Shameless Warlock

Chapter 129: Gray Tower Administrator

Mr. Smith nimbly jumped to the second floor of the gray tower, casually looked at the silent figures inside, and answered, "About it?"

"Almost?" The bald man in the red robe frowned in dissatisfaction: "My colleagues and I don't like such an inaccurate statement."

Mr. Smith shrugged very anthropomorphically: "Whether the so-called agreed time has come or not depends on whether he is willing..."

He looked at Xu Nan, who looked confused, and then, he felt surrounded by a group of bald heads in red robes!

"Is that him?" The leader made a low and excited doubtful voice.

"You are the Son of Destiny who is fighting on the front line against the general gods?" The voice of another red-robed man became even deeper, and the atmosphere at the scene became even more unspeakable.

"Please make up your mind, hiring us will be the most correct choice in your life!"

More and more figures in red robes surrounded him.

Xu Nan stretched out an index finger from the group of bald heads with difficulty:


"Let me understand the situation."

For this group of bald old men, he can't say how much he doesn't like it, but he always feels that the words, deeds and aura of these people are weird.

Coupled with these strange gray towers where they live, it feels incompatible with the entire holy city of Ansu.

This made Xu Nan have the idea that "these guys are not nail households in the holy city of Ansu, and Smith stuffed them for himself, wouldn't it be to complete the task that Romang secretly hinted at?" and so on.

"Understood the situation?" The leader, the red-robed elder brother, was taken aback for a moment. Immediately afterwards, he straightened his robes and looked at Xu Nan seriously: "We are the administrators of the Gray Tower."

"Of course, today's Gray Tower World has been eaten away."

"And we are just a group of bereaved dogs who want to avenge the gods of the general world."


Gray Tower administrators, a special group with a long history.

The initial origins of these people are too complicated to be studied, but what they have in common is that they have experienced the training of the Gray Tower organization and have somewhat indestructible beliefs and consensus.

They are the remnants of the gray tower world.

The Gray Tower World is the seventeenth recorded annexation of the Pro World.

Like Earth and Elfaria, the world of the Gray Tower was once a universe with an independent brilliant civilization.

In the initial intersection with the general world, the gray tower world is famous for producing efficient and honest gray tower administrators. At that time, many city-states were proud of having a gray tower administrator.

At the peak, the gray tower administrators have a very high vision in choosing employers. Some city-states with mixed fish and dragons or hopeless countries will not contribute their outstanding abilities.

Therefore, having several gray tower administrators often becomes a symbol of the potential of a power or city.

Gray Tower administrators have undergone special training, and they are different from ordinary officials. They have very efficient administrative processing capabilities. They may not be the best strategy makers, but they must be the best executors.

They are the lord's best assistants, and of course, they ask for a lot of money.

Gray tower administrators rarely have corruption scandals, and occasionally, they will be disposed of by the gray tower organization in some secret way. When mentioning this organization, most people admire it, but many people think that this organization has used some kind of anti-human magic to control these so-called administrators.

Regardless of the truth, there is no gray tower administrator in the current general world.

Because their world has been swallowed up by the Pro World, without leaving a single trace—the only physical trace is the little desert in the center of the southern continent of the Pro World.

When it comes to the Southern Continent, one has to mention that in the history of the development of the general world, there was only the New Continent and the Old Continent.

The New Continent is the current Northern Continent; the Old Continent refers to the current Western Continent, which is the old world controlled by the goddess of magic. At that time, the so-called Southern Continent was just an island chain hanging below the Northern Continent.

But this chain of islands, seen by the gods as a fixed anchor, continually uses it to annex other worlds.

Gradually, the island chain that annexed countless worlds became bigger and bigger, and the former island chain itself became untraceable. There are rumors that the former Southern Continent island chain was created by the gods in the main material world. The mysterious area corresponding to the island chain of Eden built on the island!

But that claim is ultimately just speculation.

Today's Southern Continent seems to be thriving, but behind its prosperity is the silence and annihilation of countless worlds - not every race can remember the blood feuds of their ancestors, too many things have been submerged in the dust of history.

The gods who can resist the invasion of time have become one of the few commentators of history.

Of course, not all existences will easily forget these blood feuds.

After the gray tower world was merged with the general world, the gods headed by Ferrando easily made a judgment: they believed that there should be no such inhuman things as the gray tower administrator in this world, and the gray tower organization should not exist!

As a result, the Gray Tower organization disappeared in smoke, and only some remaining administrators endured the humiliation and wanted revenge.

But they are not arcane empires after all.

In the final analysis, the administrators of the Gray Tower are just civil servants with extraordinary energy and persistent beliefs.

They don't have the ability to plan for thousands of years like the Arcane Empire, and escape into the turbulent flow of time to compete with the gods beyond time. Most of the Gray Tower administrators have been wiped out.

And these people in Romang's holy city are some opportunities that Romang encountered by chance when he was young.

According to Mr. Smith’s recollection, at that time, Romang had just opened up a half-plane, and he shuttled back and forth between the planes in high spirits, adding bricks and tiles to his own world-at that time, he wanted to grab everything he saw and stuff it back. In the demiplane.

Rather than filling the vitality of the demiplane, it is better to add more snacks to the back kitchen. Xu Nan secretly imagined in his heart the embarrassing experience of Luo Mang running around all over the universe, randomly stuffing people into the demiplane, and accidentally stuffing a group of bald men into it.

After all, these bald heads have serious expressions and are wearing red robes. They don't look like serious bald heads at first glance, and their taste must be mediocre...

"At that time, these gray tower members were completing a secret transformation for themselves. They were hunted down by the bounty hunters in the heavens. Mr. Romang saw this group of people and stuffed them in."

Mr. Smith explained: "The group of bounty hunters was taken by him to feed the dragon, but these people, the dragon didn't eat them, so they were left behind."

Later, when Romans learned the stories of these suffering masters, he sighed and didn't know how to deal with them.

He made an agreement with these people that he would definitely find a suitable employer for them.

Before that, they lived in the holy city of Ansu, recuperating.

Obviously, Xu Nan is the right employer he has chosen for these gray tower administrators.

In all fairness, the ability of the administrators of the Gray Tower is well-known. Each of these people can manage a city or even a city-state if they are singled out!

If you don't consider the tension with the gods of the heavens, these gray tower administrators are simply an inestimable wealth.

But Xu Nan quickly figured out the important reason why Luo Mang wanted to keep them to himself!

"It seems that the property under Mr. Luo Mang's own name is not very clean either!"

As we all know, the gray tower administrators have no room for sand in their eyes. In the environment where they work together, there must be no corruption, otherwise the real-name report letters will annoy the lord to a headache.

Xu Nan complained secretly, but fell into long-term consideration.

After Mr. Smith's explanation and the statement of the leader of the gray tower, he roughly understood the situation of these red-clothed men in front of him——

They are indeed the survivors of the Gray Tower organization, but unlike the previous Gray Tower administrators, they are no longer human beings.

When Romang rescued them from the bounty hunters of the Heavenly God Kingdom, they had already begged a lich to transform them into half-dead beings. For this, the price they paid was: eternal soul The ground was imprisoned in the flesh, and in order to resist the increasingly stale flesh, a powerful and strange magic circle was stabilized in their bodies by the lich.

In theory, as long as the magic circle does not collapse, they can exist forever; of course, they will never be able to touch the needs and enjoyments of normal people.

They don't need to eat, they don't need to excrete, and the only physical needs are plenty of ice and deodorant. The ice cubes are to keep the magic circle in the body in effect, and the deodorant is to cover up the slight rotten smell.

These are of course bonus points for City Lord Xu, who doesn't like free labor? In particular, they don't need a salary, and the only requirement is that their employer must be someone from a camp that is hostile to the Divine Kingdom of Heaven.

Although Xu Nan is a person from Paradise Lost, he is also a person from Earth. Coupled with the identity of the Azure Dream, it is basically impossible to change the situation of being hostile to the gods. In a sense, he is indeed the last of this group of people. good employer candidates.

As for Romang, his identity is the Guardian of the Lost Paradise, and his stance on the Lost Paradise is a bit ambiguous. Before completely revealing his hole cards, he is considered to be in an absolutely neutral state. This is also an important reason why they were condemned by the Arcane Empire and Stephen Sang before.

As the guardian of Paradise Lost, it is really not easy for him to use these people directly.

From the above point of view, these gray tower administrators are all excellent human resources, and Xu Nan should accept them without saying a word.

But the problem is that City Lord Xu himself is not very clean.

He was still thinking about how to deduct the profits of the mine.

If a large number of gray tower administrators are really used, the efficiency will be high, and it will be a long-term benefit to the unknown city, but for the city owner himself, it will be a headache.

"However, these are trivial details. The big deal is to keep them from getting involved in the affairs of the mine."

"Besides, the development of the unknown city master has grown, so I am meaningful as the city master. It is short-sighted behavior to be obsessed with petty profits."

Xu Nan made up his mind, but he still didn't make a direct decision. Instead, he first selected ten Gray Tower administrators to take away for trial.

Trials are good, take a few more people.

Anonymous City is indeed short of administrative talents. Most of the current affairs are handled in a hurry. This makes the silver-haired little Luoli full of resentment every day, and the city lord's cute gestures are less. Instead, the poisonous tongue module is always ineffective. Unlocking it quickly made Xu Nan's egg hurt.

Among the professionals who follow Xu Nan, there are few suitable talents. Everyone is a professional with super powers. Who can rest assured to take care of the tedious government affairs for you?

Being able to follow you is already due to your good background and strong ability to draw cakes.

Theoretically, these gray tower administrators can liberate Liuhuo, allowing the unknown city to get on the track of normal operation more quickly.

As for the actual effect, we can only wait and see.


In addition to the ten men from the gray tower, when Xu Nan left Luo Mang's back garden, he also took four Aikennothyrons with him.

He made the following contract with these silongs:

The first one is to work for Xu Nan for a thousand years for free, digesting gold, silver and other heavy metal mines on call, without food and housing.

Second, after a thousand years, Xu Nan promised them freedom.

Third, Xu Nan will protect them from being eaten.

Well, that's all, that's all. The third item was added at the strong request of the Xilongs. It can be seen that this group of Aikennoxilongs have had enough of shivering under the shadow of the Romance Demon King.

After Xu Nan proposed to pick some dragons to take away and promised not to eat them, not to mention Aikenuoxilong, a large number of dragons gathered around for a while and wanted to throw themselves into his arms. Mr. Smith with sharp eyes and quick hands also From it, a giant dragon of the transformation system that was made up into an Akennoxyron was caught.

Facing the eager help from the dragons, Xu Nan could only sigh helplessly.

No matter how you say it, you can't empty out the teacher's snack store, can you?

In the end, he only took away four honest Aikennothyrons, and then returned to the Unknown City smoothly.


two weeks later.

The emergence of Aikenuoxilong directly solved the problem of metal ore extraction in the unknown city.

Of course, Xu Nan concealed the existence of these four giant dragons from the outside world. After all, most of the unknown city is still a mysterious area that has not been unlocked for the residents. As the city lord, Xu Nan can naturally use his privileges to create Mysteriously powerful effects.

Even the professionals on the earth are amazed at the yellow gold nugget. After gnawing it with their teeth from time to time, they can't help but admire Xu Nan's methods.

These gold and silver can be exchanged for food and supplies in any corner of the general world. But Xu Nan is still not satisfied with this. After all, the appearance of large-scale gold and silver on the market will have a huge impact on any city-state in the Northern Continent. He hopes to obtain some more secret means.

"It's already freezing and snowy outside, and the most severe winter has come, but the rations of the unknown city are stretched."

"The appetites of these Icelanders are really huge. Even hybrid rice can't satisfy their needs."

In the office of the city lord's hall, Xu Nan couldn't help rubbing his temples.

A gray tower administrator is reporting meticulously:

"According to current calculations, our food reserves will be exhausted within three weeks at most."

"This is still the most basic wheat and rice. The lack of fruits, vegetables, and meat products will seriously affect the physical fitness and fertility of residents..."

"According to the situation in the city, our suggestion is to purchase food outside."

Xu Nan closed his eyes. He was not surprised by this conclusion. Although the dwarves were capable, in order to save energy, Liuhuo closed half of the plantations. There was no corresponding relationship between the harvest of hybrid rice and the huge number of Icelanders.

In order to make up for this huge food gap, the only way is to buy food.

But where to purchase this batch of grain to make up for the food shortage in Shangyouming City is a question worth thinking about.

Paradise Lost was directly passed by Xu Nan. It's not that people in the ice field can't eat what warlocks eat, but that the food eaten by Ron warlocks is high-end food, which is too expensive for Xu Nan. Stephen Sand agrees.

The remaining paths seem to be selected from the forces of the Northern Continent.

Xu Nan thought for a while, and finally set his target on Banduo Port.

"It seems that it is necessary to contact the dragon vein city lord again."

After thinking about it, he wrote a letter and sent it to Banduo Port quickly.

This is just an attempt, if it doesn't work, he still has some alternatives.

The food problem is just one of the many problems in the initial stage of the unknown city.

For Xu Nan, the most serious issue right now is energy.

As time goes by, the number of danger indicators for the energy furnace is getting higher and higher.

The wonders that Xu Nan got from the low-level alchemy center have basically been drained.

Liuhuo reminds Xu Nan every day that if this continues, the energy will be exhausted within a week.

Although Xu Nan has changed the energy consumption setting from the air-conditioning system at the beginning to a second-level ventilation system, maintaining the operation of the unknown city and the heating of more than 30,000 people is a large amount of consumption every day.

If the energy problem cannot be solved fundamentally, the unknown city will shut down sooner or later.

In this regard, Liuhuo offers three options.

First, hunt higher creatures. The heart or other parts of each higher creature can contribute to the maintenance of the status quo of the energy furnace. For example, a high-level big devil heart can basically last for three months.

Second, ask Stephen Sand for help. Stephen Sang's sky city technology is inherited from the Arcane Empire, and it is blue and green. After breaking away from the Arcane Empire, their alchemy found a new development path, and created peaks one after another.

Third, the dark side cosmic energy absorption circle.

Among them, Liuhuo strongly recommends the second option. Considering the ambiguous relationship between An Suli and Luo Mang, it is not impossible for Anonymous City to obtain Stephen Sang's energy technology. It depends on how much Xu Nan has to pay.

As for option one, it is an alternative option for energy shortages.

The third option is the next choice that Liu Huo strongly opposes.

But from the perspective of implementation difficulty, option three is the easiest.

Because this [Dark Side Cosmic Energy Absorbing Array] is the array that comes with the boarder.

The arcane empires in history also used this magic circle to maintain huge energy consumption.

"Can you tell me why you don't recommend this plan?" Xu Nan couldn't help asking.

"Because this magic circle is a curse."

Liu Huo seriously warned: "The discovery of this magic circle has brought the Arcane Empire to its peak."

"But it also pushed the empire into the abyss of eternal doom."


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