Sex with a Ghost 1&2

Chapter 97:How we entered him

"We finally got to Alex, when we struck his father with a strange illness that killed him not long after. This got to him; he became angry at God and abandoned anything relating to Christ. We cajoled his Aunt to bring him to Lagos, where our plans will come to the realization".

"Yes, right from the moment we saw his star appeared in the sky. Lucifer has the largest network in the world; he has eyes and ears everywhere. He has been here right from the beginning of time…"

"Stop telling us about the power of the devil, and return to your confession in Jesus name?" he countered her.

"Philomena is the high witch assigned to seduce him spiritually…"

"Wait, which Philomena?" He inquired from her keenly.

My heart kicked into overdrive. It felt as though every hair on my head turned grey. I came down from the altar and pushed closer to see and hear for myself. On the floor, her eyes were filled with hate, rage, and mockery. It was just as though the evil spirit was peering out at me. Shortly, in a husky male voice, she swung

"Ask him", she pointed at me once more "He knows a lot about her. Haha haha!" she laughed.

Angered, he poured out more oil on her, she paused, uttered a harsh abrupt scream and convulsed violently on the floor. Pastor Silas shouted more prayers at her. She kept screaming, her facial expressions changing from rage, pain, and terror.

"No! Speak you demon, speak in Jesus name!" he ordered her.

"Philomena is the woman I said initiated me into witchcraft. She is dead to the physical world like I said before but continues to live fully in the underworld".

Silas came over to me, place his hands over my shoulders in a brotherly manner, removed the mic and voiced into my ears, "If I can remember very well, we dealt with a particular Philomena not long ago"

"Yes, we did. In my Aunt's house about six months ago" I muttered back into his ear.

"How did she die in the physical world?" Pastor Silas asked to be sure she was talking about the same Philomena.

"Her husband killed her while she slept when she became too much of a problem to him. He pushed their daughter off the stairs, she was a witch too, initiated by her mother. They continued to live in that house under the authority of our master Lucifer, like a ghost but more powerful and real. Their sole mission is to cause mayhem, seduce members of the family especially him, shifting him from his destiny as far as possible. He was to supposed to die on his way back from the village but the pastor lady on the bus prayed them to safety.

When he moved to the ministry, we could no longer reach him, so we switched to his family. Attacked Philip's job, asked the daughter witch to attack and confuse their daughter just to get him to come back to the house, so we can finish our job. But he came with you guys and sent them packing…"

"Glory! Glory! Glory!" Pastor Silas shouted in celebration.

Everyone echoed "Hallelujah!"

Not me, terror gripped my soul. Fear sizzled down every nerve ending; chilling me to the bone. My heart jammed into her throat. Amen stopped coming out from my mouth. What is happening? I can't be dreaming at this time of the day. So these demons kept coming after me? How did I go from the man of God that wasn't afraid of anything to this coward? Where did I go wrong? When did I forsake the good Lord?

"Go on, you disgusting spirit from the underworld!" Pastor Silas, the hero of the moment brought me back to the church.

"Since we couldn't get him at the house, and the accident didn't kill him. We moved to his mind and with the blood, the daughter witch sucked from his finger during the deliverance, we made a concoction and planted the thought of a girl named Heaven in his mind.

Heaven became our agent without her knowledge. We directed a witch disguised as a mental patient to conceive her that she is a water-child and that she could make any request from the underworld by offering fruits and little materials to the river goddess. Naturally, of course, we knew she won't do so we plotted to have her beloved father killed…"

She turned to me "What do you think made her arrive at your date with her late?" she began laughing.

I knew Heaven was lying that very day when she said she didn't offer sacrifice to the water goddess. No wonder she couldn't help but tell me that story that very day. She was disturbed by the incident. She was never God's plan for my life. She was just an innocent pawn in the hands of these witches.

"The seed began to grow until he was so consumed with the thought of her that he confused it with the voice of God. That was how we entered him".

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