The next day, Xu Ping spent the whole time in the gym, working on his body, and didn't stop to rest until he was almost too tired to move.

He is very clear that what he lacks most now is his physical fitness. As long as his physical fitness is improved, the future plans can be better implemented. As for the company, he believes in Chu Jin's ability, and he gave her enough money. If she can't run a company well, that's too much for her Wharton degree.

After working as a hands-off shopkeeper for a day, Xu Ping took a shower in the gym and leisurely walked to Kong Yu's food stall.

When he reached the door, Xu Ping found that Kong Yu was already cleaning the kitchen, and there were still piles of ingredients on the floor.

Looking at Kong Yu's flushed face, Xu Ping knew that she had just bought it from the farmer's market.

" are here."

Kong Yu lowered his head slightly, his voice still a bit shy.

She was usually a very cold girl in school, with countless suitors, but she never responded to any one of them.

She didn't even have many friends, and she always wore a worn-out school uniform and walked alone.

But in front of Xu Ping, she couldn't stand cold, with no place to rest her hands, like a puberty little girl, extremely shy.

If her appearance was seen by the school classmates, it would definitely be a big news that caused a sensation in the whole school!

Xu Ping touched her head naturally, and said with a smile, "It's only five o'clock, why didn't you go to school?"

Kong Yu shook his head and said softly, "I don't worry about my mother, and I know everything the teacher teaches. I also review my homework at night, so I won't let you down."

Smelling the faint smell of disinfectant on Kong Yu's body, Xu Ping looked at her stubborn look, nodded and walked into the kitchen without saying anything.

Today, the business of Kong Yu's food stall is extremely hot. As soon as six o'clock passed, many white-collar workers in suits and leather shoes poured out from the nearby office buildings, and came here in groups.

The first one to arrive was a young man. The female companion next to him was well-dressed, with bags and clothes of famous brands. One could tell at a glance that he was a white-collar female elite.

The female white-collar worker sat down with a look of resentment, looked around, and said disgustedly: "Ah Ze, why did you bring me to this poor place? Wouldn't it be good to eat Japanese food?"

A Ze smiled and said: "Honey, you eat it once, and you will know why I brought you here after eating it."

The female white-collar snorted coldly: "It's better to be like this, otherwise I won't have any good fruit for you."

Aze nodded quickly, and shouted to Kong Yu, "Two servings of fried rice with soy sauce, and another serving of tomato soup."

The female white-collar worker couldn't hold back anymore, she patted the table, and said with a dark face, "I postponed the meeting with my best friend, and you came to invite me to eat fried rice with soy sauce, are you out of your mind?"

"Don't be angry, take a bite, just one bite!"

Seeing the young couple quarreling, Xu Ping was very interested, and the spatula flew up and down, and he quickly cooked two servings of fried rice with soy sauce.

The tomato soup was already cooked on the side, Xu Ping poured it into the basin, and brought the two servings of rice and soup over by himself.

Seeing the blackened iron basin and the old enamel bowl, the white-collar woman's face became even more ugly.

Since my mother graduated, when has she eaten in this dining environment!

She wanted to pick up the bag and leave, but seeing her boyfriend's eager eyes, she still took a deep breath, picked up the spoon, and barely put a spoonful into her mouth.

Take a bite and find a reason to leave this damn place!

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