was silence all around, because most people were surprised by the news that Wang Ziqiong had just revealed, that is, the people of Jiangbei Pei's family will march into Qingzhou?

And has the intention to occupy the entire Kinglin International?

This caused a lot of rebellious psychology!

Although Qingzhou is not as prosperous as Jinling City nor as big as Jinling City, it can be regarded as a leader among the third-tier cities. Moreover, as a leading company in Qingzhou, Junlin International has developed rapidly in recent times, with good benefits and good treatment. It is a brand-name enterprise that the Qingzhou government has praised!

Nowadays, Junlin International is about to face the risk of being occupied by people. Even if this force is an old force in the Jiangbei area, the Jiangbei Pei family has caused great dissatisfaction.

After all, the newly-changed boss doesn't know what kind of person he is. Now, under the leadership of Wang Ziqiong, Junlin International has developed perfectly, and the employees are enthusiastic about using Wang Ziqiong as an idol.

Who wants a peaceful and beautiful life to be broken? !!

"Mayor Tang, Secretary Zhang! You two are also here !!"

At this time, Prince Qiong, surrounded by a group of media friends, saw Tang Jicheng and the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and others who were not far away. The two big coffees were also shocked by the incident.

"Ouch, Director Zhao of the Public Security Bureau is also here!"

"The three of you are here just right, you have to decide for my little girl today!"

Wang Ziqiong beckoned to the three with enthusiasm, and the media friends who were originally gathered around turned around one after another. When it was clear that the mayor Tang Jicheng and the other three big brothers were really excited, they immediately gathered around the past.

Not far away, the three politicians who stood together and whispered, saw the corners of their mouths slightly drawn. Who are they, any of them are fine old foxes, and the eyelashes are empty, how can I not see Out, Wang Ziqiong, the big president, fought such a big battle this time, in fact, he completely used the three of them as guns!

However, they have no choice but to do it bit by bit!

As most people think it is the same, Junlin International is developing very well in Qingzhou nowadays. There is no need for a new owner, not to mention that the people who come here to take over this time are still powerful forces like the Jiangbei Pei family.

If they were accepted by Jiangbei Pei's family, they would be even more embarrassed. After all, Jiangbei Pei's power is too great, and it is no longer the leadership of such a three-tier city ...

At the bottom of the Maple Mountain, when tens of thousands of people blocked the mountain, at this time, a mighty team of luxury convoys had entered the boundary of Qingzhou.

In a luxurious RV, Pei Wantian was accompanying the ancestors of the Pei family and sat opposite each other.

The owner of the Pei family, who was enough to cause tremors in the entire Jiangbei area, was bound by the old ancestor who was sitting across from him. The coercion of coercion emanating from him was too strong!

Fortunately, his strength is a great master, otherwise he can't sit even if he is replaced by someone else!

Innate strong, so scary!

Suddenly, there was a sound of vibration from Pei Wantian's mobile phone. When I opened the mobile phone and saw it, it was a message from the people below ~ ~ These are a few photos taken by mobile phones, all of which are full of people and vehicles The road is full.

Pei Wantian looked puzzled, but then felt that the mountain was extremely familiar, and opened it carefully, and found that it was the goal of all their travels this time-Maple Hill Villa!

Especially when he zoomed in to see those photos, he found Prince Qiong in black, surrounded by countless people.

"Old man, something happened!"

Pei Wantian carefully handed the phone to the ancestors of Pei family.

In the seat, the Pei family ancestor who always sat with his eyes closed and crossed his knees slowly opened his eyes. Suddenly, there seemed to be two flashes of lightning across the entire car. Mindfulness: "Our ancestor, Pei Junlin, Qingzhou, seems to have received the news of our arrival, and is well prepared in advance!"

Pei's ancestor's eyes were like electricity, and he took a quick glance at the photos on his mobile phone, showing a slight disdain: "How many ants are useful, not a group of ants!"

"Accelerate the speed! Today's Pei family in Qingzhou will die!"

Pei Wantian didn't dare to have any doubts. He quickly put away the mobile phone and ordered to speed up!

The speed of the convoy was sharply increased, and Fengchi was arrested in the direction of Qingzhou ...

PS: During the free period, finally ask for fire support again! Coming up next week, are you ready?

This book's first release comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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