Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 16 Chapter 304: Broken Dance (4K)

"You know I won't, Tarvitz."

Bjorn smiled lowly and stepped into the darkness. He opened the visor of his helmet so he could smell the approaching blood. The smell was no different from what he expected, it was extremely strong, as if it could drown people.

The Lone Wolf shook his head nonchalantly. Cowards who surrender themselves entirely to violence always smell that way. However, there are other smells mixed in. Some smells that he is very familiar with.

He squinted.

"Follow the plan, Bjorn."

Saul Tarvitz's voice came from the communication channel, and the buzzing sound of the Landing Titan's operation was superimposed on his voice, finally forming a special resonance. Bjorn yawned: "How about another plan, Captain Tarvitz...?"

He deliberately bit the word captain very hard. If outsiders heard it, they would mistake this as the prelude to provocation. But Tarvitz knew that Bjorn was asking him to direct.

He said, "You can't expect me to fight and tell you what to do, Bjorn. We've made an agreement with Honsou that we'll fight alongside the Iron Warriors—didn't think I'd say that again."

"Oh, I can't fight with them." Grinding his teeth, Bjorn put his power ax on his shoulder. "I have something to talk to them about."


"You know, Captain...they."

Having said this, Bjorn came to the end of the corridor bit by bit. The **** smell behind the door began to gradually spread, and they jumped out playfully from the gap between steel and steel, teasing Bjorn's nerves.

He narrowed his eyes and began to breathe heavily. There were screams from behind the door, and the mortal servants and crew of the Iron Warriors were being mercilessly slaughtered. He also heard a few loud, familiar slogans, inarticulate, almost growling, in Fenrisian. won't believe what I'm going to do now...If I can go back alive, I will tell you this story at the banquet...

Teeth rub against each other, and a deep chill gushes from the depths of his throat. The visor closed, Bjorn let out a low growl, and in the midst of Saul Tarvitz's questioning, he split open the closed door with an axe, and then directly exited the communication channel.

Steel shattered and cables danced in sparks. The Luxing Titan was knocked out of the debris, the ax was raised high, and the enchanted runes on it lit up. The storm formed by the frost broke out in an instant.

The murder weapon froze to death before it even touched the first victim. The Power Armor couldn't stop the low temperature. Its server groaned and shattered. Half a second later, a head covered in frost flew up high and fell heavily, rolling on the ground with shattered, icicle-shaped blood. .

The killing stopped for a moment.

"Instead of challenging the real strong and chasing prey worth killing, instead of killing the weak here..."

Bjorn sneered and returned the ax to his shoulder, giving his own evaluation. "Sure enough, just as I thought, a bunch of trash."

The pack of wolves that were biting their prey stopped their movements, and looked at the man in unfamiliar armor with malicious intent.

Their intentions were so obvious that Bjorn let out another sneer. He walked forward slowly, letting himself be surrounded by them, and then he said in Fenrisian, "Why, why don't you come and try it, you young wolf cubs?"

The wolves looked at each other, tense at his Fenrisian accent. One of them growled, "Who are you? We were the first to mark the ship! Find your own prey!"

"I am the father you have never met!"

Bjorn yelled vulgarly, using the most vicious words he had accumulated in his long life. He did his best to reduce the inquiring enemy to an incompetent **** fit to eat mutant excrement in twenty seconds, and he watched the guy's face twitch with satisfaction. But he didn't just do that.

Unbeknownst to the traitor who spoke, he had revealed a very good news for Bjorn.

Through a neural connection, he sent a message to Saul Tarvitz.

"Kill him!" the traitor roared unbearably. "In the name of Ruth, kill this shameless bastard!"


Bjorn laughed wildly, and stepped back like a prophet, dodging a sinister chainsword swing.

He grabbed the arm of the sneak attacker without looking back, and the strengthening mode was activated in an instant, which made him easily break the arm of the man, and a chain saw sword spun and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, he completely stripped the half of the arm from its owner's body like ripping out rotten flesh, and then forcefully inserted it into the chest of the sneak attacker with his backhand.

Flesh and blood splattered, bones shattered, and the feeling of chaos made Bjorn growl in satisfaction. A pale blue light flashed across the Lu Xing Titan's body, and the barrier activated instantly, stopping all other weapons that tried to kill him, no matter if it was an axe, a sword blade, or a bolter.

Immediately afterwards, through the nerve connection, he activated the repulsive stance, two gaps opened on the back of the armor, the runes flashed, and all the enemies who approached him were knocked out, stuck to the wall and unable to move.

The repulsion position cannot be opened for too long, it is only portable after all, but one minute and thirty seconds is enough.

Bjorn didn't care about the enemies who couldn't move, he just grabbed the half arm, pulled it out, then hung the power ax back on his back, and with his free hand, forcibly tore off the arm of the person who attacked him. helmet. He saw the face of a wild young man with a tattoo of Chaos on his forehead. At this moment, the eyes on this face were staring at him with hatred.

very good.

Bjorn threw the helmet on the ground and crushed it into shattered metal with his feet. He dropped the arm and sneered: "Not convinced?"

"My alpha wolf will avenge me!" the young face roared ferociously. "Ragnar Blackburn will devour you, and your skull will be our trophy hanging in the banquet hall!"

"Ragnar Blackburn? Hahahahahahahahahahaha..."

Bjorn laughed lowly.

"A wolf?"

He asked again, stretched out his hand at lightning speed, and grabbed the neck of the void wolf. The fingers slowly applied force, the armor on the neck slowly shattered, and the pottery steel, metal and cables were held together by the huge force, and then buried deeply in the flesh and blood.

Bjorn pulled his already blue face in, and the visor bounced off. He didn't speak, just stared at the young wolf. He looked at him until his eyes became terrified and puzzled, and then smiled with satisfaction.

Fangs poked out.

"Listen, boy."

Bjorn held his neck, slowly increasing his strength and voice amidst his suffocation and hatred.

"I will kill you, and then all of you. Mark my words, for it is I, Bjorn, who swear on the cold winds of Fenris. Heads down. Sooner or later, the day will come... no, it should be us. Yes, we will..."

"How dare you use his name!" roared one of the immobilized traitors. "Bjorn the Severed Hand will come upon you with his wrath!"


Twisting the neck in his hand neatly, Bjorn laughed wildly silently, closed his face shield, turned his head, dropped the corpse in his hand, and took off the power ax on his back. The position of repulsion was subsequently canceled by himself on his own initiative. The traitors fell to the ground one after another, and their first reaction was to reach out for weapons.

Letting them struggle, the lone wolf laughed in a low voice: "Then let him come, I wish for it."

The killing followed, and it started again.


Encrypted Messaging Channel, Number 2: Captain, they're only here to rob, not Sicarius. We may have to prepare for another set of enemies.

Saul Tarvitz received this message during the battle. He accurately captured the message displayed on the upper right of the eyepiece, and then frowned.

At the same time, he drew his power sword from the chest of a wailing traitor. Without blood, the decomposing stand scorched the wound. Not only that, Tarvitz was pretty sure he'd punctured one of his hearts and severed his spine. He fell to the ground, and Tarvitz decapitated him with a backhand.

"Commander Hong Suo!" In the communication channel, he called out the official name of the war blacksmith. "Be careful, these hateful traitors are only here to rob you!"

"I'm not surprised, Captain."

Hong Suo replied darkly. "Void ferocious wolves have always been like this. There is no element of civilization in their lowly blood. These **** have no ability to produce or maintain logistics facilities, and can only rely on robbery..."

"You know them well?"

"If you're going by the number of kills - well, yes, I'm familiar with them."

There was a chill in the deep voice of the war smith, and he gave the order to fire a volley.

The next moment, on the right side of the hangar on the ground floor, dazzling flames and deafening blasts of bolt guns suddenly erupted. The traitors were battered by well-maintained bolter fire, and their poor old armor was no match for such a weapon. And the Iron Warriors obviously know how to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Seeing this, Tarvitz knew that victory was already within sight.

He frowned, not elated by the foreseeable victory. In fact, this emotion did not exist in his heart at all. With a thought, the built-in array quickly responded to his request.

Encrypted Messaging Channel, Number 3: Mephisto, how are you doing?

Encrypted Messaging Channel, Number 4: All is well, Captain. I have completely broken the influence of that ceremony on Captain Sicarius. He will enter the fight in five minutes.

Encrypted Messaging Channel, Number 3: No, we're winning. The traitors weren't ready for gang fights, but their damage to the lower hangar will take a while to fix, which probably means we'll be stuck here for a while.

Encrypted Messaging Channel, Number 4: I see, please give me an hour, and I'll prepare a spell to briefly cover my tracks.

tacit agreement.

Saul Tarvitz finally breathed a sigh of relief, it was such a pleasure to play alongside a seasoned veteran. They don't have too many questions, and they don't have any thoughts that they shouldn't have.

Saul Tarvitz was so **** off by them when he took the recruits who hadn't undergone reformation surgery to conduct a war simulation in the garrison. There is no way to improve tactical literacy other than training. This kind of thing has nothing to do with talent, it is an acquired instinct.


Tarvitz turned around, pulled out the enchanted bolter on his waist, aimed at the top of the enemy and pulled the trigger.

Frost runes lit up on the magazine, and the bolt hit the hangar ceiling with precision, raining a storm of ice on the traitors. The lethality has been reduced to a very low level, at least it can't directly freeze them into ice, but it can slow down their retreat speed. This means that the firepower shooting of the Iron Warriors will be transformed into simple target training.

"Good job, Captain! What kind of technology is that?!" Hong Suo shouted loudly. "I'm very interested in it!"

"...I'll explain it to you after the battle, Captain Honso."

Saul Tarvitz shook his head, and once again used the neural connection to issue an order to the built-in array.

Encrypted messaging channel, number 3: Mephisto Librarian, are you sure you can hold on?

Encrypted Messaging Channel, Number 4: I'm sure, Captain.

Encrypted Messaging Channel, Number 3: Well, good luck to you and good luck to us. For the Emperor.

Exiting the message channel, Mephisto closed his eyes and let his thoughts sink into the depths of his heart.

A pale Sicarius lay on his own bed, panting rapidly. His ground titan was helping him recover from the ritual of psionic spells, and his own physiology was helping a lot too.

A tenacious warrior Mephisto thought quietly, in his current vision, he was standing beside Cato Sicarius. And the latter knew nothing about it.

May the Emperor bless you, Captain Sicarius, and may he bless me.

The chief think tank of the Holy Blood Angels turned around without fear, and his field of vision was elevated in an instant, and he came to a dark and disorderly **** ocean, where countless ghosts and ghosts stared at the Iron Hammer with longing eyes. .

Mephisto opened his lips and tongue solemnly, and his power unreservedly blossomed, blinding, screaming, and fleeing. Mephisto couldn't do this alone, at least he needed to rely on a ritual, but he was already different from before.

he already......

Think Tank raised his hand, and a golden light lit up his soul. He stood there silently and began to protect them.

Each perform their duties, nothing more than the case.

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