Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry

Chapter 287: How did the flying dragon lose?

, the fastest update of Shenhao: Confession 99 times, the school girl is in a hurry for the latest chapter!

for a long time.

Xiao Yang finally wrote all the remaining songs.

These songs are not the most superior songs among the songs, but the quality is good, Xiao Yang is also very relieved.

However, just as Wan Qian and Zhang Xin thought, the songs he wrote were a bit free-spirited. Basically, any songs suitable for girls were directly proposed from the system. As for the different styles, he didn't have to worry about these.

Zhang Xin's strength can definitely hold these songs.

Including the Lonely Brave, there are a total of nine songs, and the music library can only bring up ten songs in total. He has already mentioned "The Unspeakable Secret" before, and this benefit is over.

After writing for so long, Xiao Yang is naturally a little tired.

He didn't pay attention either, he stretched his hands back and yawned, and also stretched his muscles.

But when he opened his hands, it seemed that something was wrong.

Xiao Yang turned his head immediately, only to see two more people behind him who did not know when, and their eyes were fixed on the manuscript of the song.

As for his own hand, Xiao Yang also knew that something was wrong when he just touched it.

No wonder it's so soft!

Xiao Yang looked at Zhang Xin behind him, the one he just met...


It's a pity that the time is too short, and I haven't had a good feeling...

But Zhang Xin was fascinated by the song for a moment, but he didn't notice that Xiao Yang just touched his weakest point.


try again?

Xiao Yang still swallowed this bold idea, but took back the thoughts of the two of them with a smile: "Xinxin, when did you come?"

"Ah, are you finished?" Zhang Xin didn't answer Xiao Yang's question, seeing him like this, he still couldn't get enough of it.

"Well..." Xiao Yang didn't bother to ask, and nodded directly.

"Are all these songs written for me?" Zhang Xin's eyes widened.

The two of them stood behind Xiao Yang very early on, and have read almost every song they wrote.

The quality of each song is outstanding.

And Zhang Xin himself was ecstatic.

She already loves to sing, and these songs will become part of her album, and she is very excited to think about it.

"Of course." Xiao Yang nodded.

After hesitating for a while, he said slowly: "However, the styles of these songs are different, with some high and some low. Since you are here, try it out. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me directly."


Zhang Xin naturally would not refuse.

Usually at this time, she is basically sleepy and should go to bed, but this time she is in good spirits.

Can't wait to pick up a manuscript and rushed directly into the recording studio.

Wan Qian turned on the device and reminded a few more words.

"let's start!"

"It's windy!" Wan Qian murmured.

She had already thought that this song, like its title, would create a storm in the music world.

The two began to look forward with anticipation, wondering what the taste of Zhang Xin's singing would be like.

Zhang Xin hummed a few times at random, like a prelude.

Yes, Xiao Yang even remembered the score of the prelude clearly. If he had a musical instrument, he might be able to make the accompaniment of this song directly.

After humming for a while.

Zhang Xin's voice suddenly sounded.

"I stopped and stopped along the way, following the traces of the boy's drifting..."

The singing sounded, it was a standard pop song, without many fancy and gorgeous arrangements.

Along with Zhang Xin's singing, the wonder of this song will follow.

A little bland, as if commenting on a story.

However, it is such a song that you can hardly tell what is good about it, but it can make people feel extremely happy and comfortable from the bottom of their hearts to their ears.

Xiao Yang nodded slightly.

This is where Zhang Xin excels.

Her ability is characterized by the ability to control a variety of different styles of songs.

This song is obviously different from the songs she sang in previous live broadcasts, but she can sing her own taste.

The sound is very pure and lustful, which makes people want to stop.

Soon, the chorus part.

Xiao Yang and Zhang Xin met each other's eyes, they both knew that the difficulty of this song was the chorus.

Compared with the verse part, the tone is higher by more than one level, and this high note is also the most important part to prove the singer's ability.

"I have—

Difficult to extricate oneself from the bigness of the world

also addicted to dream talk

Don't be true or false, don't struggle, don't be afraid of jokes

I once poured my youth into her

I also popped up the midsummer at my fingertips

Moved by heart

let's go


That's the beauty of music.

Although there was no accompaniment, Xiao Yang and Wan Qian listened like crazy.

Zhang Xin sang loudly, with a very penetrating voice, and the follow-up part has its own unique singing characteristics.

Even Wanqian herself sighed for this.

Although Zhang Xin's voice was a little immature, she actually sang a kind of queen.

Sometimes firm, sometimes warm, and sometimes tough and textured voices amazed the two of Xiao Yang.

As the voice gradually lowered down.

A song ends.

Both Xiao Yang and Wan Qian couldn't help applauding in unison.

Xiao Yang had heard this song more than once in his mind, and I have to say that Zhang Xin was astonished when he sang it like this!

This was the first time she came into contact with this song, and no one sang it first to make her feel better!

She read the score by herself, hummed a few times, and then sang this song based on her own feelings!

Xiao Yang couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

This is also a treasure girl!

"This is the first time I've sung it, and it can make people so shocked. When the accompaniment is done, you can adjust it again. I feel that the whole music circle will be crazy about you!" Wan Qian expressed her praise without hesitation. .

Zhang Xin's face turned red, but his brows were full of confidence.

"It sounds really good, you are really a genius!" Xiao Yang also praised.

And Zhang Xin took another manuscript.

"I'll try this again..."

"Don't you rest?"

"Well, no need, I really can't wait." Zhang Xin said with a little enthusiasm in his eyes.

Another song.

A completely different style of seabed.

Zhang Xin once again demonstrated her singing skills, and she managed two completely different songs with ease.

Xiao Yang and Wan Qian both felt their scalps go numb, and I don't know how Zhang Xin sang the feeling of despair deep in his heart!

The third song.

"Red Ling"

Xiao Yang's unique opera singing style surprised Xiao Can Zhang Xin know this?

At the end of the song, Wan Qian glanced at Zhang Xin and then at Xiao Yang.

Why do you feel like you shouldn't be here?

Why am I such a waste, I am a mortal, how can I be in the same frame as two gods!

It has to be said that Wan Qian almost felt inferior.

But the same is also full of joy.

The quality of these songs alone is enough.

Not to mention there's...

This album is amazing!

All title songs of high quality!

At this time, Wan Qian really wanted to say something to Lin Hang and others arrogantly: Come on, let's fight, right?

How could I lose with a flying dragon riding on my face?

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