Shameless Warlock

Chapter 138: God of the Binder

This letter was sent by Geralt's most beloved teacher, Quellas, the elder of the Ice Goddess Church.

Different from the previous daily correspondence, in this letter, Quellas actually sent a signal to Geralt for help!

This surprised Geralt.

You know, in Geralt's impression, the teacher is a very powerful magician, and may even have entered the realm of legend.

What kind of difficulties did such a magician encounter and what kind of terrifying enemy did he lose his calm judgment and choose to seek help from such a useless disciple like himself?

Geralt once thought that the letter was forged, but after carefully comparing the handwriting, he found that it was indeed written by the teacher Quellas himself.

The only thing that made him a little suspicious was that the letter did not have a signature date, and the letter seemed to have been mailed a month ago. It was considered fast from Fortress of the Watcher to Wildfire City.

But considering the teacher's state, Geralt didn't hesitate much, and set off directly to the north.

The black cat and Geralt are inseparable, but Gray is the bodyguard hired by Geralt with a shy face and his life savings.

There was no way, although Geralt was a devout believer, he didn't have much talent as a magician, otherwise he wouldn't have been thrown by the church to a place like Wildfire City to expand his business.

His combat power is almost zero, maybe a little stronger than the black cat who is also a waste but proficient in card skills.

Of course, the weak will be the weak, Geralt still has some brains.

Going north at this time is undoubtedly very risky. After the Mudong Festival, the south of Wildfire City has been covered by heavy snow, let alone the north.

From Wildfire City to Tassar Temple where Mr. Geralt lives (south of the Watcher Fortress), although there is no need to detour through Snowfield City and Winter Pass, if you take a shortcut, you will easily freeze to death on the way.

Getting lost is something that can happen at any time.

When encountering monsters that wake up from hibernation and starvation, they don't have much to do except spread their hands.

At this time, they need a powerful adventurer, an experienced pathfinder... and a friendly card mate.

It just so happened that Gray also couldn't find anyone to play cards in the ruins of Wildfire City, so he agreed to Geralt's request for employment with a flick of his brain, and set off on the road with two burdens.

They trekked in the snow-capped mountains for more than two weeks. According to the rough hand-drawn map in Geralt's hand, they successfully crossed the end of the first mountain range, and arrived at the mountainous area north of Snowfield City and south of Watcher Fortress without any danger. .

The road here is very difficult, that is to say, they are traveling lightly, otherwise they can get stuck on any terrain for most of the day.

During these two weeks, Gray fully realized what regret is.

If he was given another chance to choose, he would rather lose money every day in the tavern in the ruins of Wildfire City than take these two mascots on an adventure in the snow—it’s too cold!

Although Geralt repeatedly stated that the Tasar Temple where the teacher lived was coming soon, Gray always believed that this guy was fooling himself.

They had already been delayed for two or three days in this complicated mountainous area. Two days ago, Geralt had vowed that they were coming soon.


"One day." Gray sighed, and said wearily: "If we can't find the path that is like spring all the year round, we will turn around immediately!"

Geralt was silent, looking worried, but finally nodded.

He has not returned to Tasar for many years, this dilapidated temple and mysterious snow mountain that carried all the memories of his childhood.

In the bone-chilling cold and familiar scenes, his thoughts gradually blurred——

The position of the Tassar Temple in the Ice Goddess Church is a bit delicate. According to the teacher Quellas, this is the origin of the church and the first temple established by the goddess in the north.

But I don't know why, after suffering the impact of a huge disaster a long time ago, only half of the temple was left in ruins. The church moved its headquarters to the south, but there are only a few elders left here.

No one dared to underestimate the status of Tassar Temple in the church, but not many people cared about it. If it weren't for Quellas himself still holding many powerful positions within the church, I'm afraid the Church of the Ice and Snow Goddess would have forgotten this place long ago.

Quellas is a powerful magician. He adopted many orphans in Tassar, brought them up, and sent them to the church as a backup force.

Geralt was one of them.

He still remembers the scene when the teacher personally sent him away from Tasar. At that time, he was still very young. When he left the snow mountain, his eyes filled with tears of excitement, thinking that he would soon be able to serve the goddess better—but he met him head-on What came was cold water!

Tassar's boys were not welcome at church headquarters.

Geralt felt it, even though they didn't make it so obvious. This is especially evident when distributing parishes. Like Geralt, most Tasar youths were sent to some unpromising areas. They were called to spread the glory of the goddess, but they did not receive any help and support from the headquarters. .

The teenagers in Tassar didn't say anything, they practiced the teacher's education and their own oath silently.

Geralt is such an example.

From the age of eighteen to thirty-eight, he dedicated the most precious time of his life to the little church in Wildfire City.

People in the Ice Plains don't believe in goddesses, but this doesn't prevent them from coming to Geralt's place to eat and drink during festivals. Apart from his pious belief, this single priest also has the advantage of superb cooking skills.

Over and over again, twenty years later, people in the ice field still don't believe in goddesses, but they regard Geralt as their best friend and the most perfect tool man——

If the child has a headache, go to Geralt; if you have love problems with young people, go to Geralt; if the old man has relapsed rheumatism, go to Geralt; Geralt delivers...

In these years of practice, Geralt's faith has not wavered, and he even interpreted his actions from another angle.

Although he did not make these mortals believe in the goddess, he at least spread the glory of the goddess.

"But I failed to meet the teacher's expectations."

The so-called feeling of being close to the hometown is timid, which is probably the case.

As the path got closer, Geralt's mood became more and more depressed.

Ahead, the path paved with cobblestones has undergone some changes: the snow has melted into snow water, and then the fertile black land is slowly exposed, and even one or two stubborn grasses can be seen.

Gray's exclamation came from not far away:

"I found it!"

"This... is this Tassar?"

Geralt smiled slightly.

He walked over quickly, caught up with Gray, and climbed up the small hill along the path, overlooking the small basin that often appeared in his dreams.

However, in the next second, his agitated expression became a little stiff and weird.


On both sides of the hill path, there are dense weeds growing, some even reaching Gray's waist.

He took off his water-stained cloak and coat, and was amazed:

"There really is such a place where the seasons are like spring."

"Is this a blessing from the gods? But aren't you a believer in the goddess of ice and snow? Why is the blessing of the goddess spring?"

This question is difficult to answer. Geralt once had such doubts. When he couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and asked the teacher, the wise Quelrath just smiled and said nothing.

All in all, the Tasar Basin, which is like spring all the year round, is unique in this world of ice and snow.

In fact, Tasar is not the only unique existence among the mountains of the First Mountain Range.

The Ten Commandments Monastery next door is said to be hot, and there are lotus ponds and blooming lotus flowers everywhere. Unfortunately, only the most determined monks have the opportunity to visit the mysterious holy place.

In the Monastery of the Ten Commandments, there are even legendary monks haunting—Geralt used to herb herbs outside Tasar when he was young. One morning, he caught a glimpse of a figure jumping in the clouds, and finally disappeared between the clouds .

This was very shocking to him at the time, and it was only after that incident that he learned about the strange profession of monk from the teacher.

These thoughts flashed through Geralt's mind, but soon the fond memories were washed away.

He looked a little worried.

Tasar has changed, and since the moment he stepped on the hill to look down, he has clearly felt the change in Tasar.

In the past, Tasar, although deserted, had a sense of tranquil beauty, like morning and dusk.

But what Geralt is seeing now is a completely different picture.

Tassar seemed to be getting lively.

He saw a lot of young people in blue clothes shuttling among the ruins, working enthusiastically. They cut down some trees that had grown for hundreds of years, and they did not know where to transport huge stones. Next, build quickly.

They seem to be rebuilding the temple.

This made Geralt a little uneasy.

"Has the church headquarters suddenly noticed Tassar?"

"Or did the teacher do it? Or, is that why the teacher wrote this letter?"

He went down the mountain quickly.

Gray followed behind him idly, his eyes were much more vicious than Geralt's, and he obviously saw some problems, but he didn't say anything.

He's just a mercenary.

Twenty minutes later.

Geralt was walking through the busy construction site, trying to find a guide or two, but was stopped by a handsome young man.

The man was wearing sky blue clothes, with a gentle expression, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

He smiled politely:

"You two, this is the holy place of the Ice and Snow Goddess Church. We are working hard to restore the old appearance of this ancient temple."

"If you broke in by accident, I can show you the way out; of course, Tassar also welcomes guests. After all, it is a world of ice and snow outside. If you are interested in the teachings of the goddess, you may rest here for a while."

Geralt noticed that the men in blue around him seemed to ignore him as he spoke.

They just go about their work feverishly.

Their eyes are full of devotion.

This feeling made Geralt a little uncomfortable, and of course he didn't think it was wrong, as he himself was a very firm and devout believer.

Pious, but not fanatical.

This is not a contradiction.

"This is my home. I grew up here." Geralt held back for a long time, and could only say in confusion: "I am Geralt from Wildfire City, and I am also the pastor of the church. I came here specially to meet the teacher. Mister Quairras."

The young man froze for a moment, his water-blue eyes flashed a subtle luster, and immediately showed a sorry expression:

"Mr. Quelrath is not in Tassar right now."

"He is in the Watcher's Fortress. Lady Evelyn, the lord of the Icewind Territory, invited him to host the ceremony of the Cold Day to celebrate that the coldest time has passed, but the goddess' favor remains the same. If you want to visit him, Let's go to Watcher's Keep."

"In Tassar now, it's not very time for outsiders to enter; although you grew up here, but..."

Having said that, he bowed politely and raised his head with a bright smile:

"Please don't let me lose my job."

Geralt froze for a moment, he was a little hard to understand, but he was an honest man after all, so he could only nod weakly.

"I will send you away, and I can show you the way if necessary."

"My name is Lancer."

The young man smiled slightly and issued an order to evict the guest.

Gray snorted, but he didn't make a move. He obviously felt more abnormalities.

These young men in blue, have a problem!

Geralt smiled wryly, and followed Lancel back.

He still couldn't figure out what happened, how Tassar became what he is now, where did these people in blue clothes come from, and what they were trying to do...

But until now, he can only figure out the ins and outs of the situation only if he finds his teacher, Quellas.

They were sent back down the path by Lancer, who had shown them the way to Watcher's Keep, and then disappeared from their sight.

"These people have a problem with their beliefs!"

The head of the black cat came out of the cloak, and he swore, "I smell it, it's not the original smell of a goddess!"

"?? Huh?" Geralt and Gray looked confused.

"Anyway they have a problem."

The black cat said seriously: "They are not believers of the Snow Goddess!"

Geralt frowned, "But they do believe in a goddess."

Gray wrung out the water on the cloak, shook it, put it on again, and said lazily:

"This means that there may be a problem in a certain link."

"What should we do next? Go to the Watcher's Fortress? I've agreed..."

"Add money."

Geralt smiled bitterly and nodded. In any case, since Ice Wind Leader is here, it is natural to make things clear.

At the very least, make sure the teacher is safe too.


Watcher's Fortress, Inner City, City Lord's Mansion, Magic Garden Basement.

"Is this what you mean by [Luring the Enemy Deep]?"

Evelyn stood up from the ground a little puzzled, and with the help of Xu Nan, quickly took off the pair of enchanted handcuffs.

Looking at Elliott who was unconscious on the ground, she wondered if it was necessary.

This guy is only around level eleven! The only problem may be that the means of escape are more diverse.

Xu Nan was also a little embarrassed.

He stared at the big goose beside Elliott, who spread his hands innocently.

Xu Nan didn't expect that her pet was so fierce that Elliott knocked it down with one punch, and she is still unconscious!

Is the profession of monks so powerful?

He glanced at the head of the celestial goose, um, it was indeed bald, and sure enough, all strong people have something in common.

"Find a suitable cage and lock him up."

"I need to interrogate him myself."

Xu Nan said.

Evelyn nodded, although she was still somewhat puzzled, she was very cooperative with Xu Nan's actions.

In fact, all actions tonight are under Xu Nan's control.

There is no way, the appearance of Qin Lele, the inner ghost, doomed the conspirator Elliott to miss.

No matter how clever he was, he would never have imagined that Song, the small town he wanted to investigate, had quietly followed him.

According to the information provided by Qin Lele, Xu Nan decided to use his tricks - there was no way, Elliott had too many means of escape, and the extra ability of Blood Ranger + Ninth Manor made his perception of danger reach a perverted level.

This kind of person is the most troublesome, once let go, there will be endless troubles.

And in the operation to capture Elliott, the most critical link is to create a world that cuts off the curved surface of the Shadow Realm. Evelyn's Magic Prison fits the bill just right. Elliott's scheme is indeed superb, but he was calculated by others from the beginning, so the professional ability of a conspirator will naturally be unable to be used.

In fact, Xu Nan was very careful when making a move.

He didn't even do it directly, but ordered Celestial Goose to divert Elliot's attention, and then waited for an opportunity to attack Elliott.

Who knew that this guy was so weak, he was knocked down with a single punch by the Celestial Goose Monk.

"It may also be that the Celestial Goose is too strong."

Looking at Elliott, who was still unconscious and tied up, Xu Nan touched the blue hairs on his head that kept flickering. Under Evelyn's curious gaze, he could only smile awkwardly.

"This ultra-sensing vellus is too high-profile, and it doesn't fit my style. Next time, let John modify the mechanism."

he thought.

"This prison can create a shadowless environment..."

Evelyn clasped her hands together and quickly chanted a few verses.

Suddenly, bright white light filled every corner of Elliott's cage.

"You don't have to worry about whether he can break free."

"These ropes are magical items blessed by the [God of the Binder], and they have the double blessing effect of divine arts and magic."

Evelyn said so.

Xu Nan was startled: "There is still the God of the Binder?"

Evelyn nodded: "It does exist, but it is only circulated in some very small circles of secret people in the north."

"A god of feeble power."

Xu Nan touched his nose, this is the letter circle of the alien version, right?

But that's beside the point.

It was rare to catch Elliott, so naturally Xu Nan would not easily let this guy who contributed to the flames go.

Wildfire might still have been unavoidable without him, but that doesn't mean the man's crimes can be forgiven.

More importantly, Eliot hides many secrets.

And Xu Nan happens to be a person who is very interested in secrets.

Seeing Xu Nan's expression, Evelyn clapped her hands wisely:

"I should go. Since this person is here to look for you, I will not participate in his inquiry."

"Oh, by the way, I hope you don't have to spend too much time on the interrogation."

"The day after tomorrow is Ice Wind Territory's Accumulated Cold Day celebration. I hope you can participate with me. I will introduce many interesting people to you when the time comes."


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