Shameless Warlock

Chapter 144: Celebration

Watcher's Keep, Oak Square.

As the evening approaches, the heavy snow that has fallen all day has weakened, but the strong wind remains; the square is full of people, and the floating lanterns made by craftsmen are slowly lit up, lighting up the vicinity of the large square at the junction of the inner city and the outer city winter scenery.

This is a rare day in the northern winter when people still go out in the evening.

Amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the Kutlin people, the celebration of the Cold Day slowly kicked off.

In the northeast corner of the square, a large platform was set up early.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the illumination of the lantern was actually very limited. Fortunately, there were two huge pillars standing on both sides of the platform. On the top of the pillars were placed two huge iron basins with strange shapes, and what was burning in the iron basins was [Inextinguishable Flame] .

These two immortal flames illuminate the area around the square as brightly as day.

The residents of Watcher's Fortress are no strangers to these two humanoid flames, and some good people even named them.

The human-shaped flame on the left is called Poseidon. It is relatively indifferent and doesn’t like to talk to people. It just sits silently in the brazier. Only reckless children run under the pillar and yell at it. Poseidon usually pretends to be very It was quite effective at first to frighten those little kids with flames, but later the brats found that the flames bestowed by Poseidon not only did no harm, but had the effect of enhancing their physical fitness, more and more children came to find him. Trouble with Poseidon.

This made this cold and indestructible flame very helpless, and simply hid most of the time; until most parents began to intentionally restrain their children from going to trouble with the great Lord Poseidon, It just started showing up again.

Poseidon looked in a good mood today. Before the celebration started, there was already a large group of children surrounding him. He stood in the brazier and performed some magic tricks for the children, to much cheers.

The human-shaped flame on the right is called Kerel. Compared with Poseidon, it is more lively, but it has a human-like cunning and eccentricity. It likes to play pranks very much. Even the daily guards often complain about Lord Kerel. tricky idea. The children naturally dare not go to the trouble of the prank king.

Seeing a large number of children around Poseidon at this moment, Kyrel pretended to be very angry, and there was a crackling sound from the brazier, as if a big conspiracy was brewing.

The people below also pretended to be frightened, as if they were really worried about Lord Kerel's mood.

But there were also many people who gave out good-natured laughter.

After getting along for so long, everyone knows that whether it is Poseidon or Kyrel, these two humanoid flames from the lava tyrant kingdom are very kind existences. Their significance to the Watcher's Fortress is obviously not as simple as the lighting of the celebration. In the previous battle with the demons, they once fought to the point of exhaustion. If you drip the ancient lamp oil, I am afraid that these two will enter a long-term dormant state.

But now, the two Immortal Flames seemed to be full of energy, and the ancient lamp oil in the brazier was enough for them to burn for a long time, even if they were exposed to heavy snow, it would not be affected.

They are actually one of the many changes brought about by Evelyn's coming to Ice Wind.

As a powerful spellcaster, Evelyn had many adventures since she was a child; these adventures and Caesar's blood did not make her withdrawn and weird, but her relatively cheerful personality made her more willing to communicate with ordinary people.

It was a bold and meaningful attempt for her to place her adventure companions in her youth on the main road of the fortress-at first, everyone was afraid of these two fire creatures who could not speak but looked like humans; The people of Tling fell in love with these two magical creatures with very different personalities.

Just as they grew to love the newly arrived lord.

At this moment, the celebration has not yet started, and many people are already calling the name of His Royal Highness Evelyn.

This is completely different from previous celebrations.

The Kutrin people had never been so receptive to a leader from out of town.

They waved the flags in their hands excitedly. Some stood on tiptoes and looked up the stage, trying to find Evelyn near the VIP seats, but there were too many people on both sides of the stage, and most of them could only look at it. To the dense figures.

Geralt was in the middle of the crowd, sore from being squeezed, but he could still feel the joy of those around him.

The black cat whined frantically in his ear.

According to their previous itinerary, they should have left the Watcher's Fortress this morning; what Quellas said to Geralt made the latter a little dazed and hurt, since everything was just a misunderstanding, it would be better to return to his parish as soon as possible. What a qualified goddess priest should do.

Unfortunately, they did not find Gray.

This is where things get awkward. Whether it is Geralt or the black cat, although they have their own flaws, they are also very self-aware people: without Gray, it is impossible for them to walk back to Wildfire City alive.

In desperation, they could only stay at the Muffin Inn, waiting for news from the high-level mercenaries.

During the period, they were informed by the hotel owner, and out of curiosity, they ran over to participate in the excitement of the Accumulated Cold Day celebration, but they didn't expect that they would not be able to go back after this - the crowd carried them forward, and they were tall and big Geralt was fine, the black cat was almost trampled to death several times!

"Damn! I'm going to be crushed! Geralt, grab me!"

The black cat grabbed Geralt's neck violently, almost drawing blood on his neck. The latter couldn't help but rolled his eyes, grabbed the black cat, and said angrily, "If it weren't for your weird intuition, we would Won't leave the hotel!"

"What about now? Is that dangerous intuition still there?"

His voice is low.

The black cat was silent.

Geralt sighed, sure enough, he still trusted this guy's instinct too much.

While at the inn, the black cat had been restless and secretly told Geralt that he sensed danger approaching. Geralt didn't believe it at first, because he was a stranger and there was no reason to have enemies here.

But because of the black cat's repeated emphasis, and Gray's delay in showing up, he also had some doubts, so he took the black cat out when the innkeeper mentioned the cold day celebration.

If it is really dangerous, then it should be better in public, right?

Although there are heretics here, Geralt doesn't think that if he is threatened, the residents of Ice Wind Territory will turn a blind eye on the street.

As a result, they encountered crowds as soon as they went to the street.

It wasn't until here that he had a chance to catch his breath.

"The danger is gone." The black cat said a little puzzled, "Could it be my illusion?"

"It's your delusion!" Geralt said gloomily, "If I knew it, I would have rested in the hotel."

"But I really feel that someone is following us!" The black cat jumped on top of Geralt's head and looked around unwillingly.

It tries to get to the source of that previous danger.

"I don't have any enemies." Geralt shrugged and comforted it, "Forget it, they're all here anyway, so it's good to join in the fun."

"Teacher, he seems to be here to preside over this celebration too..."

In the last sentence, his tone was somewhat complicated.

The black cat looked around in frustration, and suddenly scratched Geralt's neck excitedly:

"I saw a person!"

Geralt was a little wary: "Who?"

"You will never believe that we actually saw him here?"

The black cat tugged at Geralt's ear:

"Go over there!"

"It's that charismatic Lord of Wildfire City!"


VIP table.

All the famous families from Watcher's Keep came.

Evelyn hadn't appeared yet, but Xu Nan took her seat early.

Considering the secrecy of the cooperation between Bingfengling and Unknown City, he did not appear as the lord of Wildfire City, but attended this grand festival celebration as Evelyn's own friend.

Even inside the lord's mansion, only a few powerful people knew Xu Nan's true identity.

As a result, as soon as Xu Nan sat down, many curious eyes turned to him.

Some people also tried to come over to chat and get hold of Xu Nan's details, but Xu Nan dismissed Wu Yi with a few words.

In this way, Xu Nan's image in the eyes of everyone is even more mysterious.

Considering the status of "Her Royal Highness Evelyn's friend", the possibility of Xu Nan being a powerful spellcaster has increased dramatically, and even a person with flexible thinking thinks of the great mage Xiaocheng Song who was very popular some time ago!

But today's protagonist is not Xu Nan after all. These dignitaries are curious at most, and they don't really focus on this aspect.

Xu Nan wasn't interested in them either. His eyes swept through the crowd, trying to find potential Ninth Manor people, but it was obviously in vain.

There are too many people in the audience, I am afraid that even wanderers from the Shadow Realm will not be able to cast stealth spells among so many people!

Xu Nan even suspected that if they came late, they might not be able to get in!

Is this an unexpected variable?

As early as this morning, Evelyn had made a decision about Little Jasmine's incident.

She has already notified the descendants of the Atsam family, and she should be on the way to secretly contact the other party now. Most of the dignitaries in the VIP seats were vaguely informed of what might happen in today's celebration, and the strength of the guards was also doubled to prevent vicious riots in a short while.

"This Mr. Quelrath feels very unusual."

Not far away, on the edge of the stage, an old man in full costume was leaning on a cane, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

That is the host of this celebration, the elder of the Ice and Snow Goddess Church, most likely Mr. Quellas, the sorcerer who has entered the legendary realm!

After knowing that Quellas was Geralt's teacher, Xu Nan was actually a little surprised.

From Gray's mouth, Geralt also came to the Watcher's Fortress; things became more interesting.

Xu Nan didn't think the letter in Gray's mouth was a coincidence.

He always felt that behind all of this there was a black hand behind the scenes: whether it was a big boss in the shadow world or Quellas himself, it was all possible.

After all, Xu Nan already has a relatively keen sense of this level of layout after experiencing the battle of Lannis' Great Secret Realm and the game of Heaven and Hell in Wildfire City.

He was more concerned about what kind of pawn Evelyn would play in this suspected game between the two sides?

"If I hadn't appeared, Elliott would have been very likely to succeed. After all, he has the legendary support of the Shadow Realm behind him."

"But now, the variable has appeared. In which direction will things develop?"

"If people in the Shadow Realm want to take action, they can only mix in the VIP seats, otherwise they will have no chance to act in the crowd below. So, among these people, who is the person from the Ninth Manor?"

Xu Nan seemed to be yawning lazily, but her mind was actually highly active.

In the beginning, he actually hated such things as layout and reasoning; gradually, he found that such matters were not so boring. If you can appreciate the fun of it, it is even easy to get addicted to it.

And in the experience again and again, he also gradually understood that those top bosses Wuyi are not good at calculating. If they want to survive in this world, pure strength is not enough. Clear and proficient in calculations; Ferlando, the Wizard King and the like are even more so.

"This incident may be a good opportunity."

"It is said that bystanders know clearly. I broke in by accident. I should be able to get a better view."

Xu Nan stretched her muscles and her eyes locked on Quellas.

Despite numerous reasonings beforehand, his conclusions were very erratic due to lack of information.

But one thing is certain.

The protagonist tonight must be this old gentleman.

The little Jasmine he brought might be very important, but Xu Nan always felt that there was a familiar smell about Quellas.

That smell was very secretive, and he couldn't distinguish it rationally—he was very familiar with this feeling. In the past, when this happened, it was usually because someone or Quellas himself used powerful force to conceal this information.

As a result, Xu Nan could only sense something wrong through his blood instinct, but he couldn't confirm it from a rational point of view.

"Master City Lord!"

"Master City Lord!"

Shouts came from the crowd below.

Xu Nan turned her gaze over in surprise, but found no one she knew.

Just when he was about to go further, a grand drum sound suddenly came from his ear!


The spirits of everyone present were shocked!

Xu Nan's attention was also attracted by the stage again.

I don't know when, Quellas has been suspended with the help of a levitation technique. He is holding a long scroll of prayers in his hand, and the wrinkles on his face are extra clear under the illumination of the immortal flame:

"Tonight is an extremely cold night."

"Here we lament the bleakness of the severe winter and cherish the harvest of autumn..."

"If there are boundaries in four seasons, after this night, there will be no extreme cold..."

"Sisters who were born and raised here, let us dance hand in hand; the soul of a hero who has been wandering for four thousand years will return to his hometown tonight!"

His voice is loud and clear, calmer and more powerful than a man in his prime, and more penetrating than a sharp woman.

Tears welled up in people's eyes.

At that moment, it seemed that the entire square fell silent, and the people in the VIP seats also stood up one after another, excitedly welcoming Quellas' excellent prayer recitation.

It's hard to imagine that this prayer praising the hero Atsam, praising the customs and habits of the Kutlin people, and praising the resilience of the people of the Ice Wind Land was written by a high-ranking member of the Ice Goddess Church.

And his recitation is so contagious.

As if he too was a Kutlin, a believer in Atsam!

In his prayer, not only the spirit of the hero Atsam was highly praised and sung, but also the hard work of the Kutlin people in the Icewind Territory was also recognized. And he didn't mention even a trace of the Ice and Snow Goddess in the writing!

"No wonder Evelyn trusts him so much."

"Although the universal world is the universal value of polytheism, it is a bit too rare for a magician of this level to praise the achievements of other non-god existences in the same field."

Xu Nan was a little moved, but more surprised.

All this was too abnormal, he pricked up his ears, waiting for a reversal at any time.

But to his regret, until Quellas silently closed the prayer, he didn't hear the magician of the ice and snow goddess mention any words praising self-belief.

There was warm applause in the square, and people clearly recognized Quelrath's opening prayer.

Quelrath had a serious face. After he finished his prayer, he canceled the levitation technique and landed slowly.

Next, it's time for the lord's speech.

Most of the people were excited, they stretched their necks to see Evelyn.

Soon, Evelyn, who was wearing a mage robe, flew up from an unknown place, causing warm cheers from the residents.

She seemed to be in a good state of mind. After saying a few words on the scene, she suddenly changed the subject:

"...But before that, Mr. Quairras made a very serious allegation against me."

"In order to ensure its fairness, I decided to hold a public prosecution tonight."

"I believe that under the gaze of our heroic soul, all grievances or injuries will be cleared up!"

"Mr. Quelrath, it's your turn."

Her gaze turned to the stage.

Everyone was a little dazed, but they also faintly felt the smell of a storm coming.

The people in the VIP seats knew something about the inside story, but they didn't guess that the instigator of the incident was actually this respected old man.

What is he trying to do?

Countless eyes stared at Quellas.

The latter waved to the audience.

Soon, little Jasmine, who was still a dark and skinny child, ran up.

Quelrath cast a levitation and a light spell on little Jasmine, and in an instant, her appearance appeared in front of everyone.

"Before I file the charges, allow me to introduce you to this little girl."

"Her name is Jasmine Atsam."

"She is the heir of the Atsam family."

Quelrath's voice sounded heavily.

Everyone was shocked, but soon, they were immersed in Quellas's narration.

The old man's language skills are really strong, and he can clearly explain the disputes between the slaves and the blood of the Atsam family in just a few words.

The pitiful appearance of the black and thin little Jasmine also won the sympathy of most people.

Someone started shouting in the audience: "Clear the scum!"

"Kill the traitor!"

"I've been displeased with that sick guy for a long time, and they actually lied to us!"

Everyone's emotions began to become a little angry.

At this moment, a somewhat awkward and sharp voice sounded, it was a roar that was almost hysterical:

"You are lying!"


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