Shaw Dynasty

Chapter 11:Escape

The moon rises in the night sky ...

Soldier: -You are stuck on the emperor's order.

Phill and Lahn are taken to the same saddle in the marbles. Shaw is in a remote location if recovered from injuries. Yan and Yato managed to escape before they were captured.

Soldier: -Dinner.

The soldier throws some pieces of bread at them.

Lahn: -What did they do with Shaw ...

Phill: Doesn't this prison crap get any better?

Phill complains to the innkeeper who watches over the saddles while taking one of the thrown pieces.

Guard: Do you think this is a hostel here? Haha ha.

Phill: If it were you, you'd be the maid.

The guard doesn't like what happened and throws the water that was in a glass on Phill.

Guard: -To learn not to talk too much.

Phill: "Lucky for you, I don't have my wretched sword."

Guard: - It's used to be a long time here, hahaha!

The guard laughs at Phill.

Lahn: -What are we going to do?

Phill: -I'm thinking of a way.

A stone hits Phill's head.

Phill: ouch! More than.

Phill looks up and sees Yan on the ceiling where he has iron bars.

Lahn: you?

Phill: How did you get up there?

Yan: We don't have time for that.

Yato throws a key at them.

Phill: How did you get that?

Yato: Did you forget that we're thieves?

Yan: Quick before he comes back.

Phill takes the key and opens the saddle, they go down the hall looking for Shaw.

Phill: Wait, there were guards in there.

Lahn: We have to find our swords or we won't get out of here.

Yan and Yato make it to them.

Phill: I have a plan.

Shaw wakes up and find himself all bandaged bound by coherents.

-how it feels?

says the voice.

Shaw: How do you think I feel? That miserable traitor.

Shaw remembers Zanzero.

Yan: -Hey!

Yan shouts to the two guards.

Guard 02: -How did you get in here?

Guard: 03: -stop right there.

Yan runs and the two guards run after him, Phill, Lahn and Yato then gripping the iron bars of the ceiling, so the guards passed without seeing them.

Lahn: - You're sure he won't be captured.

Yato: -My brother is the fastest of our pack.

Phill: Let's go.

They go down and go to where their swords are, there they see, Shaw's too.

Phill: I take the swords, you find Shaw.


They split up, Lahn and Yato looking for Shaw.

Lahn: Where is he?

Phill analyzes the situation and crouches when he realizes that 5 soldiers have entered the room.

Phill: That's not good.

Lahn and Yato see several empty saddles and one at the end of the corridor is accessing.

Lahn: He must be there.

When they get there they see Shaw chained.

Lahn: Shaw!

Shaw lifts his head and see him.

Shaw: lahn?

Yato: We have to get him out of there.

Shaw: Quick, the guard who was here just left, he should be back soon, use his sword.

Lahn: They got her ...

Shaw: -...

Yato: Let's find something to break the bars.

Phill hides under a table, but the room is full of soldiers.

Phill: It's my end ...

Lahn and Yato darken someone approaching and hide.

General: Just watch the last of the wind trapped like a dog.

Shaw: Did you mock me?

General: -Akai is my cousin, I knew what you did to him in Soutk.

Shaw -...

General: You'll spend the rest of your life here, you arrogant, fucking orphan.

Upon hearing this Shaw begins to shine his body is enveloped by a green aura and strong winds begin to blow the spot.

General: What do you think you are doing?

The general is thrown against the wall, Shaw looks out of control. The currents begin to break.

Lahn: -What's going on?

The winds that swirl Shaw destroy the currents that bound him.

Lahn: -Shaw.

The general tries to call reinforcements but Shaw gets him pinned to the wall by the pressure of the winds coming out of his saddle.

General: what are you?

He says scared of it, the saddle iron bars blow in the wind, the noise catches the attention of the guards and soldiers who will find out, Phill takes the opportunity to catch the swords.

Guards: -Fire balls!

The guards arrive and start launching attacks against Shaw plus a wall of winds comes up in front of him and begins deflecting the attacks of the guards, Phill reaches him.

Phill: - Shaw! Shaw?

Phill wonders how Shaw is, his sword resonates when he comes close and leaves Phill flying to Shaw.

Lahn: -Phill!

Phill: What happened here?

The sword then positions itself in front of Shaw who faints. The injured guards are getting up.

Yato: We have to get out of here!

Phill hands Lahn his sword, Phill and Lahn run to Shaw, Lahn creates a water barrier so they can catch Shaw and leave.

Soldiers: -flight of fire!

When they destroy the barrier they see that they are no longer there.

Yan: - What happened?

Yato: There are guards coming after us, we have to leave now.

Phill picks up his sword and uses his power to cut a hole in the wall. They go out to various soldiers and swordsmen surround them.

Phill: Jeez.

Lahn wields his sword, Phill looks at Shaw. Yan and Yato hide behind their.

General 02: -All of them!

With the order the soldiers and swordsmen attack with firepower.

Shaw: Wind Cell: Wind Barrier!

Shaw wakes up at the right time and uses his power to protect everyone.

Phill: -Earthquake cell, vibrations.

Yato: - This way fast!

Phill manages to unbalance some Enemies ahead, Lahn uses his water wave to push them away, opening a breach. They run around and manage to outwit their enemies by entering a Trap passage.

Phill: -At least.

All married and panting.

Yan: -I think we're free now.

Shaw: How did you get me out of the chains?

Lahn: -You broke free ...

Shaw: -I?

Shaw does not seem to remember what happened, sounds of waits coming toward them are heard.

Yan: Let's get out of here.

They run into a tunnel that leads out of town.

Shaw: -I have to get to the capital, or they will deliver the cells to the fire swordsmen.

Phill: But the lords ...

Shaw: I have a deal with that traitor.

Lahn: Let's go with you.

Shaw looks at them, and nods.

Lahn: Yes.

Shaw, Phill and Lahn say goodbye to Yan and Yato and leave for the capital city.

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