Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life

Chapter 78: White lie

Wanda Plaza is in the southwest corner of Yaocheng. Before the plaza was built, it was just a piece of farmland, with nothing but a small village.

During the construction of the plaza, the surrounding land was snapped up by major housing companies, which instantly pulled Yaocheng's house price from an average price of 6,000 to an average of 11,000.

At present, the housing prices of several neighborhoods around the square are also among the best.

Yaocheng's housing prices have since accelerated toward the average price of 20,000.

However, in addition to the lively restaurants on the third floor and the cinema on the fourth floor, the other floors of Wanda Plaza are places to eat before and after meals, and even Wanda Department Store has been transformed into various amusement areas.

Lin Xi dragged Lin Tianwen to go shopping on the first floor of the square.

"Brother Tianwen, I want to eat candied haws." She pointed to the candied haws at the stall in the atrium on the first floor and said.


Lin Tianwen asked her to pick one and paid for it.

However, Lin Xi was still at the age of three when he was eating candied haws. He was anxious for her. Eat candied haws, you bite, how can you lick them, the sugar has melted.

After eating three hawthorns, she handed the rest to Lin Tianwen. Looking at the unrecognizable candied fruit, Lin Tianwen smiled bitterly, is this still candied fruit, isn't this a hawthorn string?

In order not to waste, Lin Tianwen also started licking the candied haws just like Lin Xi.

"Brother Tianwen, you are so disgusting." Lin Xi said, looking at Lin Tianwen's food.

"Disgusting? I just learned from you. Look, there is no sugar coating on it." Lin Tianwen pointed at the candied haws and said.

"How can I eat like this?" Lin Xi blushed and quibble.

"Look at your hands, they're all sugar. Go and wash them." Lin Tianwen said after eating the hawthorn one by one.


Standing at the door of the bathroom waiting for Lin Xi, Lin Tianwen, who bowed his head to reply to WeChat, was tapped on the shoulder.

"Astronomy. Are you back?"

Lin Tianwen turned around and saw that it was Yang Chao's girlfriend Xu Wenwen.

"Just came back yesterday. Are you shopping alone?"

"No, Yang Chao is waiting on the third floor. I'll come down and buy him a mobile phone."

"I'll go. He must have been a monk in his last life."


"Burning incense and praying to Buddha every day can get you such a good girlfriend."

"Why? He treats me well, too. By the way, what are you doing at the bathroom door? Waiting for someone?"

"Well, Lin Xi washed his hands inside."

"Why didn't I meet her, I just came out of it."

"She's here." Lin Tianwen pointed to Lin Xi who came out of the bathroom.

"Wenwen. Long time no see." Lin Xi took Xu Wenwen's hand and said.


The two girls chatted at the door of the bathroom.

"Can you chat in another place?" Lin Tianwen reminded.

"Let's have dinner together, Yang Chao is waiting on the third floor." Xu Wenwen suggested.

"Okay. Anyway, we haven't decided what to eat for lunch." Lin Xi glanced at Lin Tianwen and nodded.

When he saw Yang Chao at the door of the hot pot restaurant, he was almost there.

"Ten Tian, ​​when did you come back?" Yang Chao said in surprise.

"Last night. How are you doing?"

"It's the same. Just follow the steps, and there's nothing wrong."

"That's the job."

"Well. I can see the head at a glance."

At noon, the four of them finished the hot pot and then dispersed.

Lin Tianwen accompanied Lin Xi around the square and bought a few cards.

There is not even a luxury store in the small place, but Cartier and Gucci have it in Yushi next door.

In the evening, Lin Tianwen invited the Lin Xi family of three to dinner at a farmhouse next to the reservoir near the city.

This is a restaurant that has been visited by many well-known directors and actors. It is a self-built residential house, which looks a bit rundown, but wins by taste. There are many farmhouse restaurants by the reservoir, and every family is full.

Yaocheng people don't know when they started to value healthy diet and pursue the original taste of farm dishes.

As a junior, Lin Tianwen waited at the door of the restaurant early in the morning. There was no need for Ada to appear on this occasion, otherwise it would be a tragedy.

Looking at a Mercedes-Benz S300 coming from the concrete bridge in the distance, Lin Tianwen knew that it was the Lin Xi family.

When Lin Xi first set off, he sent him a WeChat message.

Mercedes-Benz S300 accurately parked in the parking space.

Lin Xi got out of the car first, waved at Lin Tianwen who was standing at the door, and made a face.

Then Lin Xi's parents also got out of the car.

Lin Tianwen came over and shouted with a smile, "Uncle, auntie."

"Dad, Mom, this is my boyfriend, Lin Tianwen." Lin Xi quickly put his arm around Lin Tianwen and said.

Lin Xi's father gave him a sideways glance, a father would definitely not have a good impression on the man who stole his little padded jacket.

Instead, it was Lin Xi's mother who said enthusiastically, "Ten Tian, ​​right? I saw you in the community. You look so handsome."

"Hmm." Lin Xi's father coughed while standing at the door, and gestured to the mother and daughter with his eyes.

"What are you coughing?" Lin Xi's mother rolled her eyes at Lin Xi's father and said.

"Uncle, aunt, let's go in." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"Let's go, what are you doing stupidly?" Lin Xi's mother pulled Lin Xi's father.

Lin Tianwen led the three into a small box.

Lin Xi consciously sat beside him and said, "My dad did it on purpose, Brother Tianwen, you're not angry."

"It's okay. It's the same as a father. I don't want my daughter to marry."

"Well, Brother Tianwen, long live understanding." Lin Xi said with a smile.

Fortunately, after three rounds of drinking, Lin Xi's father, Lin Dagen, a lovely middle-aged man, was drunk by Lin Tianwen.

"Ten Tian, ​​now Xixi follows you to the magic capital, you have to take good care of her." Lin Dagen said drunkenly.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will take good care of Xixi." After Lin Tianwen finished speaking, he toasted him again.

"Brother Tianwen, it's almost there." Lin Xi said in a low voice.

This was the secret of Lin Xi helping Lin Tianwen to pass the test. Although Lin Dagen was in business, he only had half a catty of alcohol, so he was in place.

Lin Xi's mother, Feng Li looked at her husband and shook her head. Every time she got drunk, she would get drunk.

After the meal, Lin Tianwen helped Lin Dagen to get into the car, and after Lin Dagen sat firmly, he took the gift from his car.

"Auntie, this is a little thought from me." He said, handing the gift to Feng Li.

"Ten Tian, ​​you're too polite. It's not easy for you young people to make some money." Feng Li wanted to refuse, but Lin Xi took it and said, "Mom, just take it, he's not short of money."

"You child." Feng Li said, and then said to Lin Tianwen: "Tenten, then we will go back first."

"Hey, okay, auntie, pay attention to safety on the road."

On the way back, Lin Xi, a non-drinker, became the driver.

Lin Tianwen stood in the parking lot, and when the car could no longer be seen, he faced a shadow beside his car and said, "Come out."

"Boss." Ada came out awkwardly.

"Why didn't you find that you were clingy?" Lin Tianwen said, lighting a cigarette.

"Boss, don't you like it?" Ada said nervously.

"Not yet. Have you eaten yet?"


"Then go back. Just in time for you to come, be the driver."

"Okay, boss." Ada walked briskly to help Lin Tianwen open the car door.

Early the next morning, Lin Tianwen drove Cullinan back to his hometown alone.

Why open Cullinan, just want to prove to the parents that he has made money in the magic capital, so that there is a good reason to convince them.

Father Lin knew early in the morning that his son would be back today, and went to the vegetable market early to buy Lin Tianwen's favorite dishes.

He is washing vegetables in the yard.

Mother Lin is doing what she has to do every day, such as cleaning. If the house is not cleaned up, she will feel a little uncomfortable.

Lin Tianwen parked the car on the side of the road, and walked into his yard with the gift that Lin Xi brought and the gift that Ada had prepared.

"Dad, how about washing the vegetables?"

"Ten Tian, ​​you're here so early." Father Lin shook off the water droplets on his hands and said with a smile.

"Yeah. I arrived yesterday. I stayed in Yaocheng for one night. This is the Mid-Autumn Festival gift from Lin Xi, and it's mine." Lin Tianwen handed the things in his hand to Father Lin.

"Lin Xi, is that the little girl your mother said?"

"Yes, it's her."

"Be nice to other girls." Father Lin took the gift and instructed.

"Got it, Dad. Where's grandma?" Lin Tianwen asked when he saw that the house where grandma lived was locked.

"Your aunt took her to Yaocheng for the Mid-Autumn Festival."


Mother Lin heard the sound, walked out, and was very happy to see her son.

"Son, I have lost weight and become more handsome."

"I was originally handsome, but I was too fat before." Lin Tianwen said.

"If you say you're fat, you're still panting." Mother Lin said with a smile.

"Mom, baby, this is a gift from the girl from Xixi. Take a look." Mother Lin handed Lin Xi's gift to Mother Lin and said.

"Xixi is a filial child who looks filial. It's Mid-Autumn Festival, and he bought us something. Son, have you bought anything for Xixi's parents?" Mother Lin glanced at the gift and said.

"I bought it. I ate with them last night." Lin Tianwen said.

"Well. You're right, the etiquette must arrive." Mother Lin nodded.

Originally wanting to do some work, Lin Tianwen was pressed by Lin's mother to watch TV in the living room, saying that he should not make trouble.

During lunch.

Lin Tianwen thought about his words and said, "Dad, Mom, this time I went to Modu to open a company and made a lot of money. Would you like me to go to Modu? Anyway, Dad's relatives are in Modu, The relatives on Mom's side haven't had much contact with each other since my grandparents passed away."

"How much did you earn? Can you afford to buy a house in Modu?" Father Lin asked. After all, I have stayed in Modu before, and I know how high the house price in Modu is.

"Dad, the car I drive costs more than 7 million." Lin Tianwen pointed to Cullinan at the gate of the yard and said.

"What car? More than 7 million?" Father Lin was speechless. Lin's father has three brothers and a sister, and he is the second eldest. Father Lin's eldest brother is worth hundreds of millions, so when Lin Tianwen got married, his uncle gave him 200,000 yuan to marry.

"Rolls-Royce Cullinan."

"Your uncle is not willing to buy a Rolls-Royce for so much money. How much did you earn?" said Mother Lin.

"Two two hundred million."

"Two hundred million? What kind of business are you doing? Make money like this?" Father Lin suddenly lowered his voice and asked.

"Internet. As long as the Internet is creative, many people invest. Our company is now worth more than 8 billion yuan." Lin Tianwen explained falsely.

"It makes so much money? No wonder the fortune teller said your fortune is not in Yaocheng. It turns out that it is in the magic capital." Mother Lin basically had to tell Lin Tianwen once a year. Lin Tianwen's words made her start to make up her own mind.

"Dad, Mom. What do you think?"

"I'll discuss it with your dad. Although I have worked in the Magic City for many years, let's go to the Magic City to live. We still have to think about it carefully," said Mother Lin.

"It's all right. I won't be leaving until tomorrow night. You can discuss it slowly."

"Let's eat first. The dishes are getting cold."


Lin Tianwen stayed at home for two days, and it was also two days when he let himself go. Mother Lin didn't let him do anything.

Just let him rest, watch TV, and play on the computer.

If it weren't for the short time, the figure that I managed to lose weight would probably be able to gain weight back.

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