Shameless Warlock

Chapter 188: Demon General

"The Red Lotus Altar..."

Xu Nan pretended to be pondering, but was actually a little embarrassed.

He had long forgotten about this thing!

At the beginning, he still remembered using Liuhuo's special channel in the Arcane Empire to compete with the genuine buyer.

Later, because there were too many things and the effect of the Red Lotus Altar was not so stable, Xu Nan completely forgot about it.

"Is there a list?" He looked at Liu Huo without changing his expression.

Liuhuo looked at Xu Nan suspiciously, but still pulled out a long list on the crystal screen on the desk.

The list is very detailed.

Everyone's name, gender, age, specialty, origin... Because the Red Lotus Altar is a population recruitment unit directly controlled by Liuhuo, she can give full play to the super powerful calculation and storage capabilities of the ship soul, which is equivalent to half an artificial intelligence computer .

According to Liuhuo, most of the more than 160 people chose to join the city after the reconstruction of the unknown city.

"People who can be selected by the Red Lotus Altar have their own specialties, and they are unlikely to leave, so they are very suitable for recruitment."

"Because you haven't mentioned this matter, I arranged it on my own."

Liuhuo explained while presenting the list.

Xu Nan nodded guiltily.

Although Liuhuo has a lot of careful thoughts, it feels good to have a ship soul to help with chores. Xu Nan can't imagine what chaos the entire Anonymous City would be like without Liuhuo.

The Unnamed City was originally a city transformed from a boarding ship. Once the conditions are ripe, it can be transformed into a boarding ship again at any time. This is what Xu Nan is most satisfied with. As the saying goes, you can't run away from the temple if you run to the monk, but if Xu Nan really encounters some terrible enemies, you can still run with everyone at all costs.

The list is long, but Xu Nan takes it very seriously.

The more he watched, the more he regretted that he hadn't mentioned this earlier!

These people are talents from all walks of life that are scarce in the unknown city!

Especially when he saw several talents with military background, he was so happy that he almost didn't jump up.

"Where are these people now?"

Xu Nan couldn't help asking.

"I live next door to the cemetery of the undead..."

Before Liu Huo finished speaking, Xu Nan severely interrupted:

"How can we arrange for them to live next to the grave?"

"What if their hearts are chilled?"

"Hurry up and change the residence for him... Forget it, I will arrange it myself."

Liu Huo was speechless.

"But, they live very happily." She couldn't help but justify.

Xu Nan didn't believe it: "How can normal people be happy living next to the cemetery?"

"Go and see for yourself."

Come on, little silver-haired Luoli lost his temper, dropped the words, and left with a poof.

Xu Nan thought about it too.

Anyway, I still have to go and have a look by myself; he really missed this matter, and it's good that Liuhuo, an unreasonable ship soul, can help arrange it.

Can't be too demanding.

"When will I have a real caring little secretary..."

Xu Nan wailed in his heart, tidied up, and left the city lord's hall.


The cemetery is located in the northeast corner of the main city, and it was originally a rather deserted place.

But when Xu Nan quickly arrived near the cemetery using the Hagrid blink technique, he found that there were quite a lot of people here, and they were full of laughter.

There are several unused houses on the west side of the cemetery. These are the unused guest rooms inside the Dengyun Ship. They were placed here by Liuhuo through the internal mechanism circulation, and they made a [talent apartment] in the unknown city.

The talents recruited through the Red Lotus Altar are currently residing here.

What's outrageous is that because Xu Nan didn't say anything, Liu Huo actually let them live here. They don't have to work every day, but they have food...

I don't know what this guy is thinking!

In order to avoid alarming the enemy, Xu Nan drove the invisible magic ball and observed secretly.

"For most of the day, there are so many people and it's so lively, it's easy to cause trouble!"

"These talents don't work, and it's a hidden danger after a long time."

"It's better to provide them with jobs."

Xu Nan convinced himself silently, and decided to assign tasks to them as soon as he went back, at least no longer providing free food.

Of course, as a special talent, it is still allowed to have a certain Dengyun currency subsidy.

Only in this way, people will work hard!

"Huh? It's fine for these people to just wander around when they have nothing to do. What are these undead doing?"

Xu Nan noticed that compared to the initial cemetery, the current cemetery has become much more lively.

Of course, this is not something to be thankful for, because every undead means that there is a corpse buried in the cemetery. Although it has gained a new life, it has also forgotten the memory of the past.

He estimated that the current cemetery already has more than fifty undead creatures, most of which are skeletons and ghosts, and there are three special species, Xu Nan has not yet identified the specific ones.

The leader of the cemetery is obviously the young lady in white who has been neglected by Xu Nan for a long time.

When Xu Nan found her, the young lady was explaining the necessary common sense to a few little undead, with a sweet smile on her face, although she was in the form of a wronged soul, it gave people a feeling of spring.

The rest of the undead are similar.

After a while, the undead left the cemetery one after another under the command of the white-clothed resentful soul, and went to various urban areas.

The people in the talent apartment watched, some smiled and waved to them, while others followed, not knowing why.

Xu Nan can only choose to be a silent tail monster.

From morning to afternoon, he spent a day following these undead and some people in the talent's apartment, and found one thing embarrassingly: he might indeed be wrong about Liuhuo.

Everyone in the talent apartment not only doesn't hate the undead, but gets along very happily with them.

And when the undead go out to perform volunteer tasks, they will also go up to help...

That's right, it's a volunteer mission!

Also because of Xu Nan's negligent management, the undead are really doing nothing in the cemetery. It is estimated that Liuhuo had an idea and organized them to become volunteers in various aspects of the unknown city.

One of the most popular jobs is mentoring.

Many Iceborne miners entered the city for the first time, and the huge unknown city is really easy to make people dizzy. These undead are the best guides.

And in the process of helping others, these undead seem to have gained unprecedented happiness.

Will the undead be happy? Xu Nan was stunned when he saw this scene. He couldn't help but ran to the cemetery to see if the description on the tombstone of the undead had changed.

But the results left him scratching his head.

At least at the level of data explanation, there is no alienation in the form of the undead, they are just normal undead.

Just looking at their enthusiastic work, Xu Nan couldn't help but suspect that there was a deviation in Paradise Lost's system.

At least, they seem to have a sense of belonging and even more affection for Unknown City than Xu Nan.

So do the people in the talent apartment.

The red lotus altar gave them a chance to be reborn, and near the red lotus altar are the little undead who are responsible for the reception work, so their relationship is particularly good.

Xu Nan saw that contented smile on more than one face.

It was a smile that recognized the city from the heart.

He suddenly thought of Xiaoliang.

"Is this city suddenly magical? Can the residents recognize it from the bottom of their hearts? Then work hard for it?"

"But what about the people of the ice plains? They don't seem to be very enthusiastic about their work."

Xu Nan felt a little weird.

Although this is obviously beneficial to him, he still feels itchy to figure out what's going on.

"Forget it, let's ask Liuhuo at night." Xu Nan rubbed his nose and gave up his self-deduction.

In the knowledge base of the ship soul, there are territorial data of various floating cities and cloud-climbing ships in the Arcane Empire. She should know something.

Xu Nan quietly left the cemetery.

Liu Huo didn't know where he went, so he could only ask Ah Wei to come again and call over the three people he wanted to meet today.

Although only a visit can be seen to be sincere, but after Xu Nan thought about it, the city lord still needs to have a certain dignity and posture.

The people at the Red Lotus Altar were desperately taken in by him, and those who ate and drank them were sincere enough.

Leaders still have to think about more things.

It didn't take long for the three qualified special talents to be in place.

Xu Nan chose to meet separately.

His attitude was approachable, and he basically chatted with the three of them for about ten minutes.

In fact, what you want to know is all written on the list given by Liuhuo, Xu Nan just confirms it.

These three people are all from the military with military experience, and they can be said to be the military talents Xu Nan most urgently needs.

Wilson, 38 years old, was born as a scout. He once led a cavalry company and was good at sneak attacks and intelligence work.

Marland, 50 years old, former mid-level officer, retired instructor, organized and prepared a boot camp, and seemed to be a good candidate for training soldiers.

Scully, 37 years old, a lame veteran with average resume, looks like a veteran wanderer. He has been in the Death Squad and the Assault Battalion. Fortunately, he survived. He has a hidden disease in his right leg and cannot walk normally.


Xu Nan looked at the information, combined with the chat just now, and fell into deep thought.

In fact, he is very satisfied with the three of them. The most satisfying thing is that they are not young anymore. Both men and soldiers need age and experience to play good roles!

"Who should be elected as the first general of the unknown city?"

"That guy Tang Haibao should lie down for me, it's okay to be a supervisor..."

"Actually, the answer is already obvious."

Xu Nan tapped the table lightly.

At this moment, Liu Huo appeared out of nowhere and asked curiously:

"Which gentleman would you choose to be in charge?"

Xu Nan smiled slightly:

"Isn't that obvious?"

"I choose……"

"Mr. Scully!"

Liu Huo was a little surprised: "But he is a lame man."

Xu Nan shook his head: "I have a goblin who is also lame."

Liu Huo was thoughtful: "You mean, the lame ones are all bosses?"

Xu Nan smiled and said nothing, leaving only Liu Huo guessing where he was.

He wouldn't tell Liuhuo that she was saying the opposite in terms of causality, it should be that big guys like to pretend to be lame...

In the process of chatting with the three of them just now, Xu Nan had of course seen it with the superspirit vision.

Scully's pebbles are the most stable, which means that his soul is firm and his will is strong; while his gas column is not damaged, which means that he is full of energy. If there is a hidden disease, it must be emotional. reacted.

The human soul and body are closely related.

So Xu Nan can conclude that his lame leg is fake, but his vicissitudes of life are real.

This guy is definitely a hidden boss.

The most important point is that Xu Nan trusts her intuition more.

When he saw Scully's bald head for the first time, he couldn't help but think of Senior Akun, and many strong men who fit this characteristic.

Lame + bald?

How could he not be a big boss? !

The position of the Chief General of the Unknown City was hastily finalized.

When the on-site appointment was announced, not only the three of them were stunned, but the entire government affairs hall was boiling.

Especially the people in the ice field, they have seen Tang Haibao's busy and despondent appearance recently, some old forces in Wildfire City have thought about it, and many people are quite coveted about the duties of the chief general.

They have managed a lot in secret, but unfortunately the real decision makers: Xu Nan and Jiang Yuanchi, they can't influence at all, and it's impossible to even bribe the elephant-man guards.

So when this order came down, their first reaction was to feel uncomfortable, and their second reaction was to prepare to see Scully's jokes.

Xu Nan is currently very authoritative, and the entire Unnamed City is basically in a state of being one and only. In addition, they are the savior of the people in the ice field, so they will not say anything.

But doubts about the appointment certainly exist.

In fact, if you want to talk about bad thoughts, most of the people in the ice field will not have it, but how many people can be free from power when it comes to power?

Xu Nan saw all these things, but he didn't care.

He just needs to see the results.

Next, it depends on what Scully does.

While appointing Scully as the chief general, Xu Nan did not give up on the other two, and gave them the duties and powers of setting up a scout battalion and a deputy general, respectively, and selected a few civil servants from the existing people in the city hall. Go over and help.

Xu Nan put a lot of pressure on her.

Within a month, he wanted to see an army with preliminary combat effectiveness!

Scully didn't say anything, just accepted the appointment silently, and hurried to work.

It's just that when he left, his striding posture was still exposed.


【Your good luck angel works! 】

[Demon general Scully activated the self-healing ability of the body because of his high fighting spirit and enthusiasm, and he recovered from hidden diseases for many years, his professional level +1, command level +1...]

The Lost Paradise system suddenly brushed up this line of explanation.

Xu Nan touched his nose. It turned out that this guy was really lame. It was just because his actions triggered the effect of [Lucky Angel] gifted by Qin Lele, and Scully exploded with potential.

"General Devil? This guy is a ruthless man."

Xu Nan took a look, and Paradise Lost actually had a record of Scully!

This guy came from a secondary plane that was very close to the main material world. It was a strong plane with a level limit of 18. Although the territory was small, wars were frequent.

It is probably what it looked like during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in ancient China.

Scully was wiped out of his country since he was a child, so he endured the humiliation and went to another big country to serve as a soldier. With his extraordinary courage and strategy, he became a general. In his early twenties, he wiped out the country that once destroyed him. . Because of his ruthless methods and countless murders, he was called the "Devil General" by the people on that plane.

Later, in a war, one of his legs was injured, and he could not even ride a horse, so he chose to retire.

It's a pity that he has killed countless people in his life. Although he is good at military affairs, he is an idiot in politics. Later, he was plotted by his enemies, and finally ended up with his family ruined and his family destroyed.

When he was at the end of the road, he was captured by the Red Lotus Altar.

Xu Nan can feel that Scully, who has experienced so many things, no longer has the obsession with revenge, but he still has an unusual desire for war.

This kind of person should have died on the battlefield.

The recruits who asked him to manage the Unknown City did not know whether they could bear it.

Xu Nan, who didn't pay much attention to this part, suddenly felt a little looking forward to it.

Then he was also a little curious about the trigger mechanism of the angel of good luck.

"Does the angel of good fortune have no form?"

"Why did Paradise Lost notify me?"

He was a little puzzled.

At this moment, a timid little man appeared on the tip of his nose.

She looks like a miniature version of Qin Lele!

It's just that there are a pair of wings at the back, and then... a chest!

"Master... are you, are you calling me?"

The Angel of Luck looked very shy.

Xu Nan was a little suffocated.

Why did Qin Lele make such a mess for herself?

Can't we make it normal? Who is this shy angel fooling!

"Can you explain to me what function you have?"

He tried to look gentle.

The Angel of Good Luck looked terrified: "Function?"

"I, I, I don't... I... am not the kind of angel you imagined..."

Xu Nan's head hurts.

"I want to know, how can I trigger the lucky effect?"

he asked patiently.

Only then did the lucky angel come to his senses, blushing and said:

"Ah, no specific rituals are required, you just need to do normal things like normal people."

"Increasing the number of good luck triggers is achieved by increasing the frequency of doing things."

"In short it's... just..."

She held it in for a long time before she could say:

"The harder, the more fortunate!"

Xu Nan nodded after hearing this. He basically understood the trigger mechanism of the Angel of Good Luck, which basically depends on character.

He doesn't need to do anything, just brush up his daily life, and good luck will happen naturally.

Although the good luck this time seems to have come to Scully, since the good luck angel made such a judgment, it means that Xu Nan appointed him as a general, which is a very lucky thing for Xu Nan himself.

He is looking forward to the follow-up progress of the army more and more.

At that moment, he glanced at the angel of good luck who was still trembling at the tip of his nose, and couldn't help but say:

"Can you switch places?"

The good luck angel was a little worried: "Is there something wrong with my position? Does the master despise me?"

"I just wanted to sneeze."

Xu Nan sighed.


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