Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life

Chapter 506: Poverty is not the original sin, thinking is

Lin Tianwen ignored the stack of documents and turned on the computer.

Opening the company's internal mailbox, the first email was an internal advertising email sent by the administrative department of Tiandihui Company at 9:00 a.m.

A new batch of seasonal fruits has been added to the small market app of the Huayuan e-commerce platform, which is provided by the Yanxuan brand established by Xiao Lingfei last month. In order to sell the fruits as soon as possible, she first sent a wave to the company. Advertising, and it is still sold at cost price, which is 30% cheaper than the same season fruit on the market, and the quality is also the best.

Lin Tianwen glanced at the advertisement and shook his head, this Xiao Lingfei is too smart.

There are already tens of thousands of employees in each subsidiary of Tiandihui. After this wave of advertisements and the subsidies given by the company, basically every employee only needs to pay a little money to eat the best fruit of the season.

However, the internal advertising emails of Tiandihui cannot be sent casually. Only after the approval of the administrative department can they be promoted throughout the company.

Just like last time, the Yuelong Group’s cinema chain wanted its employees to go to the movies, but it was rejected by the administration department because it would not benefit the box office of the movie.

But selling fruit can benefit farmers.

Lin Tianwen read the last unread email, which was an extranet email from Yang Ming.

The content of the email is also very simple. It is the date table of the completion of the manor, and it is detailed to each day.

According to the date table, Lin Tianwen can move into the manor on June 16.

He forwarded the email to Liu Wenqi.

Liu Wenqi should know what to do when she receives the email.

Lin Tianwen closed the mailbox and started looking at the documents on the desk.

One morning passed in this boring work.

At lunchtime, Zhang Xiyu brought him a working lunch, but he seemed to have something to say, so he stopped.

Lin Tianwen saw it, but didn't ask.

If Zhang Xiyu wanted to say it, he didn't need to ask, and if he didn't want to say it, even if he asked, it would be meaningless.

Zhang Xiyu returned to the office, her brows furrowed, she looked at Qiao Shanshan, and said, "Shanshan, if there is one thing, Brother Tianwen knows that he may be angry, do you want me to say it?

"Then if you don't tell me, will he be more angry?"


"Then say it. Brother Tianwen won't be really mad at us." Qiao Shanshan said.

"Well." Zhang Xiyu thought for a while and nodded.

She stood up and went to Lin Tianwen's office.

"Xiyu, do you have anything to tell me?" Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"Sister Manli brought gifts to me and Lin Xi in the morning, and she left after the gifts were delivered."

"What did you get for the two of you?"

"Two paintings, portraits of the two of us."

"Then keep it, you can put it in your bedroom later."

"Okay." Zhang Xiyu nodded.

"You just wanted to tell me about this, didn't you?"

"Well, I just didn't think about how to tell you."

"What's the matter, I won't scold you."

"Well, I thought too much."

"Don't do this next time."

"I see. I'll go out first."

"it is good."

Zhang Xiyu left the office after speaking.

Lin Tianwen turned around and looked out the window, when the sun was setting in the west.

Downstairs is life, upstairs is work.

Ordinary people who work hard only work hard to survive in this city, while rich people like Lin Tianwen can make a lot of money just by looking at the documents.

It is said that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Lin Tianwen has been working for so many years. The poor have come into contact with him, and so have the rich. The deepest feeling is: the difference between people is too great. The most frightening thing is not the solidification of class, but the solidification of thinking.

This kind of feeling is a bit like, it is also not a penny, some people, you will feel very happy and fulfilled when you do things for them, and all the efforts are worth it. And some people, who do things for you, make you unhappy and uncomfortable when they are done.

If you want to talk about disliking the poor and loving the rich, you must first talk about what is the thinking of the poor and what is the thinking of the rich.

Of course, this is a general phenomenon and a general trend, rather than a generalization of all 100% of the poor and the rich. Among the poor, there are also very smart people with rich thinking, and rich people also have poor thinking.

Otherwise, there will be no poor people in this world who get rich through hard work, and no rich people become poor overnight.

When poor people do a lot of things, the first thing they think about is money, and they ignore the essence of a thing.

He has seen many examples of extreme treatment of money, especially among the poor.

There is a relative who used to have an air conditioner in the house, but it never turned on. The winter in the south is cold, and a few people in the family think that it is enough to wear more clothes in winter, so they are reluctant to turn on the air conditioner.

An air conditioner is worth two or three thousand yuan. According to provincial laws like theirs, the air conditioner may be on strike, and the electricity bill is less than the cost of an air conditioner. They think that they are making a profit, but they are actually losing: an item is bought back, and it does not play its due value.

For the rich, air conditioners give them a more superior working environment, thereby improving work efficiency and creating a much higher value than this electricity bill.

Air conditioners are originally intended to make people live a happier and more comfortable life, but the poor often put the cart before the horse: carry them first, and then turn them on if they can't bear it any longer. When I first bought it, I overlooked the essence of one thing.

Different understandings of time have also caused huge differences between rich and poor.

After Lin Tianwen had the system, his wealth soared, and his feelings were obvious at that time. Mother Lin often said: "Look at you, I eat outside. The food outside is dirty and stale, and the price is high. I still have to cook it myself, which is clean and hygienic."

Lin Tianwen: "I have the money to invite someone back to do it, right?"

Mother Lin: "Invite someone? Why bother? Do it yourself, won't you save that money?"

This point of view is very interesting. Many people have this idea: as long as you can save money, you will not hesitate to spend more time.

Anyway, my time is not valuable, and I leave it alone. It is better to let him save money: I would rather spend half an hour waiting for the bus in the cold wind, rather than spend more than ten yuan for a taxi. I would rather spend 2 hours a day cooking than spend dozens of dollars for a professional to serve it. I would rather spend an afternoon cleaning than spend money to have my aunt do the cleaning.

In fact, each of us, who came into this world naked, originally had no money.

You can sit in a cafe and drink coffee leisurely because you spend time working before you drink coffee, and you spend the money you get from working time on coffee. In fact, you are sitting here drinking this cup of coffee with double time. During these two periods of time, money only served as a medium.

Essentially, you are exchanging work time for leisure time for coffee, a time exchange.

For the poor, they can't wait to contract every place where they should spend money, and make money without spending a penny.

He thought he was "saving" like this, but in fact, it was the most expensive. A person takes advantage of everything he wants, but in the end, he will go a long way. It is better to outsource these professional things: to professional drivers, professional chefs, and professional cleaning staff, the efficiency will be doubled.

With the time saved, you can do more of what you are good at and create more value.

Because the rich are rich, they have more leisure time than the poor. Therefore, they will have time to receive better education, enjoy books, and other spiritual food, so as to improve themselves.

It is not birth or anything that creates the huge difference between the poor and the rich, but thinking creates the gap between the two. This gap will gradually accumulate and eventually become larger.

Looking at the problem from the perspective of ordinary people, in this world, only by working hard every day and building things one by one can truly create value.

But it's the things that seem valuable that are the least valuable. China's manufacturing industry is shrinking year by year, and a very important reason is: robots replace labor.

In many processes of mobile phone manufacturing and automobile manufacturing, robots have been used, and it will be an inevitable trend for robots to replace repetitive manual labor. Just like Huaxin mobile phone and Huatong automobile, Lin Tianwen uses robot assembly lines. The entire production There are very few workers in the workshop.

Repeated single labor is the least valuable, such as cashier, cleaning, and manufacturing.

If the substitutability of the job is high, you can do it, I can do it, he can do it, and the robot can do it. So there is no unique value.

Smart people will try their best to improve their level, leave this low-income circle, and enter another circle with higher value content.

Instead of being jealous every day that the person around you has a higher income than you, the one who does less work than you, a few old acquaintances, and the difference is only a few thousand dollars, which is meaningless. There is no other effect than to confuse yourself and others.

In fact, like a worker born, relying on his own learning and improvement, and finally jumping out of his own circle, there are such people, Laomouzi is one.

It's just that many people just think about playing cards, drinking, eating, and sleeping after they're done working, but they don't think about changing anything, and they waste their time in vain.

The reason why a person is rich, if it is not the second generation of rich, has his reasons.

The most terrifying thing about the poor man's thinking is that he not only makes himself poor, but also always affects others.

Many times, when it comes to money, a poor person is mean to himself and may not be good to others.

The poor do not cherish not only their own time, but also the time of others.

When Lin Tianwen first came into contact with the wealthy group, he discovered a phenomenon: this group speaks very little.

At first, he would think that this group is indifferent, arrogant, and proud of himself. Later, he found out that they actually cherish their time and spend their effective time on meaningful things.

And the poor talk a lot, an obvious phenomenon: they like to overemphasize themselves, such as: I am in the store today, who and so have a bad attitude towards me, a certain person's character is not good, and so on. Bringing this kind of person to work will affect the team, and bringing it to home will affect the mood of the family.

It is also very difficult to communicate with them. When communicating, I often start with "I'm sad", "I'm mad at me", and "That person is really inferior." You waste your time and waste other people's time.

The rich seldom complain. He has seen many rich people who silently ignore these unimportant little things and focus their energy and time on what they think is the most important thing. The speeches are all concise, to the point, to the point, and there is no nonsense. It is difficult to be unhappy when communicating with such a person.

A narrow vision leads to a narrow mind, which can easily lead to conflicts and contradictions.

When Lin Tianwen was in an insurance company, it was very interesting to pay wages at that time. Everyone gets a salary and has to secretly compare them everywhere (because the company doesn't allow the comparison) to look at other people's wages. Why is everyone in the same department, but in different positions, why is he taller than me? "

In fact, these are all meaningless things. A person, if he sees some laws through a little bit, he will understand the following truth: the market is always very smart, and the final price he gives is reasonable, and the price is the result of the final game between people and people and money , the boss is not stupid enough to give more money.

Seeing that other people's wages are higher than their own, the first reaction of many people is to get angry, instead of thinking: What are the shortcomings and shortcomings of myself compared with others? To catch up. Why do I do more work than others and get paid less for UU reading than others?

On the contrary, it is also ironic - in fact, this is not only a kind of narrow-mindedness, but also a kind of ignorance and low emotional intelligence. A wise person, before saying this sentence, you should expect that when you say this, it will only attract people's hatred, and other than that, it will have no other effect. If it is harmful to others, it is better not to say it.

Since childhood, I have been instilled with a thought: money is the root of all evil.

Money itself is neither evil nor good. He is like a river, always flowing to where he should go.

Shi Yuzhu once said: The biggest sin of an enterprise is not making money.

From a global perspective, people in rich areas have a much higher overall population quality than people in poor areas.

From the perspective of history, people in the rich era have higher moral sense, per capita quality, and education than people in the poor era.

Poverty is not scary, the scary thing is: poverty leads to poor thinking, and poor thinking further aggravates poverty.

Compared with poor people, we often feel that getting along with rich people is more comfortable, natural and sweet.

Rather than dislike the poor and love the rich, Moruo said that deep down in each of us, we "like the thinking of the rich, but hate the thinking of the poor".


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