Shura God Emperor

Chapter 422: Bazhai!

Ruan Yi said, "Xiao Yu, you should know Langya Village, right?"

Xiao Yu frowned and nodded.

Langya Village is the second largest bandit group outside of Yangzhou City, and of course it is second only to Feiyun 13 Forts.

The Lord of Langya Village is also very powerful, and it is said that he has reached the strength of the Dan Formation Realm.

Moreover, the people in Langyazhai are cruel and cruel, and wherever they go, there are corpses everywhere, brutal, and they will even kill them all.

Therefore, Langyazhai has made many people and evil forces frightened within a radius of thousands of miles.

Feiyun Thirteenth Fort is powerful, but it will not easily go head-to-head with Langya Village, because once a war starts, it will definitely kill the enemy by killing 800.

Moreover, even if Feiyun Thirteenth Fort wins, then those guys in the city who watch the excitement will definitely come in.

"What happened to Langya Village?" Xiao Yu asked.

Feiyun Thirteen Forts has never had much conflict with Langya Village, and the river water does not interfere with the well water.

Fang Zhengxu said solemnly: "Langya Village has recently attacked Feiyun Thirteenth Fort, and the people in three forts have been slaughtered."

Slaughter clean!

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed and asked, "Which three forts?"

"Lu Fei, Ding Yong, and Su Wei, do you remember these three people? The top of the mountain at the bottom of Feiyun 13th Fort, but it has now been destroyed." Jiang Le took a deep breath and said.

In fact, Xiao Yu had already thought of Lu Fei, Ding Yong, and Su Wei. These people were simply the kind that was difficult to make the most elegant last time. Since they are the bottom existence, it is reasonable to be taken first.

But this way, it's a little troublesome.

If Langyazhai were to go to war with Feiyun Thirteenth Fort, then Xiao Yu's plan to rely on Feiyun Thirteen Fort would probably be stranded.

A few of them also knew what Xiao Yu was thinking. Ruan Yi said in a deep voice, "I think Langya Village dared to move Feiyun 13th Fort, so it must have come prepared."

Fang Zhengxu said: "This is not surprising. The little three tigers are badly injured, and Hu Wu is also in the process of healing. In addition to Chu Rui and their defeat last time, Langya Village is likely to see the relationship between the internal mountains and choose this. Time."

"You mean, his next goal is likely to be Tiger Head Fort?" Chen Yong asked.

"will not!"

Yun Ying also spoke, and he said coldly: "Last time Han Feiyun and Yan Shisan showed up to protect the tiger's head, it is impossible for Langyazhai not to receive the news, and the tiger's head can't move."

When everyone heard it, they felt very reasonable.

The owner of Langyazhai must also be afraid of Han Feiyun and his wife. They all said that the tiger head is absolutely immobile.

"Chu Rui and their five hills are in the same spirit. They are in a relationship with cold lips and cold teeth. Langyazhai will not be so stupid to go head-to-head. Is it the two remaining hills?" Jiang Le asked suspiciously.

The three hills were destroyed, and the little three tigers could not move. The five powerful hills including Shilingbao were hard bones. After all, there were only two bottom hills left.

Xiao Yu suddenly asked, "Lu Fei, Ding Yong, and Su Wei, their three hills have been wiped out. Are Han Feiyun and Yan Shisan indifferent?"

Ruan Yi said solemnly: "This is the point we are going to talk to you next. It is said that Han Feiyun and Yan Shisan will disappear for a period of time at this time of the year. No one finds them, and only asks about Feiyun 13 Fort. So the three hilltops were destroyed, they didn’t know. Because of this, Han Feiyun will give all hilltops a collective decision-making right when they leave every year. This right is equivalent to a village if half of the hilltops approve it. Command of the Lord."

Xiao Yu felt that something bad was about to happen, and said, "That's the business you just said? What is it?"


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