Shameless Warlock

Chapter 160: Dark Blue Bridge

The king's assassination seemed to have no effect on Quelrath, he didn't seem to care about it at all.

Theoretically speaking, the church and the kingdom are indeed two parallel lines, and it is normal to be irrelevant; but the Church of the Snow Goddess has a huge influence in the Eastern Kingdom. Whoever becomes the king actually has a huge impact on the interests of the church.

And the Lan Yijiao appeared at this ingenious time, which can't help but make people think about it.

Of course, if Quelrath didn't mention it, Xu Nan wouldn't make fun of himself.

At this time, it is enough to focus on the Frost Winter Treasure. Ofi has repeatedly told Xu Nan the importance of Ron's tomb.

Not to mention the goodies left over from the frost giants.

After dinner, a group of people scattered out the door according to the original method.

They left the main city of Xueyuan City, and according to the map given by Quellas, they successfully arrived at Beacon Fort in the south of the city.

Beacon Fort is a small fortress belonging to Xueyuan City. It was originally a barracks, but because of the absence of war, it gradually opened up and became a small castle with a mixture of soldiers and civilians.

In the end, they met at a relatively hidden sewer entrance in Beacon Fort.

This time, there are not a few people who joined forces to explore the treasure of Frost Winter. Most of them were Evelyn's power, including a small group of elite professionals who followed Song Ying's leadership; those Dark Moon druids who followed Song Ying to the Shatooth Inn did not follow.

Quellas has very few people, only two guards. They should be followers who have guarded Quel'Sera for many years. The combination of a qualified shield guard and an experienced melee warrior is enough to face any Challenging situations allow time and space for Quel'Lath to cast spells.

Of course, Little Jasmine and Geralt also followed, the former was the one who opened the treasure, and the latter was the one Quellas was focusing on. Gray did not follow in the end, after greeting Xu Nan, he sneaked into the crowd silently, not knowing where he would go. : :

On Xu Nan's side, there are only him and Qin Lele, and they have their own tasks. There was no other way, it was too far away, and it was not convenient for him to transfer people from the Unknown City, and the task of Ron's tomb had to be kept a secret.

Of course, he is not afraid of the problem of being alone, after all, he still has a celestial goose that can fight well.


After the personnel assembled, they took advantage of the cover of night and entered the sewer.

The sewer management here is very poor, not only will there be large groups of rats, but even some monsters that can bite people.

However, in the face of the combat power of such a formation, these little monsters are insignificant, at most they just make people feel upset.

The group walked for thirty minutes in the sewer, and finally reached the end of the sewer.

It was a rusted iron cross gate with a lock on it.

Quellas took out the key in silence, and opened the lock directly. No one asked about the origin of the key and the lock. Everyone came here for a purpose. Since Quellas claimed to be ready, Before he misses, keeping silent is the best choice.

Behind the iron cross gate is a relatively warm and dry corridor.

Unlike the environment in the sewer, the environment here is much better. Even though the iron door seemed to be closed for a long time, Quelrath made a toothache sound when he unlocked it, but the air still didn't have that nauseating filthiness.

Xu Nan found some military items in the tunnel behind the iron gate.

The specifications are similar to those in the barracks above the Beacon Fort.

"The army of Beacon Fort, or Xueyuan City, once tried to develop this place."

He silently made a judgment in his heart.

The corridor is very long and extends underground. Fortunately, there are kerosene lamps on both sides, which can naturally illuminate the way forward after being lit; and there are very careful ventilation holes on the top, which is considered a very advanced design in this world.

Xu Nan once doubted whether the army of Fengsuibao could have such a strong construction ability and exquisite siege structure design ability.

A long time passed.

They walked underground for about 300 meters along the corridor, passed many facilities like armory, warehouse, small square and camp, and finally arrived safely at the entrance of the [Dark Blue Bridge] in the mouth of Quelrath.

The Deep Blue Bridge is said to be an important bridge across the main material world and the frost giant's tomb.

Only by crossing the Dark Blue Bridge can they reach the place they want to go.

The Drum of Time and the descendants of Atsam are the only keys to activate the Deep Blue Bridge.

"It's just ahead."

"Everyone, wait a moment."

Quelrath greeted skillfully.

The corridor here is much wider, forming a small square. A group of people dispersed, but did not relax their vigilance. Although it was safe to walk along the way, after all, it involved the treasure of an ancient god, and a little carelessness could easily lead to disaster.

"Is that the Deep Blue Bridge?"

When the corridor comes here, the front road disappears.

Instead, there was a "door" made up of a jelly-like dark green gelatinous object.

Xu Nan is not sure what name to use to refer to this strange existence, maybe the door is more appropriate, although the jelly on the door is still wriggling, as if it is alive, which makes people a little scared.

The rest of the people were also very wary of this door, including Song Ying, all professionals subconsciously kept away from that door.

Little Jasmine's face was pretty red.

She looked a little sleepy, but she was very excited, with a drum of time hanging around her neck, and she kept chanting words.

Xu Nan has been observing everyone in the team.

He is actually a person who is not very good at observing words and expressions. After being promoted to the Apostle of Desire, observation has changed from a professional requirement to an instinct.

Supersoul vision can reveal many things that cannot be seen in the normal world.

Little Jasmine's emotions were very high, if it wasn't for Quelrath being by his side, he couldn't help but want to share some of the "excitement" elements for Little Jasmine. Too much excitement is not a good thing, especially for such a small child.

"Even if you want to enter the tomb of your ancestors, there is no need to be so excited, right?"

"What is she excited about?"

Xu Nan recalled Little Jasmine's few words, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised: "Could it be that she is still trying to resurrect her ancestors? Isn't that incident confirmed by Mirren as a conspiracy by Tungus?"

Except for Little Jasmine, the emotions of the others also fluctuated.

From the excitement when they first entered the sewer of Beacon Castle, to the numbness behind, to the tension and excitement now... most people's emotional element curves are the same. Including Quelrath.

From the beginning to the end, only two people's emotions have not changed, and that is Qin Lele and Song Ying. Qin Lele's emotional stability is probably because her mission is to follow Geralt. Song Ying is a more terrifying woman, her emotional fluctuations are almost zero.

If it wasn't for the fear of annoying the eldest sister, Xu Nan couldn't help but want to explore her soul pillar further.

At this moment, Quellas began to act.

He drew a big circle on the ground with white chalk.

In the circle, complex symbols of divine arts appeared quickly one by one. Quelrath drew very quickly, and the atmosphere of divine arts in the circle became more and more intense.

Everyone was in awe.

Quellas can be regarded as a master of the depiction of this magic array. Even if he is not a legend, with the help of the magic circle, he should be able to fight against the legendary powerhouse.

"This magical array is used to gather faith."

Song Ying suddenly said in a low voice: "Did the old man tell you that the dark blue bridge needs the power of faith to open it?"

Xu Nan shook his head lightly.

Quellas only mentions the Drum of Time Pocket Watch and the Atsum's Spawn.

"It won't be too much trouble, it will be fine soon."

Quellas continued to draw without looking up.

Not long after, a rough magic array was completed.

"Do we need to pray?" someone asked.

"No need, your beliefs are not pious enough." Quellas was not polite at all.

The man shrugged and said nothing.

Geralt looked at the magical formation curiously. He was also very familiar with this formation. It was a common method used in church preaching, and it could be used to unite the collective hearts of believers.

Only in the left third of the circle, there were some changes in the runes, which exceeded his knowledge of divine arts.

Like Xu Nan, he was very curious about what Quellas would do with this magical array that condenses faith.

The answer will be revealed soon.

With the activation of the magic circle, a faint white light flashed, and the singing of hymns could be vaguely heard.

The vigorous power of faith suddenly surged out, like a fountain, condensed into a solid body!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Can the power of faith be so cohesive?

Where did the power of faith condensed by Quellas come from?

No one asked.

In the magic circle, some broken images occasionally flashed, Xu Nan seemed to see a group of devout believers sitting in a narrow church, silently singing sacred hymns.

Their faces were very young, and their hymns were not very fluent, but their faith was unusually firm.


Suddenly, a slightly familiar face flashed by.

Xu Nan had seen this person before, even though it was just a few encounters, he had met him a few times last night when he was collecting elements of shame.

That was a preacher of the Blue Clothes Sect.

"Quellas condenses the power of faith of the Lanyi Sect?"

"It stands to reason that he is the magician of the Ice and Snow Goddess, and it is normal for him to condense the power of faith of his own believers, but aren't he and the Lanyi Sect in a state of conflict?"

"Or is it that there are no normal believers of the Ice Goddess in the entire Snowfield City? Quellas can only do this?"

This explanation is very reluctant, and Xu Nan doesn't quite believe it.

He prefers to believe that Quellas is the power of faith of the Lanyi Sect deliberately condensed.

These powers of faith surged out at the beginning, but quickly calmed down. Under Quellas' control, they turned into clouds of water vapor, which adsorbed on the green gel-like gate.

The color of the gate gradually turned blue, and a thin hole appeared.

"Jasmine, it's alright." Quellas' voice was very calm.

Under everyone's gaze, Little Jasmine put the Drum of Time into the hole with trembling hands, and her little hand also went in.

The gel-like gate suddenly began to rotate, around Little Jasmine as the center, like the brightest starry sky, changing countless mysterious patterns.

Quellas' magic array disappeared.

There was a sting.

It was as if something had torn.

The jelly-like object frantically retreated, and Little Jasmine still held that exquisite pocket watch in her hand.

"Follow up!" Quellas shouted.

Everyone followed Little Jasmine all the way forward.

In front of them, the gelatinous objects receded crazily, and behind them, a black mist slowly flowed in, as if driving them forward, which was really weird.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before they stepped onto a water-blue stone bridge.

The gelatinous mass stops there and disappears.

On the other side of the stone bridge, there is a blue lake. There is an open island in the lake, and the research institute of the Arcane Empire is located on that island. The frost giant's tomb should be just below the research institute, and Ron's tomb should be deeper.

A group of people were on alert and quickly crossed the stone bridge.

At this moment, someone noticed the situation under the stone bridge.

The black shadows were walking on the bottom of the bridge just a little slower than them. From the perspective of the reflection, they seemed to be walking on the shadow of the stone bridge!

This weird scene attracted everyone's attention, and everyone was a little uneasy.

Quellas just took a look and snorted:

"Those sneaky treasure hunters."

"The entrance to the frost giant's tomb is not limited to Beacon Castle, but the Deep Blue Bridge is only here."

"We opened the gate of the tomb, and the rest of the entrances will also be opened instinctively. They probably got the news of the tomb and have been guarding the other entrances, so they followed in now."

"But don't worry, these people arrived at the Dormant Lake slower than least half an hour."

After all, he didn't even look at the dark figures at the bottom of the river, and strode forward with Geralt, Little Jasmine and his two guards.

There is a divine power restriction on the Deep Blue Bridge, Xu Nan cannot use the magic carpet and can only walk.

Fortunately, his pace is not slow.

About ten minutes later, they arrived near the [Dormant Lake], looked back, Quellas did not lie, those shadows were still moving forward under the water, much slower than them.

They seem to be having some trouble.

"Treasure hunter?"

"Will there be strong people from other forces? For example, people from the Ninth Manor?"

Xu Nan never let go of the green light.

No matter how well-planned Quelrath's plan seemed, Xu Nan would always suspect that he still had the possibility of being misled after the oolong at the Accumulation of Cold Day celebration.

Fortunately, I entered the tomb ahead of time, so I had the upper hand.

"We must find Ron's tomb as soon as possible!"

He, Qin Lele and others rushed to the dormant lake, and found that the lake was not frozen, and there were many boats by the lake. Without further ado, Quellas took his own people to find two boats, and started rowing to the center of the lake. islands.

This lake also has divinity, and those who can come here are naturally not fools.

Everyone followed suit one after another and found a boat to follow up.

Xu Nan naturally did not fall behind.

Soon, the first few boats were about to reach the island in the middle of the lake.

However, at this time, the dormant lake, which had been calm and calm, suddenly set off a ten-level storm!

There was a clatter.

The huge water waves came suddenly, and directly overturned several small boats!

Among them is the boat that Xu Nan and Qin Lele were on.

As soon as he fell into the water, Xu Nan felt a chill piercing through his bones. Before he dropped a cold barrier, he suddenly heard an exclamation in his ear

Qin Lele, who fell into the water with him, was blown up by a strange wind, and he was about to be blown into the sky!

Xu Nan immediately reached out and grabbed it.

"Caught it!" He beamed with joy.

Then the two were blown away smoothly together.


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