She Becomes Ugly if She Doesn’t Study

Chapter 1029 Waiting for the result of the competition

Tang Su did not leave, she sat on the spot, took a sip of water when she was thirsty, and ate some bread when she was hungry.

She was staring at the big screen on stage almost all the time, watching the rankings change on it.

The rankings are constantly changing as time goes by.

At half past eleven, Tang Su saw that Xue Yao had completed the eighth question and ranked second with a score of 745 points.

On the algorithm track, Shen Junhui completed the seventh question and scored 649 points, ranking third, and Hong Lei completed the sixth question, scoring 523 points, ranking seventh.

The problem should be getting harder, because some players' scores haven't changed for a long time.

"Tang Su, let's go eat first." Qiu Xiao saw that Tang Su had been staring at the big screen, and seemed to have forgotten that they had been sitting here for three hours.

"You go first, I'll wait until the game is over." Tang Su wanted to wait until the game was over to have lunch with her boyfriend.

"Then I'll go first."

Qiu Xiao left with two other roommates.

At this time, most of the classmates in the stand had left, and Tang Su moved from the fifth row of the stand to the first row, so that she was closer to the big screen and could see more clearly.

In addition to the current rankings on the screen, there are also shots of the game scene.

Tang Su saw Xue Yao again.

He was not doing the problem at this time, but was drinking water and eating.

The camera is not a close-up, so Tang Su couldn't see his expression and state at the moment.

Tang Su also paid attention to the other players, and found that many players seemed to be a little tired, some tilted their necks as if they wanted to sleep, and some supported their heads with their hands, as if they were thinking about something. are eating.

The competition time is very long. Such a long competition is a big test for all players, not only their skills, but also their concentration, willpower and so on.

In the auditorium, some guests still sat in their seats and did not leave. They were all sent by the company to recruit talents. This is their job.

They also all want to recruit their most satisfied employees, so some guests will pay attention to the players' game status, such as how their concentration is, their performance in the face of difficult problems and so on.

Some of the guests did not submit the invitation letter, they wanted to see the performance of the players in the final stage of the competition.

Tang Su saw some guests whispering, of course, because they were too far away, she didn't know what they were discussing.

The people who are chatting with their heads down are two managers of an Internet company.

Neither player has yet decided which contestant to send the invitation letter to.

"I don't know what kind of conditions are given by Yimi and Xunfei?" The technical director surnamed Chen asked the manager of the company's personnel department.

"This year's situation is not clear, but last year Yimi offered a monthly salary of $28,000 to the first-ranked player in the algorithm. This year, they voted for No. 101, No. 104, No. 302, No. 208, and No. 504." The manager replied.

She has been recording the selections of other companies with her mobile phone.

"We don't choose any of these. Let's choose a few from the graduating class. They don't need to be top-notch. We are short of people to do things right now, and we need people who can arrive immediately."

"Okay, what about the salary package, do you want to choose the third grade?" the HR manager asked.

"Well, choose the third tier, but No. 406, a player who is proficient in C++, can get a monthly salary of 45K. Others will be 30K.

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