Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry

Chapter 271: Fallen physically and mentally

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"The game continues!"

Jiang Yan said aloud, and on the other side, the referee blew his whistle when he saw this.

Xiao Yang didn't go back to the auditorium this time, but sat with Jiang Yan next to the contestants.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Yang, Jiang Yan's boyfriend. I often hear her talking about your tennis team." Xiao Yang greeted several girls in a friendly manner.

Unlike the boys who are enemies, Xiao Yang is quite popular with the girls.

One is because of the relationship between Xiao Yang and Jiang Yan.

The second is Xiao Yang's face, the addition of good looks also doubled the favorability of several girls.

Naturally, Jiang Yan didn't go to the match this time, she just sat on the side and popularized tennis knowledge with Xiao Yang.

This is Jiang Yan's hobby, Xiao Yang naturally listened carefully, and occasionally asked some ridiculous questions, which made several people lean back and forth.

But this is not the same in the eyes of other boys.

Especially seeing Xiao Yang carefully wiping Jiang Yan's sweat with a towel, Jiang Yan's hand was also on Xiao Yang's arm, her heart felt like a knife was piercing her.

"Captain, your boyfriend is so handsome, just like walking out of TV!"

"Yeah, his skin is better than our girls!"

Jiang Yan was all smiles on the side.

That's not, don't look at whose man this is.

But after chatting, the few people also paid attention to the situation on the field.

"This is called backspin, that is, chopping the ball. It is a common defensive method in tennis. When the trajectory is very low, there will be a very low bounce after landing, making it difficult for the opponent to attack back. Difficulty returning the ball."

Jiang Yan said slowly, but her brows were furrowed.

Obviously, the situation on the field is not optimistic.


Soon, with a whistle.

The tennis ball has been smashed along the ground, and the girls on the field have fallen to the ground.

"The strength of boys is much higher than that of girls, the speed of the **** they hit is also far apart, and it takes a lot of physical strength to catch the ball. Obviously, Wang Lan's physical strength can't keep up, and the rhythm is controlled by them." Jiang Yan was a little worried. road.

"Are you okay?"

Jiang Yan asked the girl who fell down.


She took a deep breath!

But at this moment, everyone knows that in terms of momentum alone, boys have already occupied too much.


Another swift serve fell.

The whistle sounded again.

The girl failed to catch this serve.



"It's my turn." Jiang Yan said suddenly.

She took a roll of tennis racket glue and wrapped it around slowly.

"Come on!" Xiao Yang shouted.

"Don't worry!" Jiang Yan smiled.

On the other side, there are two boys who are also wearing tennis racket glue.

Jiang Yan and her partner slowly entered the stage, but at this moment, she was stunned.

On the other side, two boys also came out.


A girl slowly spit out a few words.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yang asked with some doubts.

"These two are the two weakest guys on the boys' side. The captain just saw their gestures and thought it was the captain of the boys' team coming out. I didn't expect them to be replaced temporarily."

"Aren't the two weakest ones better?" Xiao Yang froze for a moment.

"No, these two people are equivalent to giving points to the captain. No matter whether you win or lose, you only need to consume the captain's number of games."

It was only then that Xiao Yang remembered that the boy who knew a little before said that each of the two sides could only play twice.

In addition, this time, Jiang Yan has already played twice, this is the fourth game, and the fifth game must be replaced.

Jiang Yan and her partner are the strongest players in the women's team. This is like Tian Ji's horse racing. The strongest player in the women's team beats the weakest player in the men's team, and then their strongest player will play the fifth game. With five wins and five losses, and the girl's strength is already weak, it is almost a game that must be lost.

From Jiang Yan's point of view, the strong should be against the strong, and the weak against the weak.

After all, it was just a friendly match.

But who would have thought that the men's team would play dirty.

"Can't we substitute now?"

"The game has already started, no substitutions are allowed."

Xiao Yang frowned slightly, and looked at the other side, only to see a few boys sneering, as if they had already won.

At this time, Jiang Yan looked handsome and cold, and said nothing.

Such an arrangement was considered a mistake in her tactical arrangement as the captain.

She let out a long breath and threw the tennis ball high.


The ball lands on the racket.

In an instant, it flew away at an extremely fast speed.

Even Xiao Yang, who doesn't understand the ball, can see that the quality of this serve is obviously much higher than the quality of the serve in the previous game.

The speed of the ball hits directly forward at a speed that is difficult to see with the naked eye.

"The captain's serve is still as fierce as ever!"

"The captain is angry, she seldom serves such a backspin ball."

The boy quickly waved his racket to catch the ball.

But this ball hit the ground directly with an extremely strange arc, and the speed was astonishing.

Soon, the boy's complexion became extremely bad.

It was just a serve, but neither of the two people here could catch it.

The ball hit hard near the edge of the field, and then flew out.

This point, a serve, directly won!

Immediately, the audience cheered.

But at this moment, Jiang Yan shrugged her shoulders, turned her head slightly, as if she was stretching, and looked extremely handsome.

Matched with the handsome and cold face, even Xiao Yang couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and his body and mind were completely sunk.

Is this still my eldest wife?

this action.

This momentum.

It's so handsome!

At this moment, the others also forgot that Jiang Yan was still hugging other boys just now, and immediately stood up and shouted her name.

This is already a combination of strength and appearance, and he is beyond handsome.

Xiao Yang had to be thankful for what he said to Jiang Yan back then.

She has her own hobbies and her own life, not a world with only her own.

Now it seems that what I did was extremely correct, and I didn't put him in a birdcage to watch like raising a canary.

Jiang Yan at this moment is the most beautiful moment.

And here, Jiang Yan couldn't help looking at Xiao Yang.

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they both remembered what they said that day.

Although the opponent was the weakest on the men's team, Jiang Yan didn't let up.

Her style is to go all out in every game.

One after another, fierce tennis **** were smashed out.

Every smash is terrifying and exciting.


Xiao Yang couldn't stop cheering.

In this round, the men's team shaved their heads and didn't score a single point.

But even so, the fifth game was not optimistic for Jiang Yan.

The expressions on both sides are not very good.

The boy's head was shaved. For them, it was already directly nailed to the wall of shame.

This is a sparring between men and women!

Boys have far more advantages than girls, but they didn't expect to lose this round so badly.

The girls knew very well that the fifth game was very difficult, and the opponents would be the two strongest players on the men's team.

Jiang Yan let out a long breath, and patted a **** the shoulder: "Come on!"

Xiao Yang handed over a bottle of water, and wiped Jiang Yan's sweat.

The two looked at the field again.

The fifth inning is ready.

Sure enough, the captain and vice-captain of the men's team both stood up.

The two strongest boys.

Xiao Yang did not expect that this Yang Wei would be the vice-captain of Men's Net.

I have to say that Yang Wei's ability is really good to win prizes in financial competitions and be the vice-captain of a competitive event, but it's a pity.

People can't.

I saw Yang Wei glanced at Xiao Yang, with a hint of anger in his expression.

Xiao Yang didn't even pay attention to the other party, but rubbed Jiang Yan's shoulders instead.



"When you get home, I'll cook for you."

"Okay." Jiang Yan smiled slightly, Xiao Yang was completely satisfied.

This sweaty Jiang Yan, in a single ponytail sportswear, is really alluring.

With this lady, what more can a husband ask for.

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