She is on Fire at the Apex of Si Ye’s Heart

Chapter 198 The third round of competition

The first match is over.

The students who are still in the ring are now only six students from Class E, five students from Class B, and three students from Class Two CD.

In the first competition, fourteen students successfully advanced to the next competition.

The scores of each class are counted on the big screen.

Class A 32 points

Class B 28 points

Class C 21 points

Class D 24 points

Class E 37 points

Seeing that Class E's score far surpassed that of Class A, the eyes of those who bet on Class E's victory instantly lit up, and they became excited.

Perhaps Class E has a high probability of winning Class A!

In the first round, all six people were eliminated, and the atmosphere of the whole class A was not good, even very bad. After seeing the scores of class E far surpassing theirs on the big screen, I was even more upset.

Gritting his teeth secretly.

Only the tutor of Class A kept a cold face and remained silent.

The second match begins.

The melee was carried out by these fourteen people.

Class E has a large number of people, which is not good for the other three classes, especially the six of them cooperate quite tacitly.

It is even more difficult.

The last one is out.

Now there are only three classes of BCE left.

Class E got one out.

There are five left.

The second match ended and the score was changed.

Class E will add five points to the current score, Class B will add three points to the existing score, and Class C will add one point.

At present, Class E has the highest score.

At the end of a competition, there will only be a three-minute break before the next competition. The students in each class did not return to their own class, so they simply stayed by the side for a while.

I even chatted with a few people from other classes. I didn’t know that I thought it was a friend I had known for a long time.

The atmosphere is very harmonious.

It's not like the fight not long ago.

It is impossible for this kind of atmosphere to happen to Class A. In their view, other classes are opponents.

That being the case, why can they sit down and chat calmly?

When the competition is announced to begin.

The expressions all changed.

As if they were not the ones talking and laughing earlier, they would not show mercy and force them out.

One out of Class C.

That leaves only the confrontation between Class E and Class B.

The number of people in Class B is already smaller than that of Class E, and they will almost be restrained by two people at the same time, which is even more difficult.

Class B has one out.

It's easier to deal with only two people left.

In this competition, Class C and Class B were eliminated, and the five people who advanced were all students of Class E. Although the ending could be guessed, they were still very surprised by the results of Class E.

As far as they know, Class E is a class made up of children from rich families, but after yesterday and today's competition, they found that Class E is more and more beyond their expectations.

Surprise them every time.

The third match is over.

And class E adds five points to the inherent score, which is 47 points. If they can't win the next two rounds of competition, it may be difficult to surpass class E.

This round will be a competition between the five students of Class E. The rules of the competition are the rules. As long as they stand on the ring, they will advance to the next round.

Even if there are still five people standing in the ring in the next competition, five points will be added until the first place wins.

This is also the disadvantage of the competition rules.

But Class E didn't do that.

Maybe they do.

Or maybe not.

Not to mention the novelty, four of them voluntarily surrendered at the end of the hour.

This round of competition will also be completely over.

The big screen also came out with the winner's name.

Team E Sangqian

Lian Zisangqian couldn't believe it himself, his mind was stuck in the moment when Tutor Du announced the winner's name, he was dazed for a while, and said to himself: "I...won?"

Chen Haochu smiled and hugged his shoulders: "Yeah, when did your strength improve so fast!"

Another person was also surprised: "Yes, I always thought you were the weakest among us, but I didn't expect you to look thin, but your strength is quite good!"

These few words are not exaggerated.

It is true.

Zi Sangqian took a look at them: "You guys really flattered me, obviously I won the first place because you gave up."

The four of them were stunned for a moment, and they all laughed happily, but it doesn't matter who takes the first place, as long as they are from their E class.

The first round of competition is over.

The grades of Class E are changed again.

In other words, class E won by 17 points in the second round of competition! Leaving aside the other classes in the whole class, Class E is one of the best classes.

The performance of Class E was indeed too unexpected.

The second round of competition was over, and it was announced that they would take a break for an hour before proceeding to the third round of competition.

Morning time passed.

It's time for them to have lunch again.

The gourmet shops are crowded, and they seem to be more willing to eat a hot meal than nutritional supplements, even if the credits are a bit more expensive.

There are also many contacts in the pill shop.

Some people are also borrowing weapons.

The entire competition venue is quite lively.

The instructors are also resting.

From a distance, you can see those instructors walking through the food street, and their points can be exchanged for credits.


Most of the people in the five classes were still sitting, drinking the nutritional supplements prepared in advance, even if they smelled the fragrance, they were still unmoved.

On the other hand, those senior students are different. They just spend a few hundred credits, and they don't feel bad at all.

The third round of competition is a challenge.

Each class is not sure which of them the opponent will choose to challenge, so they can only take advantage of this time to quickly recover from their injuries.

If the challenger succeeds in the challenge, three points will be added.

If the challenger successfully counterattacks, five points will be added.

Each class has three places.

As for who will be used for these three places, each class will decide for themselves, and they will not make any restrictions.

Even if all three places in class A are given to S-level geniuses, and nine points in class A are given away for nothing, it won't matter, rules are rules, and of course if you can take advantage of the loopholes in the rules, it is one of your skills.

Compared with other people, Wu Yang probably hoped to get the quota. He said that he had to avenge himself, so he must avenge it. This round of competition happened to be an opportunity.

After Instructor Du announced the rules for the third round of the competition, each class discussed the quota. If there is no accident, Class A will definitely give the quota to S-level geniuses. If they can't get points in this round, I'm afraid there will be no comeback opportunity.

Then it will only be Class E that wins.

The other three classes may no longer expect to compete for the first place, and they can get second or third.

Each class takes turns in order.

The third round of competition has begun.

Each class secretly exchanged ideas with their eyes.

For a while, no one was ready to go on stage to initiate a challenge. In the end, the people from Class C took the lead in launching the challenge and entered the challenge stage of the ring.

Compared with other classes, if Class C's current scores cannot counterattack, it may be the bottom of the class.

Naturally, I was in a hurry.

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