"Boss, everything is ready, now you just need to speak, our place will open immediately." When Dai Shidanai prepared everything here, he ran to me and said something to me.

"Well, that's fine, if it takes time, let's do this first! Wait until eight o'clock, we will open the door, and try to find some beautiful female greeters for me. No matter how effective it is, I believe the return rate is 100% Yes." Suddenly, I thought that I should have a female greeter at this meeting, so I spoke directly to Shi Danai.

"Well, that's good, I'll go and arrange it now." Speaking of which, Shi Danai started to make arrangements, and I also sent Zhu Mengting home at this time. After all, staying here is not a good thing, so I sent it first. She goes home, and when it is free, I am playing with her.

"Mengting, I may be too busy recently, so I haven't had time to take care of you. I will definitely do what I promised you, so don't worry, I will definitely take you out when I have time." On her forehead Go up, give her a kiss, and see her off.

"Why don't you just send me here, I can go up by myself." He probably said that because he was afraid of embarrassing me, meaning let me leave first, and then she can go up by herself.

"It's okay, I'll go up with you! I don't think my uncle will have any objections to me now." Of course I was brazen enough to go up, otherwise how would I know what kind of attitude Zhu Yunqing has towards me? .

"Okay, let's go up first!" Hearing what she said, I nodded, and then walked up with her.

"Come on, brother, let's go one more time!" When I first arrived upstairs, I heard the voice of a man talking in the room. I went inside.

"Dad, what are you doing? How can you still drink?" Zhu Mengting walked to the front quickly, and directly snatched the wine glass from her father's hand.

"If you want, hurry up and fry two dishes for me. It's adults' business, don't meddle in your own business." After finishing speaking, she directly snatched the cup from Meng Ting's hand, completely ignoring Meng Ting's feelings.

"Old Zhu, this is your daughter, she is quite handsome!" The man in the middle who was drinking with him next to him said with a full face of praise.

"Yes, I don't even look at who gave birth, that's enough, let's drink some kind of wine quickly and let her cook." Zhu Yunqing didn't see me at all, so he drank his wine when he should, It doesn't matter at all what other people think.

"Hey! Who is this young man!" The middle-aged man sitting across from me saw me and asked in confusion. After all, he only knew that this old Zhu had a daughter, but he had never heard of a son. So I thought I should be Zhu Mengting's boyfriend, so I asked Zhu Yunqing suspiciously.

"Oh, it turns out that Yuan Shuai is here. Come on, sit down quickly. Uncle doesn't know you're coming, and there's nothing to entertain you. Let's have a drink together, and let Mengting go down to buy some cold dishes!" After this, Zhu Yunqing pulled me towards the seat, and then asked Mengting behind to go shopping for vegetables.

"No, Mengting, hurry up and rest over there, I don't drink now, uncle, you don't feel sorry for Mengting, but I do love her." After finishing speaking, I stood up directly and hugged Mengting in my arms .

Ever since she knew that I was really rich, Zhu Yunqing had been obedient to me in every possible way. When she heard my words, she immediately said two or three good words, as if as long as I said something now, it was what it was.

"That's fine, I won't bother you to drink, Mengting, go to the room to rest!" After saying this, I took Zhu Mengting and headed towards her bedroom. Who am I should know who I am!If you can't see it and don't think of me, then it's a waste of time.

"Come, come, let's drink ours. Let's not discuss this child's thoughts." If I hadn't been seen by him, I would have been blasted away by him long ago. Where would I still be? The opportunity to stand here, so a snobbery is a snobbery, and it will not change no matter what.

After that, like a woman Taoist, I slowly instilled some things in front of Zhu Mengting, in order to let him know more clearly what to do when encountering something, and I kept telling her three times, I just sighed and left directly.

"Uncle, you eat here first, I'll go back first, by the way, treat Mengting better in the future, I don't want her to be bullied!" I obviously said this to her, after all, the scene just now , I watched helplessly, no matter what, if I say these two words now, Zhu Yunqing himself will have to weigh up what he should do in the future.

"You can rest assured that I will definitely take good care of my daughter, and I won't send you off." While speaking, she stood up from her seat.

I shook my head and told him that he didn't need to send me off, I just went back by myself.

When I came out of his house, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening. If I arrived at the bar at this time, it would be just in time for the opening of the bar. This was all planned by myself. After all, time is money, so don't be stuck. If it is good, the money will be lost in vain.

"Boss, you're back. It's almost eight o'clock. Do you think it's time to start now?" Hearing Shi Danai's words, I nodded. After all, there is still one minute, so the start time is just now. good.

"Okay, then let's make an appointment at the bar, and it will officially open from today!" After Shi Danai said this, the surrounding firecrackers were immediately named, and all the banners hanging on it fell down. The [-]% off on-site consumption directly caused the screams on the road, after all, the [-]% off price is not low!Besides, I am not aiming at profit now, so this night, I am destined to owe money, and it is very likely that I will lose all my money.

"Everyone, everyone, listen to me, no matter what kind of wine it is, all the wines are [-]% off! Of course, if you can get it yourself, even if you snatch it, we will definitely not replenish it today. As the saying goes, first come, first served." When I stopped at Shi Da, I immediately felt that this guy is so talented, it is really not easy to say such words from his mouth!

According to this, even if it is a loss, it can't be too much, because the wine in it is all the wine before Lu Xiaosong, but I didn't pay a dime, and I made a fortune. good.

"That's all right, I'll leave it to you here, I'll go and have a look inside." I also felt bored staying here, so I went in and found a private room and went straight in, now I just want to find a place to drink It's just wine, no one wants to do anything else.

"Boss, look at the bald tiger there is no movement now, isn't it a bit too much!" Shi Danai left all the things at hand to the younger brother to do, and Ran He was also happy, so he ran to I came here and told me about the bald tiger.

"Let him go, we have to hold an attitude of indifference now, if he comes, we will block, if he does not come, then we can enjoy ourselves at leisure, do what we should do, don't worry so much " I said another word of persuasion to Shi Danai, after all, no matter how much you worry about it at this time, it won't do anything, why not just take a good rest and think so much!

"Okay, come on, boss, I'll give you a toast." Sighing, Shi Danai directly filled up his glass, and then came to toast me a glass of wine. Immediately, he drank it.

That night, I didn't know how long it took to drink with him. Anyway, when I woke up early in the morning, it was already ten o'clock the next day, and the empty wine bottles on the ground were already full, shaking my head , I sat up from the sofa.

"Boss, you're awake!" Seeing that I was sitting up, Shi Danai was almost awake, so he covered his head and asked me.

"Well, let's go down first, let's get someone to cook us dinner! After drinking all night, my stomach is full of water, and I need some food." After I finished speaking, I got up. Nai was going to get up, so I told him to sit down and rest for a while, and then he woke up, naturally his head was groggy. Although I was the boss, I always treated him like a brother.

"That's fine. If there's anything, you can call me and I'll be there right away." Nodding, I went straight down, and then informed the back kitchen to make some breakfast or something.

"Yuan Shuai, are you free now?" While I was waiting for breakfast, Zhu Mengting called me. When I heard her voice, I felt something was wrong, as if I had suffered a lot.

Could it be that his dad started doing it again, but it's impossible to think about it!So with doubts, I asked him, "What's the matter, is there something wrong?" I held my breath, and then waited for him to answer me. After all, I was really worried about her. Maybe it was love. Bar!

"My dad was kidnapped, and now they want 20 from us!" Suddenly, Mengting suppressed the grievance in her heart, and said it directly in a crying voice, and I was relieved at this time, as long as people are fine, It's easy to say anything.

"Mengting, don't worry, I will go over later, I will help you with this matter, don't worry!" Now I can only comfort her, there is nothing else I can do.

After talking on the phone for about 3 minutes, I hung up, and then called Shidanai again, asking him to prepare 20 yuan for me now. After all, I don’t know who the kidnapper is, so prepare first. Good money is right, but how to get these people out is another matter.

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