ps: Let me explain, the last chapter is really not the end of Sahua... Don't get me wrong.

"Mr. Jiang...I'm not from the HR department..."

"Okay, okay, since you said it, it's okay."

"You should also pay attention to your health. I'm afraid you won't be able to take care of yourself well if I'm not around."

Chu Jiayu let out a long breath, kicked the accelerator, and the car flew out suddenly.

Speaking of which, after Yang Wei was expelled last time, he needed to find another person to handle the cooperation with the school.

Logically speaking, Chu Jiayu's position is the assistant to the president, and he only needs to be by Jiang Shangxue's side, but this matter happened to fall on her head.

This is also because the personnel department does not have very good candidates.

Those who discuss cooperation with the school must be eloquent, with an excellent image and strong professional ability.

Originally Yang Wein was able to take over this matter mainly because he knew some teachers in the school, but now, the HR department couldn't find a good candidate, so it almost fell on her.

The reason Jiang Shangxue gave was that the company needs manpower now, and it would be a waste of talents for her to stay by her side to serve tea and water.

In fact, Jiang Shangxue had also seen Chu Jiayu's ability, so she had the intention of transferring her to another position.

There was no other way, Chu Jiayu had no choice but to go to each school in person.

And being able to meet Xiao Yang at the University of Finance and Economics yesterday was also because she was going to find Lin Qiyue to find out about the University of Finance and Economics.

Today, the place she is going to inspect is Jiangdu Medical College.

Driving to the medical school, Chu Jiayu followed the navigation and drove slowly.

Fortunately, no one saw what kind of car she was driving. If the company or Jiang Shangxue saw it, they would doubt their lives.

An assistant to the president, a fresh graduate who serves tea and water, and drives a business Rolls Royce worth tens of millions.

Even so, Chu Jiayu drove very slowly and lightly, after all, it was a noisy city.

She was driving the car when suddenly, she saw an unknown object rushing out of an alley.

Is it a woman in a long dress with another woman on her back?

The face of the woman being carried was covered in blood, and the woman carrying the man was also soaked in blood all over her body at this moment.

Chu Jiayu was startled, and quickly stepped on the brakes.

The **** girl looked very familiar, her body was on the verge of falling, and she almost hit her car.


A pair of **** hands slapped the car window.

"Open the door!"

This is exactly Xiao Yang.

He didn't have much strength in his whole body at the moment, and the injury on his shoulder was getting more and more painful, and Qing Xuantong on his back was extremely heavy.

His other arm was so difficult to lift that he couldn't go back to medical school and drive to the hospital.

Just out of the alley, I ran into a car and stopped it quickly.

As for the tens of millions of luxury cars, it doesn't make sense to him. Now he can only rely on his tenacious willpower to send Qing Xuantong to the hospital.

As for calling an ambulance, he has already called, but it is safer to send it...

Xiao Yang tapped on the car window.

Chu Jiayu in the car was startled at first, but when he saw the blood-stained face, he was stunned for a moment. …

Especially those eyes...


Chu Jiayu was stunned, and quickly opened the rear door.

In the next second, Xiao Yang directly helped Qing Xuantong to the car.

Sitting in the car, Xiao Yang didn't even look at who was driving, but said coldly: "The nearest hospital, I want the fastest speed!"

Chu Jiayu also knew that now was not the time to inquire, so without further ado, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the hospital as fast as he could.

"Is there a medicine cabinet?"

Xiao Yang asked aloud.


"There is a hidden compartment under the seat..."

Xiao Yang looked under the seat, there was indeed a hidden compartment, he pulled it out, and took out the medicine box.

"Qing Xuantong, can you hear me?" Xiao Yang hugged Qing Xuantong and asked repeatedly.

"Xiao...Xiao Yang..."

Bleeding profusely, Qing Xuantong was already extremely weak at this moment, she blinked her eyes, her voice was as soft as a mosquito buzzing.

"You must hold on, it's okay!" Xiao Yang let out a long breath, and took out the alcohol and gauze from the medicine box.

"Be patient."


Qing Xuantong looked at the man in front of her, her dead heart melted again.

I have become like this, why is he still so gentle!

Although Xiao Yang's face was covered with blood, it even looked a little ferocious.

But at this moment, Qing Xuantong felt that the man in front of her was extremely handsome.

She resisted the pain, and under the stimulation of alcohol, she actually showed a smile.

"Xiao Yang, am I ugly now..."

Under the influence of alcohol, the scars have been turned out.

Seeing Nuo Da's wound, Xiao Yang couldn't help but feel a chill down his back.

This is just a twenty-year-old girl!

Hearing Qing Xuantong's trembling voice, Xiao Yang's eyes turned red, and he just comforted: "No, it's still as good-looking as before."

Xiao Yang's hands were trembling a little, and he bandaged Qing Xuantong's face.

The gauze was wrapped round and round around the face.

"how to stop

Dear, this chapter is not finished, there is another page ^0^ Down? Xiao Yang was stunned for a moment: "Have you arrived yet?" "

"Red light..." Chu Jiayu responded.

"Break in!"


Chu Jiayu didn't hesitate at all, and saw that there were not many cars driving, so he stepped on the accelerator.

The speed of the car is getting faster and faster, which has exceeded the speed that should be driven in the urban area.

"Is she okay!" Chu Jiayu gasped as he looked at the horrible face in the rearview mirror, and asked slightly.

"She will be fine!" Xiao Yang gritted his teeth and said.

"What about you?" Chu Jiayu glanced at Xiao Yang.

"I'm fine." Xiao Yang frowned slightly, only felt a sharp pain coming from the back of his shoulder, and his head fainted a little.

Finally, the car drove into the hospital.

While in the car, Chu Jiayu had already called the hospital.

At this moment, stretchers, including doctors and nurses, have been waiting in front of the emergency room for a long time.

The car stopped steadily, and everyone rushed over to pick them up.

Xiao Yang carried Qing Xuantong up, and said softly: "Here, don't be afraid, it's fine!"

Qing Xuantong held Xiao Yang's hand, just nodded slightly, her eyelids sank.

"What about you, are you alright?" A nurse glanced at Xiao Yang, saw that his face was full of danger, and quickly asked.

"'s fine..." Xiao Yang panted.

All of a sudden, he felt a surge of energy and blood, and he shook his head, only feeling that his eyes were blurred.

In the next second, Nuo Da's body crashed to the ground.

Xiao Yang couldn't hold it anymore at this He had already been smashed by the steel pipe during the fight, and in the front, he also had to slow down. In addition to the injuries caused by the steel pipe, his physical strength was also premature. It was overdrawn and cleaned up.

"Goddess!" Chu Jiayu rushed up quickly.

At this time, Qing Xuantong who was on the stretcher seemed to have heard the commotion here, turned her head away, and quickly took the nurse's hand: "Quick... save him, I... I'm fine..."

Immediately, everyone hurriedly lifted Xiao Yang up.

And when they saw his shoulder, everyone couldn't help gasping.

The broad shoulders have been sunken in, and the dark purple marks are obviously smashed by a blunt weapon. When it is touched slightly, the skin is broken, and blood flows down.

How did he survive with that **** his back all the way!

Chu Jiayu's heart ached.

Where is this goddess, this is Superman!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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