Sex with a Ghost 1&2

Chapter 63:Do i have a Spiritual wife?

"You see, brother and sisters in the Lord. There comes a time in every man's life when the father remembers him and today is that day for this young man. The Lord is remembering you right now in Jesus name!"

"Amen!" we all responded. The weird dream of that young man had awoken a strange fear within me. For the first time since the death of my father, I was afraid. Could I possibly have a spiritual wife? I questioned myself as the heat rose up to my neck.

"The Lord is telling me that the lady you took home is a serpent from the marine world in human form".

"God forbid," Silas sighed after circling his head with his right hand.

"This is not a matter of God forbid" she continued "You were putting your finger into the mouth of a serpent and you thought it was a pretty girl with a charming smile. The Lord saved your life".

"Thank you, Jesus!" Silas interrupted her, waving at the heavens.

"The meaning of your dream is simple. The serpent after means trouble and ill luck will come after you. The emptiness of the environment symbolizes an empty life. The time of the dream indicates the evening of your life. Chopping off your finger means finishing you off bit by bit" she paused and whispered, "Thank you, Jesus!"

We all echoed "Amen!"

"So, if you had continued with that lady, troubles and ill-luck would chase after you till the evening of your life. You will keep running until your life becomes empty. If you continue a relationship with that demon, she will keep killing you off bit by bit till you are no more. That will never happen; the Lord has located you and will surely set you free."

"Father, I bring your son Silas into your hands" she began praying. I closed my eyes, tried concentrating on the prayer but failed. Instead, I sank back into my thoughts. Does this mean that every time one has sex in a dream, it is because he or she has a spiritual partner? What of wet dreams? Those still happen and they do happen after sex in a dream.

"Young man, go home, for the Lord has made you whole!" she concluded.

"Madam" I called out unable to contain the worry in my heart anymore.

"Yes," she turned to face me.

"Does this mean that every time one has sex a dream, it is because he or she has a spiritual partner?"

"No" she shook her head. Talking to everyone on the bus, she resumed

"But, if you are constantly having sexual relationships in your dreams with a particular person, if you have a strong dislike for marriage, if you are married, but have an insatiable appetite for sex, if you are constantly being dumped by a serious partner, if you feel pregnant in your dreams, but can never see the father, if you are breastfeeding a baby in dreams, if you were pregnant and then had a miscarriage after sexual dreams, if you have dream marriage, if you have constant wet dreams, if you have a very late marriage or no marriage at all."

"Hmmm," I murmured in wonder.

"Now having said this though, I must say that dreams have many meanings, and one should be careful with its interpretation. However, if the dreams I mentioned earlier continue to manifest in your life. Then, it is definitely a sign of a spiritual wife or husband" she concluded, leaving everyone including myself lost at sea.

"Hell… no!" I denied. A smile spread across her pretty face.

"When I boarded this bus, I have no plans on talking about spiritual partners or anything relating to that but it was just how the spirit led. Most people consider this a minor problem. Some see it as a sexual experience that should be encouraged but I tell you brothers and sisters in the Lord. It is very demonic. If this goes unchecked for long, it can begin to manifest in the physical".

"Manifest in the physical how?" a lady asked.

The prophetess was about to respond when the driver pulled the bus over at the bus stop where I was to drop off.

"Excuse me ma. I'm dropping here" I said and got on my feet.

"Alright" she stood up, creating space for me to pass through. Then she handed me a flier and whispered into my ears.

"You never can tell when you might need it".

"Thank you" I collected it with a thin smile.

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